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1、更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/特别推荐名师指津-高中英语考点测评软件!涵盖高中英语全部考点,科学测评掌握程度,让你心中有数!是高中英语学习必备工具!推广期间凭此信息,包邮优惠,并送名师指津全套高中英语教辅课件!5套起,更可7.5折优惠!不要等到考试后才后悔!(点击查看详情)名师指津-听说考试好易通(考前仿真特训版+考纲话题通用版)名师指津-广东高考英语命题揭秘与专题练析(原创版+精华版)名师指津-高中英语课课击破(必修一 至 选修八)名师指津-广东高中英语总复习1. _ n. 缺点;不利条件缺点;不利条件2. _ n. 突破突破3. _ n. 程序;步骤程序;步骤4.

2、_ n. 媒介;手段媒介;手段 (pl.)5. _ vt. 获得;赢得获得;赢得obtain obtain drawbackdrawbackbreakthroughbreakthroughprocedureprocedure mediamedia 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/6. _ vt. 欠;归功于欠;归功于7. _ vi. 退休;离开退休;离开8. _ vt. 打扰;操心;烦扰打扰;操心;烦扰9. _ vt. 抵抗;对抗抵抗;对抗10. _ vt. 禁止;不准禁止;不准forbid forbid oweoweretireretirebotherbotherres

3、istresist更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/11. _ adj. 合情理合情理 的的; 讲道理的讲道理的; 公道的公道的12. _ adj. 精确的精确的13. _ adj. 道德道德(上上)的的14. _ adv. 立刻立刻; 不久不久15. _ adv. 仅仅; 只只; 不过不过merely merely reasonablereasonableexactexactmoralmoralshortlyshortly更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/1. _ vi. 不赞成不赞成; 反对反对 _ n. 不赞成不赞成; 反对反对objectiono

4、bjection objectobject二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生 2. _ v. 积累积累; 聚积聚积 _ n. 积累积累; 聚积聚积accumulateaccumulateaccumulationaccumulation更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/3. _ vt. 调节调节; 规定规定 _ n. 规则规则; 规章规章; 法规法规4. _ vi. 不同不同; 相异相异 _ adj. 不同的不同的 _ n. 不同不同; 差异差异differencedifference regulateregulateregulationregulationdi

5、fferdifferdifferentdifferent更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/5. _ adj. 能;有能力的能;有能力的 _ vt. 使使能够能够 _ adj. 不会的不会的, 不能够的不能够的; _ n. 能力能力 _ adj. 残废的残废的, 残疾的残疾的 _ n. 残废残废; 残疾残疾disabilitydisabilityableableenableenableunableunableabilityabilitydisableddisabled更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/6. _vt. 假定假定, 设想设想; 认为认为 _ n

6、. 假定假定, 设想设想(B) 灵活运用灵活运用 1. His plan of finding a job after high school met with fierce _ (object) from his family.1. 名词作介词名词作介词with的宾语。的宾语。objectionobjectionassumptionassumptionassumeassume更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/2. Anyone who fails to obey the school _ (regulate) will be punished.2. 名词作动词名词作动词o

7、bey的宾语。的宾语。3. As a saying goes, “Details make the _ (different)”. 3. 名词作动词名词作动词make的宾语。正如一的宾语。正如一句谚语所说:句谚语所说:“细节决定成败细节决定成败”。regulationsregulations differencedifference更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/4. Reading more _ (able) us to improve our sense of language.4. 动词作谓语动词作谓语, 一般现在时一般现在时, 主语是第三主语是第三人称单数人称单数

8、。5. It has long been _ (assume) that the globe is becoming warmer and warmer. 5. 过去分词作表语过去分词作表语。enablesenables assumedassumed更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/三、短语翻译三、短语翻译 1. _ 沮丧沮丧; 不愉快不愉快2. _ 赞成;支持赞成;支持3. _ 一定或注定一定或注定(做做)4. _ 白费力气白费力气; 枉费心机枉费心机in vain in vain cast downcast downin favor ofin favor of(bebe

