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1、UNIT 3 Celebration学习目标单词Warm-upgraduation, the Mid-Autumn Festival, wedding, the Dragon Boat Festival, turkey, puddingLesson 1celebration, power, darkness, tradition, include, destroy, decorate, boil, serve, seasonal, traditional, sticky, nowadaysLesson 2alcohol, barbecue, reception, salary, teenage

2、r, congratulation, retire, smartlyLesson 3bride, bridegroom, best man, entrance, invitation, ceremony, contribute, linkLesson 4decoration, adult, polar, seriouslyCommunication Workshopanniversary, mess, unfortunately短语Lesson 1 burn down , take part inLesson 2 apply forLesson 3 even if, ought toLesso

3、n 4 the North Pole, put up, blow up, carry onCommunication Workshop a bit of, as well句型The festival is celebrated by.It is said/believed that sb. / sth交际用语Giving adviceYou ought to.You ought not to.You have to.You don't have to.CongratulationsWell done! You play beautifully!Wow ! That's bril

4、liant!语法被动语态情态动词have to,should,can及情态动词ought to 质量检测形成性检测一、词组互译A英译汉:1hold a celebration_2after graduation_3traditional Chinese medicine _4reception desk_5a letter of invitation _6congratulate sb. on sth._7even if _8make contributions to_9go to church _10dress up_B汉译英:1中秋节_2元宵节_3端午节_4春节_5农历月份_6向要求_7已

5、婚_8用来装饰_9从毕业_10参加_二、用括号里词的适当形式填空1The old man told us a story passed on by oral _.(traditional)2Ten people were injured in the fire, _ (include) two babies.3The stars came out as soon as _ fell. (dark)4This boy is very _; he may be another Edison. (smartly)5Shall we _ them back after the theatre? (in

6、vitation)6His illness was more _ than the doctor first thought. (seriously)7I need one more strip of cloth to finish this _ (decorate)8_, I missed the last train. (forturately)9After _ she became a teacher. (graduate)10Sitting out here, you really can feel the _ of the sun. (powerful)三、单项选择1The math

7、s problem can be._Aeasy worked outBeasy to be worked outCeasily worked outDeasily to work out2The Dragon Boat Festival _ the beginning of the hottest season of the year.AmarksBmakesCfallsDcomes3They stole everything in my purse, _ my credit card.AincludedBto includeCwas includingDincluding4_ the mor

8、ning of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have to serve tea to their parents.AInBAtCToDOn5The best man will _ and toast the bride and groom at the banquet.Amake a speechBreceive an invitationCcontribute some moneyDattend a reception6 I am going to get married, David._AYou lucky thing!BWell d

9、one! It's brilliant.CThat's brilliant! When's the big day?DI am very sorry to hear that.7Sir, you _ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only.Awon'tBneedn'tCoughtn't toDdon't have to8Her sister _ a rich man. They _ for twenty years.Amarried with;

10、have marriedBmarried to; have marriedCmarried; have been marriedDwas married; have been married9 I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. _!ACheersBGood luckCCome onDCongratulations10The game _ two hours. At last, our team won the game.AlastedBkept onChad onDcarried on11I'm feeling much better n

11、ow so you _ call the doctor.Amustn'tBcan'tCneedn'tDshouldn't12 Will you go to attend her party? No, _.Aeven though invited toBeven if invited meCif not invited meDunless invited to go13_ that Singapore is a beautiful country.AIt saidBIt is saidCIt is sayingDIt had been said14When _ a

12、gain?When he _, I'll let you know.Awill he come; will comeBwill he come; comeChe comes; comesDwill he come; comes15“Do you have any clothes _ today, Master?” asked the servant politely.Ato washBto be washedCwashingDbeing washed四、完形填空When I turned 40, my husband secretly planned a surprise party

13、for me. I'll never forget my feeling 1 I entered the restaurant and saw loving friends among flowers and music and a large display of photos. I hurried from one table 2 the next, greeting each guest. Then suddenly at the back of the room I caught sight of a gentle, smiling man with snow-white ha

14、ir and a kind, blue-eyed woman on his arm.“Mom, dad,” my 3 became wide. They had flown to Los Angeles from Chicago just hours before. I burst into tears at the sight of these two who, more than 4 else, had taught me that being there for another person is the 5 gift we can give.A year later, my husba

15、nd and I were invited to an unusual wedding. The night before the wedding, I decided to 6 my friends and beg off. “Kathy, this is Karen.”“You're 7 , aren't you?” she broke in, almost begging (乞求). I 8 and at that moment the sight of my parents at my 40th-birthday party came into my mind.“Yes

16、, of course,” I said. “We'll be there.”So we 9 And I was grateful we did. We weren't in our seats a minute before Kathy came up, happy but with 10 She told me how much our presence meant to her. Kathy's parents didn't make it as well as her son. I saw 11 in her eyes.I see now that on

