1、2。"年石家庄霜聾中考巒试卷本试卷分卷帝#11两样分.卷T为遶择题.卷II为年逵择购左斌卷共120分,考试时ffl 120分饥考前须知:1答恋前将密封找左侧的工程填写MMe2. 各案须用蓝色、黑色俐笔或凰珠笔书写3. 听力局部共包括两小节,第-节在卷I.第一节在卷完成第一节后请根据求音指令,在卷II充成第二卞.卷【选择题.其*5分听力局部第一节毎如81分,H 5分 C. brightC. otiKide the school3. A. danny322163com B. dan382163 C.dannY382163 4. A. Please wake me up at six. B
2、 Please plionc me at bix. C Please pass un a iiitsage io me at six.5. A Man* has never been to London.B Mary has lived m London for ten years.C Mary came here Ironi London ten yean agu.III.听对诂选择鼓佳答矣? 共5小题.每小題1分,计£分II. A She likes this type of camera B. She doesn't want to buy tl>c camera
3、.C. She has wasted a lot of monev.12. A. Next monthB. Next jear.C. Nex: week13. A. She wants to listen to songs.B. The new house is mon: beautiful. C The next room is too noisy.I4ABCIV听语段、对话和旬JBL选择正确芥案.(共10小顾.何小®H分,计10分)16. When was the first umbrella invented?A. About 4.00() years ago. B. Abou
4、t 400 jean dgo.C In the year 1940.17. Wliat uas the first umbrella uied for?A They were used for protection from the min.B They were need for protection from the mm.C. They were used lor looking beautiful.C Ten hoursC Every eveningC Aiuwcring their uslb.18. How long docs Joan work a day?A Six hours.
5、B. Eight hours19. How often docs Joon go to her classes?A Three times a monthB. Four times a week20. What is Joan good at?A Lookin & after people.13. Chemistry New21 Wlicrc arc tlx: boy*5 parents?A They are at hoiiKB They are <ii lite concerts C They have gone ioYutk.22. Wliat will Jane do th
6、is weekend?A. Join a club.B. Go to a concertC See a movie23. Who will the girl go io the concert with?A. Her parents.B. Her teachers.C. Her friends.24. How much does a ticket cost?A. 200 yuan.B 4()0 yuanC. 500 yuan.25. What will the speakers do to raise money for the conccrr?A. Sell newspapers.B. Se
7、ll flowers.C. Ask their parents for help.笔试局部V单项迭择共20小BL毎小題1分.计20分选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.26 I saw a vwman come into the shop with8-year-old boy just now.A. aB. anC. theD.f27. A big earthquake happened in Japan the afternoon of March II 2022 It broughtdeep sorrow to Japanese people.A. inB atC. onD during2
8、171;一can the work be finished?In two months.A. How longB. How oflcn C. How wonD How far29. III toe hot today! What about going swimming this aOenioon?-Sony. There an impertam exam next week I iiuist study for itA will haveB. will beC. isD. has30. IaxjK! The kitc3 in the sky arc in diflcrcnl Sonic ar
9、c big and sonic arc smn;lA. sizes B colorsC. sizeD. color31. - Excux me. May I use your dictionary?Sony. I have 1cm to John. Hex is Jock's. You can iuc this one.A. myI, mineC. meD. oun32. * lum. if$ raining outsideyour coot or you will get wee.A. Take offB Take away C. Put off D. Put on33一You di
10、dn't catch the first train this morning, did you?一 My parents failed to uake tne up.A. Ye$. I did. B. Yes, I did ntC. No. I didnS D. No J did34. Who is plavuig the piano in the room? k it Lucy? Itbe her. 1 sau her leave tor uorkjiKt nowA. must B.can C. can tD. may35. In summer, food goe bad easi
11、ly it k put in the rcfrigeraior.A. until B. ir C. unless D. except36. Please pass the glasses to me. I canread the newspaper.A clearlyB hardlyC. powiblyD. rcall>37. Have you decidedthis winter holiday?Not yel. Miybc Hainan.A who to go with B. how to go C. where lo go D. when to ro38. Have you see
12、n Mr. Smith recently?HeBeijing on business for about two weeB.A. has gone to B. Iuu> been to C. has been in D. has left for39. The children to speak io lhe old politdy.A. should (each B. should be lauglil C. will【each D. must teach40. 一Mom, the fish you cooked todaj tastes really.I'm so happy
13、 you like itA. wellB. niceC. betterD. nicely41. 一carefully Tom is writing his homework!Y he is a really careful boy.A. What B. What a C. Hou D. How a42 I really enjoy flying kites in spring! It makes me ted relaxed.A. So am IB. So did 1C So do 1D. So have I43. Remember to sayto jour parents for me!
