1、课题Starter Unit 1 Good morning !(第 1 课时)教 学 目 标知识目标1、识别和掌握八个人名。2、词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank,Grace, Helen能力目标正确认读A aH h八个字母。情感目标学会早上见面打招呼的用语。教学重点A-H八个字母教学,能认读,会书写。教学难点8个字母的书写和八个人名的掌握。主要教法Leading method教学媒体TapeStarter Unitsl3分课时教案教 学 过 程Teaching content: Section A 1a, 1b, 2aStep1:Greeting
2、and Introduction1. Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning!2. Next introduce the words “teacher' and "class'. by usinggestures Repeat this several times and have the class repeat afterme. Students can answer as a whole group As rows and asindividuals. Repeat “I am your
3、 teacher and you are the class severaltimes.T: Good morning ,class.S: Good morning ,teacher.T: Class, please stand up. / Class, please sit down. (by using actionsand gestures They can practice this several times.)3. Point to myself and say I m Mr. chen. Have them repeatRepeat this a few times with r
4、ows and individuals or try a“back-chain" drill:Miss / Mr. (Ss repeat)Morning , Miss/M r. (Ss repeat)Good morning, Miss / Mr. (Ss repeat)Step2:PracticeSay: Stand up, please! (Ss stand up) (Leave the classroom return )T: Good morning, class!S: Good morning, Miss/Mr.T: Sit down, please Now let'
5、; s start the lessonStep3:Work on 2aFirst present letters A-H, and get the students to repeat these letterCall the students to attention the letter Csi:/not/sei: /. H /ei7 not /e?.Step4:Play a gameT gets ready for a list of English names for boys and girls.Play the game like this:1 .T says a letter,
6、 for example C, then let the Ss tell the letters which isbefore and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winnercan get a chance to choose an English name first or he can give thechance to his friend.2 . Fill in the missing letters. Eg. C E B D E GF HStep5:PresentationShow a pictur
7、e of a girl and give the name under the picture, teach Alice.In the same way teach the other seven names.Step6:GameShow the pictures of these eight children as quickly as possible. Let theSs tell the names of these children. ( The winner can have a chance tochoose an English name.)Step7:Work on 1b a
8、nd 1bPlay the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording asecond time. Ss repeat.then,Ss practice the conversations in pairs. Tmoves around the classroom when Ss are practicing.Give them somehelp if needed.Ask Ss to practice greeting each other. They can use theirChinese names
9、if they wish. Encourage them to use their English namesif they can. Ask them to practice using all the different greetings taughtin Activity 1a.Step8:HomeworkI.Make a name card by themselves and learn how to read their ownnames.2 . Find out these letters in your daily life.3 .New words of P1-2.教学成败得
10、失及改进设想:课堂气氛相当活跃,各位同学都能积极踊跃的配合教师完成相关活动,但仍存在一些小问题,如个别学生的发音不标准,以后应多加这方面的训练。课题Starter Unit 1 Good morning !(第 2 课时)教知识目标1、学会简单的问候用语。学2、词汇:自己和同伴的英文名字。目能力目标巩固所学的八个人名。标情感目标记住自己和同伴的英文名字。教学重点了解一些常用缩略字的含义。教学难点八个字母的止确书写和记住尽可能多的名字。主要教法Leading method教学媒体Tape教 学 过 程Teaching contents: Section A 1a, 2b, 2c, 2d 3, 4
11、aStep1:Warming-up1. Sing “Good morning" song.2 . Greet all the Ss with : Hello, or Good morning, using their Englishnames.(Ask all the students to wear their name cards ) At the same timelet them repeat their names and try to remember their names.Step2:Presentation3 .Show different letters on t
12、he slide picture and see if they can read them.First big letters, then small letters.2. Find out these letters in the picture.Step3:Learn the letters. (Work on A 2 a- 2d)1. Listen and repeat the eight letters. (2a)2. Teach them how to write these big and small letters. (2d)3. Write the small letter
13、for each big letter.(2d)4. Find the big letters for these small letters. (2b)5. Listen and number the letters they hear. (2c) Step4:Game.(Which letter is missing?)Show seven big letters(from A-H) on the slide picture, see who can findthe missing letter. Then show seven small letters. Ss play the gam
14、e in agroup of four. Everyone should get ready for two pieces of paper withseven big letters and seven small letters.Step5:PresentationShow some letters and ask them to read first, and then guess what they stand for. If they have difficulties, T can give them some hints.Step6:Work on Section A3Ss di
15、scuss and guess what these letters stand for and then check the answers with the whole class.Step7:PresentationShow the eight names on the slide picture first and ask some to read. Then put them in order according to the first letter.Step8:Work on 4aListen to the tape and circle the names they hear.
