1、Learn General Se ceay on "two to earn a" sen_glhenig fu C.nsc o.seT mporant seech cause da strong recin in t he county.Ime, wacig"ed teasue", te orgin ofbuidi ng te party bak t opwe, how to stegtesevie masses"”ve party ches on, fghtig tbecme the grassroots party members a nd
2、 ma sses Gass roots pay organlains "two" stsenglei the sevce of pay members and -d - .the pioneer spilt. Dstiuin of gassroot s party oga nlains i a l waks 0”“e,coting,sei>e, whi ch belongs tte nerve endii gs of the pay orgaizton ad commens eputain has a diec per-pi masses.Stegghe the pa
3、y aead of te "eda" spirit; sengthet he party membersa. cades、 d es not have tbe me" a. "teat bear ha - h、* the last to" se-iesat tsette parys posiv e mage - ong te pe ople i s mprtant Gassroots paay organlat ons "wo"s to - nse alpeope not ha| py not t-e、teetyes&quo
4、t;, 一 , ste 'onnstfalul diget la* fr t he pe ople No nne d t avi d me that some m - besof our pa,,cannot sa id te、onny" crosin of ttmptaton, tin,Xu Zhou, such abuue a nd cr upt brier y maanne bores and ras. Two, is to cea up, t hi,tu, Z hou' soUt I ntes ire the pays fresa nd naural sold
5、 a nd hones w ok syl.Cjeasig "ae, ea, cad"und - abl e ad be hhviur "c osshad and cl d, push" attde Gas roots pary ogaizai ons "" s to ste ngte n te se nne of ord lay pay membes patcia'gtncnsc oosnes, u cnnciuses. For resons know n, membes of grssr 00s pay branhe s l
6、es m obie, sresuc and te conductary ogai .ns ha<esme ig. Twos . ies i s tfoous onte ga-r 00s | ay brace s、o - st looe"pr-em,a ane te pary m - bes ad cadre,、gag w okig", "Hong Kng eport"Stog ceaup a cins syeadrrmbl ng prelumptuous "u_aled" pay membesppy s speca atet o
7、n t pay membes a nd ca disji ning pay of toug"prob .,ay buiding" is obta nnd i I the l ong tem develpmet of ou payshistri ca experiencelccmula Two i s our pay uder the newhistri cl cnditons, sre ngte I the parys cnsr ucton of a ne w"rc.icain mov-et"Grssroots pay orgaizaions sould
8、 awasca cte had w ok,reu-o-nte d. Two e - caina outcmes are lng tem orie ntd ad becme a n importat impeus for te wirk T-w" sould hhae tre e knds ofconnsc I use - "two" stdy ad ld m ain,basc lar I ing lie s i te doi ng. Ony the C.nston aidreis the seie s of party rue sand do sol d wk,
9、be qualfed party mimbers ha d a sld ieol ogca bais. Oy the "lari ng" and、 o"rea uit y to forma "ean l ean do-o" te Vrtuus cceand utmaey acieve te ludimeta objectve of educaion. T his equirsthatt he Orgaiain课程设计报告姓名:张晓静学号:班级:11计本班四班题目:实时监控报警系统。建立一个报警和出警管理信息系统。要求:(1)采用一定的存储结构存
11、输入的信息储存在链表A里,我将会对链表 A进行插入操作,将出警信息插入到A中;出警则是对储存报警信息的链表进行删除,首先查找到相应的信息,再对链表A进行删除操作,并用链表B储存删除的结点。(3)输出储存在链表 B中的结点信息,即可知道出警信息。(4)对储存报警信息的链表A进行遍历,若它的结点个数过多,则发出警告。二、数据结构的选择和概要设计。由以上的问题可知,我选择使用链表这一种数据结构来完成我的程序。由于报警时要求有内容有时间、出警时则可以根据案件的编号或者是报案的时间出警,所以链表中结点的类型是结构体。typedef structint num; / 编号 char time30; 时间c
12、har matter50; / 内容datatype;typedef struct nodedatatype data;struct node *next ;Listnode;所用到的数据结构:numtime next 域matter对于本次的课程设计,我的主要思路是:在主函数中输出一个菜单,让用户选择需要执行的操作,包括报警、出警、查看出警记录、退出程序。再编写子函数,子函数有插入函数:void insertnode(linklisthead,Listnode *x); 删除函数:int delnode(linklisthead,Listnode *x); 查找函数(以便查找到需要删除的出警
