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1、四年级下学期英语阅读理解知识点巩固练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,并判断正误,正确的用“正确'表示,错误的用“错误'表示。Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. The day after it has been known as Black Friday. It is the start of the holiday shopping season,and it has been the busiest shopping day of the year in the US since 2005.Most stores offer bi

2、g sales on Black Friday. They open their doors quite early in the morning. They try to attract shoppers with big discounts. Some items(商品)like TVs and clothes are much cheaper than usual. Stores may even lose money on these items. They hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while they ar

3、e in the store. Black Friday is a great time to go shopping. However,there are problems. The biggest one is that there are not enough lowpriced items. Each store may only have a few. So people stand in long lines to get them. They may wait three to four hours before a store opens.( )(1)Thanksgiving

4、is always on a Friday.( )(2)Black Friday has been in the UK since 2005.( )(3)Some things like TVs and clothes are cheaper than usual.( )(4)Black Friday is a great time to go shopping.( )(5)There are enough lowpriced things to sell.2. 根据小短文,判断正T误FHello! My name is Lucy. Im ten years old. I am in Clas

5、s One, Grade Four now. Our classroom is nice. I like my classroom.1His name is Lucy. (_)2She is ten years old. (_)3Lucy is in Grade four. (_)4Her classroom is nice. (_)5She doesnt like her classroom. (_)3. 看图,选择最恰当的答句。( )(1)How many children can you see?A. One. B. Two. C. Th

6、ree.( )(2)What are the boy and the man doing?A. They are eating. B. They are standing. C. They are playing.( )(3)Is there an ice-cream on the table?A. There is one. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there isn''t.( )(4)Where are the people?A. In a supermarket. B. At home. C. In a restaurant.( )(5)Is t

7、he boy the man''s son?A. Sure, he is. B. No, he isn''t. C. Maybe.4. 阅读表格. 选择合适的选项。( )(1)Beijing is      todayA.warm B.hot C.cold( )(2)Hainan is       todayA.cool     B. cold C.hot( )(3)Harbin is

8、      todayA.hot B.cold     C warm( )(4)Lhasa is      today.A.cool B.warm C.hot5. 阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断句子的正和误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。I have a friend.Her name is WangChen.She is ten.She is a girl .She is from ShangHai.She is beatiful

9、.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. She likes English. We are good friends.1WangChen is a boy.(_)2She is twelve. (_)3She is from ShangHai. (_)4She has a big mouth. (_)5She likes English very much. (_)6. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Today is Tony''s birthday.

10、 He has a party, and he is very happy with his friends. Tony''s father buys a big cake and his mother buys a dog for him. The dog is with Tony now. It is very smart(聪明的).Tony likes it. Tony has a good time today.(1)Tony''s father buys a _for him.A. dog B. cake C. hot dog(2) Where'

11、;'s the dog? It is with _.A. Tony''s mother B. Tony''s father C. Tony(3)Is the dog smart?( )A. No, it isn''t. B. Yes, it is. C. We don''t know.(4)Does Tony like the dog?( )A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn''t. C. Yes, he is.(5)Does Tony have a good time?( )

12、A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn''t. C. Yes, he is.7. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。This is my family. Look! This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my father. He is a doctor. My name is Amy. Im a student. Im nine. This is my brother, Tom. He is seven. I love my family.1My name is Amy. (_)2My fa

13、ther is a farmer. (_)3My mother is a teacher. (_)4Im a pupil. Im nine. (_)5Tom is nine, too. (_)8. 阅读对话,判断正误。Jack: Excuse me. I''m lost. Can you help me, please?Policeman: Yes, of course.Jack: Where''s the park?Policeman: The park? You can go straight on, and then

14、 turn left. The park is near the supermarket.Jack: Thank you.Policeman: You''re welcome.( )(1)Jack is lost.( )(2)The policeman helps Jack.( )(3)Jack wants to go to the zoo.( )(4)Jack can go straight on, and then turn left.( )(5)The park is near the school.9. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Look at the room. I

15、t''s big and clean. There is a big table near the window. There are three books, two volleyballs, a violin and a guitar on it. Whose books are these? They are Lucy''s B8books. Lucy likes reading. The volleyball are Mike s. Mike likes playing volleyball. He often(经常) plays it with his

16、 friends after school. The violin is Sally''s. Sally can play the violin very well. Whose guitar is this? It is Peter''s guitar. It is new and wonderful.( )(1)he room is      .A. small and new B. new and clean C. big and clean( )(2)There are  &

17、#160;   books on the table.A. two B. three C. four( )(3)Mike likes playing      .A. football B. the violin C. volleyball( )(4)The violin is       .A. Peter''s B. Sally''s C. Lucy''s( )(5)The guita

18、r is      .A. new and wonderful B. big and wonderful C. small but wonderful10. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Liu Tao: Good morning, Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Good morning, Liu Tao.Liu Tao: Look at these toy monkeys on the sofa.Yang Ling: Wow, how beautiful! Whose(谁的) are they?Liu Tao: The

19、y are mine(我的)。Yang Ling: How many toy monkeys do you have?Liu Tao: Thirteen. Do you have any toy animals?Yang Ling: No, I dont.Liu Tao:Heres a toy monkey for you.Yang Ling: Thank you.Liu Tao: Thats all right.1It is in the afternoon. (_)2Liu Tao has twelve toy monkeys. (_)3Yang Ling has so

20、me toy animals too.(_)4Liu Tao gives(给)a toy to Yang Ling. (_)5The toy monkeys are on the sofa. (_)11. 阅读信件内容,选择正确答案。Hi, Sarah!It is autumn in April here in Sydney. Autumn is my favourite season! It is warm in the day and cool at night. Many people visit us in autumn because they like the