16、Step9:PracticeIn groups of five, Ss introduce their English names first. Then practice“Good morning, ” to each other like the dialogue they heard just noon the tape.Step10:Homework1 .Listen and read about 10 minutes after the tape.2 .Copy these eight big and small letters five times.3 .make their ow
17、n conversations .4 .Find as many letters like HB, CD as they can.5 .New words of P3-6.教学成败得失及改进设想:课堂气氛相当活跃,学生学习英语的积极性很高。基本上完成了教学任务,达到了教学要求。课题Starter Unit 1 Good morning !:第3课时)教学目标知识目标1 .学会不同时段打招呼的用语。2 .记住尽可能多的同学的名字。能力目标学习熟识朋友见面的问候语和应答。情感目标学会朋友见面打招呼的用语。教学重点1 .掌握元音字母A和E在单词中的发音。2 .句型: Good afternoon!
18、Good evening!-How are you? -I' m fine, thanks.教学难点用英文名字来跟朋友打招呼问候。主要教法教学媒体Leading and guided methodTape教 学 过 程Teaching content: Section A 4b, 4c, Section B 1, 2a, 2bStep1:Warming-up1. Greet the students.2. Ss practice greetings in groups of four using their English names.3. A report on “ What do
19、these letters mean? Ask some students tcgive their reports.Step2:Presentation1. Show some pictures to help them say,Good morning. Goodafternoon. Good evening.2. Use clocks to teach morning, afternoon and evening. Let Ss knowdifferent time.we use different words.Step3:Work on 4bI.First ask : What sho
20、ud they say ? Let Ss guess.2. Play the tape for the first time, let Ss only listen. Play the tape againThis time Ss put the correct number of each conversation in the box.Step4:Work on 4cSs practice the conversations in pairs.Step5:sing a songSing “Good night "song .Step6:Presentation1. Look at
21、 the pictures and present the dialogue:-How are you?-I' m fine, thanks.2. Sing “How are you ? ” song.Step7:Work on Section B1First listen and then read after the tape. Ss practice the dialogue in pairs.Step8:Work on Section B 2 a- 2b1. In groups of four or five, practice the dialogue in 2b with
22、theirEnglish names.2. Play a game. Who has the most friends?Ss move round the classroom and try to know as many friends as theycan and practice the dialogue with them. Let s see who has the mostfriends in just three minutes. Ss should point to the persons and telltheir names. The winner can get a pr
23、esent.Step9:Homework1 .Listen and read about 5 minutes after the tape.2 .Copy these eight big and small letters five times.3 .make their own conversations .4 . Read and recite the conversations .5 .Greet all the classmates after class and try to remember their Englishnames.6 .Grammar focus.教学成败得失及改进
24、设想:课堂气氛相当活跃,学生通过讨论交流和合作方式展示他们丰富的想象力和创造力。教师应设计多种合作方式或活动内容,多思考导入的途径和技巧。课题Starter Unit 1 -2(1a-3)(第4课时)知识目标1.学会一首英语歌曲。学目标2.巩固本单元所学字母,单词及句型。能力目标学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。情感目标熟悉班级同学的英语名字,学会朋友见面打招呼的用语。教学重点熟练掌握8个字母和基本的问候用语。教学难点学好这首英语歌曲及将相同音素字母和单词归类。主要教法Leading and guided method Suggestions andExplanation教学媒体Tape教 学 过
25、 程Teaching content: Section B 3a, 3b, 4, 5 Starter Unit 2 1a-3Step1:Warming-upGreetings.( Let all the Ss practice with their English names.)Step2:Letter BingoPlay a game like this: Fill in nine blanks with Aa-Hh.Step3:Work on 3aListen and draw lines between the letters they hear. Play the tape twice
26、.At last ask them what they can see. ( A fish.)Step4:Work on 3bMatch the big letters with the small letters.Step5:Look and find the lettersShow them a picture and ask them to find Aa-Hh in it.Step6:Work on 4Ss listen and repeat. Make sure Ss understand the difference between the two 'a' soun
27、ds and the two 'e ' sounds.Step7:Listen and sing the songPlay the tape for Ss listen first. Then sing after the tape. At last just play the music and let Ss sing together. Then let the boys have a try ,then the girls.Step8:Leading-in and Practice of Starter Unit 2Listen. Play the tape twiceH
28、ave the students circle the things they hea rGet the students to act out the conversations in the picture of 1aMake sure the students understand what they should d oStudents can work in pairs then ask them to act out the conversations they ma deDo 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d one after another 2b: after the st
29、udents do 2a, show them how to write the letters on the blackboards both of " Big" and “small". Make sure all the students know how to write them. Use the flashcards to practise saying the names of the letters and to learn their order. Before doing 2c, ask the students to give the let
30、terscontaining the / i : / and /e/ sounds Repeat and list them out on the blackboard. Then get them to listen to the tape and read the letters andwords after the tapeStep8:Homework1 .Listen and read about 5 minutes after the tape.2 .Read the phonetics.3 .New words of starter Unit 2.教学成败得失及改进设想:课 本节课