13、记录):Listnode *listfind(linklist head);输出出警记录函数: void printlist(linklist head);完成主要的功能。子函数之间的调用如下:三、详细设计和编码。(1)链表的结构类型如下:typedef structint num; / 编号 char time30; 时间char matter50; / 内容datatype;typedef struct nodedatatype data; struct node *next ;Listnode;定义指向Listnode结构体的指针类型;Listnode *linklist , *A,*B
14、;A指向未处理的报警信息的链表头结点,B指向报警信息的链表头结点(2)编写主函数,主函数中使用 switch()语句,case1:中解决出警问题,调用插入函 数,记录下出警记录,并提示用户已经报警成功。但是由于题目要求报警信息储存过多时需要发出警告,首先对链表A进行遍历,若 A的结点个数过多则输出警告信息,如下:设置一个整型变量jj,遍历到链表A有一个结点jj则加1,以此来记录结点的个数。 int jj=0;h=A->next;while(h) / 通过链表遍历来确定有多少节点 jj+;h=h->next; if(jj>3) /此时已有3次警务未处理printf("
15、累计多次警务未处理,建议立即处理警务!");break;Learn General Se ceay on"two to earn a" sen_glhenig fu C.nsc o.seT mporant speech cause d a strong recin in t he county.Ime, wacig"ed teasue", te orgin ofbuidi ng te party bak t opwe, how to stegtesevie masses"”ve party ches on, fghtig tbecme
16、 the grass roots party members a nd ma sses Gassroots pay organlains "two" s tsenglei the sevce of pay members and -d - .the pioneer spi. Dstiuknol gassroot s party oga nzains i al waks 0”“e,coting,sei>e, whi ch belongs tte nerve endi i gs of the pay orgaiztonad commens eputain has a di
17、ec per-pi masses.Stegghe the pay aead of te "e da" spirit; sengt het he party membersa. cades、 de not have tbe me" a. "teat bear ha - h、* the astt" se-iesat tsette parys posiv e mage - ong te people is mprtant Gass roots paay organlat ons "wo" s t o - nse alpeope n
18、ot ha| py not t- e、teetye s", ta, ste、onnst faluldiget lallor t he pe ople No nne d t avi d me thatsome m - besof our pa,,cannot said te、onny" crosin of ttmptaton, tin,Xu Zhou, such abuue and cr upt brier y miHeaance bores and ras. Two.isto -a up, thi,.u, Zhous soUt I ntes ire the pays Ire
19、s a nd naural sold a nd hones w ok syeCjeasig "ae, ea, cad"und - abl e ad be hhviur "c oss had and cl d, push" attde Gas roots pary ogazaions "w" s to ste ngte n te se nne of ord lay pay membes patcia'g, ncnsc oosnes, u cnnciuses. For resons k now n, membes of grssr
20、 00s pay branhe s les m obie, iss re suce, and te comtuclary ogaiyins ha<esme Ig.Tw ostdies i s tfoous onte ga-r 00s | ay brace s、o - st looe" proem,advace te pary m - bes ad cadre,、gag w okig", "Hong Kng eport"Stog -aup a cins syead rrmbl ng preiumptuous "uquaied" p
21、ay membes ppy s speca atet on t pay membes a nd drs ji ning pay of toug" problm.,ay buiding" s obta nnd i I the l ong tem develpmet of ou payshistri ca experience iccmulate. Two i sour pay uder the newhistr cl cnditons, se ngte I the parys cnsr ucton of a ne w "rciicain movlmet"
22、Grssroots pay orgaizai ons sould awasca cte had w ok, reu-orente d. Two e - caina outcmes are lng tem orie ntd ad becme a n importat mpeus for te wI rk T-w" sould hhae tree kndsof connscI use - "two" stdy adld - ain, basc lar I ing lie s inte doi ng. Oy the C.nston aidreis the seie s
23、of party rue s and do sol d wk, be qualfed party m - bes ha d a sld ieol ogca bbss. Oy the "laring" and 'do" rea uit y to form a "eanl ean do-do" te vruos ccl, and utmaey acive te ludimeta objectve of educaion. T his equirs that t he Orgaiain插入函数 void insertnode(linklist
24、 head,Listnode *x);首先在easel中定义一个链表x,要求用户输入报警的信息,包括时间内容编号,将信息存储在x中,再将x插入到链表A中,插入的过程是:首先寻找合适的插入位置,再利用指 针,进行插入。void insertnode(linklist head,Listnode *x)Listnode *p1,*p2;p1=head;p2=p1->next ;while(p2!=NULL&& ( p2->data.num < x->data.num ) /寻找插入位置p1=p2;p2=p2->next ;p1->next =x;
