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1、人教版初二下册英语期末试卷及答案考生注意:1.考试时间120分钟.2.全卷共六大题,总分120分.题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分核分人得分第一部分听力测试(共计20分)I. Listening ( 本题共 20 分,Part One 、 Part Four 每小题 1 分,Part Two 、 Part Three 每小题 1.5 分)Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.()1.What kind of person can ' t the man stand?()2.What pet

2、s does the woman think are better for a twelve-year-old boy?()3.Where did Tom come back from?DEA. is waiting in Hong Kong.B. has been to the new museum in Beijing.C. hasn' t been to Hong Kong.D. felt Hong Kong is a boring place.E. will be there for about 20 days.F. has been there for four times.

3、Part Three Choose the right answer accordingtothePart Two Match the best choice from A to F according to the passage you hear.()1.Mike()2.Mike' s mother() 3.Mike ' s father()4.Mike' s familypassage you hear.()1. What was Emma doing when Bill came in?A. Reading a book.B. Doing her homewor

4、k.C. Reading a newspaper.()2.What did Bill ask Emma to take away?A. Her backpack.B. Her books.C. Her newspaper.()3. Why did Emma feel uncomfortable?A. Bill read her newspaper.B. Bill sat very close to her.C. Bill and Emma read together.()4. Why couldn ' t Emma stand?A. Because Bill read her news

5、paper.B. Because Bill kept talking to her while she was reading.C. Because Bill borrowed her things.Part Four Fill in each blank with one word according to what you hear.TV Watching HabitsAgeAverage (平均) hours of watchingTV in the dayAverage (平均) hours of watchingTV at nightFavorite showsFour to six

6、OneCartoonsSeven to twelve/(2) and ahalfTVThirteen to _/One and a halfQuiz (5) 第二部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)II. Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)Choose the best choice from A B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.()1. He was tired he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. Oh, we can go out and let him have

7、a good rest.A. too, toB. so, thatC. such, that()2. Which would you like to have, tea or juice?一 is OK. I ' m really thirsty.A. EitherB. NeitherC. Both()3.- Hello, may I speak to your father, please?Sorry, my father to Shanghai. He went there this morning.A. goesB. has goneC. has been()4.-You wat

8、ched the fashion show last night, didn ' t you?-Yes, I missed the beginning.A. soB. andC. but()5. you read, you will feel in J.K Rowling ' s books.A. More, more interestingB. The more, the more interestingC. The more, the more interested()6. If it tomorrow, I hiking in the mountains.A. rains

9、, will goB. won ' t rain, will goC. doesn ' t rain, will go()7. Everyone except Bill and Jim there when the meeting began.A. wasB. isC. were()8. The old man has collected over 100 different kinds of kites the year 2000. A. sinceB. byC. from()9. Traveling by train is cheaper and enjoyable tha

10、n by car.A. more, much moreB. much, even more()10. Do you know at this time yesterday?A. what she was cookingB. what she is cooking()11. My aunt played the light music to make the baby crying.A. stoppedB. to stop()12. I am vary thirsty now. But there is little water in the glass,C. quite, much tooC.

11、 what was she cookingC. stopA. is thereB. isn ' t thereC. isn ' t it()13.Oh, Mrs. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new?-No, I it since two years ago.A. bought B. have had C. have bought()14. It ' s too hot. Would you mind mythe window?一 .Do it as you like, please!A. open, Good idea B.

12、closing, Of course C. opening, Certainly not()15.- May I put my car here?Sorry, you mustn ' t. Please look at the sign. It says"”.A. STOPB. NO PARKING C. DANGERIII. Cloze test ( 本题共15分,每小题1分)Have you ever seen advertisements saying “Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks, or your money back?”

13、Of course, it never happens like that. It is easy to learn the mother language. And just文学)of the country. Now 2 think how much practice is given for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language in order to 1 the literature ( the foreign language is 3 most people want.

