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1、GOLF球场基本英语词汇高尔夫golf、 球场course、球道fairway、沙坑bunker、球洞hole、会所clubhouse、接包处bag drop、前台接待reception、前台收银cashier、专卖店pro-shop、大堂吧lobby bar、礼宾部guest service、餐厅restaurant、出发台starter、更衣室locker room、洗手间toilet、电话telephone、传真fax.、销售部sales department 、人事部human resources、总经理general manager、部门经理department manager、高尔

2、夫球golf ball、球杆golf club、球架tee、太阳帽cap、雨伞umbrella、防晒油suntan oil、sunscreen果岭green 、球童caddie、球车golf cart、教练coach、练习场driving range、练习果岭practice green、司机driver、穿梭吧shuttle bus、穿梭吧时刻表shuttle bus time table( bus schedule)球鞋golf shoes 、球包golf bag、球包牌bag tag、酒店hotel、衣柜locker、前台英语员工:您好,先生,请问有预约吗?Have you made a

3、ny booking (Do you have any reservation ), Sir?客人:有的。Yes.员工:请问您共来了几位? For how many people?客人:四位 Four in all.员工:请在这里登记姓名客人Please sign your name here.客人:所有的客人都要登记吗? OK. Do all the guests need to check in?员工:是的,我们会给他们每人发一本消费本。Yes, we will give an IC card to each of them.员工:请问您需要更衣柜吗? Do you need a lock

4、er.客人:是的,请给我一个。 Yes, I need one.员工:这是您的消费卡和更衣柜钥匙,请拿好。Here are your IC cards and locker keys.客人:请问我的大件行李可以寄存在这里吗? Can I leave my large luggage here?员工:可以,在礼宾部办理手续。yes, please go to guest service客人:我太太能够跟我下场走走吗?Could my wife come along with me on the course?员工:可以,但要收取参观费。Yes, but we will charge the ac

5、company fee?客人:参观费是多少 How much for it ?员工: 480元/人;收费标准请看这里的价目表。RMB480 for each. Heres our tariff.客人:我需要球杆和球鞋,怎么办理I need clubs and a pair of golf shoes. Where can I get them?员工:球鞋在更衣室可以租到;租球杆请到出发台。S: Shoes can be rented in locker room. Clubs can be rented from the starter.客人: 请问餐厅在哪里? Where is the re

6、staurant?员工: 请往前直走就到了This way ,please.客人:请问更衣室怎么走?How to get to the locker room?员工:请下到一楼往左/右边走。Go downstairs and turn left/right, please.客人:我想打个电话Can I use the phone please.( Can I make a phone call please?)员工:请到礼宾部,那里可以打外线Yes. Please to the guest service, they have outside line call.收银岗位英语培训客人:我要付帐

7、。I want to pay the bill员工:请问您怎么付?How would you like to pay?客人:由我统一付打球费用,吃饭的费用我们各自付。G: Ill take the bill for the expenses of playing. We go Dutch for the meal.员工:请把您的消费卡给我好吗?Could I have your IC card? please客人:好的,我们每位要付多少?G: OK, here you are. Could you tell me the payment for each person?员工:总费用是4800元

8、,按4人平均分,每位应付1200元。S: Sure. 4,800 RMB in total. For four peoples, that is 1,200 RMB each.客人:请问能用港币结帐吗Can I pay by HK Dollar?员工:对不起,只能用人民币和美元结帐Im sorry, sir, but we only accept RMB and US Dollars.员工:您今天怎么结帐?用现金、信用卡或签单? S: How are you going to pay? By cash, credit card, or do you have an account in the

9、 club?客人:信用卡。Credit card please员工:对不起,这张信用卡不能用,能换其他银行的卡吗?S: Sorry, sir, we couldnt get through with this card. Do you have other cards?客人:那付现金吧。Ill pay by cash then.员工:请问您需要打印消费明细和出具发票吗?S: Do you like a copy of your expense in detail and invoice?客人:好的,我看一下Yes, please.员工:这是您的消费单,请确认各项消费明细 This is you