14、A. I mustB. 1 shouldC. I willD. I can44. you remember?一Yes I bought it in a bookshop near oir whool.A. where did you buy the dictionaryB where you bought the dictionaryC. when do >ou buy lhe dictionaryD. when you bought the CKtionary45. You look sad. Whai s the mancr?I lost the penmy mom bought f
15、or me as a birthday gift.A. wlutB. whichC. where D whovi完形填空.(共it每小BH分,计io分阅读下面的短文,辛握JC人意,然阮从各小题所给的用个选项中选出最正确选項.Around the vnrld. fhe customs of eating in different countries arc rather differcnlWhen you go to a restaurant m ditterent parts of the world, it is 46 to know what good or bad manners are
16、. For example, it is OK. to 生 a lot of noise while eating meals in a restaurant in Cliiiu【n lack if a rcslaurani iaVi nuisy or .you nuty think (hoc is x>mcihing wrung with it. 49, restaurants in many western countries arc quiet places Sometimes, if people at a tabicarc tcx> noisy, other people
17、 50 arc eating there might even complain to the owner of the restaurant In China, the host always puts more food onto your plate as soon as you have emptied it, but in the west jou shouldn't S1 your food on the plate.Paying the bill is also different from country to country. In China, one person
18、 usually pays for 52_ but in western countries when friends eat together, they usually share the cost This is called Hto go Dutch"After the meal in the US. leaving a tip is thought to be 53 The waiter who serves wellmay get a tip of 15%. 18% or 20% of the bill. But in Chig it isn't54 in gen
19、eralThe way; people eat food are different all around the world. How do jou behave politely at the table? 55the famous saying, *When in Rome. do « the Romans do.*46. A. popularB. imporumtC. & ficrcntD plcoani47. A. keepB causeC. makeD listen to48. A. brightB cleanC. friendlyD. lively49. A.
20、HoweverB. RutC. ThoughD. BecaiKe50. A. whomB. whoC whichD. whose51. A. haveB takeC. leaveD. bring52. A. someoneB. anyoneC no oneD. ever)one53. A. politeB. impoliteC. unusualD. special54. A. interestingB. surprisingC. necessaryD. possible55. A. ForgetB RememberC. DoD. Say理解.(共M小题,每题2分,共计分阅读A、B. C三爲材料
21、.然后从备小题所给的四个选项中选出最正确堆项.AWlial would you be like if the entrance exam to senior hgli school was tefnorro? Peaceful ar<J liappy as usual? Or. would you become worried and uneasy*"I was sufprised <t how ! could get awyy so cosily with my puenb befure d big exam,* said Junior 3 student Wanj Y
22、angqian from Hefei. couldn't fall asleep even after Pd been in bed for two hours."Not only exams but also other things, like a big game, cm make you diflcrait frotn how you arc usually .You may act differently because you arc stressed oit Stress is uhat you feel when you arc worried or unco
23、mfortable about something. Usually your bends get wet and your heart beats faster. You feel stressed bccousc you might ask too much of youredf sometimes. Or, your parents teachers or classmates put too much pressure on you. This can make you worried. But being stressed is not always a big problem. E
24、verybodj. even sports stars, can get a little wonied before a big game.Some kinds of stress arc good. Good stress might show up when you*re called on in class or when you have Io give a report This kind of stress can help you get things done well. You may do a better job in your book report if the a
25、nxiclv pashes you to do more work before you read it to the class.Sometimes stress can turn into something bad if you keep having stressful feelings for a long time This kind of stress imft going to help you. It can make you sick You may have trouble paying attention a: school and forget thirds easi
26、ly.Sn, remember to stay relaxed It won't be the end of the grid, even if you don't pass the exam 56 The miin idea this passage i«A. stress only makes people worried B. stress can push you to work harderC. stress can be good or had for people D. stress always causes problems57 According
27、to the passage, uhat will happen if people are strwed?A. They will sleep very well.B. Thrir hearts vill beat faster.C. Their hands will become dirty. D. They will find lots of problems.58. The underlined part wanxietyr in the passage probably means *H.A.生气B饥饿C.力就D 59 According to the passage, you ma