14、 Every year millions of people start learning4 . How do they do it?or TV programmes;have a 13 tos work. WhateverSome people try at home, 5 books and radios;some 6 computersothers go to evening classes. 7 they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will 8 a long time, like language le

15、arning at school. 9 people try to learn a language 10 by studying for 6 or more hours a day. It is clearly easier to 11 the language in the country because it 12 there. But most people don' t do this.Machines and good books will 14 you, but they cannot do the studentthe language is learned quick

16、ly or slowly, it is 15 work.Choose the best answer to complete the passage.()1. A. seeB. readC. watch()2. A. sayingB. tellingC. speaking()3. A, whatB. thatC. which()4. A. thatB. itC. one()5. A. withB. withoutC. by()6. A. listen toB. watchC. use()7. A. WhenB. IfC. Until()8. A. spentB. costC. take()9.

17、 A. FewB. A fewC. No()10. A. fastB. happilyC. slowly()11. A. learnB. teachC. use()12. A. was spokenB. will be spokenC. is spoken()13.A. chanceB. placeC. time()14. A. useB. needC. help()15. A. niceB. hardC. great.IV. Communication ( 本题共15分,A 题每小题1分,B 题每小题2分)(A) Choose the best response from A to F in

18、 the box according to the sentence given.()1. What were you doing when the big fire broke out?()2. What did your math teacher say?()3. How long have you been swimming?()4. Why don' t you buy him a digital camera?()5. I have never been to Hong Kong.A. If you do, you ' ll have a great time. B.

19、 For about three hours.C. Me neither.D. That' s too expensive.E. I think you should borrow some. F. I was standing in front of the library.G. He said I could do better.(B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.A: I haven ' t seen you these days. What ' s happened to you?B:

20、 My grandma is ill in hospital.A:.What ' s wrong with her?C: Her leg has been hurt for a long time. She had to see a doctor. The doctor said there was something wrong with it.A: (2) ?B: A little better. She was operated on yesterday.A: (3) ?B: I looked after Grandma there.A: But the nurses could

21、 do it, I think.B: (4) . She ' s taken good care of me since I was a baby. I should do something for her, too.A: I see. (5)?B: Nothing, thanks. See you.A: See you.第三部分阅读理解(共计40分)V. Reading comprehension ( 本题共40分,A.B 题每小题1分,C、D、E题每小题2分)(A)()1. Put a sausage in a bun (面包)and what have you got? A h

22、ot dog, of course!()2. Americans eat a lot of hot dogs. Around seven billion(十彳乙)hot dogs will be eatenin July alone this year. People living in the city of Los Angeles eat more hot dogs than those in any other US city.()3. Some people like hot dogs better than hamburgers because they' re easier

23、 to eat. Thisis because the bun is thin and long and the sausage cannot fall out easily.()4. Americans like to eat hot dogs at baseball matches and other sports events. But they also buy them in the street and eat them as they walk along!()5. Most Americans like mustard (芥末)on their hot dogs. Americ

24、a ' s President ( 总统 ),George W. Bush' s favorite topping (蛋糕上的奶油等)is mustard with relish. Kids likeketchup ( 番茄酱)much better. Lemonade and iced tea are the best drinks to have with hot dogs.Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.A. Why do people like hambu

25、rgers? B. How to make a hot dog?C. Topping on the hot dogs. D. Where and when do people eat hot dogs?E. People prefer hot dogs to hamburgers. F. Billions ofhot dogs are eatenin the USA.(B)French doctors and American scientists have reported doing an operation (手术)in which thedoctor was outside the o

26、perating room. This kind of operation is known as robots operation.Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a sixty-eight-year-old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready. He placed medical tools and

27、 a small video camera in her stomach ( 腹部).Doctor Marescaux in New York City watched the patient in a video screen.Then he used the computer to send messages to the robot machine.The robot moved the tools that cut the woman ' s gallbladder ( 胆囊 )away. The woman got well soon after the operation

28、and left the hospital two days later.Experts say the main problem with such a robotic operation is based on high-speed telecommunications(通讯系统)between the doctor and the robot. Technology must be able to senda doctor ' s order to a robot to move the tool quickly.Experts also say a successful rob

