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1、短文填空1she,   like,   study,  mother,  good,  noodle, be,  wear,  shoe,  teachHello, My name is Wang Hong. I have a happy family. My father Mr Wang is a doctor and my mother Mrs. Wang is an English 1. _. I a

2、m a student, 2. _ in a middle school.My father likes noodles 3. _, but my mothers favorite food is dumplings. I like porridge and 4. _ best. My fathers favorite fruit is apple, and tea is his best drink. What about my 5. _? Orange and milk. I like pear and juice best. My favorite color is blue and I

3、 like 6. _ my school uniform best. My mother says she likes 7. _ red skirt best, which makes her warm and active. My father likes green. He 8. _ sports, he often wears his sports 9. _.This 10. _ my family. I love my family.短文填空2  nation, tell, noodle, be, develop,write, ask, kind, vegetabl

4、e, ChinaDear David,Im very happy to 1._ to you now. Last time you 2._ me about my country. You know, China is a great country like Canada. She has a long history and rich culture. The 5-star red flag is her 3._ flag. From south to north, east to west, there are many different 4._ of foods. During Ch

5、inas Spring Festival, the most people eat dumplings and 5. _. South people eat rice and 6._ often.Chinese is our language and I love Chinese. Beijing is 7._ Capital. The Chinese people 8._ making China 9._ faster and faster.David, there are more interesting things. Next time I will 10._ you. Thats a

6、ll!YoursLi lei短文填空3happy, others, friend, hobby, friendship,make, as, same, student, respectIt is very hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. 1._ a good friend can make your life 2._ and easier. How to make friends?If you are in a new class, dont be nervous. Be 3._ to others an

7、d they will be friendly to you too. Give your opening mind to other 4. _. They will like you soon.The 5. _ interest is important. Singing and dancing are most students 6._. If you have, they will get close to you.At last, in order to keep a good 7. _, we should help, understand and 8. _ each other.I

8、n a word, 9._ a good friend, giving others more means getting more from 10._.短文填空4keep, many, country, begin, show,lovely, dirty, collect, lose, surpriseMy hobby is collecting stamps. I have been 1. _ stamps for ten years.Ten years ago, while I was playing in Jims house one day, he 2. _ me his stamp

9、 albums. I was 3. _ to see so many colorful stamps of different shapes and sizes. He gave me some stamps. My interest in stamp collection 4. _ from that day.At first, I 5. _ stamps in my notebooks. Later, I found that most of them became 6. _ and some of them were 7. _. So I bought an stamp album. I

10、t was very lovely. I have 8. _ than two hundred stamps now. My foreign friends often send stamps to me from different 9. _ around the world. In my free time, I usually bring out all my 10. _ stamps. They can help me remember my friends. I really enjoy doing this.短文填空5open, help, nice, between, not o

11、nly,sister, or, habit, pass, doAmericans like to say “Thank you” when others help them 1. _ say something kind to them. It is a very good 2. _.You should say “Thank you” when someone 3. _ you the salt on the table, when someone walking in front of you holds the door 4. _ for you, when someone says y

12、ou have 5. _ your work very well, or you have bought something 6. _, or your city is very beautiful.“Thank you” is 7. _ used among friends, but also 8. _ parents and children, brothers and 9. _, husbands and wives.So we always say “Thank you” when getting 10. _ from others.短文填空6about, interest, grea

13、t, often, place,speak, nice, two, well, goLast year I 1. _ to Australia to study and travel. I stayed there for 21 days. I lived in Sydney for two weeks. I visited a place of 2. _ in the morning and had English lessons in the afternoon. A friend and I stayed with a family in Sydney. The home-stay fa

14、mily were very 3. _ to us. We talked 4. _ a lot of things in English. My 5. _ English became much better in Australia. I didnt have to speak English so 6. _ in China. But in Australia, I had to. Soon I could talk with my teachers and home-stay family freely.To me, the best 7. _ in Australia is the S

15、ydney Opera House. On my 8. _ day in Sydney, I went there. The Opera House is 9. _. It is so beautiful. I cant sing very 10. _, but when I was in it, I really wanted to sing.短文填空7come, grandparent, again, count, giveswim, surprise, see, study, colorDear Jane,Thank you so much for 1. _ me such a nice