28、y feel stressed except when youA are worried or uncomfortable about something B. ask loo much of yourselfC have too much pressureD. pass an exam easily60. A healthy way to get rid of stress may be.A working hard all dayB. smokingC. listening to some light musicD. sleeping and trying to forget everyt
29、hingOceai Chinese RestaurantNoodle HouseNo.l: Noodles with beef and tomatoes?No.2: La mian with onionsNo.3: Chicken noodles soupNo.4: Fried noodles with cabbageNo.5: Fried beef noodlesTd: 7782079611:00 am11:00 pmSmall bowl 10RMBMedium bowl 15RMBLarge bowl 18 RMBCBA School RestaurantWelcome to CBA Sc
30、hool ResUurantTel: 77820797Special meal 份农for only 25 RMBMeal deal 1: dumplings in chicken soup egg fried rice, mapo tofu 25 RMBMen I deal 2: Beef with broccoli, fried la mian, fried dumplings 25 RMRMeal deal 3: Cabbage soup, chicken noodles.ice crean 25 RMRWelcome to CBA School RestaurantFast Food
31、RestaurantRice ExpressTel. 77820798Try our delicious rice bowls for only 15 RMB You have a choice of:BccC pork chicken, and fish.Add a plale of dumplings for 10 RMB. Only 7 RMR for yoir choice of green tea, ice cream, or orange juice.Delivery 送货for orders of below 30 RMR: 2 RMBFree delivery for orde
32、rs of 30 RMR and above!61. If you want a large bowl cif chicken noodles soup, how much should you pay for it?A 8 RMBB 10 RMBC 15 RMBD. 18 RMD62 If you have only ten yuan, where can you eat dumplings?A. Ocean Chinese RestaurantB. CBA School Restaurant63. If you don't want to go to the restaurant,
33、 you can call it atA. 77820796 B. 77820797 C 77820798D 7782079964. If Mr Green wants a plate of dumplings, a bowl of rice with fried beef and onuc juice, heslivuld payRMB for them.A 34B. 32C.22D. 1563. If vuu vant to cat fried beef nvodlcx you sliuuki go toA. Ocean Chinese RestaurantB. CBA School Re
34、suuraniC. Fast Food RestaurantD. ABC English RestaurantCllg to educate my chiid? This is the question parents keep asking themselves and is the problem that would stuck with 绅绒them lor more than 8 years Well, most people in western countries uould like to create a happy environment for the children
35、and don't uant them to Hand too much pressire. However. Amy ChuaTiger Mnmv 贰 g calls herself, has some different opinions.She has two daughters. Sophia and Lulu and she has been very strict with them But so far. the two girk are doing a great job. Sophia now 18 plays the piano and Lulu now 15 pl
36、ays the violin.Here are sme things Amy Chua would yeet allow her dmihtcr; tn.do: attend a sleepover at a friend's house 養;III朋友家过夜的晚会 be in a school playcomplain about not being in a school playnot be the No.l student in every subject except gym and drama话剧play the instruments except the piano o
37、r violinnot play the piano or violinMany Hctcrncr arc blocked by the Tiger Muid, but tlcy ahu queMion lier: huv can you raise your kids like dial? Bui al die same lime, the Chirese kids in such an cnvircnrneni areoutsUnding. They have perfect scores and perfect behavior .And i»wt they are (hank
38、ing their mom for the way of education she gave.What kind of kids do I want mine lobe 旷Many parents always question themselves this. *No pains, no gains It is simple. When you warn something, you have to suffer for it first .w Some parents agree with Amy. But rxX all the people think so: they just u
39、ish their children to he happy every day.An argument is continuing in the US owr how strict pdnrnis should be with their children. Is it better to be a *Tigcr Mom? What do you think?66. Most westerners vant their children to be A oTrzsd nutR rHnvAdC nervousD. hard67. Who called Amy Chua "Tiger
40、MomMA. Chinese.B. Wesiemers. C. Her daughters. D .Herself.68. What would Sophia and Lulu be allowed to do in the foUouir"A. Take part in t school play.D. Phy the drum.C. Be the top student in every subject except gym and drama.D Stay at a friend s house nil the night69. Sophia and Lulu their mo
41、ther because of her uay of education.A hate B. dorfl agree with C. can't understand D. thank70. Why do Sophia and Lulu become so exccllcnl ?A. Because their imxlter is very Mid with litem.B Because their mother is ChineseC. Because th<ir mother create a happy environment for them D Recaiisc t
42、hey are always in pains.卷II 非选择题,共35分 听力局部第二节VIII.听短文填空.共5小题.毎小题1分.计5分Information sheetTime now: 6: a.m.Weather information:Snow has been falling since 7I_A suggested建议的way of transportation 交逋:72 Afiection影响to the schools:Some schools in the countryside are 73More infonnation about the weather: Sno