29、otic operation will improve an operation. For example, the robot can make much smaller movement than a person can. A robot machine can turn tools in ways that a doctor ' s hand cannot.Doctor say such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations possible in the future. They say it wi

30、ll improve doctor training. It' ll also mean thatdoctors could do anoperation on people in dangerous places far away. And it could mean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having travel to the city where the doctors work.Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (

31、F).()1."Robotic operation" means an operation done with the help of a robot.()2. We use the robot in the operation because it can make the operation safer and better.()3. If we want to use the robot in the operation, we must solve the problem of high-speed telecommunications.()4. If the sm

32、aller movement can' t be done by doctors in the operations, we may use a videocamera to solve it.()5. The robot is used to watch the patient clearly.(C)There are some easy things you can do to protect the environment and the earth. Choose ideas from the list or come up with a few of your own. Pl

33、ant flowers, grass or trees. Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there- keep rubbish in abag until you can put it in a dustbin. Turn off the lights, TV sets when you leave the room. This saves a lot of electricity(电). Turn off the tap (水龙头)when you brush your teeth. You can

34、save some water by not letting it run. Also, use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves paper. Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm air in. Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away. Give your old clothes to poor children you know

35、 instead of throwing them away. Use both sides of paper. Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or lakes nearby. Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the earth.You don' t have to wait until Earth Day to do these things. Make every day Earth Day.If everyone ma

36、kes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become muchmore beautiful.Choose the best Choice from AB or C according to the passage above. )1. From the passage above, we know that this is . A. a signB. a proposal ( 倡议书) C. an advertisement )2. The writer tells us . A. to throw ru

37、bbish into a dustbinB. to pour dirty water into the riversC. to save water by not letting it run while brushing our teeth()3. We can to save paper.A. use a paper cupB. use both sides of paperC. give old books to a library()4. Which of the following is wrong according to the writer?A. Turn off the li

38、ghts when you leave the room.B. Close the doors and windows in winter.C. Use a paper cup when you brush your teeth.()5. What ' s the best title ( 标题 )of the passage?A. Protect the Earth.B. Save Water and ElectricityC. Make Better Use of Old Things(D)There was a boy called Dick. He had no father

39、or mother and he had no friends to help him.He was very poor. One day he heard some one saying, “London is a very big. In the streets there is gold here and there. Everyone in London is very rich." Then Dick wanted to go to London.When he got to London, Dick cannot see any gold in the streets.

40、But he couldn' t go back home.He had no money. Dick was walking in the street. It was snowing. He was so cold. He had no house to go to. He had no food to eat. Night came. Dick saw a light in the window of a house. He wentthere and sat down near the door. Just then the door opened and came out a

41、 servant. She saw Dick sitting there and said, “Go away! What are you doing here? ” Dick was so hungry and so cold.He couldn ' t stand up. The bad womanthrew some cold water over Dick. Dick thought he was almost dying of cold and hunger.Fill in the blanks according to the passage you read. Only

42、one word for each blank.Dick was a homeless poor boy. He had no (1) or even a good friend. One day Dick wanted to go to London to look for gold when he (2) that there was gold everywhere. But when he got th ere, he couldn ' t see a piece of gold but white (3)in the street. Dick had to go up and

43、down in London. He had nothing to eat. He had no (4) to live in. he was cold and(5). He thought he would die.(E)RAMBLERSCLUBJoin us for a 10-mile country walk on Sunday, November 12th. Children and dogs welcome.*Call Jerry on 333469 for more information.COME TO THE WORLD CRAFT FAIRSaturday 23 rd Sep

44、tember10:004:00 Oxford Town HallOver 50 stalls-crafts, gifts, books,music, information, foodFREE ADMISSIONYOUTH CLUB OPENING*Are you between 12 and 16?*Are you interested in joining a newYouth Club?*Come along to the Clubhouse.Market Road at 7 p.m on Saturday 27thOctoberFurther details: Tony HansonT

