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1、初中英语定语从句用法及配套练习 一、定语从句的概念 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。 二、定语从句的关系词 引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词和关系副词,常见的关系代词包括that,which,who(宾格whom,所有格whose)等,关系副词包括where,when,why等。关系代词和关系副词放在先行词及定语从句之间起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的重要成分。 三、定语从句的分类 根据定语从句与先行词的关系,定语从句可分为限制性定语从句及非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句紧跟先行词,主句与从句不用逗号分开,从句不可省去,非限

2、制性定语从句主句与从句之间有逗号分开,起补充说明作用,如省去,意思仍完整。 四、关系代词的用法 1. that 既可以用于指人,也可以用于指物。在从句中作主语或宾语,作主语时不可省略,作宾语可省略。例如: Mary likes music that is quiet and gentle.玛丽喜欢轻柔的音乐。(that作主语) The coat (that) I put on the desk is blue.我放在桌子上的那件外套是蓝色的。(that作宾语) 2.which用于指物,在句中作主语或宾语,作主语不可省略,作宾语可省略。例如: The building which stands

3、near the train station is a supermarket.位于火车站附近的那座大楼是一家超市。(作主语) The film (which) we saw last night was wonderful. 我们昨天晚上看的那部电影很好看。(作宾语) 3.who,whom用于指人,who 用作主语,whom用作宾语。在口语中,有时可用who代替whom, 也可省略。例如: The girl who often helps me with my English is from England.经常在英语方面帮助我的那个女孩是英国人。(作主语) Who is the teach

4、er (whom) Li Ming is talking to?正在与李明谈话的老师是谁?(作宾语) 注意: (1)当定语从句中含有介词,介词放在句末时,who,that,which可省略,但介词在关系代词前时,只能用“介词+which/whom”结构。例如: This is the house in which we lived last year.这是我们去年居住的房子。 Please tell me from whom you borrowed the English novel.请告诉我你从谁那借的这本英文小说。 (2)含有介词的固定动词词组中,介词不可前置,只能放在原来的位置上。例如

5、: This is the person whom you are looking for. 这就是你要找的那个人。 (3)that 作介词的宾语时,介词不能放它的前面,只能放在从句中动词的后面。例如: The city that she lives in is very far away.她居住的城市非常远。 (4)关系词只能用that的情况: a. 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,或本身是序数词、基数词、形容词最高级时,只能用that,而不用which.例如: He was the first person that passed the exam. 他是第一个通过考试的人。 b.被修

6、饰的先行词为all, any, much, many, everything, anything, none, the one等不定代词时,只能用that,而不用which.例如: Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop? 你在商店里有什么东西要买吗?C.先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last, little, few 等词修饰时,只能用that,而不用which.例如: This is the same bike that I lost.这就是我丢的那辆自行车。 d. 先行词里同时含有

7、人或物时,只能用that, 而不用which.例如: I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.我能清楚记得我在那个房间所见到的人和一些照片。 e.以who或which引导的特殊疑问句,为避免重复,只能用that.例如: Who is the girl that is crying? 正在哭泣的那个女孩是谁? f.主句是there be 结构,修饰主语的定语从句用that,而不用which.例如: There is a book on the desk that belongs to Tom

8、. 桌子上那本书是汤姆的。 (5)关系词只能用which,而不用that 的情况: a.先行词为that, those时,用which, 而不用that.例如: Whats that which is under the desk? 在桌子底下的那些东西是什么? b.关系代词前有介词时,一般用which,而不用that.例如: This is the room in which he lives. 这是他居住的房间。 c.引导非限制性定语从句,用which, 而不用that.例如: Tom came back, which made us happy. 汤姆回来了,这使我们很高兴。五、关系副词

9、的用法 (1)when指时间,其先行词表示时间,在句中作时间状语。例如: This was the time when he arrived.这是他到达的时间。 (2)where指地点,其先行词表示地点,在句中作地点状语。例如: This is place where he works.这是他工作的地点。 (3)why 指原因,其先行词是原因,起原因状语作用。例如: Nobody knows the reason why he is often late for school. 没人知道他为什么上学总迟到。 练习题 I.单项填空 1. -Do you know the man _is talk

10、ing with your father? -Yes, hes our headmaster. A. he B. who C. which D. whom 2. Is this the river _I can swim? A. which B. in which C. that D. the one 3. This is the best hotel in the city _I know. A. where B. which C. that D. it 4. Can you lend me the dictionary _the other day? A. that you bought

11、B. you bought it C. that you bought it D. which you bought it 5. Anyone _with what I said may put up you hands. A. which agrees B. who agree C. who agrees D. which agree 6. My watch is not the only thing _ is missing. A. that B. it C. which who 7. The man _coat is black is waiting at the gate A. who

