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1、FE-5/7 PEPS系统培训Training on FE-5/7 PEPS System快乐人生,吉利相伴!Happy life, Geely drive!1. PEPS系统组成1. Composition2. PEPS 系统装配2. Configuration3. PEPS系统架构3. Architecture4. PEPS功能介绍4. Functions5. PEPS优异性能介绍5. Advantages6. PEPS功能失效分析6. Function Failure AnalysisGeely FE-5/7 PEPS 售后维修培训After-sales Training on Geel

2、y FE-5/7 PEPSPEPS系统组成CompositionPEPS系统装配ConfigurationPEPS系统架构ArchitecturePEPS功能介绍FunctionsPEPS优异性能介绍AdvantagesPEPS功能失效分析Function Failure Analysis数量Quantity图片PicturePEPS控制器PEPS controller一键启动开关Start/stop button外部天线Exterior antenna低频天线Low-frequency antenna智能钥匙Smart key电子式转向锁Electronic steering column

3、lock2把智能钥匙2 smart keysPEPS 控制器PEPS controller继电器Relay左前轮轮速硬线Front left wheel speed hardwire启动开关Start/stop buttonC-CANC-CANP-CANP-CAN后备箱开关Trunk switch蓄电池Battery车门把手总成Door handle assembly1、门把手内壳体;1. Interior door handle casing;2、外部天线本体;2. Exterior antenna body;3、门把手外壳体;3. Exterior door handle housing;

4、把手传感器工作原理:Working principle of handle sensor:参数:Parameters:工作电压:9-16V;Working voltage: 9-16V;低 频:125KHz;Low frequency: 125KHz;原理:Principle:主要由两部分组成:上锁/解锁电容传感器+低频天线;The handle sensor mainly consists of two parts: lock/unlock capacitive sensor + low-frequency antenna.上锁/解锁是两路信号独立输入,外部天线传感器能够区分上锁/解锁输入请

5、求,PEPS检测到上锁/解锁请求信号后,通过驱动外部天线上低频天线发送搜索钥匙查询信号,在门把手半径1.5m范围内,如果遥控钥匙收到查询信号,通过RF信号给PEPS控制器反馈 回来认证信号;同时遥控钥匙上状态指示灯会闪烁提示;PEPS对其反馈信号进行比较来判断钥匙是否合法,如果是合法钥匙,PEPS控制器向BCM发送四门解锁/上锁请求,BCM收到请求后对四门进行解锁/上锁。Independent input is set for the lock signal and the unlock signal respectively. The exterior antenna sensor can

6、distinguish between the lock input request from the unlock input request. After PEPS detected a lock/unlock request signal, it divers drives the exterior low-frequency antenna to send a key researching and query signal. The remote key receives the query signal which is within 1.5m around from the do

7、or handle center, it sends a verification signal to PEPS controller and the state indicator lamp on the remote key starts to flash at the same time. PEPS studies the feedback signal to judge whether the key is valid and if so, PEPS will send to BCM a four-door lock/unlock request and BCM will actuat

8、e the operation after it received the request. 遥控器组成结构Composition of remote control unit遥控钥匙Remote key上壳体Upper cover硅胶垫片Silicone pad电池Battery接触弹片Contact spring下壳体Lower cover机械钥匙Mechanical key遥控钥匙功能Functions of remote key功能介绍Function description整车最多配3把钥匙;The vehicle can have 3 keys at most;遥控器上有上锁/解锁

9、/后备箱开启3个按键,上锁/解锁短按可以实现四门上锁/解锁功能;On the remote control unit, there are three buttons, namely Lock/Unlock/Trunk Open. Short press Lock/Unlock to lock/unlock the four doors;长按解锁或闭锁按键可以实现一键升/降窗功能;Long press Unlock/Lock to lift/lower the door windows;解锁和闭锁按键同时按可以切换静音模式;Press Unlock and Lock at the same t

10、ime to switch to the silent mode;后备箱开启键需长按超过2S才能实现后备箱开启功能;To open the trunk, long press Trunk Open for over 2s.指示灯Indicator lamp上锁键Lock button后备箱开启键Trunk button解锁键Unlock button1、工作电压:2.33.7V;1. Working voltage: 2.33.7V;2、RF 频 率:433MHz;2. RF frequency: 433MHz;3、低 频:125KHz;3. Low frequency: 125KHz;启动开

