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1、七年级下册Unit 2 Travelling around the world一单词1. _ n.法国2. _ adj.法国的3. _n.旗帜4. _ n.葡萄酒5. _ v.标记号,打上钩6. _ adj.可能的7. _ n.欧洲8. _ n.(大型)百货商店9. _ n.葡萄酒10. _ adj.优秀的11. _ n.南部,南方12. _ v.位于,坐落在13. _ n.海岸,海滨14. _ adj.完美的15. _ v.更喜欢16. _ v.滑雪17. _ n.塔18. _ v.完成19. _ n.电梯,升降机20. _ n.台阶21. _ n.楼梯22. _ n.接受者23. _ n.

2、日期24. _ n.问候25. _ n.地址 二短语1. 的首都 _2. 以而著名 _3. 百货商店 _4. 更喜欢 _5. 名胜 _6. 例如 _7. 在的中心_8. 在海边_9. 装满,充满_10. 乘坐电梯_11. 下楼 _12. 去度假 _13. 去观光 _14. 向一边倾斜 _15. 以(身份)而著名 _16. 对关闭 _17. 至少 _18. 走上,登上_3 知识点归纳1. be famous for与be famous as be famous for :_, 后接普通名词。 be famous as : _,后接表示身份或职业的名词。 广州以各种各样漂亮的鲜花而有名。 _. 宋

3、祖英以歌手的身份而著名。 _.2. prefer 的用法 prefer 意为“更喜欢,宁愿”,相当于like better 。 prefer sth “更喜欢某物” 我更喜欢英语。 _. prefer to do sth /prefer doing sth “宁愿做某事,更喜欢做某事” 我更喜欢打篮球。_ = _3. try 的用法 try 意为“努力,尝试” try to do sth :_ 他会努力学好英语。 _. try doing sth :_ 你为什么不常使用这把钥匙去开门? _?4. It is not only beautiful, but also strange . not

4、only.but also : _,可以连接两个相同词类的单词。 他不但擅长英语,而且擅长数学。 _. not only.but also .连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要与but also后面的主语保持一致。 不但我的朋友就连我也乐意帮助你。 _. 不但他就连他的孩子们也将去公园。 _. 5.Over the years, the tower has continued to lean further. continue :_,后面可以接动词不定式或,动词-ing 形式。 句型为:_或_ 几年以后,他继续学习法语。 _.6. It reopened in 2001. reopen 意

5、为_, 有前缀re-加open 构成,前缀re-表示“再,重新”之意,常附加在一些动词之前。 重读 _ 重建 _ 重写 _ 7. It is very different from the buildings in . be different from 意为_,反义词为_ 你的书包与她的不同。 _.8. The Tower of Pisa is one of the most beautiful bell towers in Italy. one of +形容词最高级+名词复数:_. 中国是世界上最大的国家之一。 _.4 语法(专有名词&连词and,but also的用法) 1.专有

6、名词 专有名词: 表示特定的人名、地名、星期、月份、节假日或组织机构名称(第一个字母要大写) 人名:Jenny Smith 地名:China Asia the Great Wall (专有名词如果是含有普通名词的短语,则必须使用定冠词the) 头衔:Doctor Black 布莱克医生 组织机构名称: the United Nations 联合国 星期:Tuesday Friday 月份:January March 节假日:Christmas the Spring Festival 2.连词and,but also (1). and用来连接两个并列的成分 She sings and dance

7、s very well. 她唱歌跳舞都很好。 My tall friend is handsome, intelligent and strong. 我的那个高个子朋友长得英俊,头脑聪明,身体又强壮。 (2). but连接两个意思转折的概念。 She is not my cousin, but my sister. 她不是我表妹,而是我亲妹妹。 (3). so表示因果关系,连接表示因果的句子。在一个句子中不能同时出现because和so. These buildings were over 50 years old, so they were not strong enough. 这些建筑物已

8、有50多年的历史,因此不够坚固。 = _.练习题.语法题 一、选择题 ( )1.He never works _. A on Saturdays B on saturday C in Saturdays D in Saturday ( )2._ are not at home but in France now. A The Smith B Mr Smith C Mrs Smith D The Smiths ( )3.The United States _ in North America. A lay B lie C lies D lied ( )4.My sister _ went to

9、visit _ in Beijing last weekend. A Jenny, the great wall B jenny, the Great Wall C jenny, the great wall D Jenny, the Great Wall ( )5.The _ is a famous newspaper in the _. A Guardian, UK B Guardian,uk C guardian ,UK D guardian,uk ( )6.In _, _White is going to attend an important meeting abroad. A Ju

