已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、英语国际音标表48个元音20个长/ a/?:/?:/i:/U:/元啊长音奥长音额长音长音屋长音短/?/?/?/?/?/e/? /元阿奥额屋挨挨/e ?/和拼音的“ ei 一样/a ?挨/?外双/?/e ?/?/元一而挨而勿而/?/a?/欧袄辅音28个轻辅音/p/颇/t/特/k/克/f/佛/ 0 /四咬舌音/s/四浊辅音/b/d/g/v/e/z/伯得个勿字咬舌音自轻辅音/h/ts/t ?/tr/是和差ci迟缺浊辅音/?/r/dz/d ?/dr/日假设资之鼻音/m/n/?/呣呢半兀曰/j/ w/边 音/ ?也我了英语音标及字母组合对照-、_K兀音:1 a: 字母组合ar aar : car far

2、m card arm gardena: fast class last glass pla nt2、?:字母组合 al or au our ar ooal :small wall talk tall hall ball call walkor :short more lord horse for forty sport door floorstore authorau : caught autu mnour :four mour n court boughtar : warm quarrel quarter3、 £ : 字母组合 ir ur ear er orir: girl shi

3、rt skirt thirty thirtee n third birdur : tur n bur n murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerear :lear n earn earth hearder : term her nerd serveor: work worm world4、 i:字母组合:ee ea e ieey iee : three tree green sheep meet beef see seekea : eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speakclea n pleasee : he

4、 she meie : piece receive ceilingi: in infoey: key5、u: 字母组合oo o uoo :food moon room gloom broom doom goose tootho :shoe do twou: true truth blue full prude6、 ?发音字母u o ouu : up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buso : come mother dose brother love aboveou : trouble rough flourish7、( ?)发音字母o a ouo : hot l

5、ost lot fox box mop hop loss collar nota : want wash watchou: out about loud8、 £ 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e urer: teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder or :doctor actor mayor author tractorou :delicious gracious pleasure familiaro : collar dollar together tomorrow todaya: alive attac

6、k array appeara neee: theur: Saturday9、 i 发音字母i y e uii :sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig bigbuild missy: many twenty happy diet ionarye :defect theui: liquid quick quit10、u字母组合oo ou u ooo : look good foot book woodou: should couldu : put full bull pull pusho : woman to11、e字母组合ea eea : hea

7、d bread pleasuree : elepha nt electric remember sell shell less on better bed desk hotel yes12、 ?发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man13、ei 发音字母 a e ay ea ai eya e :n ame cake late gate pla ne Aprila:April acie nt age ncyay : play say may wayea : great breakai :

8、rain paint plainey :they grey14、ai 发音字母ie i yi e: bike fine find ninei : die light ni ght highy : my try fly15、 ? 字母组合oy oioy: boy toy joyoi : oil soil voice choice16、i £ 字母组合 eer ear ere ieeer: beer deerear :n ear hear dearere : hereie : fierce expierenee17、 ? (e?)字母组合 ear air ereear: pear bea

9、rair :chair air fairere :there where care18、u £ u?字母组合 ourour :tour19、?发音字母oe o ow oao e : home dome owe phoneo : cold go no host ghostow : know low below grow show flowoa : boat coat goal20、au 字母组合ou ow oou : house out flour ground acco unt count sound loud around mouseow : flower down now cow

10、 how towno: copy drop、辅音:/p/p:pet pad pig/ t/t:tank ticket ten/ k/k:key okey kiss/f/f:full fun fold flagph:photo/ 9 /th:tha nk think thin three/s/ s:six say see sad sorryC:decisi on/b/b:bad bed back bank/d/d:do dict ionary dollar/g/ g:glad gla nee good great/v/v:very vessi on victory/e/th:they the n

11、 tha n that this/z/z:zero zoo zip/?/sh:share she shampoo/ h/ h: hell hence have hat/ts/ts:its/t ? ch: teacher chanee change/tr/tr:trade treat try/ ?/ e : vession decision/ r/ r:red raceWr: Write/dz/ds/d ?/ge: change geography/dr/dr: drive dry/m/m: moon matter man moonM: room zoom/n/n:noon not noN:no

12、ontown dow n/?/drunkdrink的过去式/ J/y:yesma n yesterday/ w/w:win welcome we/ ?l:look luck lost let英语音标发音规那么一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 a I在开音节中ei n ame pla ne Jane baby cake在闭音节中? bag dad hat map black backe在开音节中i: he these me Chin ese在闭音节中e bed let pen desk yes eggir在开音节中ai bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中i fis

13、h big drink sit milk swimo在开音节中?u those close go hoe home no在闭音节中? clock not box shop sockU I在开音节中ju: stude nt excuse duty Tuesday在闭音节中?bus cup jump much lunch,、在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母J l r s后面时读u:音,例如:June blue ruler super二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音兀曰字母读曰例词a?China another woman breakfastiora nge comrade village cabb

14、agee? hun dred stude nt ope n weeke nd?: nerve serve termi chicke n pocket begi n childre n0i holiday beautiful family an imalai exercise satelliteo? sec ond toni ght somebody welcome?u also zero photoU? autumn difficultju: popular congratulation January动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读ei音,例如:operateu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母

15、j l r s后面时,读u(:)音例如:July in flue nee February issue三、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音a在w音后面? want what watch wash qualitya 在 f_n_sk_ph_sp_ss_st_th 前a: after pla nt graph ask grasp glass fast fatheri 在-nd_-ld 和 gh 前ai fi nd child light higho 在-st_-ld 前?u most postcard old coldo 在 m_n_v_th 前? come mon key love mother四