11、关功能Functions of start/stop button功能介绍:Function description:1、电源切换:1. Power supply switchoverOFFACCIGN ONOFF;OFFACCIGN ONOFF;2、启动/熄火车辆;2. Start/stall the engine;3、启动开关集成了IMMO线圈,如果钥匙电量低或者电池取下来时,按下启动开关后,把钥匙背面(LOGO面)贴着启动开关表面,PEPS通过immo线圈才能对钥匙进行认证,认证结果通过启动开关上的基站LIN通信发给PEPS控制器;PEPS收到后才允许上电或者启动。3. IMMO coi

12、l is integrated to the start/stop button. To verify the key, put the back of the key (LOGO side) closely against the button when the key battery is low or the battery is taken out, PEPS will verify the key by virtue of the IMMO coil, and then the verification result will be sent to PEPS controller v

13、ia LIN communication on the button. Can power be supplied/engine be started only after PEPS received the verification result.PEPS控制器为主节点。PEPS controller is the main node.状态指示灯Status indicator lamp(橙色和绿色LED灯)(Orange/green LED lamp)背光灯Backlight lamp(白色LED灯)(White LED lamp)1、工作电压:9-16V;1. Working volta

14、ge: 9-16V;ESCL 功能简介Brief introduction of ESCL与传统通过机械钥匙锁止方向盘管柱的机械点火锁不同,电子式转向锁通过电子方式进行控制,锁止方向管柱.Different from traditional mechanical steering column lock, electronic steering column lock (ESCL) controls the steering column in an electronic way. 电子式转向锁内部采用一个电机控制锁舌的缩入和伸出,其实现相关的功能需要整套系统达到ASIL D的安全等级;具体可

15、查询ISO 26262相关标准。A motor is installed within ESCL to control lock tongue withdrawal and extension. To realize the lock/unlock function, the whole system should have a safety grade of ASIL D. See relevant ISO 26262 standards for details.电子式转向锁由PEPS控制器通过LIN总线驱动上锁解锁;ESCL的电源由PEPS ECU进行控制,在非OFF状态下,PEPS控制器

16、不会给ESCL进行供电,保证行车安全性。PEPS controller drives ESCL via LIN bus to conduct lock/unlock. PEPS ECU controls power supply of ESCL. If the power supply is not OFF, PEPS controller will not provide power for ESCL and this ensures driving safety.电子式转向锁通过LIN总线反馈PEPS 控制器当前锁舌位置。ESCL gives PEPS controller feedbac

17、k on the lock tongue position via LIN bus. 备注:Note:工作电压:9-16VWorking voltage: 9-16VPEPS功能无钥匙进入PEPS functionpassive entry无钥匙解锁功能:手触摸到门把手内侧特定区域,并且身上携带本车钥匙,如下图所示:Keyless unlocking: Touch the interior inductive area of the door handle with hand to unlock the door (the user must take the remote key with

18、you), as is shown below:无钥匙闭锁功能:手触摸门把手外侧感应区域,并且身上携带本车钥匙 ,如下图:Keyless locking: Touch the exterior inductive area of the door handle with hand to lock the door (the user must take the remote key with you), as is shown below:r1.8 mr1.8 m注意事项:Notes:上锁后禁止3S内解锁;Unlocking is prohibited within 3s since lock

19、ing;解锁后禁止3S内上锁;Locking is prohibited within 3s since unlocking;有门未关闭或者电源不在OFF档或者钥匙落在车内都不能上锁,并有声光提醒用户;If any door is not closed or the power supply is not turned OFF, or the key is left in the vehicle, locking function will fail and acoustic and light warnings will be given to remind the user;钥匙落在车内,

20、用另一把钥匙遥控可以锁车。If the key is left in the vehicle, the user can use another remote key to lock the doors;钥匙在不超过1m范围内;The key must be within 1m from the user;不能同时触摸上锁/解锁区域;The user should not touch the locking and unlocking areas at the same time.策略:当PEPS检测到门把手被触发上锁/解锁请求,将会触发门把手天线查找车外钥匙,只有在(不超过1.8m范围内)找

21、到车外钥匙并且认证通过的情况下,PEPS才会发送解闭锁指令给BCM,BCM执行四门解闭锁动作。Strategy: When PEPS detected that a lock/unlock request is triggered at the door handle, it will actuate the door handle antenna to seek the key outside the vehicle. Only after the key is found within 1.8 m from the door handle and the key is successful

