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1、复查测验提交:2022年春大学英语四第二次作业 内容分数得 100分,总分值 100分 1可题1 得3分,总分值 3分第一局部:交际用语共10小题;每题3分,总分值30分此局部共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的局部有 4个选项,请从A、B C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项 1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bankis, please?Ohyes! It a bigmarket.答案所选答案:;C.Mm, letme think:.问题2得3 分,总分值3分Can Ihelpyou, sir?Yes,est

2、erday,but it.答案所选答案:川D.doesntwork21问题3得3 分,总分值3分Potter. Hello,s past the office,n exttoI bought this radio here yHello, Imbut .答案HarryC.my name is Charles Greencall me Charles得3分,总分值Who s thatspeak ing?ThisisTom.答案所选答案:C.speak ing巴问题得3分,总分值 3分Tom, would you like to come to our dinner _答案partytonight

3、所选答案:B.Sure. When to start?问题6得3分,总分值 3分Sorry, I cant go camp ing with you. I well eno ugh for the entran ce-exam. !ethernexttime.答案haveWetocanprepare camp togC.二问题 7得3分,总分值3分rmsorry.Ilost thekey.答案rs|所选答案:二 A.Well, itsOK.丄问题8得3分,总分值3分Itsrathercoldin here.Do you mindwin dow?答案所选答案:小B.No, go ahead.问题

4、9得3 分,总分值3分Excuse me, howmuch isthejacket? Its所选答案:小D.Would you1 liketotry iton?土问题10499所选答案:Good luckif Iclose theYua n.答案得3分,总分值 3分Couldyou help答案me withmy physics, please?所选答案:i DSorry Icant.I havetogo to a meeting rightnow.屮问可题11得2分,总分值 第二局部:阅读理解每题2分,总分值40分 此局部共有4篇短文,在第一 篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选

5、出正确答案; 在第二篇短 文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的 四个选项中选出正确选项。 Passage 1If you travel by air across the cen terof Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousa nds of kilometers. These great forests are the oceans of tr ees. There are thousa nds and thousa nds of differe nt kinds ofpla ntsand an imals.Howeve

6、r, the worlds forests aregetting smaller allthetime.We are cutting down the treesbecause we need wood, and we need more farmland. Some peo ple say thattherewill notbe anyforestslike these in20or 30 years. Whatwillhappen if theydisappear?If we cut down our forests,a lot of plantsand animals willdisap

7、pear from theworld. In a lot ofplaces thenew farmla nd will soon look likethe old deserts.Crops willnotthe weatherworld willthe world.1、of tak inggrow there. It will not rain very ofte n,and will get very hot. Perhaps the climate of the cha nge. This will be dan gerous for every one in That is why w

8、e must take care of our forests.us about the importa neeThe passage mainly tells care of plants.答案巴问题所选答案:A.12得2分,总分值2、Forests are所选答案:homesA.fordiffere ntkinds of animals.答案3、The n eed formorewood andmore landhelp to protectourforests.答案所选答案:B.可题14得2分,总分值4、Well have more some peoples 所选答案:左B.F问题15得

9、2分,总分值 2and greater forests n view.答案in 20or 30 years in5、The writer thinks所选答案:J A.Titn ecessarytoprotectthe forests.答案问题 16得2分,总分值 2Passage 2 A Digital Life DigitalMemoryHuman memory canbe very difficult tounderstand.We find itslimitationsevery day, whe n we forgeta frie nd s teleph onenu mber, th

10、en ame of a bus in esscon tactor the title of a favoritebook.People have developed a varietyof strategiesfor combat ingforgetful ness-messageswritte non Post-itno tes,for example,or electr onicaddress books carried inhan dheld devices-but intly,however,new systemsmay allow people to record everythin

11、gtheyseeand hear-a ndeve n thi ngsthey cannot sense-andtostoreallthese datain a pers onaldigitalarchivethat isbothsearchable andsecure.Digitalmemoriescan domoremporta nt in formatio ncon ti nues toslipthrough the cracks.Recetha nsimply assist the recollect ionofpast eve nts,conversati onsand project

12、s. Portable sen sorscantake read ingsof things that are not eve n perceived by huma ns, such as oxyge n levels in the blood or the amountofcarb on dioxidein the air.Computers can then scan these datato identify patterns:forin sta nee,they might determ inewhich en vir onmen talconditions worsen a chi

13、ld s asthma. Sensors can alsolog the threebilli onor so heartbeats in a pers ons lifetime, along with other physiologicalin dicators,and warn of a possrmati on.ible heart attack. Thisin formatio nwould allow doctors to spot irregularities early,provid ingwarnings before an ill nessbecomes serious.Yo

14、ur physician would have access to a detailed, ongoing health record, and you would no Ion gerhaveto rack your brainto answer questionssuch as “When didyou first feel thisway?A Microsoft research project, called My Life Bits, has provided some of thetools needed tocompile a lifelo ngdigitalarchive.Th

15、ey havefoundthatdigitalmemories allow onetovividlyreliveaneve ntwithsounds and images. Every wordone haseverread,whetherin an e-mail,an electro nicdocument oron aWebsite,canbefound aga in with justafew keystrokes.Computerscananalyze digital memories to help with time management, pointing out whe n y

16、ou are notspe ndingeno ugh time on your highestpriorities. Perhaps most importa nt,digital memories can en able all people to tell their life stories to their later gen erati onin a systematic and detailed fashi on thatun tilnowoes the ifficultauthor mean by saying“Human memory can be very dto under