16、、-r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音Ora: car farm dark sharpe nerar在w音后面.?: warm quarter towardslor I 亠or在w音后面?: forty morni ng short?: word worker worseer ir ur 丨?: certa in ly bird Thursday辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规那么发音 例女口 : carry sorry hurry-r音节在非重读音节中通常读E音, 例女口 :dollar teacher martyr forget Saturday

17、五、-re音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音are?care dare hareerei ?here mereireai ?fire hire wireore?:more score beforeureju ?pure cureare ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读?音, 例女口:picture pleasure重读元音字母加Rr,再加非重读元字组时,重读元音字母应按-re音节拼读规那么拼读 字母 Rr 读r音.例女口 :pare nt zero story duri ng in spiri ng某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化现象.例女口 :orange

18、 very American paragraph六、元音字组在重读音节中的读音 ai/ayei afraid rain wait day play air ? air hair chair pair repairal在f m前? small ball talk wall all?l always also salt almost balda: half calmau/aw ?: autu mn daughter draw eai:teach easy cheap pleaseeheavy bread sweater weathereibreak greateari?可?:hear dear n

19、 ear clear year bear pear wear earth lear n earlyeei: jeep week gree n threeeeri ?pio neer deer beerei/eyei eight n eighbour theyi: either keyeu/ew 在 j l r s 后ju: new few n ewspaperie/ei在s音之后u: flew brewi: piece field receiveoa ?ucoat Joa n boat goaloar/oor ?:roar board door flooroi/oy?ino ise point

20、 boy toiletoou: broom food tooth schoolu book look cook foot goodou/ow,?u know row throw thoughu: group you soupau?| our hour oursu: juice fruit suit""au flower house count dow n? young country eno ughOur?: course your four ?: jo urneyui在j l r s后ju:i fluid suicide tuiti on七、非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读

21、音ai/ay ei/eyi Sun day foreig n mon keyow?u yellow sparrow tomorrow元音字母及组合在非重读音节中读E音或i.例如:n eighbour serious famous biscuit coffee-sion -ti onn impression nation-sion在元音字母后?n visi on decisi on occasi on-tion在s后t n?uestion suggestion-ste nsnliste n-stlesl whistle-sure?pleasure measure-ture t J? pictur

22、e culture八、元音字母及组合在复合词非重读音节中的读音复合词中的第二局部不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母或元音字组仍按重读音节拼读规那 么拼读everydayeihan dbag?blackboard?:有些词随着语言的开展,前后两局部已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一个词其中的非重读 局部要按非重读音节的读音规那么发音例如:sun太阳+ dayei日子> Sundayi星期天holy 神圣 + dayei日子 > holidayi假日break中断 + fasta:斋戒 > breakfast?早餐cup 茶杯 + board 木板?: > cupboard?

23、碗柜九,辅音字母及组合的读音1、 辅音字母b的读音:b 一般读作b,例如:aglab ;b但在climb 中不发音。2、 辅音字母c的读音:c在e, i , y前读作s,例如:place cjiy Lucy _ ;但在delicious 中读作/。 c在其他情况下读作k,例如:can clean music _。3、辅音字母d的读音: d 一般读作d,例如:day bird_;但在soldier中读d? d 在以下单词中不发音: Wednesday sandwich grandma。4、 辅音字母f的读音:f 一般读作f,例如:five knife _ ;但在0二中读v。5、辅音字母g的读音:

24、g 一般读作g ,例如:egg guess。 g 在 e 前读作d?,例如:orange large bridge _ ;但在get tiger 中读g g在foreign中不发音。6、 辅音字母h的读音:h 一般读作h,例如:how hello ;但在hour中不发音。7、 辅音字母j的读音:j读作d?,例如:jump Japanese。8辅音字母k的读音:k 一般读作k,例如:Kate week ;但在knife know 中不发音。9、 辅音字母I的读音:l 一般读作l,例如:pjease late ;但在could would,中不发音。10、 辅音字母 m的读音:m读作m,例如:me

25、et summer11、 辅音字母n的读音:n 般读作n,例如:under . n 在k、g音前读作?,例如:think English 。 n在autumn中不发音。12 辅音字母p的读音:p读作p,例如:pea cheap。13、 辅音字母q的读音:q ,u组合qu读作kw,例如:question quarter ; 但在queue中读作k。14、辅音字母r的读音:r在元音字母前读作r,例如:read great。15、 辅音字母s的读音:s读作s,例如:some §ing sister 。s读作z, 例如:rose visiLhis_。s读作/,例如:sure s在usuall

26、y pleasure 中读作?s在island 中不发音。16、 辅音字母t的读音:t 一般读作t,例如:that, write 。 t 在-ture 中读作t / ,例如:picture temperature 。 t 在-tjon 中读作/ ,例如:operation dictionary ;但在question中读作t / 。 t在以下单词中不发音:listen Christmas 。17、辅音字母v的读音:v读作v,例如:very leave 。18、 辅音字母 w的读音:w一般读作w,例如:want wife ;但在answer two write中不发音。19、辅音字母x的读音:x 一般读作ks,例如:box excuse ;但在 example exam 中读作gz。20、辅音字母y的读音:y在词首读作j,例如:yes you ng。21、辅音字母z的读音:z 一般读作z,例如:zero zoo。22、 辅音字母组合CC的读音:


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