9、)bound tobound to(dodo)更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/5. _ 使复生使复生; 使复活使复活6. _得到好结果得到好结果; 取得成功取得成功7. _不时不时; 偶尔偶尔8. _状况很好状况很好(坏坏)in good/poor condition in good/poor condition bring back to lifebring back to lifepay offpay offfrom time to timefrom time to time更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/9. _ 将将归功于归功于10. _ 使

10、使能够能够(做做)11. _ 反对反对12. _ 由于由于owing to owing to owetoowetoenableto (do)enableto (do)object toobject to更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: You owe the lady an apology. 你应该向这位女士道歉。你应该向这位女士道歉。(B8 P13)例句例句: Im not rich but I dont owe anybody any money.我不富有但我不我不富有但我不欠任何人钱。欠任何人钱。1.

11、owe vt. 欠欠; 感激感激; 应给予应给予; 应该应该把把归功于归功于更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/搭配搭配owe sb. sth.欠某人某物欠某人某物owe sth. to sb.把某事归功于某人把某事归功于某人owe it to sb. that把把归功于某人归功于某人owing to (=because of)由于由于更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 我的成功应该归功于我的父母和老师我的成功应该归功于我的父母和老师。I _ my parents and teachers. 由于玩太多的

12、电脑游戏由于玩太多的电脑游戏, 越来越多的越来越多的学生患上了近视学生患上了近视。_, more and more students develop shortsightedness. owed my success toowed my success to Owing to playing computer games too Owing to playing computer games toooften更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句 .proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and excitement i

13、nto peoples hearts. 证明了这一想证明了这一想法使人们感到既兴奋又恐惧。法使人们感到既兴奋又恐惧。(B8 P15)2. strike vt.&vi. 打打, 打击打击; 罢工罢工; 敲敲; 打动打动更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/例句例句: What my teacher said at that time struck a feeling of love and care into my little heart. 那时候老师所说的话使那时候老师所说的话使我幼小的心灵感受到了关爱。我幼小的心灵感受到了关爱。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指

14、津:http:/搭配搭配 strike into ones heart使使刻骨刻骨铭心铭心It strikes me that我突然想到我突然想到be on strike 在罢工在罢工说明说明: strike-struck-struck更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/理解理解 I left directly the clock struck twelve. ( _ ) It suddenly struck me that we could use a computer to do the job. (_) A massive earthquake struck Sichu

15、an in the afternoon. (_ )敲了敲了12下下(12点整点整)我突然想到我突然想到 袭击袭击/打击打击更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Some began to reform their legal system and forbade research into human cloning,一些国家开始通过改革他们的一些国家开始通过改革他们的法律体系来禁止进行克隆人类的研究。法律体系来禁止进行克隆人类的研究。(B8 P12)3. forbid vt. 禁止;妨碍,阻止禁止;妨碍,阻止例句例句: The new law forbids sm

16、oking in the office.新法规禁止在办公室抽烟。新法规禁止在办公室抽烟。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/搭配搭配 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事禁止做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事Its forbidden to do sth. 做某事是禁止的做某事是禁止的联想联想: (1) forbid-forbade-forbidden (2) the Forbidden City 紫禁城紫禁城; 故宫故宫更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句

17、子。(1) 现在很多动物园都禁止游客给动物拍照现在很多动物园都禁止游客给动物拍照。Now many zoos _ _. 上课时禁止随意进出教室上课时禁止随意进出教室。_ at ones will in class. Its forbidden to go in or out Its forbidden to go in or outforbid tourists to takeforbid tourists to takephotos of animalsphotos of animals更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: But at last the dete