45、elephone:324788Fun DayOn Saturday 23 rd Sept. 10:006:00 meet the animalsRides a Displays " Entertainment DEESIDE ANIMAL PARKTel:0241 641463 ADMISSION £ 2Answer the questions according to what you read above.1. Where may you go if you like walking?2. What number may you dial if you want to

46、know more about the youth club?3. Where can we go bringing our dog with us?4. Where can we buy books?5. Where can we have a great time with animals?第四部分书面表达(共计15分)VI. Writing ( 本题共15分,A 题5分,B 题10分)(A)母亲是伟大的,母爱是无私的。现在就让我们来给我们的母亲写封信,感谢她对你多年的生活照 顾与关心,感谢她为家庭付出的辛苦,并说出你心中对妈妈的爱。(假设你是Alice )(B)假设你是班主任,针对现在学

47、生进网吧成风的现象,你在下周班会上,要谈论这个话题。请你根据 所给的要点用英语写一篇80词左右的讲话稿。文章开头已给出。-益处:学会使用现代设备一一电脑;学习更多知识,更方便。弊端:过于沉迷游戏;网上交友,聊天频繁,学习时间减少。建议:不要花费太多时间上网;要在网上学习有益的事情。Hello! My dear friends,As we know, a computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world. 英语试题答案I . Part One 1 3 BACPart 2 o 1 4 BCAEPart 3 ree 1 4 CABC

48、BPart 4 ur 1.two 2. two 3. plays 4. sixteen 5 programmesII. 1 5 BABCC 6 10 CAABA 11 15 CABCBIII. 1 5 BCACA 6 10 CBCBA 11 15 ACACBIV. (A) 1 5 FGBDC(8) 1.I m sorry to hear that2. How is she feeling now3. What did you do in the hospital/ Who looked after her4. You re right / That s right5. What can I d

49、o for youV. (A) 1 5 BFEDC(B) 1 5 TTTFF(C) 1 5 BABCA(D) 1. parents 2. heard 3. snow 4. house/room 5. hungry(E) 1. I may go to Ramblers Club.2. I may dial 324788.3. To Ramblers Club we can bring our dog with us.4. We can buy books at World Craft Fair.5. We can have a great time with animals in Deeside

50、 Animal Park.VI. One possible version:(A) To Dear Mother,I may be saying this every day, but I want to thank you for doing everything for me, and most importantly, for the wonderful person that you are,and for the most working-hardperson in our family. I would like to say“ I love you, mum! ”From you

51、r loving daughter Alice(B) Hello, my dear friends,As we know, computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world. As the computergoes into more and more families, many of you begin to use it and begin to get on line.Internet is very convenient for us. For example, we can learn more knowledge

52、, we can readthe news and we can know better about the world on it. But some of you haven t used itvery well. You have spent too much time in playing games. Or you make net friends online, and chat with them all night. It has taken you too much time. And you do worse and worsein your lessons. Can yo

53、u listen to my opinions? I think you d better not spend too muchtime on school days. And you d better do something useful and healthy online. I hope allof you will learn a lot from the Internet.That s all. Thank you.听力原文Part OneChoose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.No.1 W: What

54、 kind of man can t you stand?M: I can t stand the man who is talking for a long time on the phone. What about you?W: I can t stand the man smoking in the roo m.Q: What kind of person can t the man stand?No.2 W: What do you think is the best pet for a twelve-year-old boy?M: Dogs are the most popular

55、pets for kids, I think.W: But I think birds are better.Q: What pets does the woman think are better for a twelve-year-old boy?No.3 M: Tom came back from Sydney, didn t he?W: No, he came back from Italy.M: Ha, he changed his idea later.Q: Where did Tom come back from?Part TwoMatch the best choice from A to F according to the passage you hear.W: Hi, Mike. Have you ever been to the new park in Beijing?M: No, my mother has. But I have been to the new museum.W: Who have you been there with?M: My father. H


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