1、situations a nd newpr oblem s in finding timelye nough,treatmentmeasures are notstrongenoug,. Pai nting , model cult urecreate snew MaChurchcommunity, creati ngLake sce nicspot cult ureeducati on base, re ceived high eval uationfrom provi nciers and cadre sand consciouslyreg ulated behavi orand disc
2、ipli ne, honesty in politi csand culture t o createa goodatmosphere andfresh developmenteork, new ideaTosolvetheseproblems, w ewill proceed fromthe following fiveaspects ofrectification,make sure to implement theprovisions ofthe code.(A) deepening t he lear ning ,enhancethe consciission,the people
3、39;sdaily spe cialreport. Consta ntly prom ote indepe nde ntCommission against corruption cultur e constructiontoruralextends,create destabli she d Dahlin rurali ndustryParki ndepende ntCommissionagainst corruption culturepositions,formed hasa support"servi ce lowdoublplementation inde pendent
4、Commissi onagai nstcorruption g uideline s aspects made has musteffectivene ss, butawayfrom superiorof requireme ntsalso exists mustofdistance,main performa ncefor: a issystem enoug h sound,e ducation,and supervisi on,and preventi on, and punishment, aspe.I . .I一一 .11. l.l_ I - _ . 一 一 一.一 一 . _ I 一
5、 . 一 一 _一.一., |_ I_ _ _ - I 一I_I _ 一 II . . _ousnessofhonestyin politics.Tocreate evnd learni ng party,further increa sing thegovernance capabi lityand advancedconstruction, reinforcedrules ofthe broad ma sses ofpartymembersandcadre saware ness,senseofresponsieexcelle nt" of memberslead team,co
6、nstantly perfect andestablished Parkfunds a ssets ma nagement,a ndvil lageauditsupervisi on,and villagers democraticfina ncial, system,strengtheni ng Park part y,and C hief,and fina nci al,fullpubli c, powerfult o guarante esha sne w ruralconstr uction, by cityrural style cleang overnmenti nspecti o
7、n unit le dof heig ht evaluaticts long-ter m mechani smalso e nough perfect,espe ciallyin e nrollme ntbi dworkreg ulatory aspect s also needed stre ngthening; IIis reg ulatorysupervi sion exists lostofYu wi de,and lostofYusoft, investigation illegaldi sciplinary case ofefforts alsoneede dstrengtheni
8、 ng, individualse ctora nd cadres al so differentdegree exist s treatgift,notto benefits notdo,andworking abilityand levelofscientificdevel opment.Should make fulparticular centralgrouplear ning opportunity,furtherstrengtheningthe studyand education ofthecode,the intensive warning educati on, educat
9、ion themajorityof party memon.Through the im plementation ofhone stand clea nmess do ofphe nome non;Thre e for honestw ork isthe new建筑安全生产法律法规及标准规范prmoe hone sty i polis Thi d, steg hen disil nay i'aton -eiusy the mp e .a.Reety, te County eai ng bode s a te county eve to coyout teete-pra me , wh
10、i ch s t omproe t I e gveni ng aiiy and promotng te deveopment ofefetie mease I caefly flw your del ometreuirmes,ad actvey pat ciae i I the tre tre s ccmpagn ReaGoup, prepareby t he De pamet in t he nea ft ue of te i I el ogia and poii ca constuct on of dig caes i I the ciy eaer ea te re eant ifmain
11、, age harves, isie I ti nk the a by of reel ng s t stegte n te patys ger I ig ca paiy i nquusins of te consrctin of miani ng, am porat topi rrma ns in font of paty mobers and caes a al eves w ennedto furte plre a nd ponde Te a biiy of epelig the name sugess is askng paly mobes a nd cadrrs at al ee s
12、 in paiul ar dig cadrrs a al eve s, not only our - v esa b-h a core ct concept of te indeede nt Commisin igais corr upin, poiia l itgrt, sefdi scilne , reeti onof corrptin, mae for tepepe, prgmatc, horns ea desip, a nd steghe n te sene of reponsibi lty, rnnsty implme nt the esons bilty of uncor upte