18、rmination and patience of the scientists paid off in 1996 with a breakthrough the cloning of Dolly the sheep. 但是科学家但是科学家的决心和耐心最终得到了回报。这就是的决心和耐心最终得到了回报。这就是1996年具有突破性的克隆羊年具有突破性的克隆羊“多莉多莉”的诞的诞生。生。(B8 P11)4. pay off 还清还清(债务债务); 取得成功取得成功, 得到回报得到回报更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/例句例句: In the past few months the

19、ir efforts have begun to pay off. 在过去在过去几个月几个月, 他们的努力开始得到回报。他们的努力开始得到回报。说明说明: 注意过去式和过去分词的拼写注意过去式和过去分词的拼写pay-paid-paid比较比较 pay back偿还(债务);报答偿还(债务);报答更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 当他被一所重点大学录取时当他被一所重点大学录取时, 他他12年的努年的努力终于得到了回报力终于得到了回报。His twelve years of hard work _ when he _ a k

20、ey university. 我们要好好读书我们要好好读书, 以报答父母的养育之恩以报答父母的养育之恩。We must study hard in order to _ our parents love.pay backpay back paid offpaid offwas admitted towas admitted to更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Dollys death, like her birth, was bound to raise worries. 多莉的死多莉的死, 就就像它的出生一样像它的出生一样, 注定会带来忧虑注定会带来忧虑。(

21、B8 P14)例句例句: Look at the sky. It is bound to rain this afternoon.看看天就知道今天下看看天就知道今天下午一定会下雨午一定会下雨。5. be bound to 必然必然; 一定要一定要更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 更加勤奋地学习必然能使你取得更大进更加勤奋地学习必然能使你取得更大进步步。Harder work _ enable you to _. 一个人只要尽力而为就一定会成功一个人只要尽力而为就一定会成功。A man _ _ as long as he

22、tries his best. is bound to succeed/be is bound to succeed/be successfulsuccessfulis bound tois bound tomake greater progressmake greater progress更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/例句例句: Not everyone was in favour of the reform and opening-up policy at that moment.当时并不是所有人都赞当时并不是所有人都赞成实施改革开放政策。成实施改革开放政策。6.

23、in favour of支持支持; 赞同赞同; 有利于有利于原句原句: Is it in favour of cloning or against it? 它是赞同克隆还是反对呢?它是赞同克隆还是反对呢?(B8 P12)更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/联想联想: do sb. a favour帮某人帮某人忙忙;给某人以恩惠给某人以恩惠派生派生: favourite adj. 特别喜特别喜爱的爱的 n. 特别喜爱的人或事物特别喜爱的人或事物更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 我十分赞同作者在文中所提到的

24、观点我十分赞同作者在文中所提到的观点。 _ what the author mentions in the passage. 没有什么比帮助别人更能使我高兴了没有什么比帮助别人更能使我高兴了。Nothing can make me happier than _. to do someone a favour to do someone a favour Im firmly in favour ofIm firmly in favour of更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Then came the dist

25、urbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.接接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。(B8 P12)1. Then came the news that接着接着传来了传来了的消息的消息(倒装句倒装句)更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/例句例句: Then came the good news that he was admitted to Sun Yat-sen University.接着传来了他被中山大学接着传来了他被中山大学录取的好消息。录取的好消息。说明说明: 本句型是一种倒装句式:本句型是一种倒装句

26、式:then (now, soon, there, here等等)+ 不及不及物动词物动词(一般时态一般时态) + 主语主语(名词名词)更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。 突然传来了他父亲病重的沮丧消息突然传来了他父亲病重的沮丧消息,而医生最终没能救活他。而医生最终没能救活他。Suddenly came the depressing news that _ and doctors _.his father was seriously sickhis father was seriously sickfailed to b

27、ring himfailed to bring himback to lifeback to life更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ 后来传来了令人振奋的消后来传来了令人振奋的消息息:我们班赢了接力赛。我们班赢了接力赛。Then came the exciting news that our class won the relay race.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: The initial requirement is that you need perfect DNA which gives information for ho