31、教学内容较多,个别学生未能整体把握,课后应多加后辅导。主要教法反课题Starter Unit 2 What' s this in English?(第 1 课时)教 学 目 标知识目标本单元重点词汇以及相关句型的识记。能力目标用英语询问相关生活和学习用品。情感目标通过沟通,增强同学之间的感情。教学重点代词this, that和it的用法。教学难点句型:What' s this in English?及应答。Leading and guided method教学媒体Tape教 学 过 程Teaching content: The rest part of Starter Unit
32、 2Step 1:Leacd- inWrite the names in the big letters on the blackboard teach the students to read the names Then get them to listen to the tape and number the names. Have the students pay attention to your writing names on theBb. Make sure everyone knows how to write the namesStep 2:Listening practi
33、ce of Starter Unit 2Ask Ss to listen to the tape, then check their answers.Step 3:PairworkGive each student an English name Make them remember it and know how to spell it. Write your name, and one or two others on theblackboard.Ask students to look at the words carefully Explain how capitals areused
34、 in English namesStep 4:PairworkAsk the students to say out where we can find English words or Englishnames around us and what they are What' s the meaning of it?Maybe the students can list a lot If they couldn' t, give them some notes such as WC, NBA Exit and so on. Let the students try the
35、ir bestto search as many abbreviations as possib leStep 5:PracticeAnd get them to introduce themselves to the others with their newEnglish name. All these must do after the students know how to doit. The teacher can give them an example with the help of onestudent. The teacher can take the dialogue
36、on the book for anexample. PractiseA: Hello!B: Hello!A: I' m Paula. P- A U LA, Paula. What' s your name? B: I' m James J-AM ES, JamesA: How do you do?B: How do you do?A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.Have students switch roles and repea tStep 6:Self checkAsk Ss to finish the
37、work by themselves and check their answers.Step7:HomeworkReview the Starter Unit 2.New words of Starter Unit 2教学成败得失及改进设想:课后 反 思本节课的教学内容较多,而且教者对内容进行重新整合,对 学生而言,有1ft战。整个课堂气氛较为活跃,学生能积极配 合,但个别学生性格较为内向,不擅长表达,以后应多加引 导。课题Starter Unit 3 What color is it?(第 1 课时)教 学 目 标知识目标本单元重点词汇以及相关句型的识记。能力目标调动学生积极性的活动来提高
38、学生的活跃性,激发他们参与讨论的热情。情感目标对学生进行美育教育,从小培养他们对美的正确认识。教学重点运用所学英语,正确地描述物体的颜色。教学难点进一步学习分辨人物的用语,并加以运用。主要教法Leading and guided method教学媒体Tape recorder教 学 过 程Teaching content: Section A 1a 2cStep l: Introduction1 .Do duty report. Ask students to take turns to do duty report (getstudents to tell a short story)one
39、 by one2 .Hang the white paper on the blackboard write the capital letter "A" with a red pen, then ask the studentsT: What' s this in English? Ss It' s an AT: What color is it?The teacher answers herself It' s red.3 .The teacher teaches the other colors with the color pensrepea
40、t thesewords until students grasp thermStep 2:Lead inDo the same steps of the letters list on l a as the teacher did in the introduction . Make sure students know an these letters and wordsStep 3:PracticeGet students to work in pairs, practice the dialogue appear in the picture of 1a.Allow students
41、use the other things instead of the letters while they areasking the colors.step 4:ListeningDo 1b, 2a, 2b and 2c in turn.Step 5:Practice、将26个字母按发音分类(写出与所给字母含有相同音素的其他字母)AaEeIiOoUuFfRr、从A、B、C、D中选出含有相同音素的选项号中的要求写出以下单词的适当形式()1.A.a fB.b pC.d jD.ir()2.A.b iB.d rC.g pD.jp()3.A.hlB.e uC.h mD.nx()4. A. m w B
42、.s r C. c f D.z l()5. A. h zB. s v C. v h D. f sStep6:HomeworkReview the rest part of the Starter Unit 3.New words of Starter Unit 3.课后 反 思教学成败得失及改进设想:通过本单元教学,使学生能运用所学英语,正确地描述物体的颜色;同时进一步学习分辨人物的用语, 并加以运用。从教学实效而言,基本完成了教学任务,达到了教学要求。课题Starter Unit 3 What color is it?(第 2 课时)教 学 目 标知识目标1.Letters SZ.2.Rev
43、ision of the alphabet.能力目标学会一些基本的学习策略,并运用这些策略 提高运用英语的能力。情感目标培养语用能力,让学生在用中感悟,把所学 到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习 过程生活化。教学重点1.Complete the alphabet with the letters S-Z.2 .How to talk about colors.3 .Pronunciation practice for the vowel sounds.教学难点Pronunciation of letters A,E,I,O,U。主要教法Leading and guided method教学
44、媒体Tape recorder教 学 过 程Teaching content: The test part of Starter Unit 3Step 1:Leacd- inTake turns to do the duty reportReview the lesson learned by asking the students to say out the twent six letters in right orders. Do 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d with the whole classStep 2:PairworkDo the guess game Ask stud
45、ents to work in pairs to practice like the following :T: Excuse me, what' s this in your bag? S Is it a pen?T: Yes, you' re right. What color is it? S: It' s white.T: No, you' re wrong. S: Is it red?Step 3:GrammarGo through the grammar focus and make sure all the students know what means If possible, the teacher can use Chinese to explain themStep 4:PracticeDo the color
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