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1、2017年扬州市中考英语试题及答案(总分:120分时长:120分钟)姓名:、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。1.TheystoppedinbeautifuIpIaceforcamping,nearfarmhouseoftheSmiths.A.a, aB. the,2.We a I I I i ke watch i ng the TVprogramme ReadersA. i nB.onC. a, theSaturday even i ng.C. atD.D.the, thefor3.A.Bryan wi I I

2、not want tohaveto do with horses4.everyth i ngAl I done! Let sB.swim,someth i ngMartine!i n the future.C.anyth i ngD.noth i ngSwimming! I justA. can 1 tget used to it in winter.B. shou I dn 5. she couIdn 1 tseeh i s face, shecouId tell byC. mustn thi s voice that he wasD. needn tyoung.A. UnlessB. If

3、C.BecauseD. Though6.What areyouread i ng?A book abouta basebaI I pIayer.Th i s guy waswe I Ifor h i s devot i onA. enjoyed7.badIt s anews!pity.WeB. respecteddidn t win thSu (5i rman Cup.C.behavedto char i ty work.D.expectedA.WhatB. What aC.HowD. How a8.A.Mrs.conf i dentWh i teenough to spend herB. c

4、ur i ousspare time on our maths prob Iems.C. wi seD. generous9.I wentA. How I ongfrom a schooI desk to a ship days wouId you be atB. How manyi n my teens.sea? Homesick?C. How muchD. How soon10.A. wea I thB. pr iceC. va I ueD. cost11.You have a n ice car.MygrandpaknowsthehistoryandmedicaIofmanypIants




8、re.I fi I led Recent I y, the b i g _24_,I hadn at schooI 27th i s? Was I record i ng events and i deas just exerc i se?words that were_20_ to my life. I _21_ Ii ke to read those words Iater.it. Then another and another.WhenIwrote,Iwonderedaboutmy_18_andpurpose.Whowouldreadasaremindertomemory,orwast


10、geweredetaiIsIhad_25_.twritteneveryday,butIaIwayspiekedupthe_26_whenitfeltimportant.Ioftenwroteinthemmystudentswerewriting.Iwantedtopassonthe_28_CharIeshadgivenme.Thesewritingsformedacontinuous_29betweenmypast,present,andfuturethrougheventsinmylife.I read, I sudden Iy reaI i zed they are a gift to11

11、tookseveraIIongeveningstoreadthroughmynotebooks.Asthe _30_meam now the personwas writing tothroughout those years.()16.()17.A. SoA. donation()18.A.I i steners()19.A.daily()20.A.common()21. A. imagined()22. A. wrote()23. A. patient()24. A. mi stakes()25. A. forgotten()26. A. drawing()27. A. whenB. In

12、steadB. rewardB. readersB. weeklyB. importantB. rememberedB. filledB. ser i ousB. problemsB. avoidedB. travel I ingB. unt i IC. MoreoverC. adv i ceC. studentsC. month I yC. pract i ca IC. enjoyedC. gatheredC. r i ghtC. accidentsC. keptC. read i ngC. beforeD. Otherwi seD. promiseD. professorsD. year

13、I yD. s imi I arD. expectedD. i ncreasedD. wrongD.eventsD. improvedD. wr it ingD. after()28. A. notebook()29. A. productionB. houseB. connect i onC. I essonC. i nstruct ionD. effortD. s i tuat i on()30. A. late三、阅读理解(共15小题B. past 每小题2分,C.计30分)presentD. future阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AThe9



16、eumAdmission&MemoriaITourAdult(ages1864)$24$44$39Senior(ages65+)$18$38$33USCollegeStudents$18$38$33Youth(ages7-17)$15$35$30“ChiIdren6andunderarefree.*JoinaguideonaMemoriaItour.ExpIorethehistoricaIimportanceoftheWorIdTradeCenter.YoucanbuytheMemoriaItourticketseparateIy.Thepriceis$15perperson.on 9/11t