28、w cells are to grow.首先要求你有完好的首先要求你有完好的DNA, 以提供有以提供有关细胞将如何生长的信息。关细胞将如何生长的信息。(B8 P15)2. The requirement is that (should) do 要求是要求是要做要做更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/例句例句: The only requirement is that applicants (should) be at least 18 years old. 唯一的要求是申请者应至少满唯一的要求是申请者应至少满18岁。岁。提示提示: 表示说话人愿望表示说话人愿望(wish/de

29、sire)、建、建议议(suggestion/advice)、要求、要求(requirement/ demand)、命令、命令(order/command)等的名词等的名词,其后的表语其后的表语/同位语从句的谓语动词用同位语从句的谓语动词用(should)+ do。should可以省略。可以省略。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/仿写仿写 老师的建议是我们要相互合老师的建议是我们要相互合作作, 共同进步。共同进步。The teachers advice is that we (should) team up with each other and make progress

30、 together.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ 学校要求我们在校期间必须学校要求我们在校期间必须穿校服。穿校服。One requirement of our school is that _ _.we (should) wearuniforms on campus 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/1. 刘先生试图刘先生试图让让一只得重病的青蛙一只得重病的青蛙复活复活。1. Mr. Liu tried to bring back to life a sick frog.2. 他他注定注定会失败

31、的。会失败的。2. He is bound to end in failure.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/3. 后来他又想修好一辆后来他又想修好一辆状况很差状况很差的的车车,但还是但还是白费功夫白费功夫了。了。Later he wanted to repair a car which was in poor condition, but in vain.4. 他他时不时时不时的感到很的感到很沮丧沮丧。He felt cast down from time to time.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/5. 他的执着他的执着感动感动了周围的人。

32、了周围的人。His persistence _.6. 家人和朋友都非常家人和朋友都非常支持支持他。他。6. His friends and family were in favour of him. struck everyone around him更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/7. 有人有人建议建议他再次修车之前先向专家请教他再次修车之前先向专家请教。 He received a suggestion that _ _ before fixing the car again.8. 很快传来了很快传来了他取得成功他取得成功的好消息的好消息。_ that he succ

33、eeded. Soon came the cheerful news (should) consult some experts he更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/9. 他的付出是他的付出是值得的值得的。9. His work paid off.10. 刘先生刘先生将将他的成功他的成功归功于归功于他的家他的家人和朋友人和朋友10. Mr Liu owed his success to his friends and family.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ Mr Liu tried to bring back to life a sick f

34、rog and he is bound to end in failure. Later he wanted to repair a car which was in poor condition but also in vain. As a result, he felt cast down from time to time, but his persistence struck everyone around him and his friends and family were in favour of him. 合并:合并: 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/He

35、 received a suggestion that he (should) consult some experts before fixing the car again and soon came the cheerful news that he succeed. His work paid off and he owed his success to his friends and family.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ Cloning is quite common for two major uses. Obviously, the procedu

36、re of cloning animals is more complicated. However, Dolly the sheep was a scientific breakthrough in 1996.二、课文概括二、课文概括更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/一、语法填空一、语法填空 Have you ever heard the old saying, “Never judge a book by its cover?” This is a good rule 16 _ (follow) when tryin

37、g to judge the intelligence of others. Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations. 16. 不定式作定语修饰不定式作定语修饰rule; 此处的此处的follow = obey。 to followto follow更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A young person 17_an unusual gift for writing may find himself 18 _ (speech) in the presence of a pretty gi

38、rl when he speaks. He may not be able to find the right words. 17. 表示表示“具有具有”。18. 由下句的由下句的not be able to find the right words可知可知, 应填应填speechless。withwithspeechlessspeechless更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/19 _ dont make mistake of thinking him stupid, with a pen and a paper, he can express 20 _ better t

