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1、音标教学音标教学 单元音,双元音 本课学习目标:本课学习目标: 二十六个字母的正确发音 学习长元音,短元音,双元音 学习基本的音标构词法The Alphabet字母表字母表Alphabetical letters stepsv1、hello hl v2、class kl:s, v3、my mai v4、name neim v5、is iz, z v. v6、Miss mis . n.v7、good ud adj. v8、morning m:niv9、good morning v10、* afternoon ,:ft:nu:n i: e, ee, ea, ie, ei, eo A: Tea or

2、 coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. i i, e, y, ey His little sister is sitting in the middle. he see, read, piece, ceiling, peopleis, English, busy, moneyv er, a, ev The farmers sister is a doctor.v : ir, ur orv The early bird catches the worm first.clever, ruler, panda, opengirl, pur

3、ple, work v o, uv Come to the front on the double.va: ar, av Its far to the farm from the park.love, colour, us, duckhalf, class, park, hardv e e, ea, ai v Good, better, best. Never let it rest. v Till good is better. And better best.v a v Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!red, then, head, againhat, ba

4、g, can, apple ? o, a The little pot is so hot. ?:or, a, au, ar My daughter whos forty-four is a lawyer. shop, sorry, watch, whatmorning, call, autumn, warmv 发这个音的字母和字母组合发这个音的字母和字母组合o av o: fox coffee dog shop dogv doctor longv a: watch v根据发音规则,找出发根据发音规则,找出发:的的2个单词写在个单词写在后面的横线上。后面的横线上。v 1.doctor teac

5、her box clothesv 2.cold zoo clock dogv 3.love boss lot violinv 4.watch beach fox girl: 发这个音的字母和字母组合发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor a: water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall or:horse corn fork or short oor:floor door根据发音规则,找出发根据发音规则,找出发:的的1个单词个单词。 1.tall bird bread poor 2.idea chair sport hare 3.cake bear

6、walk cup 4.drink short bag milk vu oov Look at the cookbook. Its really good.vu: oo, u, ou, oev How do you do? You look really cool.football, classroom, booksoon, ruler, soup, shoeu: 发这个音的字母和字母组合发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui v o: do who whosev oo: food moon toov ui: fruit juicev u: ruler rude v根据发音规则,找出不发根据发音

7、规则,找出不发u:的单词。的单词。v 1. juice moon zoo panda v 2. tooth broom eye spoonv 3. head boot noodles pool v 4. noon cool boot watchvu发这个音的字母和字母组合发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo uv o:woman wolfv oo:look good book foot woodv u:bull bulletv根据发音规则,选出与其它单词元音发音根据发音规则,选出与其它单词元音发音不相同的单词。不相同的单词。v 1.mouth book look pull v 2.push tap

8、e sugar footv 3.wood kind wolf bull v 4.bullet wood cook nameei a, ai, ay, ea, ei Rain, rain go away. Little Johnny wants to play.ai i, y Out of sight, out of mind.?i oy, oi Soybean oil is my choice.game, rain, play, greatfive, idea, try, goodbyeboy, toy, point, oilv u o, oa, ow, vGo and open the wi

9、ndow, Joe, and show me the photo.v au ou, ow vI found a mouse in the house.old, hello, coat, showabout, round, down, town i ear, eer, ea We are near the end of the year. ere, air, are, eir Where there is a will, there is a way. u ure, our Its sure to be good for the tourists. Poor tour!hear, year, d

10、eer, reallythere, chair, careful, theirsure, tour, poor, February音标音标i: i : 练习练习1. 找出下列没有相同发音的词。找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) hefeet bread green ( ) pig is dog ship ( ) thirtybird her food ( ) shebig in money ( ) sweetsfish teacher we ( ) teachersisteraboutgirl ( ) tigerfirstworkshirt ( ) treebeancleanchin ( )

11、fatherdoctorskirt china ( ) happyseasitpicture2. 读音标写单词。读音标写单词。 bi: b:d si: swi:t bizi h: dkt sist li:f hi: 3. 连线。连线。 meat : thirsty i: driver animal i:v音标音标a: e 练习练习v一抄写音标,一个抄写一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。遍。v a:: : : e:_v二选出下列没有相同发音的词。二选出下列没有相同发音的词。v ( ) 1. car arm food gardenv ( ) 2. true jump bus cut v ( ) 3. ba

12、g short map flagv ( ) 4. egg pen head smallv ( ) 5. got clock bell dogv ( ) 6. rabbit book wood footv ( ) 7. rat bat apple tenv ( ) 8. gun star duck monegv三三. 写出单词或音标。写出单词或音标。v pa:st ru:m swet sitv ft gt cp sh:t v bag car bus bread star head音标音标: u: u练习练习一抄写音标,一个抄写一抄写音标,一个抄写10遍遍,一边抄写一边读。一边抄写一边读。 u:

13、u:: : ::_ 二找出下列没有相同发音的词。二找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) moonfood eat fruit ( ) truebookwoodlook ( ) foursmallwalk bird ( ) gotclockshopshirt ( ) busfootpush book ( ) lostball long ox ( ) rulerdog mooncake blue ( ) bigship horse itv音标音标ei ai i au练习练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。 vei: ai: i: au:_ 二. 选出下列没有发相同发音的词v ( ) 1. cake egg

14、 rain Mayv ( ) 2. kite cry broom flyv ( ) 3. boy joy cat noisev ( ) 4. blouse sun cow housev ( ) 5. tower flower mouth arm三. 读音标,将下列单词补充完整或写出字母,单 词的音标。v klaud set kin kr:s c_ _ _d s_ _ c_ _n cr_ _s flg trein desk smail f_ _g tr_ _n d_ _ _ s_ _levAa Kk Ii Yy vhi boy cow nowvtoy bike house myvcake face how nice音标u i e u的练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。 u: i: e: u:_ 二. 选出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) 1. mouth coat goat window ( ) 2. dear beer cake teac


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