22、ly verified, can PEPS send lock/unlock command to BCM to conduct four-door locking/unlocking. RKE 闭锁RKE LOCK遥控钥匙闭锁键被按下Button “Lock” on the remote key is pressedRKE 解锁RKE UNLOCK遥控钥匙解锁键被按下Button “Unlock” on the remote key is pressedRKE 寻车RKE SEARCH遥控钥匙闭锁键500ms内被按下两次Button “Lock” on the remote key is p

23、ressed twice within 500 msRKE 开后备箱RKE TRUNK OPEN遥控钥匙后备箱按键被长按2s以上Button “Trunk Open” on the remote key is pressed for over 2s一键升窗功能One-button window rise遥控钥匙闭锁键被按下超过2SButton “Lock” on the remote key is pressed for over 2s一键降窗功能One-button window fall遥控钥匙解锁键被按下超过2SButton “Unlock” on the remote key is p

24、ressed for over 2sPEPS功能遥控功能(RKE)PEPS functionremote control (RKE)策略:当PEPS收到遥控钥匙指令并且验证通过后,PEPS发送相应指令给BCM,BCM执行相应动作。Strategy: After PEPS received the command from remote key and finished key verification, it sends corresponding command to BCM to carry out the corresponding action.备注:RF接收天线集成在PEPS控制器里

25、面;Note: RF receiving antenna is integrated in PEPS controller;1、在433.92 MHz外部磁场干扰下,1. Under external electromagnetic interference of 433.92 MHz,遥控功能不可用;the remote control function fails to work;2、遥控器有效距离不小于25 m;2. Valid inductive distance of the remote control unit should be not less than 25 m.PEPS功

26、能无钥匙后备箱开启功能PEPS functionpassive trunk open策略:Strategy:按下后备箱开关,且Button “Trunk Open” is pressed; and检测到本车钥匙(1m范围内);且Vehicle key is detected (within 1m); andPEPS给BCM发送后备箱开启命令;且PEPS sends to BCM a trunk open command; andBCM执行开启后备箱动作;BCM conducts corresponding action to open the trunk.1、钥匙不能超过后备箱1.2m范围外;

27、1. The key should be within 1.2 m or closer to the trunk;Geely GC9 PEPS 售后维修培训After-sales Training on Geely GC9 PEPSPEPS功能无钥匙启动PEPS functionpassive start1、钥匙放在后排座椅衣帽架上,不能启动车辆;如下图所示:1. If the key is placed on the rear hat rack, the vehicle cannot be started, as is shown in the figure below:1、钥匙在车内;且1

28、. The key is in the vehicle; and2、刹车踩下;且2. The brake pedal is pressed; and3、档位在P或者N档;且3. The gearshift lever is in P gear or N gear; and4、按下启动开关;4. The start/stop button is pressed;1、钥匙放在后排座椅衣帽架上,不能启动车辆;如左图所示:1. If the key is placed on the rear hat rack, the vehicle cannot be started, as is shown in

29、 the figure on the left:2、钥匙在车外一定距离有可能启动车辆;如下图所示:2. If the key is outside, with a certain distance from the vehicle, vehicle starting is possible, as is shown in the figure below:绿色为不溢出区域 Green spots indicate the valid inductive range黄色为溢出区 Yellow spots indicate the area out of inductionPEPS功能电源状态切换

30、PEPS functionpower state switchover背景灯Backlight lamp1、钥匙在车内,低频天线正常,没有踩下刹车,按下启动开关,电源从OFFACCIGN ONOFF循环切换;1. Press start/stop button for several times when the key is in the vehicle, the low-frequency antenna can work normally and the brake pedal is not pressed, the power supply will circulate in a cy

31、cle of OFFACCIGN ONOFF;2、当踩下刹车,按下启动开关,电源会先切换到IGN1 ON,再到CRANK,启动成功后会切换到IGN ON。2. Press the brake pedal and then press start/stop button for several times, the power supply will first switch to IGN1 ON, then to CRANK and return to IGN O after successful starting. 状态指示灯策略:Strategy of status indicator l

32、amp:1、engine off,刹车未踩下,电源非OFF,1. engine off, brake pedal not pressed, power supply not turned off:指示灯是亮橙色;Indicator lamp turns to bright orange;2、engine off,刹车踩下,钥匙在车内,2. engine off, brake pedal pressed, key placed in the vehicle:指示灯是绿色;Indicator lamp turns to green;3、engine running,指示灯是熄灭的;3. engin

33、e running, indicator lamp goes out.背光灯策略:Strategy of backlight lamp:1、整车从设防到解防,亮60S;1. The lamp keeps lightened for 60s from activation to inactivation of the anti-theft system;2、满足准备启动时,背光灯亮;2. The lamp lightens when starting conditions are met;3、开小灯时,背光灯亮;3. The lamp lightens when the clearance la