21、weather. When you come, you can visit the Sydney Royal Easter Show. It is the largest event in Australia.What is the weather like in April in your city? What do you often do?All the best,Stella( )(1)This letter is from      .A. Stella B. Sarah C. I don''t know(

22、)(2)The weather in April in Sydney is      .A. warm in the day B. cool at night C.Both A and B( )(3)What season is in April in Sydney?A. Spring B. Autumn C. Summer( )(4)People like the      in autumn in Australia.A. weather B. animals C. fo

23、od( )(5)What is the largest event in Australia?A. The Animals ShowB. The Fashion Show    C. The Sydney Royal Easter Show12. 阅读理解。Hi! I''m John. I''m in Sydney now. It''s great! It''s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. But it

24、''s cool and windy in Beijing.(1)Where is John now?(2)What''s the weather like in Sydney?(3)Can John swim outside?(4)What''s the weather like in Beijing?(5)Is the water cold in Sydney?13. 阅读对话,判断正误。Mr Black is a teacher from the UK. He is now visiting Park Primary School. Jac

25、k is showing him around.Jack: Look! That''s our classroom building. There is a garden in front of it. There are many flowers and plants in the garden. There are two swings and three slides, too.Mr Black: What''s on the floor?Jack: There is a computer la B. We have computer lessons in

26、 it. This is our class-room. There is a cupboard and eleven pictures in it.Mr Black: Your classroom is small, but it''s clean and tidy.Jack: Thank you.Mr Black: Thank you so much, Jack.Jack: You are welcome.( )(1)Mr Black is a teacher from Shanghai.( )(2)Mr Black is in Rainbow Primary School

27、.( )(3)Jack''s garden is in front of the classroom building.( )(4)There are two seesaws in the garden.( )(5)There are 12 pictures in the classroom.14. 根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。Hello! Im Amy. Welcome to our school! We have a big playground, a library, a canteen, a music room, an art room , a comput

28、er room , a TV room , a gym and two washrooms . We have six teachers offices and eighteen classrooms. There are forty- five students in my class. We have breakfast at school, but we dont have lunch at school. The music room is on the second floor, and the computer room is on the first floor. Our sch

29、ool is big and beautiful1The playground is very big . (_)2We have three teachers offices. (_)3There are forth-five classrooms in our school.  (_)4We have lunch at school. (_)5The computer room is on the first floor. (_)15. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Ann is a good girl in school. She

30、 has seven subjects: Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Art, Music and PE. She studies very hard. She is good at many subjects, such as Chinese, English and Maths. She also likes Music and PE. She likes playing football and table tennis. She likes playing the pipe (琵琶) too. She has a nice pipe at hom

31、e. She practices (练习) it every day.( )(1)Ann is a good girl in school.( )(2)She has six subjects.( )(3)Ann is good at Maths.( )(4)Ann likes playing volleyball.( )(5)Ann plays the pipe every day.16. 阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Tom and John are good friends. Tom is twelve. John is thirteen. They are good s

32、tudents(学生). They(他们)like to eat hamburgers. Miss White is their(他们的)English teacher. She likes them(他们)very much1Tom and John are good friends. (_)2Tom is twelve. (_)3John is twelve. (_)4Tom likes to eat hamburgers. (_)5Miss white thinks(认为)they are good students. (_)17. 读表

33、格,判断句子意思是否与表格信息一致。( )(1)Kay has a new T-shirt. It''s thirty-five dollars.( )(2)Lily has a new cap and dress. They''re sixty-five dollars together.( )(3)Jack has a new cap. It''s twenty-nine dollars.( )(4)Jack doesn''t have new trousers. He has new shorts.( )(5)Jim'

34、;'s new shirt is forty-six dollars. It''s expensive.18. 阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Amy: Look at our new classroom. How many Chinese books can you see?John: I can see twelve.Amy: How many desks can you see?John: I can see thirty-five. Amy: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.John: Whats in it?Amy: Ten

35、storybooks and fifty picture books.John: Oh, so many.1There are many English books in the classroom.(_)2I can see twenty Chinese books. (_)3I can see thirty-five desks. (_)4Amys schoolbag is heavy. (_)5There are ten storybooks in the schoolbag. (_)19. 阅读下文,选择正确答案。Hello, my name i

36、s Linda. Look, this is a picture of my family. There are four people in my family. They are my father,my mother,my brother and l. My father is a teacher. He''s tall and strong. He can run very fast. This is my mother. She''s a teacher,too. She can sing and dance very well. But she ca

37、n''t dive. This is my brother,Danny. He''s a student. His student number is 16. He can swim,play football,play basketball and so on.(1)This is a picture _ of family.A.Eddie''s B.Linda''s C.Mary''s(2)I have _.A.a brother B.a sister C.two brothers(3)My father is

38、 _.A.worker B.tall C.fat(4)My mother can _.A.sing B.dance C.both A and B(5)Danny can _.A.16 B.swim C.a boy20. 阅读理解, 判断正误。It''s 6:40. It''s time to get up. I wear my new T-shirt. It''s yellow. And I wear my green shorts. They''re ol D. But I like them very much. I

39、 have P.E. class today, so I wear my white shoes. At 7:00, I have some bread and milk for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:20.1I get up at 6:40. (_)2I have a yellow shirt. It''s new.(_)3I like my green shorts. (_)4I wear green shoes today.5I have breakfast at 7:20.(_)21. 阅读理解。On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Daychildren are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.Mr.


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