39、han anybody. Other people may fool you into overestimating 21 _ intelligence by putting up a good front. 19. 根据前后句意可知此处需填表转折的连词。根据前后句意可知此处需填表转折的连词。20. 固定搭配固定搭配, express oneself意为意为“表达自己表达自己的思想或情感的思想或情感”。21. 指代指代other people, 在名词前作定语在名词前作定语, 用形容用形容词性物主代词。词性物主代词。 ButBut himselfhimselftheirtheirA stude

40、nt who listens attentively and 22 _ (take) notes in class is sure to make a favorable impression 23 _ his teachers. But 24 _ it comes to exams, he may score near the bottom of the class. 22. 与前面的与前面的listens并列并列, 用一般现在时的第三人用一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。称单数形式。23. 因因make an impression on sb. (给某人留下印给某人留下印象象)是固定搭配。是固

41、定搭配。24. 因因when it comes to(当谈到当谈到)是个固定句是个固定句型。型。takestakesononwhenwhen The only way to determine a persons intelligence is to get to know him. The more situations you see, the 25 _ (good) your judgment is likely to be. So take your time. Dont judge a book by its cover.25. 根据前面的根据前面的The more可知可知, 句型为

42、句型为“the more, the more”。betterbetter更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/二、完形填空二、完形填空 The Transition to Teaching program, which allows people in other fields to develop a second career in the classroom, is being run in the state of West Virginia. Through the 1 , an architect can teach 2 about professional geo

43、metry(几何学几何学), while a museum guide can help them with creative writing. 1. A. party B. activity C. program D. performance 1. C 由句首的由句首的The Transition to Teaching Program可知。与可知。与program是原词复现。是原词复现。2. A. people B. students C. managers D. representatives 2. B 根据前面的根据前面的to develop a second career in th

44、e classroom可知,可知,students与与classroom是词语同现。是词语同现。Doug Cipoletti, an 3 of the program, said, “These people can bring their knowledge and 4 from their past life into teaching.”3. A. organizer B. inventor C. interpreter D. operator 3. A 根据最后一句的根据最后一句的said the organizer, Cipoletti.可知可知,与与organizer是原词复现。是

45、原词复现。4. A. color B. treasure C. sunshine D. experience 4. D 根据常识,由根据常识,由from their past life可推出。可推出。The program has enrolled 70 people to fill positions in 24 schools that are 5 of teachers. They will teach 6 like maths, science, English and history. 5. A. full B. short C. fond D. afraid 5. B 从文章首句可

46、知是由于教师缺乏从文章首句可知是由于教师缺乏, 才鼓励其他人员才鼓励其他人员从教的,从教的,be short of“缺乏缺乏”。6. A. cultures B. languages C. subjects D. customs 6. C 由空后列举的由空后列举的maths, science, English and history可推出。可推出。subject与与maths, science, English and history是上下义复现。是上下义复现。The program has enrolled 70 people to fill positions in 24 schools

47、that are 5 of teachers. The teachers are 7 based on the essays that they 8 in college and their college performance. 7. A. decorated B. cultivated C. cherished D. enrolled 7. D 根据上句的根据上句的The program has enrolled 70 people可可知。与知。与enrolled是原词复现。是原词复现。8. A. wrote B. read C. observed D. noticed 8. A 根据前

48、面的根据前面的essays可推出填可推出填wrote。wrote与与essay是是词语同现。词语同现。The new teachers work in the classroom during the 9 and then become students themselves at night, taking online 10 provided by West Virginia University. 9. A. time B. day C. hour D. second 9. B 根据句中的根据句中的then become students themselves at night 可推出。

49、可推出。day与与night是词语同现。是词语同现。10. A. computers B. goods C. difficulties D. courses 10. D 由本句中的由本句中的become students可知。可知。course与与student是词语同现。是词语同现。The program 11 them with a lot of support, including special training before the school year begins, and 12 advisers spend time in the classroom throughout t