34、mp is turned on;1、钥匙没电或没有找到车内钥匙情况:按下一键启动开关,并且将钥匙(非按键面)快速贴近启动开关,认证通过后,电源状态会切换。1. If the key is powered off or the no key is sought, press start/stop button and then put the back side (not the button side) of the key close against the button to verify the key. The power state will switch over after su

35、ccessful verification.2、非P档不能下电到OFF;2. No electric current can reach OFF if the gearshift lever is not in P gear;3、车速非零时,不能下电到OFF;3. No electric current can reach OFF if the vehicle speed is not zero;PEPS功能电源状态切换策略PEPS functionpower state switchover strategyAT车速为零ATVehicle speed is zeroMT车速为零MTVehic

36、le speed is zeroMT车速不为零MTVehicle speed is not zeroAT车速不为零ATVehicle speed is not zeroPEPS功能发动机防盗原理PEPS functionworking principle of engine anti-theft system发Engine动anti-theft机system防HAHA盗HAHA1、IGN ON电后,ECM会先发起认证的随机码1. With IGN ON, ECM first will initiate a random code for verification.2、PEPS对随机码进行加密并

37、反馈给ECM2. PEPS encrypts the random code and sends it to ECM;3、 ECM也对产生的随机码进行加密,并和收到PEPS反馈的加密码进行比对,如果正确,就释放发动机;如果错误,并重新发起认证3. ECM also encrypts the random code and compares it with that it received from PEPS. If the two encrypted codes match well, ECM releases the engine; if not, verification will be

38、initiated anew.4、连续错误3次,PEPS将向仪表发出报警提示信号,仪表会提示:防盗认证失败;4. If verification fails successively for 3 times, PEPS will send a warning signal to the IPC and IPC will give warning: anti-theft verification failed; PEPS系统优异性能快速启动PEPS advantagequick start启动开关按下时间(30ms)+找钥匙时间(130ms)+从OFF到ON时间(170ms)+TCU档位信号时间

39、(300ms)=630msPress start/stop button (30 ms) + key searching (130 ms) + OFFON (170 ms) + TCU gear signal (300 ms) = 630 ms即630ms内拖动机动起来。The engine will be driven to rotate within 630 ms.备注:比K5、帕萨特、宝马535启动响应时间都要快;Note: To start the engine, the vehicle takes less time than K5, Passat and BMW 535.诊断PEP

40、S相关特殊程序:Relevant special procedure for PEPS diagnosisPEPS功能售后诊断仪PEPS functiondiagnostic scanner for after-sales service特殊功能System features天线自检Antenna self-inspection 更换PEPSPEPS replacement更换电子转向柱锁ESCL replacement钥匙学习Key learning清除PEPS密钥PEPS secret key clearing清除电子转向柱锁密钥ESCL secret key clearing钥匙放置区域

41、Key holder1、售后学习匹配前,需要通过车身VIN码咨询整车相关的ESK信息;1. Before learning and matching during after-sales service, first confirm ESK information via VIN on the vehicle body;2、已学习过一次的钥匙除和同一辆车相同的ESK进行匹配外,无法匹配其他车辆;2. If key learning has been conducted before, the key should match and only match ESK of the same veh

42、icle;3、配置信息需确认清楚,如配置错误可能会导致车辆的功能异常,具体可见售后操作手册;3. Do make clear the configuration information; otherwise function failure may occur and for more details, see the after-sales service manual;4、每次学习前,钥匙需放在最适合的位置(多把钥匙也一样),如上图所示;4. Each time before key learning, place the key at the most appropriate place

43、 (the same requirement for more keys) as is shown in the figure above;5、ESCL更换也需要通过例程执行,详细步骤参见诊断仪操作说明。5. ESCL replacement must be conducted according to the specified procedure and for the detailed steps, see operation description of diagnostic scanner.GS配置信息如何配置配置?GS configuration information. How

44、to set the configuration?ESCL更换执行步骤,怎么操作?How to replace ESCL? What are the steps?PEPS系统优异性能后备箱重启功能PEPS advantagetrunk bouncing open钥匙如果落在后备箱里面,PEPS不允许后备箱关闭;即关好后后备箱会弹开;If the key is left in the trunk, PEPS will stop the trunk from closingthe closed trunk will bounce open;如果钥匙在车外,有可能后备箱无法关闭;如下图所示:If t