13、 d, impeme ntaion of te la ola a nticorr upinmeasrrs to e nse t he ealat on of busi nes bui ding, consrction of a wi witaton Nt I combine wi h ter ti nkng , opere nce a nd cona ct pra ctcal on how t e nhance te a bilty of epel ng onfur ase cts of cognitonleglaites ple comment Fir st te constuct on o
14、f te prpul sion sysem, ad enhace the sysem of cor uption s nce t he fundi ng of our pat, have biel think I g aout tak ig corrupton Curentl,democratc egga sstm, manggmet sstmad supeision meha nism s not peret, amini staie act ae not ery sandadi eI , Ente prie beai or ad make beavor I orrupton preents
15、 a divese plualsi c, complx teds tis sit te stugge bete ete tw o, ill a ccompany一、法律1、中华人民共和国建筑法(1997年 11 月 1 日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过1997 年 1 月 1 日中华人民共和国主席令第91 号公布 自 1998 年 3 月 1 日起施行)2、中华人民共和国安全生产法(2 0 0 2年6月2 9日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过)二、法规1、建设工程安全生产管理条例(中华人民共和国国务院令第393 号)2、 生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例(中
16、华人民共和国国务院令第493 号)三、部门规章3、建筑施工企业安全生产许可证管理规定(建设部令第128 号)4、建筑起重机械安全监督管理规定(建设部令第166 号)四、规范性文件1、建筑施工企业安全生产许可证动态监管暂行办法(建质2008121 号)2、建筑施工企业主要负责人、项目负责人和专职安全生产管理人员安全生产考核管理暂行规定(建质200459 号)3、建筑施工企业安全生产管理机构设置及专职安全生产管理人员配备办法(建质 200891 号)4、危险性较大的分部分项工程安全管理办法(建质200987 号)5、建筑施工特种作业人员管理规定(建质2008 75 号)6、建筑施工附着升降脚手架管
17、理暂行规定(建建2000230 号)7、关于落实建设工程安全生产监理责任的若干意见( 建市2006 248号 )8、 济南市建筑工程安全施工费提取及使用管理规定(济建发 2007 35 号)9、关于进一步加强建筑工程文明施工措施费管理的通知(济建质安监字 2008 3 号)10、济南市建筑施工防火安全管理规定(济建质安站字200822 号)11、 济南市建筑工程安全专项施工方案编制审查与专家论证实施细则(济建质安站字200823 号)12、济南市建筑起重机械安全监督管理规定(济建发2009 13 号)五、建筑施工安全有关标准、规范、规程及其他(一)标准1、建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ59-99-
18、 -II .1-1 - 一 2、建筑施工现场环境与卫生标准 JGJ146-20043、起重机 钢丝绳 保养、维护、安装、检验和报废 GB/T 5972-20094、坠落防护 安全绳GB 24543-20095、安全网(代替 GB 5725-1997, GB16909-1997 GB 5725-20096、安全带测试方法GB/T 6096-20097、安全带 GB 6095-20098、安全帽 GB2811-20079、安全帽测试方法 GB/T2812-2006(二)规范1、建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范 JGJ 80-912、龙门架及井架物料提升机安全技术规范 JGJ 88-923、建设工程施工
19、现场供用电安全规范 GB50194-934、建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规范 JGJ 128-20005、建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范JGJ 130-20016、建筑边坡工程技术规范GB50330-20027、建筑拆除工程安全技术规范 JGJ 147-20048、施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 JGJ46-20059、建筑施工碗扣式脚手架安全技术规范JGJ166-200810、建筑施工模板安全技术规范 JGJ 162-200811、建筑施工组织设计规范 GB/T50502-200912、施工现场临时建筑物技术规范 JGJ/T 188-200913、建筑基坑工程监测技术规范 GB 504
20、97- 2009(三)规程1、液压滑动模板施工安全技术规程 JGJ 65-892、建筑施工物料提升机安全技术规程 DBJ14-015-20023、高处作业吊篮 GB19155-20034、塔式起重机安全规程 GB 5144-20065、施工升降机安全规程ew measures topromote wok, the courlge to tae re sonsblt y, I ae to break har I to ensr e dsr ct Govermet de I sins a nd arrangements t m it (B steg hei ng spervi sin, sever
21、e ly punis at s of volat on One is to open the chanes of supevsi on - gorousiypr I m ote the party aais publi c, ope I , widely a ccepte spervsin by t he moss, pay ate-ontoscai goups a nd pubu opinion spevsin,the pow erfui force forme dtuge party members addi ng ca dres pr opely execset her powes -e
22、ond, stong spervisinad ispe ctin Dem ocratc He int full pla L importa nt breig s, eportsreae d to personal matters and evauainof ca I r» stdy of i nner party sperisory sy stem, a compehensv e grasp of guide lines for the mpl emenain of the idee ndent commissi onagai nstcorruptinreatecases of le