12、s B. whose C. that of which. 8. The girl _ is reading under the tree _my sister. A. which; is B. whom; was C. who; is D. who; was 9. I love places _the people are really friendly. A. that B. which C. where D. who 10. The world _ is made up of matter. A. in that we live B. on which we live C. where w

13、e live in D. we live in 、用适当的关系代词that, which, who, whom填空。 1. The first thing _you must do is to have a meal. 2. April 1st is the day _is called April Fools Day in the west. 3. The family _had lost everything in a big fire got much help from their friends. 4. The house _we live in is very old. 5. Di

14、dnt you see the man_ stand over there?初中英语定语从句练习题(一)一选择填空1. Dont talk about such things of _ you are not sure.A. which B. what C. as D. those2. Is this the factory _ you visited the other day?A. that B. where C. in which D. the one3. Is this factory _ some foreign friends visited last Friday?A. that

15、 B. where C. which D. the one4. Is this the factory _ he worked ten years ago?A. that B. where C. which D. the one5. The wolves hid themselves in the places _ couldnt be found.A. that B. where C. in which D. in that6. The freezing point is the temperature _ water changes into ice.A. at which B. on t

16、hat C. in which D. of what7. This book will show you _ can be used in other contexts.A. how you have observed B. what you have observedC. that you have observed D. how that you have observed8. The reason is _ he is unable to operate the machine.A. because B. why C. that D. whether9. Ill tell you _ h

17、e told me last week.A. all which B. that C. all that D. which10. That tree, _ branches are almost bare, is very old.A. whose B. of which C. in which D. on which11. I have bought the same dress _ she is wearing.A. as B. that C. which D. what12. He failed in the examination, _ made his father very ang

18、ry.A. which B. it C. that D. what13. Were talking about the piano and the pianist _ were in the concert we attended last night.A. which B. whom C. who D. that14. The girl _ an English song in the next room is Toms sister.A. who is singing B. is singing C. sang D. was singing15. Those _ not only from

19、 books but also through practice will succeed.A. learn B. who C. that learns D. who learn16. Anyone _ this opinion may speak out.A. that against B. that against C. who is against D. who are against17. Didnt you see the man _?A. I nodded just now B. whom I nodded just nowC. I nodded to him just now D

20、. I nodded to just now18. Can you lend me the novel _ the other day?A. that you talked B. you talked about itC. which you talked with D. you talked about19. Is there anything _ to you?A. that is belonged B. that belongsC. that belong D. which belongs20. - “How do you like the book?”- “Its quite diff

21、erent from _ I read last month.”A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what21. Mr. Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils except _ who had lready taken them.A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others22. The train _ she was travelling was late.A. which B. where C. on which D. in that23. He has lost

22、 the key to the drawer _ the papers are kept.A. where B. in which C. under which D. which24. Antarctic _ we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.A. which B. where C. that D. about which25. Its the third time _ late this month.A. that you arrived B. when you arrivedC. that yo

23、uve arrived D. when youve arrived26. It was in 1969 _the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon.A. that B. which C. when D. in which27. May the fourth is the day _ we Chinese people will never forget.A. which B. when C. on which D. about which28. We are going to spend the Spring Festiva

24、l in Guangzhou, _ live my grandparents and some relatives.A. which B. that C. who D. where29. The hotel _ during our holidays stands by the seaside.A. we stayed at B. where we stayed atC. we stayed D. in that we stayed30. Is it in that factory _ “Red Flag” cars are produced?A. in which B. where C. w

25、hich D. that31. It is the Suez Canal _ separates Asia _ Africa.A. which, to B. where, from C. that, from D. that, with32. Under the bridge, however, almost directly below, _ was a small canoe, with a boy in it.A. there B. where C. it D. which33. He is not _ a fool _.A. such, as he is looked B. such,

26、 as he looksC. as, as he is looked D. so, as he looks34. Is that the reason _ you are in favour of the proposal?A. which B. what C. why D. for that35. He must be from Africa, _ can be seen from his skin.A. that B. as C. who D. what36. He has two sons, _ work as chemists.A. two of whom B. both of who

27、m C. both of which D. all of whom37. I, _ your good friend, will try my best to help you out.A. who is B. who am C. that is D. what is38. He is a man of great experience, _ much can be learned.A. who B. that C. from which D. from whom39. - Do you know the town at all?- No, this is the first time I _

28、 here.A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming40. I dont like _ you speak to her.A. the way B. the way in thatC. the way which D. the way of which41. The two things _ they felt very proud are Jims gold watch and Dellas hair.A. about which B. of whichC. in which D. for which42. The dinner was the most expensive meal we _.A. would have B. have ha


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