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1、七年级英语下期中测试卷笔试局部100分一、单项选择。从A、B、C、D三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项10分1、Can you sing?.A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, I do . C. No, I can' D. Yes, a little.2 . He wants to join theclub. He canchess.A. chess ' s ; play thfe chess ;play C. chessing ; play D. chessplays the3. Jim often getsschool at eight and getshome

2、at fiveA. ; B. to; to C. ; toD. to; 4. What do you usually doSun day mornings'.A. in . B. at . C. on. D. for.5. Let ' s go home6:00 .A. at B. in C. on D. around6. How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school.A. by my bike B. by bikes C. by bike D. by a bike7. How do youthere? I ta

3、ke the train.A. reach to B. get to C. arrive D. arrive in8. play computer games after school.A. Can ' t B. No C. Not D .Don ' t9. Don ' t run in the hallways.,I won' t do it again.A . Sorry B. Excuse C. Thank you D. No10. do you like pan das.they are cute.A . Why; Because B. Why; So

4、C. What; because D. What; So二、单词拼写。10分1. -what are you ?-I am watch ing TV.2. -Che si ng ?-Y es, he can.3. She gets u early every morni ng.4. Let ' s go to the z I want to see the pan das.5. -Wdo you want to see the mon keys/-Because they ' re cute.6. Her mother is(年轻的)and beautiful.7. Jim ,

5、 you should(洗)your shoes yourself.8. Ca n she画)?9. My father always (讲诉; 告诉 )me to study hard.10. Don '_ (穿,戴a hat in the classroom, boys.三、词形变换。10分1. His sister usually(take) a shower at 8:00 in the eve ning.2. (do) your parents(run) every day?3. I take a bus(go) to school .4. How about(take) a

6、 bus to school?5. She(not do) her homework every day.6. It takes Tom an hour(fini sh) his homework.7. (do) your homework before dinner.8. Let ' s ee the pan das first.9. Chin ese people are great and(frie nd).10. Look! your sister doher homework.四、情景交际。共5分根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。 选项中有两项为多余

7、选项。A: Hello, Jane.B: Hi, Millie. 1.()A: I am reading a storybook, but it' s boring怎么了 )? ' s up(B: Do you want to go shopp ing with me ?A: 2. () What do you wa nt to buy?B: 3. () You know I always love skirts.A: That is true. You ' re beautiful in skirts.B: 4 ()A: 5()B: What about 2:00pm

8、?A: OK.A: Sure. I love shopp ing.B: I don ' t like it at allC: Thank you.D. Whe n do you want to go?E: What are you doing now?F: Sorry, I don ' t know.G: I want to buy a skirt.五、选择正确的单词填空。10分having, is , playing, digging 挖,want , writing, reading, washing, are, eatingreHi, Joh n,We are 1. a

9、happytime on holiday. Let me tell you what we'doing at the moment. I ' anpbstcard阴信片.It ' s a postcard to you! My brother 3.Sailing扬帆.My sister is 4.a hole洞 onthe beach沙滩.My father is 5. a book and my mother is 6. an ice cream. I 7. an ice cream, too! My aunt and un cle 8. also here. My

10、un cle is 9.football on the beach. My auntis10. some apples for our pic nic.See you soon!Yo urs,LiLei六、完形填空10分There is a big 1.in our city. We can see many 2.there. A( n)3. ,the biggest ani mal on land陆地is also livi ng there. Many4. fly飞in the sky(天空).Some beautiful ducks鸭子always 5.in the river. Wha

11、t are these in the trees? Oh ,they are 6.They like 7.leaves树叶.They are from Australia. Aren' t they cute?There is a tiger in the cage 8.the tree .It eats a lot of meat everyday. I like the 9.best because it lives only in China and it is thesymbol of 10.(B. zooC. hallD. school()2 A. treesB .stude

12、 nts C. foodD. ani mals()3.A.lio nB. giraffeC. elepha ntD. cat()4 . A .birdsB. fishC. tigersD.dogs()5 . A. flyB. swimC. saveD .sleep()6 . A. elepha nts B. tigers C. koalasD. lio ns()7 . A. eat ingB. eatC. to killD. killi ng()8. A.o nB .inC.underD.over(B .tigerC .pandaD. lio n()10.A. smartB .scary C.

13、 cutD. frie ndly七、阅读理解。共 25分A篇David comes from the USA, but now he is in China. He gets up at aboutsix twenty and eats breakfast at seven o' clock. After breakfast, he saysgoodbye to his pare nts and leave at seve n thirty. He usually walks toschool. He gets to school at seven fifty-five. He has

14、 his first class at eight.Morning classes finish at twelve and he eats lunch at twelve ten. Afterlun ch, he has a short rest.After noon classes start at two thirty. Usually he has two less ons in theafternoon. The classes finish at four thirty. After school, he usually plays games or does other thin

15、gs at school. Then he gets home at about fifteen.He eats supper at six and the n does his homework or watches TV for alittle while. He goes to bed at about nine thirty.根据短文内容,判断句子正用“T误用“F 5分( )1. David comes from China and studies in the USA now.()2. He eats breakfast at seven o' clock.()3. Davi

16、d is an En glish teacher.( )4. There are three classes in the after noon.()5. After supper, he goes to bed.(B) (C)两篇根据短文内容,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最正确答案。20 分BOur teacher has many pictures. Every morni ng she shows thosepictures to us. She wan ts us to lear n somethi ng from her pictures. I n oneof her pictu

17、res, we see a boy at work. He' s cleaning the room. In anothepicture, a girl is writing. She is doing her housework. In other pictures, we see others doing different things. One is thinking, another is making cakes and the other four areplayi ng cards. We look at our teacher and her pictures. We

18、 talk in En glish and our teacher liste n to us. We lear n from our teacher and her pictures.Our teacher likes us, because we can talk in En glish freely. We like her and her less ons, too.()1. From the passage;短 文),we know our teacher teaches us .A. Chin ese B. Japa neseC. En glishD. Coun ti ng()2.

19、 Our teacher shows us pictures because she wants us to lear nA. someth ing about clea ning B. someth ing about making cakesC. somethi ng about writi ng D. someth ing about En glish()3. In one of the pictures, a boy is .A. clea ning the roomB. running with a kiteC. writi ngD. making cakes()4. Our tea

20、cher likes us because.A. We like draw ingB. We can talk in En glishC. We look at the blackboard D. We can play cards()5. In other pictures we see .A. some people are playing cards B. a girl is flying a kiteC. a boy is writingD. a girl is cleaning the roomcMr. Brow n is an America n. He is now in Bei

21、ji ng with his family. This is his first visit to China. They are going to stay in china for three weeks. They want to visit some cities and villages. They hope to lear n some Chin ese, too.Mr. Brow n is a doctor. He is going to visit some hospitals in Beiji ng. Mrs. Brown is a school teacher. She i

22、s going to visit some schools. Their daughter is a stude nt. She is going to meet some Chin ese stude nts.They are going to take a lot of photos of China. When they are back to American, they are going to show the photos to their friends. They want the America n people to know more about China.()6.W

23、here is Mr. Brow n now?A. In America n B. In Chi na C. In En gla nd( )7.How long are they going to stay in China?A.for three weeks B.for two days C. for a mon th( )8.Which places do they want to visit?A. some cities B. some villages C. some cities and villages()9.What does Mr. Brow n do?A. He is a teacher B. He is a doctor C. He is a stude nt()10.Which of following is right?A. This is Mr. Brown' s second visit to China.B. Mr. Brown ' s daughter is a teacher.C. The Brow ns want the America n people to know more about Chi na.八.短文写作20分动物是人类的朋


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