17、e's presence 12 be a duty. It is, in fact, something that we owe one another, whatever the 13 To be therein personfor the sad or happy events of our friends and dear ones makes 14 .When we are truly 15 for other people, important things happen to them and to us. We are renewed in love and friend


19、Dhonor12AmustBcanCmayDwould13Aprize 13wageCbillDcost14Aa problem 13an opportunityCa differenceDan impression15ApresentBhappyCthankfulDeager五、阅读理解AThis dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can

20、 also help you with spelling, word building, grammar and pronunciation.To use your dictionary correctly, you will find two spellings for this word. “Colour” is used in British English, while “color” is used in American English. When there are differences between British and American spelling, the di

21、ctionary shows it with the word “BrE” for British English and “AmE” for American English.The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. If you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (音标 ) with some words to show you how they are pronounced. Just look at the ins

22、ide back cover when you're not sure how to say a word.The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a word its definition.In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2, 000 words. This means that the definitions of even the most difficult wor

23、ds are simple and easy to understand.1_ of the words in the dictionary have two spellings.AAllBSomeCFewDOne2What is the main reason for us to use a dictionary?ATo read the word correctly.BTo write the word out.CTo know the meaning of the word.DTo find the difference between British English and Ameri

24、can English.3The phonetic letters helps you _ each word correctly.AsayBwriteCunderstandDknow4The Chinese meaning of “definition” here is_.A词性B词条C词义D词库5How many words are there in this dictionary?ATwo thousand.BOne thousand.COne hundred.DWe don't know.B阅读下面短文,从方框中选出每部分恰当的标题。Green ChristmasAA real

25、 treeBEco-friendly ChristmasCGreen adviceDRecycle or replantAre you dreaming about a white or green Christmas?Traditionally, most people hope for a white Christmas in the UK. However, more and more individuals are working towards making it a green one.With environmental issues a high priority on the

26、 social and political agenda, Brits are keen to enjoy the festivities and, at the same time, be kind to the planet. 1 Statistics show that more waste is produced at Christmas by the food and drink we consume and the presents we exchange. With this in mind, the government and the public are making a

27、conscious effort to make 2006 an eco-friendly Christmas. 2 For example, the Scottish Executive has dedicated a section of its website to advising the public on the different ways they can have a green Christmas.Suggestions include re-using old Christmas cards and wrapping paper, using energy-saving

28、Christmas lights, and saving product waste by buying “experience” gifts, like theatre tickets or a museum pass. 3 Another suggestion on the site was made by Duncan McLaren, from Friends of the Earth Scotland. He said: “If you really must have a Christmas tree, then make it a live one.” This idea is

29、also recommended by local councils across England.Suffolk Coastal District Council, for example, has encouraged local residents to buy a real Christmas tree which can be planted out or composted after the festive season. 4 Councillor Andrew Nunn, the Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “Trees

30、with roots can be replanted in the garden either for re-use next year or just left to grow to enhance the garden scene. People are often put off buying a real tree because of falling needles, but this is now a thing of the past with new varieties of trees being grown that hardly shed any. Needles th

31、at do fall can be swept up and put on the compost heap or in the brown garden waste bin for recycling.”六、翻译句子1下周新的电子图书馆就对所有的学生开放了。_2你不应该东张西望的,要认真听老师讲课。_3据说这个电影明星要出新的歌曲专辑。_4全世界的电视台都通过卫星连接起来了。_5如果你想去国外,先要申请护照。_6他的讲话中加进了许多有趣的故事。_7学生们准备开个联欢会来庆祝新年的到来。_8很多孩子们一点家务活都不做。_9在她出国之前,她已经学了足够的英语来进行会话。_10你对你的薪水满意吗?

32、_综合能力测试一、听力理解A听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。1AAt a TV repair shop.BAt someone's house.CAt school.2AWaitress and customer.BBoss and secretary.CHusband and wife.3AOn the 3rd floor.BOn the 1st floor.COn the 4th floor.4A$9.B$4.5C$2.5AA taxi driver.BA bus driver.CThe woman's husband.