10、ne ,doctor B June,Doctor C june,doctor D june, Doctor 二、用and,but或so完成下列句子 1. She is tall _thin. 2. The man in blue is my father _he is a doctor. 3. Jim is seventy years old,_ he is still very active. 4.Jack comes from the US_ he is thirteen years old. 5.He is not my friend _ my enemy. 6.The door was

11、 locked, _ we couldnt get in. 7.It is very cold, _ wear a heavy coat when you do out. .综合题 一、单词拼写 1. New York is a city on the east c_ of the USA. 2. The p_ job for her is to be a nurse because she is so careful and patient. 3. Which do you p_,coffer or tea? 4. If you go to F_,dont forget to visit t

12、he Eiffel Tower . 5.The Smiths visited E _ during the summer holidays. They went to six countries such as the UK and Germany. 6. Shall we go s_ on the mountains of the French Alps this year? 7. Hong Kong is an e_ place for shopping . 8. If you want to drive home after dinner,please dont any w_. 9.Ou

13、r school l_ between the post office and the supermarket. 10.Hainan Island is s_ of Guangdong Provint. 11.When you f_your homework,you can relax yourself for a while. 12.The l_ helps us go to the top of a tall building easily. 13.Please bring my g _to your parents.I will visit them next week. 14.You

14、forget to write the d_ here. 15.Excuse me ,can you tell me Wendys a_.二、根据中文意思完成句子 1.华盛顿是美国的首都。 Washington D.C is _ _ _ the USA. 2.这周末为什么不去参观颐和园呢? _ _ visit the Summer Palace this weekend? 3.北京以它古老的名胜古迹例如长城和故宫而著名。 Beijing _ _ _ its ancient places of interest such as the Great Wall and the Palace Muse

15、um. 4.东京是一个拥有许多百货商店的城市,因此每年许多游客去那里购物。 Tokyo is a city with many _ _ ,so a lot of tourists go there to shop every year. 5.他更喜欢呆在家 He _ _ _ at home. 6.广州有许多名胜。 There are many _ _ _ in Guangzhou. 7.广州图书馆在广州的中心。 The Guangzhou Library is _ _ _ _Guangzhou. 8.你可以乘电梯去他的办公室。 You can _ _ _ to his office. 9.将来

16、我想要成为一名老师。 I want to be a teacher _ _ _. 10.一年级至少有四百名学生。 There are _ _ four hundred students in Grade One. 11.春节期间你要到哪儿度假呢? Where will you _ _ _ during the Spring Festival. 12.大多数人都喜欢观光。 Most people enjoy _ _. 13.看!那棵树向一边倾斜了。 Look!The tree _ _ _ _. 14.莫言以作家的身份而闻名。 Mo Yan _ _ _ a writer. 15.李老师不仅是我们的

17、英语老师,还是我们的好朋友。 Miss Li is _ _ our Chinese teacher _ _ our good friend. 16.我的弟弟对下棋很感兴趣。 My brother _ _ _ playing chess.三、单项选择 ( )1._ London is _capital of the UK. A The.the B /.the C /.a D The.a ( )2.Those places of interest in Beijing attract a lot of tourists every year.People are interested in _ve

18、ry much.A it B its C they D them ( )3.You may take the _ to go if you really enjoy shopping for expensive things.A steps B underground C lift D car ( )4.Phuket lies quiet close to the sea,_ many tourists go there for its beautiful beaches and swim there.A and B but C or D so ( )5.I like English and

19、Maths very much, _Im not very good at them.A and B but C or D so ( )6.If you go to Beijing ,you will find many famous interesting places_ the Great Wall and the Palace Museum.A such as B For example C because of D full of ( )7.People in Switzerland enjoy _ during the winter holiday.A ski B to ski C

20、skiing D skies ( )8.Which of the following underlined parts has a different sound from the other three?A January B China C orange D bridge ( )9.We have a five-day holiday._ go to Xiamen together.A Lets B What about C Why not D How about ( )10.It _ me 12 hours to fly to Canada from Guangzhou last yea

21、r.A spent B cost C took D takes ( )11.China is a country _ a long history.A has B have C there is D with ( )12.I live _ my school, so I must get up early and ride to school every day.A far away B far away from C far away to D away from 、阅读理解A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a y

22、ear. You may fail (不及格)in the exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English. Speak in English whenever(无论何时)you can. A few days before the exam you sh

23、ould go to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper(试卷), try to understand the exact(确切的) meaning of each question. When you have finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct(改正) the mistakes if there are any, and be sure that you have not


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