45、he key is not in the vehicle, it is possible that the trunk cannot be closed either, as is shown in the figure below:PEPS系统优异性能钥匙不在车内提示PEPS advantagekey-not-in-vehicle warning电源非OFF,有门打开,钥匙不在车内,仪表提示:未检测到钥匙,并响3声。If the power supply is not at OFF position, any door is opened and the key is not in the

46、vehicle, IPC will remind the driver; if no key cannot detected, IPC will issue a warning sound for 3 times.PEPS系统优异性能长按启动PEPS advantagelong press to start电源在ACC,刹车未踩下,长按15S,可以启动车辆;If the power supply is at ACC position and the brake pedal is not pressed, long press start/stop button for 15s, the veh

47、icle will be started.备注:考虑刹车开关坏了,需要把车开到4S店去维修;Note: If it is suspected that the brake switch is damaged, please drive the vehicle to a 4S store for repair.序号S/N异常现象Phenomenon原因分析Cause analysis解决办法Solutions遥控功能失效Remote control function failure1、按下按键,钥匙LED灯是否闪烁?否; 2、IP是否有低电压报警?否;1. Press start/stop bu

48、tton, see whether the LED lamp on the remote key is flickering?No; 2. Whether there gives a low-voltage warning on IPNo; 更换钥匙Replace the key.1、按下按键,钥匙LED灯是否闪烁?是; 2、IP是否有低电压报警?否;1. Press start/stop button, see whether the LED lamp on the remote key is flickering?Yes; 2. Whether there gives a low-volt

49、age warning on IPNo;3、读取PEPS控制器和BCM 故障码;3. Use the diagnostic scanner to read fault codes stored in PEPS controller and BCM;依据故障码排除Carry out troubleshooting according to the fault codes.1、按下按键,钥匙LED灯是否闪烁?是;1. Press start/stop button, see whether the LED lamp on the remote key is flickering?Yes; 2、IP

50、是否有低电压报警?有; 2. Whether there gives a low-voltage warning on IPYes;更换钥匙电池Replace the key battery.1、按下按键,钥匙LED灯是否闪烁?是; 2、IP是否有低电压报警?有;1. Press start/stop button, see whether the LED lamp on the remote key is flickering?Yes; 2. Whether there gives a low-voltage warning on IPYes;3、电池电压低于9V?是;3. Battery

51、voltage is lower than 9V?Yes;给电池充电Charge the battery.无钥匙进入功能失效Passive entry failure1、触摸门把手时,钥匙LED是否闪烁?是;1. Whether the LED lamp on the remote key is flickering when you touch the door handle?Yes;2、整车电压是否低于9V?是2. Complete vehicle voltage is lower than 9V?Yes1、触摸门把手时,钥匙LED是否闪烁?否;1. Whether the LED lam

52、p on the remote key is flickering when you touch the door handle?No;2、整车电压是否低于9V?否2. Complete vehicle voltage is lower than 9V?No3、读取PEPS和BCM故障码3. Use the diagnostic scanner to read fault codes stored in PEPS and BCM.1、检查线束;1. Inspect the harness;2、更换钥匙;2. Replace the key;3、更换PEPS;3. Replace PEPS;4、

53、更换BCM;4. Replace BCM;5、更换门锁; 6、更换外部天线;5. Replace the door lock; 6. Replace the exterior antenna.无钥匙锁车功能失效Passive lock failure2、整车电压是否低于9V?否;2. Complete vehicle voltage is lower than 9V?No3、是否有转向灯、喇叭报警提示?有3. Any turn signal lamp or horn warning is issued?Yes1、四门是否关闭;1. Whether all the four doors are

54、closed;2、是否有钥匙在车内;2. Whether the key is in the vehicle; 3、电源是否OFF状态;3. Whether the power supply is OFF;3、是否有转向灯、喇叭报警提示?否;3. Any turn signal lamp or horn warning is issued?No4、读取BCM和PEPS故障码;4. Use the diagnostic scanner to read fault codes stored in BCM and PEPS;4、更换门锁;4. Replace the door lock; 5、更换外部天线;5. Replace the exterior antenna.无法上电No power can be supplied1、整车电源是否在9-16V?是1. Complete vehicle voltage is within 916V or not?Yes2、钥匙是否闪烁?否2.The key flickers or not?No3、IP是否有未检测到钥匙报警有3. Any key warning not detected by IP?Yes4、诊断仪天线自检?没有故障;4. Use the diagnostic scanner to carry


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