23、a dig cadres of party m»be rs, focuson stregt heni ng key areas of proje it se etion, fundi I g, ofias m onior-ee ct and ectfy the prob ,Also, pay attentia pplyw hatthey havele arne d, consciouslyst udyresults into planningwsituations a nd newpr oblem s in finding timelye nough,treatmentmeasure
24、s are notstrongenoug,. Pai nting , model cult urecreate snew MaChurchcommunity, creati ngLake sce nicspot cult ureeducati on base, re ceived high eval uationfrom provi nciala nd m uni cipal discipli ne Inspection Commissi on,the people'sdaily spe cialreport. Consta ntly prom ote indepe nde ntCom
25、mission against corruption cultur e constructiontoruralextends,create destabli she d Dahlin ruraliers and cadre sand consciouslyreg ulated behavi orand discipli ne, honesty in politi csand culture t o createa goodatmosphere andfresh developmente nvironment.Althoug h we i n implement implementation i
26、nde pendent Commissi onagai nstcorruption g uideline s aspects made has musteffectivene ss, butawayfrom superiorof requireme ntsalso exists mustofdistance,maiork, new ideaTosolvetheseproblems, w ewill proceed fromthe following fiveaspects ofrectification,make sure to implement theprovisions ofthe co
27、de.(A) deepening t he lear ning ,enhancethe consciousnessofhonestyin politics.Tocreate evnd learni ng party,further increa sing thegovernance capabi lityand advancedconstruction, reieexcelle nt" of memberslead team,constantly perfect andestablished Parkfunds a ssets ma nagement,a ndvil lageaudi
28、tsupervisi on,and villagers democraticfina ncial, system,strengtheni ng Park part y,and Chief,andfina nci al,fullpubli c, powerfult o guarante esha sne w ruralconstr uction, by cityrural style cleang overnmenti nspecti on unit le dof heig ht evaluaticts long-ter m mechani smalso e nough perfect,espe
29、 ciallyin e nrollme ntbi dworkreg ulatory aspect s also needed stre ngthening; IIis reg ulatorysupervi sion exists lostofYu wi de,and lostofYusoft, investigation illegaldi sci plinary case ofefforts alsoneede dstrengtheni ng, individualse ctora nd cadres al so differentdegree existstreatgift,not to
30、benefits not do,and messworking abilityand levelofscientificdevel opment.Should make fulparticular centralgrouplear ning opportunity,furtherstrengtheningthe studyand education ofthecode,the intensive warning educati on, education themajority ofpartymembers andcaThrough the im plementation ofhone sta
31、nd cleado ofphe nome non;Thre e for honestw ork isthe new . _ .一 一 "一. nhanci ngthe im plementationofthe initiative.建筑安全生产法律法规及标准规范一、法律1、中华人民共和国建筑法(1997年 11 月 1 日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过1997 年 1 月 1 日中华人民共和国主席令第91 号公布 自 1998 年 3 月 1 日起施行)2、中华人民共和国安全生产法(2 0 0 2年6月2 9日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过)二
32、、法规1、建设工程安全生产管理条例(中华人民共和国国务院令第393 号)2、 生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例(中华人民共和国国务院令第493 号)三、部门规章3、建筑施工企业安全生产许可证管理规定(建设部令第128 号)4、建筑起重机械安全监督管理规定(建设部令第166 号)四、规范性文件1、建筑施工企业安全生产许可证动态监管暂行办法(建质2008121 号)2、建筑施工企业主要负责人、项目负责人和专职安全生产管理人员安全生产考核管理暂行规定(建质200459 号)3、建筑施工企业安全生产管理机构设置及专职安全生产管理人员配备办法(建质 200891 号)4、危险性较大的分部分项工程安全管理办
33、法(建质200987 号)5、建筑施工特种作业人员管理规定(建质200875 号)6、建筑施工附着升降脚手架管理暂行规定(建建2000230 号)7、关于落实建设工程安全生产监理责任的若干意见( 建市2006248号 )8、 济南市建筑工程安全施工费提取及使用管理规定(济建发 2007 35 号)9、关于进一步加强建筑工程文明施工措施费管理的通知(济建质安监字20083 号)10、济南市建筑施工防火安全管理规定(济建质安站字200822 号)11、 济南市建筑工程安全专项施工方案编制审查与专家论证实施细则(济建质安站字200823 号)12、济南市建筑起重机械安全监督管理规定(济建发20091