17、 and the Museum*JoinaguideonaMuseumtour,examiningauthenticartifacts(真品)tounderstandwhathappenedthehistoryandrebuiIdingoftheWorIdTradeCenter.Thepriceis$20perpersonbutyouneedtogetadmission(入场券)first.ForafulIIistofoptions,visit91ImemoriaI.org/tours.31.Accord i ng to the A.The 9/11 Memor i a I B.You can

18、 enter theis TRUE?passage,whichofthefollowingsentencesonIyhonorsthevictims.Museumat6:30p.m.onSunday.C.You are adv i sed to takeD.Jo i n a Memor i a I tour toundergroundthere.understandwhathappenedon9/11.32. If Mr.Black (60 years oId) and hisgrandson John (7 yearsold) want to join the Museumtour, the

19、yneed to payfor the t i ckets.A. $39B. $40C. $69D. $7933.The passage probabIy comes from.A. a film magazineC. a government reportB.D.h i story textbooktraveI Ii ng gu i deStill in shock! 箱).Ear I i er that i n a car crash.I moved around even i ngr I “Come as soon asthehouseI wanted to hurry to her a

20、tYork to SeattIe. Our housepurpose I ess Iy p i eked th i ngsmy head again and again.once.was i nup andyouButcan.Bpurpose I ess Iy try i ng to dec i de what to put1 d received a caI I telling me that my cr i ed my mother.i nto the su i teases (彳丁李 brother was killedmy husband, Larry, and I were pack

21、ing to move from NewtotaI mess. Supper d i shes sat on the k i tchen tab Ie. Toys I ay everywhere. Iput them down. Mothers cry i ng went throughLarry cal led some fr iends to teI I can do, I et me know.them what had happened. Someone asked to speak to me. HIfthere 1 s anyth i ng I“ But I didn Sudden

22、 Iy, thr doorbeI I rang. It was Emerson. He and h i s wife Donna HI 1 ve come to cIean your shoes, “ he said.t know what to ask for.Iived in the block nearby.I asked him to repeat.uDonna had to stay with died, it took me hours to d i rty shoes to the k i tchen. my own thoughts into order.the baby,c

23、I ean our“he said, “ but we want to he Ip you. I remember when my fathershoes for the funera I ( 葬礼).Give me a I I your shoes. ” I gathered a I I ourEmerson got to work r i ght away.Watch i ng him devot i ng himself to one task he I ped me puI II to Id myseIf to wash cIothes f i rst. Then, Larryand

24、I bathed the chi Idren and put themto bed. One job after another.When we returned to cI ear the dishes, Emerson had left. Al I our shoes stoodin a I ine against the wall, cIean,sh i n i ng. I couIdn jobs done.Now whenever I hear of a fr i end whot help crying. Ear Iy next morning,we I eft for the a

25、i rport with a I Is Iost a loved one, I no longer caI I with the pol ite offer,thethe dog thatthere1sanythingIcandoInsteadItrytothinkofonespecifictaskthatsuitsthatmanIiketakingtotheboardingkenneI,orhouse-sittingduringthefuneraI.IfthepersonasksF“HowdidyouknowIneededone?Ireply,“BecauseamanoncecIeanedm

26、yshoes.34. The writer d i dn t know what to put i nto the su i teases becauseA. she couIdn t do it on her ownB.she was too sad to do anyth i ngC.she wanted to take everyth i ng to SeattIeD.she was not good at housework35.Here s a time line of what happened in the story.The wr i ter washed the clothe

27、s.The wr i ter * s brother was killed in a car crash.Wh i ch of the events shouId go i n the empty box above?A. Emerson came to cIean the shoes.B. The coup Ie bathed the ch i Idren.C.They cI eared the supper d i shesD. The wr i ter found the shoes cIeaned.1. 1 If one of her fr iends has Iost a Ioved