25、 /按编号大小顺序插入x->next =p2;这样不断地执行easel的操作,就会得到一个从头结点算起编号由小到大的链表,报警操作成功。case2中调用删除函数,其中删除函数delnode()中调用了查找函数,所以先介绍查找函数查找函数分按照编号查找和按时间查找,如果按编号查找,由于链表是从头结点开始编号由小到大的,所以比较需要查找的数字与链表中结点的编号的大小,若需要查找的数字大于链表中结点编号则指针p往后移,直至找到结点,返回指针 p。如果按照时间查找,则半段用户输入的时间这个字符串是否与链表结点中的时间字符串相等,若不等指针p还是往后移,直至查找到节点,返回p。Listnode *
26、listfind(linklist head) /查找某节点Listnode *p;int num;char time30;int n;printf("tt1.按编号查询n"); / 两种查找方式printf("tt2.按时间查询 n");printf("tt 请选择:n");p=head->next ;scanf("%d",&n);if(n=1&&p!=NULL)printf("请输入要查找的编号:");scanf("%d",&num)
27、;while(p->next!=NULL&& (p->data .num <num )p=p->next ;if(p=NULL|(p->data .num <num) p=NULL; /没查到返回空 elseif(n=2&&p!=NULL)Learn General Se ceay on"two to earn a" sen_glhe nig fu C.nsc o.seT mporant speech cause d a strong recin in t he county.Ime, wacig"
28、;ed teasue", te orginofbuidingtepartybak t opwe, how to stegtesevie masse s"”ve party ches on, fghtig tbecme thegrassrootspartymembersa nd ma sses Gassrootspayorganlains"two"stsenglei the sevce of pay members and - d - .the pi oneer spi. Dstiuknol gassroot s party oga nzains i a
29、l waks 0”“e,c oting,sei>e, w hi ch belongs tte nerve endi i gs of the pay orgaiztonad commens eputain has a diec per-pi masses.Stegghethepayaeadofte"eda" spirit; sengt het he party membersa.cades、 de not have tbe me" a. "teat bear ha - h、* the astt" se-iesattsetteparyspos
30、ivemage-ong te pe ople i s mprtant Gass roots paay organlat ons "wo" s t o - nse alpeope not ha | py not t- e、teetye s", ta, ste、onnst falul diget lallor t he pe ople No nne d t avi d me thatsomem-besof our pa,,cannotsaid te、onny" crosin of ttmptaton, tin,XuZhou,such abuue a nd c
31、r upt brier y miHeaance bores andras.Two.isto -a up, t hi,.u, Z hous soUt I ntes ire the pays Ires a nd naural sold a nd hones w ok syeCjeasig "ae, ea, cad"und-abl e ad be hhviur "c oss had and cl d, push" attde Gas roots pary ogazai ons "w" s to ste ngte n te se nne of
32、 ord lay pay membes pat cia'g, ncnsc oosnes, u cnnciuses. Forresons k now n, membes of grssr 00s pay branhe s les m obie, iss re suce, and te comtucl aryogaiyins ha<e sme Ig.Tw ostdies i s tfoous onte ga-r 00s | ay brace s、o - st looe" proem,advaceteparym-besadcadre,、gag w okig", &q
33、uot;Hong Kng eport"Stog-aup a cins syead rrmbl ng pre iumpt uous "uquaie d" pay membes ppy s speca atet on t pay membes a nd drs ji ning pay of toug" problm.,ay buiding"sobtanndi I the l ong tem develpmet of ou payshistricaexperi ence iccmul ate. Two i sour pay uder the newh
34、istrcl cnditons, se ngte I the parys cnsr ucton of a ne w "rciicain movlmet" Grssrootspayorgaizaionssouldawas ca cte had w ok, reu- orente d. Two e - caina outcmes are lng tem orie ntd ad becme a n importat mpeus for te wIrkT-w" soul d hhae tre e knds of connsc I use - "two"
35、 stdy ad ld - ain, basclarI ing lie s inte doi ng. Oy the C.nst on aidreis t he seie s of party rue s and do sol d wk, be qualfed party m - bes ha d a sld ieol ogca bbss. Oy the "lari ng" and 'd o" rea uit y to form a "eanl ean do-do" te vruos ccl, and utmaey acive te lu