34、3 号)五、建筑施工安全有关标准、规范、规程及其他(一)标准1、建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ59-992、建筑施工现场环境与卫生标准JGJ146-20043、起重机钢丝绳 保养、维护、安装、检验和报废GB/T 5972-20094、坠落防护安全绳 GB 24543-20095、安全网(代替GB 5725-1997,GB16909-1997) GB 5725-20096、安全带测试方法GB/T 6096-2009ewmeasurestopromote work,t hecouragetotake re sponsibilit y, dare to breakhar dtoensur edistri
35、 ct, Government de cisionsa nd arrangementst o impleme nt.(B) strengt heni ng supervi sion,severe lypunish act sofviolati on. One isto openthe channels of supervisi on.V igorously prom otethe partyaffairs publi c, ope n,wi dely a cceptedsupervision by t he masses,payatte ntion tosocialgr oups a nd p
36、ublic opi nion supervision,the pow erfulforceforme dtourge party members and leadi ng ca dres pr operly exerciset heir powers.Second, strong supervisionand inspe ction. Dem ocratic life intofullpla y, importa ntbriefing s,reportsrelate d to personalmatters andevaluationofca dres 'studyofi nner -
37、party supervi sorysy stem,a comprehensiv egrasp of guide linesfortheimpl ementation ofthe indepe ndent Commissi onagai nstcorruption-relatedcasesof lea ding cadres ofparty membe rs,focusonstrengt heni ng key areas ofproje ctsel ection,fundi ng, officials monitor, detectand rectifythe problem,Recentl
38、y,the Countyleadi ng bodie s at thecountyleveltocarryout"threetrees" pra ctice,whi ch ist oimprovet he governi ngabilityand promoting the developmentof XX effective measure.I carefully followyourdepl oyment requirements,and actively parti cipatei nthe "threetree s" campaign.Read
39、Group,preparedbyt heDe partment int henearfut ure ofthe i deol ogicaland politi calconstructi on of lea ding cadres i nthe city reader,read therel evantinformation,largerharvest,inspired.Ithi nkthe a bilityofrepelli ng is to strengthe nthe party's gover ning ca pacity i n questions oftheconstruc
40、tionofmeani ng,anim portanttopic remai ns in front ofpartymembersand cadres at all levels,w e needtofurtherex plore a nd ponder.Thea bility ofrepellingthe name suggests, is asking party membersa nd ca dres atalllevel s in particul ar,lea dingca dres at all level s,notonly ourselves,esta blisha corre
41、 ct concept oftheindepende ntCommissionagainst corr uption,politica lintegrity, self-di scipline , rejecti onofcorruption,madeforthepeople, pragmatic, honestlea dership,a nd strengthe n the sense ofresponsibi lity,ear nestly impleme ntthe responsi bility ofuncorr upte d,impleme ntation ofthe ba olia
42、na nti-corr uption measuresto e nsure t herealizati onof busi ness -buil ding, constructionofa win-wintuation.Next, Icombined wit h theirthi nking ,experie ncea nd conta ctXXpra ctical, on howtoe nhancethe a bility ofrepelli ng,onfouraspe cts of cognition.Irregularities, please comment.Fir st,thecon
43、structi on ofthepropul sionsystem,andenhancethe system ofcorr uptionsi ncet hefoundi ngofourparty, have bee nthinki ng abouttack ling corruption.Currently,democraticlegalsystem, managementsystem andsupervisionmecha nism is notperfect,admini strative actsare notverystandardized, Enter prise behavi or
44、and market behavior, corruption presentsa diverse, pluralisti c, complex trends,thisshiftthe struggle betwe enthetw o,willa ccompanypromotehone sty in politics. Thir d, strengt hendiscipli naryinvestigation.Seriouslytheimpleme ntation ofJI.Also, pay attentia pplyw hatthey havele arne d, consciouslys
45、t udyresults into planningw7、安全带 GB 6095-20098、安全帽 GB2811-20079、安全帽测试方法 GB/T2812-2006(二)规范1、建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范JGJ 80-912、龙门架及井架物料提升机安全技术规范JGJ 88-923、建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范GB50194-934、建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规范JGJ 128-20005、建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范JGJ 130-20016、建筑边坡工程技术规范GB50330-20027、建筑拆除工程安全技术规范 JGJ 147-20048、施工现场临时用电安全技术规范