28、 one, what wi I I the wr i ter probabIy NOT do?A. CaI I her fr i end to ask what she can do.B.Look after her fr i end s young ch i Idren.C. Take her fr i ends s dog to the board i ng kenneI.D. Offer her fr i end house-s i tt i ng dur i ng the funeraI.37 .Which sentences best expresses the theme of t

29、his story?A.One person s Ioss i s another s gain.B.An act of k i ndness i s often rewarded.C.A near ne i ghbour i s better than a brother far off.D.Do someth i ng specific to he Ip those i n need.They I eft for the a i rport.In 1990, Ed Viesturs started for the top of Mount Everest (29,029 feet) fro

30、m a high camp at 27,000 feet. He pIanned to climb it without oxygen tank, someth i ng on Iy a few cI imbers had managed to do. He d failed twice, once gett i ng with 300 feet of the top before turning back.He I eft h i s h i gh camp at 1 a. m. , using a head I amp to f i nd hi s way i n the dark. He

31、 d a I ready been on the mounta i n for two months, receiving endurance and strength training in preparation for the Everest cIimb. He d also I ivedthrough terr i bIe co Idf strong winds, and separation from fr iends and family.“The common pract i ce was to use oxygen when climbing, as i L i n fact,

32、 I owe r s the a 11 i tude ( 海 拔)of the mounta i nby severaI thousand feet, ” says Viesturs.“If I couIdn 1 t climb Everest without oxygen tank, I wouIdn t climb. it.Y You have to be phys i caI Iy f i t, keep going above 20r 000 feet.“he says. 1 Bt th rpiaittisl big. It s so hard toWhile making that

33、final climb on Everest,he breathed 15 times for every step. He wouId teI I himself to firstreach the rock 100 yards ahead. Then hekr t i he i ndaac i oteerFfocillyhe stood on the top, with the who Ie worId at h i s feet.Itwas one of those dream-come-true moments, “ Viesturssays.Today,Viestursmakeshi


35、oshortcutstothetop.”38.WhatdoesthearticIemainlytaIkabout?A.Viesturs1firstsuccessfuIclimbofMountEverest.B. ViestursphysicalpreparationforclimbingEverest.C. ThedifficultiesthatViesturshasmetinhisIife.D. ThelessonsthatViesturscansharewithothers.39.WhatdoweknowaboutEdViesturs?A. AssoonashereachedMountEv

36、erest,hesetoutforEverestcIimb.B. He 1 s been to the top of the wor I ds 14 highest mountain without oxygen.C. We I I prepared, he had no difficulty cl imbi ng the top of Mount Everest .D.So far, he i s the on Iy one to have reached the top of Mount Everest without oxygen.40 .The f i rst f 1 i rParag

37、raph 3 refers to(指的是).A.be i ng phys i caI f i tB.cI imb i ng EverestB. C. using oxygen when climbingD.cI imbing without oxygen41 .Which sentence shouId go in the emptybox i n the last paragraph?A. I like being near the top of a mountain.B.Life is like climbing a mountain.C. You never climb the moun

38、ta i n twice.D.Over every mounta i n there i s a path.ParentsofveryyoungchiIdrenknowthis:YoucatchyourchildintheactofsteaIingthecookietheevidenceofcandy wr i tten on h i s or her face. However, youget a wide-eyed denial: I didn 1 t do it! ”Learning to tel I the truth, even at the r iskof puni shment,

39、 i s an important part of mora I ( 道德) deve Iopment,and new research suggests itcan take seven ormore years for kids to get there.Ear Iy 2017 Professor Cra i gE. Smith pub I i sheda study. He and hi s workmates chose 48 chi Idren between four andn i ne years of age. They to Idthe k i ds a story abou

40、t a boy or girl doing someth i ng wrong, such as tak i ng a cI assmate1 s toy or candy, and then either lying about the wrongdoing to aparent or confess i ng (承认)i t. I neachcase, they asked the ch i Idren, How wouId the child fee I?HowwouIdthemotherfeeI?The chi Idren 1 s answers answersweregenera I