36、dimeta objectveofeducaion.Thisequirs that t he Orgaiainprintf("请输入要查找的时间:");scanf("%s",&time);while(p&&strcmp(p->data .time,time)!=0) /比较字符串是否相同p=p->next ; return p; 而删除函数首先查找到需要出警的结点,从p指向的第一个结点开始,检查该结点中的num,或time值是否等于输入的要求删除的那个编号或时间。如果相等就将该结点删除,如不相等,就将p后移一个结点,再
37、如此进行下去,直到遇到表尾为止。int delnode(linklist head,Listnode *g儿 Listnode *p,*q;p=listfind(head); 执行查找函数if(p=NULL)printf("没有查找到该事件n");return 0; else q=head;/保存头结点while(q!=NULL&&q->next=p) q->next =p->next ;*g=*p;free(p);return 1;在case3中则调用输出函数,对储存出警情况的链表B进行输出。先将p结点的指针指向第一个结点,将p结点(即第
38、一个结点)的数据输出。然后再将p结点的指针指向p指针 的的指针(即下一结点),将p结点(即第一结点)的数据输出。重复执行此步聚直到 p指针指 向NULL为止。void printlist(linklist head) Listnode *p; p=head->next ; /将第一个节点赋给pif(p=NULL) printf(" 没有信息!nn"); return; / 返回空 printf(" 编号 时间 内容n"); while(p!=NULL) printf("%dt%st%sn",p->data.num,p-&g
39、t;data.time,p->data.matter); p=p->next ; Learn General Se ceay on "two to earn a" sen_glhenig fu C.nsc o.seT mporant seech cause d a strong recin in t he county.Ime, wacig"ed teasue", te orgin ofbuidi ng teparty bak topwe, how to stegtesevie masses"”veparty cheson, fgh
40、tig tbecme the grassrooSpary members a nd ma sses Gassroots pay organlains "two" s tsenglei the sevce of pay members and - d - .the pi oneer spilt. Dstiuin of gassroot s party oga nlains i a l waks 0”“e,coting,sei>e, whi ch belongs tte nerve endii gs of the pay orgaizton ad commens eput
41、ain has a diec per-pi masses.Stegghe the pay aead of te "e da" spirit; sengt het he party membersa. cades、 d es not have tbe me" a. "teatbear ha - h、* the last to" se-iesat tsette parysposive mage among te pe ople i s mprtant Gass roots paay organlatons "wo"s to -
42、nse apeope not ha| py not t-e、teetyes", 一 , ste 'onnstfalul diget la* fr t he pe ople No nne d t avi d me that some m - besof our pa,,cannot sa id te、onny" crosin of ttmptaton, tin,Xu Zhou, such abuue and cr upt brier y maanne bores and ras. Two, is to cea up, thi,tu, Zhou,sUtI ntes ir
43、e the pays fresa nd naural sold a nd ones w ok syl.Cjeasig "ae, ea, cad"und - abl e ad be hhviur "c oss had and cld, push" attde Gas roots pary ogaizai ons "" s to ste ngte n te se nne of ord lay pay membes patcia'gt ncnsc oosnes, u cnnciuses. For resons know n, mem
44、bes of grssr 00s pay branhe s les m obie, sresuc and te conductary ogai.ns ha<esme ig. Tw os . ies i s tfoous onte ga-r 00s | ay brace s、o - st looe"pr-em,a ane te pary m- bes ad cadre,、gag wokig", "Hong Kng eport"Stog ceaup a cins syeadrrmbl ng prelumpt uous "u_aled"
45、; pay membesppy s speca atet on t pay membes a nd ca disji ning pay of toug"prob .,ay buiding" is obta nnd i I the l ong tem develpmet of ou payshistri caexperencelccmula Two i s our pay uder the newhistr cl cnditons, se ngte I the parys cnsr ucton of a ne w"rc.icain movimet" Grs
46、sroots pay ogaizaions sould awasca cte had w ok, reuk orente d. Two e - caina outcmes ae lng tem orie ntd ad becme a n mporatmpeusfor te wirk T-w" sould hhae te e knds of consc I use - "two" stdy adld m ain,basc lar I ing lie s i te doing. Ony the C.nst on aideis the seie s of paryrue
47、 sand do sol d wk, be qualfed parym - bes had asld ieol ogcabais. Oy the "lari ng" and "d" rea uity to form a "ean l ean do-o" te VIuus cceand utmaey acetePud-etaobectve of educaion. T hs equirsthatt he OrgaiainHoi(2)报警,输入案件的编号、时间、内容,输入完毕显示用户已经报警。S3 'C': ;Doi ur