10、r expense details, please check it.客人:好的,没问题。OK, no problem.员工:这是您的发票,请收好。 Heres your invoice.客人:谢谢。顺便问一下,你们这里可以换零钱吗?G: Thanks. By the way, Can I have some small changes?员工:可以,请问换多少?Certainly, Sir. How much would you like to change?客人:100美元。100 U.S dollars.客人:今天美元的汇率是多少?What is the exchange rate of

11、U.S dollars today?员工:今天的汇率是1:7.3。 Its 1 for 7.3 RMB today.宾客台岗位英语培训客人:你好,我想参观了解你们球会。Hello, Could I visit your course?员工:请问你有预约吗? Did you make the reservation?客人:有,我约好你们公关经理,10:30过来参观。G: Yes, I booked with your public relation manager员工:稍等片刻,我帮你通知他/她Wait a moment please, I call her/him for you 客人:你好,

12、我想了解你们会所,你能给简单介绍吗?G: Can you please tell something about your club house员工:好的,你跟我来,我给你一一介绍, S: Yes. Follow me please, I would show you something about our club house 客人:非常感谢你的接待Thank you very much for your help客人:我想打18洞,请你告诉我怎么收费好吗?G: How much for play 18 holes员工:好的,我给你一份我们的价格表S: Oh, This is our pri

13、ce list, green fee is RMB1200/each, and caddy fee is RMB200/each, cart feeis 130/double, single is 180/each, the facilities service fee is RMB200/each, locker is RNB30/each, insurance fee is RMB5/each客人:能给折扣价吗?, Can you give a better price?员工:你等一下我帮你申请,我们可以给你一个优惠的套餐,价格是人民币880,S: Wait a moment please

14、. I request a package for you, RMB880/each, included green fee caddy fee and cart fee, 客人:好的,谢谢OK. Thank you 客人:我有问题想投诉,请问谁受理?G: Excuse me, I would like to make a complaint . Can you help me ?员工:你好,是我们受理的,请问你有什么问题请告诉我们,并请留下你的电话或者是地址/邮箱/电子邮箱,我们会快将处理的结果反馈给你,谢谢S: Yes sir/madam, 客人:现在有班车吗?Do you have sh

15、uttle buses to hotel?员工:有的,每整点和半点有一趟。Yes, every 30 minutes 客人:请问回酒店的班车几点发车?G: Would you please tell me what time the bus will leave for the hotel?员工:最早一趟是上午10:30。S: The first bus is 10:30AM.客人:请问有班车时刻表吗?G: Do you have the bus schedule?员工:有的,请拿好。S: Yes, here you are.客人:班车几点从酒店发来球场。G: What time do the

16、 buses depart from the hotel to the club?员工:最早可以安排在7:30,您所在的酒店必须至少提前一小时向球会预订。S: The first bus stared from 7:30am, you should book before one hour from your hotel员工:久等啦,我们非常愿意帮您保管您的行李。S: Sorry to keep you waiting. Well take care of it for you, sir.专卖店日常英语员工:我能帮到您什么吗? May I help you?客人:我要买一盒球。G: Id li

17、ke to have a box of balls.员工:球在那一边,请问您想买什么牌子的? Golf balls are over there. Which brand would you like?G: 客人:有耐克的吗?Do you have Nike?员工:那就是。Yes, over there.客人:多少钱一盒?How much is for one box?员工:300元。S: RMB 300.客人:请问有T卖吗?Do you have Tees?员工:有呀,在这边。Yes, over there.客人:有更短一些的吗?Are there tees a little shorter

18、?员工:有,这就是。Yes, Here you are.客人:这一盒多少钱?How much?员工:20元。RMB 20 per pack客人:有质量好一些的手套吗?Are there gloves in good quality?员工:这个牌子的质量很好。This brand is good at quality.客人:这双手套多少钱? How much is one pair?员工:270元。RMB 270.客人:T恤衫有大吗的吗? Do you have large size T-shirt?员工:有,XXL。Yes, e have size XXL.客人:有没有BCLN最新款式的球衫? Is there the latest style shirt of BCLN.员工:有。您看这件款式如何? Yes, sir. How do you like this one?客人:就买这件。OK, I will take this one. Please wrap it up for me.员工:要试穿一下吗?试衣间在哪边。Do you want to try it ? fitting room is over there员工:您还想要点别的吗? Any thing else客人:有开球用的彩球吗? Do yo


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