41、 Iy d i v i ded accord i ng to age, which i s i n agreement with the stoIencandy, lying and gett i ng unpun i shed.Theyimagined the parent in the study wouId be angry with the child who confessed.However, the seven-to-nine-year-olds were moreI i ke I y (可能的)to th i nk the child wou I d fee I better

42、confess i ng thecr ime and that the parent wouId have pos i t i ve(积极的)feel ings towardsa confessor.Smith saysr “ Kidof a I I ages whoexpect thata parent wouId fee I happyabout a child 1 s confess i on are moreI i keIyto teI I the truth rather than Ii e.Reward thehonesty even i f you fee Iyou mustpu

43、n i sh the wrong act i on. Headds,what parents can learn from thesestud i es i sto I i sten calmly withoutgett i ngangry r i ght away when the i rchildconfesses.42.WhatdoestheunderIinedworddenialnirParagragh1mean?A.委屈B.责备C.否认D,拒绝43 . Paragragh 2 mainly tell us. A. k i ds can 1t teI I ur i ght , from

44、 “wrong”B. it takes time for kids to I earn to te I I thetruthC. it s wrong to pun i sh k i ds for telling thetruth D.a I I the k i ds are wi I Ii ng toconfess to a bad actthe i r study?44.WhatdidSmithandhisworkmatesfindinA.OlderkidsaremoreIikeIythanyoungerchiIdrentoconfesstoabadact.B. YoungerchiIdr

45、enaremoreIikeIythanolderkidstoconfesstoabadact.C.Thefour-to-five-year-oIdswouIdfeeIbetterconfessingthecrimeD.Theseven-to-nine-year-oIdsthoughtparentswouIdbeangrywiththeirconfessions.45. Accord i ng toProfessorSmith,whatcanparentsIearnfromthesestudies?A.Parentsshouldat once pun i sh the ch iIdrenwho

46、I i ed.B. ParentsshouIdtel I chi Idren the wrongnessof lying.C.ParentsshouIdnever get angry after the i rchi Idrens confess i ons.D.ParentsshouIdshow positive fee I i ng aboutthei r chi Idrens confess i ons.四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)46. Thefaceswereasight,coveredwit

47、hdust.(boy)47. Youcanenjoywatersports,orIieonthebeach.(simple)48. Somecomplainthatvisitorsaretoomuchstressontheenvironment.(cause)49. PeopIewhooftenIistthingstheyarethankfuIforarehappierand.(heaIthy)50. Nevergiveup!Painalwayscomeswith.(achieve)51. Wecanseedifferentkindsofbirdsonthis.(岛山与)52. Ifyoudo

48、nthaveadream,you1vebeenoId,evenat十)(53. ThetemperatureaIotIastnight.(下B等)54. Tom,Iookatthesign!Were_n_otot_p_a_rk_ourcarhere.(允许)55. WhenyouthinkofVenice,doesitbringanyothercitytoyourmind?(欧洲的)五、任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据短文内容,填写所缺单词,每个空格只填1个单词。ManypeopIedonotknowwhattodoinfaceofadecisionFbigorsmaII.

49、MostdecisionsarentIi-feehangers.Butoften,thedecisionisntbetweenthisorthat;itsbetweenactingth i s chaI Iengesyou,herearesometips.Jog or r i de ab i ke to nowhere.Juststartmovinghopes of Ieav i ngthe fami Iiar. WaIk down every street or pathyou can f i nd unt i I you Iose yourway.Then,see whereyou end

50、 up. Remember what i t fe11 I i ke to wonder where youwere go i ng? Try to Iose yourseIfmoreoften.Itbetteratmakingadecision.Sit outside without any technology for anhour. LetyourseIf get bored. Can you hear the bi rds singing? The windblowing? YourseIf breathing? Try to do thi sonceaweek,theneveryot






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