33、B听下面两篇长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听第6段材料,回答6至8小题。6What's the man's telephone number?A598 - 7482B587 - 4728C589 - 72487What does the man tell the girl?AHe will call again after 7 p. m.BHe asks her father to call him later.CHe will drop by around 8:30 p. m.8What does the girl refuse

34、 to tell the man?AHer age.BHer name.CHer address.听第7段材料,回答9至11小题。9Where does the man want to go?ATokyo Subway station.BTokyo Art Museum.CTokyo Tower.10How much is the train ticket?A130 yen.B140 yen.C150 yen.11How often does the train come?AAbout every 5 minutes.BAbout every 6 minutes.CAbout every 7

35、minutes.C听第8段材料,填补第12题至15题的空白。A Telephone Call12How does the man go to the train station?By _13Where does the man live?At No _ Mile End Street14When will the driver pick the man up? At _ in the afternoon15What does the man want the driver to help him to do?_.二、从右栏中选出符合左栏意思的单词1to show that a day or a

36、n event is importantAcelebrateby doing sth. special on it2a time when a particular situation makesBburn downit possible to do or achieve sth.3to tell sb that you are pleased about their successCdecorateor achievements4the area inside the entrance of a hotel,Dcontributean office building etc. where g

37、uests or visitorsgo first when they arrive5to make sth look more attractive by puttingE. congratulatethings on it6a date that is an exact number of years afterF. receptionthe date of an important or special event7to give sth, especially money or goods, G. traditionto help sb. /sth.8a belief, custom

38、or way of doing sth that has H. opportunityexisted for a long time among a particulargroup of people; a set of these beliefs or customs9to be destroyed, or to destroy sth. by fire I. put up10to suggest an idea, etc. for other people to discuss J. anniversary三、用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空apply, make a mess, ann

39、iversary, ceremony, be decorated with, put sth down, It' s said that, produce, season, fall on1The husband complained that his wife had _ of their money.2Next Monday is the _ of the day I first met you.3All of the walls of his room _ pictures of rock singers.4We are looking forward to attending

40、next week's opening _ of the Art Festival.5The historical novel about describing World War I is so attractive that I can't bear_.6Students should be encouraged to _ what they have learned in class into practice.7_ the remains of an ancient city have been discovered at the bottom of the lake.

41、8As you see, the goods we ordered are _ goods.9The Lantern Festival _ the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.10We must increase _ levels.四、单项选择1_ is reported in the newspapers that talks between the two countries are making progress.AAsBItCThatDWhat2You _ be tiredyou've only been working for

42、 an hour.Amust notBwon'tCcan'tDmay not3Is Bob still performing?I'm afraid not. He is said _ the stage already as he has become an official.Ato have leftBto leaveCto have been leftDto be left4You'd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor _ you have to wait.Aeven if

43、Bin caseCas ifDin order that5When the storm comes, all windows_.Aought to closeBought to be closingCought to be closedDought to closed6In our school, library books _ in two weeks.Ais returnedBmust returnCwill returnDmust be returned7We sent Dick our _ when he passed his examination.AcongratulationsB

44、impressionsCexpressionsDconclusions8He began to write two hours ago. He _ have finished the article now.AmustBoughtCought toDhad to9Our local newspaper _ every Friday.Aputs outBbrings outCcomes outDfinds out10We have made up our minds to _ the new five-year plan so as to modernize our country.Acarry

45、 upBcarry onCcarry outDcarry through11 Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? _ ?AWhat forBWhat is itCHow is itDHow so12Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?_.AYes, you may borrowBYes, you couldCYes, help yourselfDYes, go on13Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.Ap

46、ayBpayingCpaidDto pay14Working in the pet shop is a great _ to get to know more about animals.AthingBchoiceCopportunityDmatter15I'm not sure if we'll go to the beach this weekend. It all _ the weather.Aturns outBdepends onCgets toDcomes to五、短文填空阅读下面短文,根据上下文在空白处填出以首字母开头的单词的适当形式,使短文内容完整。Experi

47、ence the charm of the original French colony in Louisiana (1714) during the Festival of Lights and Christmas Festival, o 1 of the nation' s oldest community-based h 2 celebrations.The Festival of Lights begins November 21 and I 3 into the New Year. The Natchitoches Christmas F 4 has been held on

48、 the first weekend in December s 5 1927This annual event draws in excess of 100, 000 v 6 from all over the word each y 7 for the parade, live entertainment, food fair, arts and crafts show and a spectacular fireworks show over the scenic Cane River Lake.Mini-festivals are held every weekend in Decem

49、ber w 8 a Holiday Tour of Homes, entertainment and fireworks every Saturday and a 9 midnight on New Year' s Eve. More than 500, 000 visitors annually trek (长途跋涉, 徒步旅行) to Natchitoches d 10 the holiday season to enjoy the light displays, riverbank vendors, shops, restaurants, and night tours by s

50、treetcar or carriages.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_六、阅读理解AShow Your Love by Planting a TreeShow your love by planting a tree in Celebration Forest. It is a meaningful gesture to mark the special occasions and the close personal memories in your life, and in the lives of loved ones.Give the gift that

51、 grows! Whether it is a celebration of life, or of a life well lived, planting a tree is a sign of your heartfelt affection. Symbolic tree planting ceremonies are an age-old custom, spanning many countries. Putting a healthy, young tree in the ground is a symbol of celebration: life, hope, growth and continuity.When you wish t


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