17、stand.(Papa. 1) ?答案所选答案:i A.has been reserved solely for the rich and famous.6 . What dHumans oftenfail to recallsome familiarand importa ntinfo17得2分,总分值in mea ning to“slip t7. Which of the following is closest hrough the cracks (Papa.1)?答案所选答案:芋B.To be forgotte n.二1问题 188. Digital tmemories can per

18、form all the followi ng .答案所选答案:i C.tellingpeople how to cure heart disease小问题19得2分,总分值 2分得2分,总分值 2分tasks excep9. My Life Bitscanbe used to搭案所选答案:let a boy know more about his father s adventuresinyouth20得2分,总分值10. What所选答案:is the passage;A.mai nlyabout?答案How digitalmemories canchange our way oflife

19、.丄问题 21得2分,总分值 2分Passage3 Dieting to lose weight has become very popular in recentyears. People have become more healthconsciousandtry to take better care of their bodies by eatingmore nutritiously有营养and exercising more regularly tolose any unnecessary fatthat they may have.Notonly are people being

20、more carefulabout what they eat, they are alsoconcerned with how theyeat and how their meals are prepared. People are takingmoretime for each meal.Many avoid the so-called plastic fast-foodhamburgers and choose to eat a salad or a sandwich of more healthfulingredients成分in a quietrestaura ntwith a mo

21、re leisurely atmosphere. Athome,they also trytotake eno ugh timeto eat arelaxeddinnerwithoutphoneorTV interruptions.While dieting maybeviewed as beneficial,it has also become a serious problemforAmerica ns,particularly for young wome n. Diet ingfor them has actually becomea psychological addiction 依

22、赖. They eatso little that theycan loseas muchas fiftyperce ntof their total body weight, and although they look likeskelet ons,they still in sist that they are fat.The currentwave of exercising,dietingand the problemsproduced have caused many orga ni zatio nstobeg ineducat ingthe public. Many school

23、s, hospitals, healthorganizations,newspapers and magaz in es, for example, are offeri ng classes, pri n ti ngbooklet articles, etc. to inform the public of the way to exercise and diet,of the dan gers of diet ing too rapidly, and of theplaces peoplecan go formedical help ifthey find themselves on th

24、e road to dietaddicti on.11、These days people are dietingmore because they have becomemore health conscious.答案少问可题22得2分,总分值12、 They所选答案:are tak ing ;B.lesstime foreach meal now.答案F23得2分,总分值13、They look like bably means theyskelet onsinare too thin.the third答案paragraph most proA.所选答案:T二J问题 2414、The m

25、ain idea of themediums canbeusedlast paragraph is about what kind of to educate the public.答案所选答案:B.得2分,总分值 2分F问题25得2分,总分值15、Accord ing to this passage the hing to do with health. 答案atmosphere of eat inghas somet26得2分,总分值Passage4 What must youdowhen youreceive apresent foryour birthday? You havetosi

26、t downand writea thank-younote. The words Thank you are very important.We have touse them on so many occasi ons. We say them whe n some one gi ves us a drink, helps us to pick up thin gs, hands us a l etter, lends us a book or gives us a gift.Ano ther important word isplease.Many people forgetto use

27、it.Itis rude to ask some one to do someth ing withoutsay ingplease. We haveto use itwhen we ask forsomething,too.It may be a book or a pencil, more rice or more sauce, h elp or advice.It may bein the classroom,at home,atthe bus-stop or over the counter. We have to use please to make our requestpleas

28、ant.We have to learn to saysorry too. When we have hurtsome on es feeli ng, we will have to go up and say we are sorry. When we have told a lie and feel sorry, we willhave to use the same word. When we have forgotten something or broken a promise, we will have to expla in with that word, too. Sorry

29、is a heali ngword. We can make people forget wrongs by using it sincer ely.These three words are simple but important.They are pleasing words to use in anybirthday所选答案:prese nt, 丿D.we haveIanguage.16. When we receiveto .答案write a tha nk-you note问题27得2分,总分值 2分17. Whe n some one helps us .答案todo somet

30、hi ng,weshould所选答案:thank himA.1问题28得2分,总分值 2分18. We may be consideredthing but we dont say叵I D.rudeif we.答案ask othersto do some所选答案:please二问题 29得2分,总分值 2分19. We所选答案:ask forhave to use the 小B.some advicewordpleasewhen we.答案旦问题得2分,总分值 2分3020. The in any所选答案:all of丿问题threeimporta ntIan guage are all 小D

31、.the abovewordstha nks,.答案pleaseand sorry31得2分,总分值 2分第三局部:词汇与结构每题2分,总分值20分此局部共有5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的局部有 确选4个选项,请从四个选项中选出正项。1.Professor Smith promised to look my paper,that is,to read it carefully before the defense.答案所选答案:B.over!可题32得2分,总分值Our house is about a mile from re are not many houses .答案所选答案

32、:therailwaystati onand thein betwee n可题33得2分,总分值3.As the bus came roundthecorner.it rana big tree by所选答案:the roadside.答案into问题34得2分,总分值When Lily came home at 5 dinner in thep.m. yesterday, kitchen.答案her mother所选答案:was cooking可题35得2分,总分值5.Did you no ticetheguyhead looked like a big potato?答案所选答案:C.wh

33、ose一问题 36得2分,总分值 2分 6. I dont know the park, but its to be quite beautiful. 答案所选答案:said问题37得2分,总分值7. Almost所选答案:alltheC.pare ntsforbidtheirchildre n.答案to smoke38得2分,总分值8. This famous所选答案:compa nyA.fiftharound thewhole world.答ranks可题39得2分,总分值9. Wow! Youe in fashi onve got so now.答案C.many clothes. Butof them ar所选答案:none得2分,总分值10. With the government


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