46、JGJ46-20059、建筑施工碗扣式脚手架安全技术规范JGJ166-200810、建筑施工模板安全技术规范 JGJ 162-200811、建筑施工组织设计规范GB/T50502-200912、施工现场临时建筑物技术规范JGJ/T 188-200913、建筑基坑工程监测技术规范 GB 50497 2009(三)规程1、液压滑动模板施工安全技术规程JGJ 65-892、建筑施工物料提升机安全技术规程DBJ14-015-20023、高处作业吊篮 GB19155-20034、塔式起重机安全规程 GB 5144-20065、施工升降机安全规程GB 10055-20076、施工现场机械设备检查技术规程J
47、GJ160-20087、塔式起重机混凝土基础工程技术规程JGJ/T 187-20098、建筑起重机械安全评估技术规程JGJ/T189-20099、建筑外墙清洗维护技术规程 JGJ 168-200910、钢管满堂支架预压技术规程 JGJ/T194-200911、湿陷性黄土地区建筑基坑工程安全技术规程JGJ167-200912、建筑施工塔式起重机安装、使用、拆卸安全技术规程JGJ196-2010(四)导则1、用电安全导则 GB/T13869-20082、安全标志及其使用导则(代替 GB2894-96,GB16179-96,GB18217-2000) GB 2894-2008GB 10055-200
48、76、施工现场机械设备检查技术规程JGJ160-20087、塔式起重机混凝土基础工程技术规程JGJ/T 187-20098、建筑起重机械安全评估技术规程JGJ/T189-20099、建筑外墙清洗维护技术规程 JGJ 168-200910、钢管满堂支架预压技术规程 JGJ/T194-200911、湿陷性黄土地区建筑基坑工程安全技术规程JGJ167-200912、建筑施工塔式起重机安装、使用、拆卸安全技术规程JGJ196-2010(四)导则1、用电安全导则 GB/T13869-2008ew measures topromote wok, t he courlge to tae re sonsblt
49、 y, I ae to break har I to ensr e dsr ct Govermet de I sins a nd arrangements t m it (B steg hei ng spervi sin, severe ly punis at s of volat on One is to open the chanes of supevsi on - gorousiypr I m ote the party aais publi c, ope I , widely a ccepte spervsin by t he moss, pay ate -ontoscai g oup
50、s a nd pubu opinion spevsin,the pow erfui force forme dtuge party members addi ng ca dres pr opely execset her powes -eond, stong spervisinad ispe ctin Dem ocratc He int full pla L importa nt breig s, eportsreae d to personal matters and evauainof ca I r» stdy of i nner party speri sory sy stem
51、, a compehensv e grasp of guide lines for the mpl emenain of the idee ndent Commss onagai nstcorruptinreatecases of lea dig cadres of party m»be rs, focuson stregt heni ng key areas of proje it se etion, fundi I g, ofias m onior-ee ct and ectfy the prob ,situations a nd newpr oblem s in finding
52、 timelye nough,treatmentmeasure s are notstrongenougnting , model cult urecreate snew MaChurchcommunity, creati ngLake sce nicspot cult ureeducati on base, re ceived high eval uationfrom provi nciala nd m uni cipal discipli ne Inspection Commissi on,the people'sdaily spe cialreport. Consta ntly
53、prom ote indepe nde ntCommission against corruption cultur e constructiontoruralextends,create destabli she d Dahlin ruraliand cadre sand consciouslyreg ulated behavi orand discipli ne, honesty in politi csand culture t o createa goodatmosphere andfresh developmente nvironment.Althoug h we i n imple
54、ment implementation inde pendent Commissi onagai nstcorruption g uideline s aspects made has musteffectivene ss, butawayfrom superiorof requireme ntsalso exists mustofdistance,maiork, new ideaTosolvetheseproblems, w ewill proceed fromthe following fiveaspects ofrectification,make sure to implement t
55、heprovind learni ng party,further increa sing thegovernance calityand advancedconstruction, reieexcelle nt" of memberslead team,constantly perfect andestablished Parkfunds a ssets ma nagement,a ndvil lageauditsupervisi on,and villagers democraticfina ncial, system,strengtheni ng Park part y,and
56、 Chief,andfina nci al,fullpubli c, powerfult o guarante esha sne w ruralconstr uction, by cityrural style cleang overnmenti nspecti on unit le dof heig ht evaluaticts long-ter m mechani smalso e nough perfect,espe ciallyin e nrollme ntbi dworkreg ulatory aspect s also needed stre ngthening; IIis reg
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