43、w will last for a least 74Time for the next news will be at 751 4!: :K »: : ./ 卜: : :J卜:» < 4 :卜: :笔试局部DC任务型阅读共5小愿.每小題2分.计10分阅读短文,并按裳求完成76-80®.Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude A study shows that the people who are more confid
44、ent are much happier. They can have more chances to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions: Speak loud When you are not confident you can't do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you Try to speak lou
45、d enough so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident. Play sports Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A slrong body heSs you be ftill of confidence. Encourage yourself Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many
46、things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've doneGet ride of消除"car Fear comes along with failure But it's easy to ovcrcomc克服il once you know that failure is part of your life. Don&
47、#39;t hide your head just because you said something stupid. Try to start again and believe that.Pick up a hobby If you like singing, sing as often as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outsianding出 众.And it will make you happy and confident.7477 18为简略何答Mffl: 78 ® Aj将乞屮划线句于译成汉语:79驱人完底句
48、千:XO J8为给 短文加标聽76. How many suggestion £ can help you to be more confident?77. Hou can you encourage yourself?78. It泽句子79 Try s Atari again and believe that80. .X.词语运用共5小題,麻题1分计S分_ 根据短文内存,用方柜中所给单间的正确形式城空每風或短语只使用一次.| whh such as ill healthh»ppyWhen polite people mcti tiicir friends, they of
49、ten begin their conversation with a greeting and then may then ask about a friend * s 81_. Most of the time the conversation is cheerful. Ecn convcrsatkxB about Z events mkIi as xriou5 82 family problenw or death usually end in ahopeful way. People discuss <ipectAl family events _ 83 marnages. bi
50、rth graduations, new joZ and ncu homes. Usually one friend 84the other good luck or offer oxigratulatiuns If thenews is _85. he or she will express undersranding and then add a hopeful suggestion.刈书面决达连词戍旬.每小思1分共5分.书面表达10分,共15分A连词成句共5小题.旬小分,计5分? 将所给終词连成完?疋确的句子.皿词不得巫复使用标点己给出86. is, limn, yuur. iic4r.
51、 the Qc oir, tcaclxzr ?«7. what, going you pow. to. uhen. be. you. are. up ?88. please 3, for. moment me, for. wait ?89. more ,morc, people in, and. spcaL the, Chinese, world90. Mike, so, ualk, tired, any. that he. couldn't was fartherB H面哀达共计10分91 现在整个社会住倡导“文明社会 石家庄也在争取“全国文明城市做门14充分的准备。 们是
52、在校眉内.也有一些不文明的观令发生作为一名中学牛.你认为存校田内tn何也寻立 明呢?附根犯扯爪.吗一篇個议恢呼呼广阔屮学生做一个义明的学生。提示;1. List some impropcrf 不适场的things in our school.2. What do you think of these things?3. What can we do to make our school inore beautiful?Hello, everyone ? Now our city is trying its best to make it a civilized文宙one. In our sch
53、ool.尿丛r缶叹仪.仏h 呢4()2022年中考模拟试卷英语试卷答案9如小T二片斬力材料孑人如戶勺jL、斬力第分共分两小节,第一节为选择Bh第二节九非选择炳局部分?1在卷I尹卷H K 听力解分弟一节B: I第一d:祈旬了选MT中所包含的iRA.卜iti你林靳列五个旬几 每个句fit两週谄你听完句/的 冰二灣CH说灯.从*小所给出的AB, C二个迭攻中.选到信息的逸頂.No.l. Ben ennses the street and turn rijhl.No J. My breXher clothes are out of style.No.3.Ffc gvl an e-inail from
54、dann、382J63 com yesterday. No.4. Please ring me up at <tixNo.5.Man h lived in London since she come to England ten years ago.晰3千.选出谀旬的下而你将听到五个句子.AIG句子谕卿遍谥你听完句f的审电fflitJn从各小JB所纶山的A、C三个选序中.选U1谀句的No.6. Wlut other f ood do you like?No.7. You sang quite well last night.No.S. How uas your school trip?N
55、o.9 Don't play in the street. ll dangerous.No.10.1 have many rules at my house.斷对话和间选择最隹答案卜面你梅听刘五ifl对话fiiMtt.每爼对话和问题读两逼.请你濟完对诂和创18的第二遽餉谏氏从等小is所洽出的a. b. c三个选用中.Nol M: Look there is a new type of camera. Shall we buy one?XV: How much is it?M: 3.000 yuan.W: It sounds like a wasic of money. We seldo
56、m go out foe sihtseeing.Q: What does the woman mean? : N° 12 w Hijack. Arc you going back to New York next 毗ek?M: No, I am going back next month.Q; Whet) is the man going back to Neu York?No. 13. M: I hear you are moving to a new house soon.W:l have to. because the man in the next room is singi
57、ng all the tim: and I can't sleep well.Q: Why is the woman moving to a new house?No.14. M: Do you take the bus to work in the morning?W: No, I always go to wort by subu-ay.M: Dotfl you find the subway really crowded in the morning?W- Yeah, but it*< fiKtr tlvin the hi«Q: How docs the woma
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