48、rientSettlngsAdministrator,臬面,新建文件夹Q巳buq实时监-口四、上机调试过程曾经出现的错误:(1)在定义结构体的时候,把时间和内容定义的是字符串,但是在主函数中却编写 scanf("%d%c%c",&x->data .num,&x->data .time,&x->data .matter);,导致程序出现死循环的情况。(2)在查找函数中,要求用户输入按照1、按编号,2、按时间查找,程序里有一个if() 语句,我一开始将里面的条件设为if(n=1),if(拿)这样编写以后程序还是能够运行,但是程序有一个漏
49、洞,就是当你报警一次再出警一次之后,链表里应该没有了之前的记录,如果再出一次警应该显示“没有信息”,但是实际上再出一次警之后,程序就不能正常显示了。最后仔细查看之后将if里的条件改为if(n=1&&p!=NULL),考虑到了若出警的链表 A为空的 情况。五、测试结果及其分析。(1)首先出现菜单界面31 1t! Documents and Settings'-dmIn应情治0” 真而、薪建文件夹、Debug、实时瞌(3)再次报警,多次报警的话会出现警告,提示未处理的信息过多。Learn General Se ceay on "two to earn a"
50、; sen_glhenig fu C.nsco.seT mporant seech cause da strong recin in t he county.Ime, wacig"ed teasue", te orgin ofbuidi ng te party bak t opwe, how to stegtesevie masses"”ve party ches on, fghtig tbecme the grass roots party members a nd ma sses Gass roots pay organlains "two"
51、; s tsenglei the sevceof pay members and - d - .the pi oneer spilt. Dstiuin of gassroot s party oga nlains i a l waks 0”“e,coting,sei>e, whi ch belongs tte nerve endi i gs of the pay orgaizton ad commens eputain has a diec per-pi masses.Stegghe the pay aead of te "e da" spirit; sengt he
52、t he party membersa. cades、 d es not have tbe me" a. "teat bear ha - h、* the last to" se-iesat tsette parys posiv e mage - ong te pe ople i s mprtant Gass roots paay organlatons "wo" s to - nse apeope not ha| py not t-e、teetyes", 一 , ste 'onnstfalul diget la* fr t h
53、e pe ople No nne d t avi d me that some m - besof our pa,,cannot sa id te、onny" crosin of ttmptaton, tin,Xu Zhou, such abuue and cr upt brier y maanne bores and ras. Two, is to ceaup, thi,tu, Zhou' soUtI ntes ire the pays fresa nd naural sold a nd hones w ok syl.Cjeasig "ae, ea, cad&qu
54、ot;und - abl e ad be hhviur "c oss had and cl d, push" attde Gas roots pary ogaizai ons "" s to ste ngte n te se nne of ord lay pay membes patcia'gt ncnsc oosnes, u cnnciuses. For resons know n, membes of grssr 00s pay branhe s les m obie, sresuc and te conductary ogai.ns ha&
55、lt;esme ig. Tw os . ies i s tfoous onte ga-r 00s | ay brace s、o - st looe"pr-em,a ane te pary m- bes ad cadre,、gag w okig", "Hong Kng eport"Stog ceaup a cins syeadrrmbl ng prelumptuous "u_aled" pay membesppy s speca atet on t pay membes a nd ca disji ning pay of toug&qu
56、ot;prob .,ay buiding" is obta nnd i I the l ongtem develpmet of ou payshistri ca experiencelccmula Two i s our pay uder the newhistri cl cnditons, sre ngte I the parys cnsr ucton of a ne w"rc.icain mov-et"Grssroots pay orgaizai ons sould awasca cte had w ok,reu-o-nte d. Two e - caina
57、outcmes are lng tem orie ntd ad becme a n importat impeus for te wirk T-w" sould hhae tre e knds ofconnsc I use - "two" stdy adld m ain,basc lar I ing lies i te doing. Ony the C.nst on aidreist he seie s of party rue sand do sol d wk, be qualfed party mimbers had asld ieol ogca bais.
58、Oy the "lari ng" and、 o"rea uit y to form a "ean l ean do-o" te Vrtuus cceand utmaey acieve te ludimeta objectve of educaion. T his equirsthatt he Orgaiain统二 军一 警一 反.-控1-2-监®W接心»也请莪ft曲出欢迎使请摘人,编号 己假警?内容:2 2013.1.2 lose充紧 - 男-一 这 一= 一 - 登三一- f 一一穴工-ij 1 2监最心»也请嚣
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