50、he school year and offer 13 to them. 11. A. approved B. protected C. provided D. prevented C 根据句意及搭配可知根据句意及搭配可知, provide sb. with sth.“提供某人提供某人某物某物”。12. A. maths B. education C. English D. culture B 根据语境及全文内容可知是教育方面的根据语境及全文内容可知是教育方面的adviser(顾问顾问)。 and 12 advisers spend time in the classroom througho

51、ut the school year and offer 13 to them. In the lessons for these teachers, they are taught how to write a lesson plan, how to use teaching skills in class and how to 14 a group of students. 13. A. money B. cash C. advice D. information 13. C 由本句中的由本句中的and 12 advisers可推出。可推出。advice与与advisor是同根词复现。是同

52、根词复现。14. A. manage B. help C. praise D. criticize14. A 根据句意及常识可知填根据句意及常识可知填manage(管理管理)。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/After three years and a series of exams, the new teachers will become educators, 15 to find jobs in any school in the state. “Were trying to get more people interested in the teaching p

53、rofession,” said the organizer, Cipoletti. 15. A. free B. eager C. difficult D. nervous 15. A 根据句中的根据句中的in any school in the state中的中的any可推出填可推出填free(随意的随意的)。 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/transition转换转换 essay文章文章 adviser顾问顾问 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A. The disagreements among DNA researchers.B. The

54、unfair treatment of Franklin.C. The process of discovering DNA.D The race between two teams of scientists.1. What is the text mainly about? 主旨大意题。本文讲述了主人公主旨大意题。本文讲述了主人公Franklin的一系列的一系列事情事情, 第一自然段作者提到第一自然段作者提到The fourth, was left out , 最后一段也提到最后一段也提到She contributed more than any other player to solvi

55、ng the structure of DNA. She must be considered a co-discoverer,由此看出命运对她的不公由此看出命运对她的不公, 选选A。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A. took the lead in the competitionB. kept her results from himC. proved some of his findings wrongD. shared her data with other scientists2. Watson was angry with Franklin because

56、she _. 细节理解题。由细节理解题。由What she did was And she was not shy about saying so,可知可知选选C。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A. She developed pictures in dark labs.B. She discovered the black Xthe shape of DNA.C. Her name was forgotten after her death.D. Her contribution was unknown to the public.3. Why is Franklin

57、 described as “Dark Lady of DNA”?D 细节理解题。从文中看出作者多次提及细节理解题。从文中看出作者多次提及Franklin对发现对发现DNA的贡献的贡献, 但却始终不为人但却始终不为人所知所知, 由此理解由此理解dark, 所以称为所以称为Dark Lady of DNA, 选选D。4. What is the writers attitude toward Wilkins, Watson and Crick?A. Disapproving B. Respectful.C. Admiring D. Doubtful 推理判断题。由倒数第二段推理判断题。由倒数第二

58、段As Franklins competitors, Wilkins, from the solution. 可推出作者是不赞成可推出作者是不赞成, 选选A。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/5. Who contributed most to the research of DNA according to Abir-Am?A. Wilkins B. Watson C. Franklin D. CrickC 推理判断题。根据最后一段推理判断题。根据最后一段, Abir-Am认认为在研究为在研究DNA方面方面Franklin比其他任何人比其他任何人的贡献都大的贡献都大, 所

59、以所以C项正确。项正确。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/【助读词汇】【助读词汇】left out 漏掉漏掉 inside out 反了反了robbed of credit by her competitors被被她的竞争者剥夺了荣誉她的竞争者剥夺了荣誉 co-discoverer共同共同 发现者发现者rocky牢固的牢固的 historian历史学家历史学家 colleague同事同事 back up支持支持 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/四、话题写作四、话题写作基础写作基础写作 以下是有关影片以下是有关影片“逃出克隆岛逃出克隆岛”信息:信息:基本信息基本信息1. 林肯和乔丹以及千千万万居民住在一


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