沪教牛津2012一年级英语下册 Module1 Revision 教案_第1页
沪教牛津2012一年级英语下册 Module1 Revision 教案_第2页
沪教牛津2012一年级英语下册 Module1 Revision 教案_第3页
沪教牛津2012一年级英语下册 Module1 Revision 教案_第4页




1、.1B M1 Revision ContentUsing my five senses Period 1Aims1. To use nouns to identify animals. e.g. frog, sheep2. To use colours or sounds to identify animals. 3. To ask wh-questions to find out what people see or hear. e.g. What do you see/hear?4. To use formulaic expressions to indicate what people

2、see or hear. e.g. I see/hear5. To protect the animals and protect ourselves.Language focus1. To use nouns to identify animals. e.g. frog, sheep2. To ask wh-questions to find out what people see or hear. e.g. What do you see/hear?3. To use formulaic expressions to indicate what people see or hear. e.

3、g. I see/hearTeaching aidsMultimediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePart 11.Warming upGreetingsSing a song BingoSay and act Page2 -Rhyme通过歌曲营造英语学习气氛。让学生在轻松的语言环境中回忆复习内容。Part 2Review the words about the animals and sentences-What do you see? -I see1. Ask and answerShow the picture of a zooQ: What

4、do you see in the zoo? What colour is it?Show the picture of a farmQ: What do you see on the farm? What colour is it? How many?2. Matching gameMatch the pictures and words.3. Listening games a. Listen and choose the picture you cant hear.b. Listen and judge. 4. Make rhymes.e.g.See, see, What do you

5、see?Frog, frog,I see a frog.Colour, colour, What colour is it? Green, green, Its green.情景中的问答既复习稳固了单词和句子,又使表达有了语境意义。通过说儿歌,词形和词义配对等学习活动,帮助学生稳固单词音、形、义的联络;模拟编儿歌,那么初步培养学生在语境中运用所学单词的才能,并稳固了本单元的重点句子。Review the sounds animals make and the sentences What do you hear? I hear1. Guessing game What do you hear?

6、2. Say the rhyme Workbook page 63. Make a rhyme通过听各类动物的叫声,复习动物类单词和hear的句子。朗读和创编儿歌的学习活动使单词和句子有了结合。Part 31. Riddles about animals2. Look and sayListen and guessLook and say通过听四那么有关动物的谜语,培养学生初步理解小语段的才能。通过图文结合的形式,让学生尝试表达完好的语句。Part 41. Listen and follow the tape P2-92. Draw an animal and describe it at l

7、east three sentences板书设计What do you see? I see.What do you hear? I hear.教学反思1B M1 Revision ContentUsing my five senses Period 2Aims1. To use nouns to identify food items. e.g. soup, noodles2. To use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g. Taste/Smell 3. To act out the short dialogue at the rest

8、aurant.4. To educate the pupils to be polite to the others and not to waste food. Language focus1. To use nouns to identify food items. e.g. soup, noodles2. To use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g. Taste/Smell/TouchTeaching aidsMultimediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePart 11.Warming

9、 upGreetingsQuick ResponseListen and actSing a song Food I like快速反响游戏能让学生快速进入学习状态,也是对本单元句子的复习。以歌曲形式帮助学生回忆本单元单词。Part 2Review the words about the food1. Ask and answerShow some pictures of foodQ: What do you see? What do you like?2. Matching gamea. Match the pictures and words.b. Read and categorize F

10、ruit shop: apple Snack bar: pizza Restaurant: soup情景中的问答既复习稳固了单词和句子,又使表达有了语境意义。通过图词配对,帮助学生稳固单词音、形、义的联络;通过单词配图归类游戏,复习、稳固、拓展食物类单词Review the sentences:Taste/Smell1. Say the rhymeP132. Look and say 通过诵读儿歌,稳固句子构造;通过看图动作表达,进步学生在情景中理解句意和表达的才能。Practice the dialogueIntroduce the situation: Eat out at the restaurant1. Watch and listen 2. Listen and number3. Work in group4. Act out the dialogue运用多媒体创设在饭店用餐的情景和语境,把语言点串成一个主题,让学生在看看、听听、说说中感知、理解、


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