16、 birthday party. I was really 2. _! You, Jerry, Kate and all my old friends at high school 3. _! I had a fantastic time! I didnt 4. _, But I guess there were 10 to 12 people there. I enjoyed 5. _ all of them.Thank you also for the beautiful sweater. The size is good and I love the 6. _. How did you

17、know that red is my favorite?Then, what are you busy doing these days? Do you have a lot of homework to do? I am 7. _ for my tests. I cant wait for the summer holidays to come! Im going to my 8. _ home in Hawaii for the holidays. Their house is near the beach and I can go 9. _ every day! It would be

18、 very exciting. Thanks 10. _ for the party and the great gift. Write soon and tell me about your plans for the summer holidays!Yours,Nancy短文填空8help, vegetable, delicious, need, because,garden, good, something, show, pieceHave you ever eaten vegetables from the garden? If so, you know how 1. _ they c

19、an be. Freshly-picked vegetables are also 2. _ for you, and its fun to grow them. This book will 3. _ how to grow vegetables in your garden.You will need many things to grow 4. _. For example, you need a small 5. _of land, seeds, water, and fertilizer(肥料) to 6. _ your plants grow. But you will need

20、7. _ else, too. You need math! That is 8. _ you will have to know how large your 9. _ is and how much space(空间) each plant 10. _. To do all of that, you will use a lot of math.短文填空9   sun, hot,  smell, work,  singing,nice, swim, lower,  because, sunnyWhic

21、h season do you like best? I love summer best 1. _ I can do many activities outdoors, like going to the park after a long days 2. _. In summer its very 3. _ to go camping or to sit next to a fire with a drink at night. I love to 4. _ in the sea and lie on the beach reading a book. The temperature th

22、ere is 5. _ than that in other places, so I feel really comfortable. I love to walk on the beach as the 6. _ goes down before darkness and I think it is beautiful. I also love to drive up to the north. It is 7. _ there. The leaves are so nice in the warm sun. When I wake up, I can hear the birds 8.

23、_ right there. I love summer because flowers come out with beautiful colors. I love to sit in my garden. There I can 9. _ my lemon tree. When it is 10. _ outside, I love to jump into a pool and I feel so relaxed.短文填空10rain, because, too, rest, enjoy,time, happy, well, weekend, readDo you like sunny

24、days? Many people like sunny days, 1. _ they can go out to do what they like. And on holidays or at 2. _, they like going to the beach to 3. _ the sunshine. It makes them 4. _. But they dont like rain. They always feel sad when it 5. _. I like sunshine very much, and I enjoy rain, 6. _.On rainy days

25、, I like to listen to music, do some 7. _ or just look out of the window. Sometimes, I will have a good 8. _ and sleep when it rains.Sunshine may make one run around and rain may make one quiet. Which do you like 9. _? I hope you can have a good 10. _ no matter when it is sunny or rainy.短文填空11we,tak

26、e,fast, help,come, difficult , also , get, it, make, they, workRobots have a long history, The first one was made by a Greek inventor.(希腊发明家)You may see robots in some movies. The robots in these movies are stronger, 1_and cleverer than people .In real life, most robots are used in factories. They d

27、o many dangerous, 2_or boring jobs.Some people cant look after 3_and robots are used to help them. For example, some people cant see, so they use a dog 4_themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog, Scientists are 5_a robot to help them. In the future, robots might take the place of 

28、 (代替) these dogs.Robots are 6_used in hospitals, In one hospital ,a robot 7_meals from kitchen to the sick peoples rooms, It never loses 8_way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer systems(系统).In the future, robots 9_in space, But robots will never take the place of human, they c

29、an, however, help 10_in a lot of different ways.短文填空12for ,I ,always, different , read, same , clever ,much , well , quiet, not, likeMy family 1_ spend the summer vacation by the beach.Usually we go to Qingdao, but this year were going somewhere 2_ ,Were going to Hainan. My dad says Hainan is 3_than

30、 Qingdao, and he says the beaches are 4_ beautiful. My friend Zhao Fei went to Hainan last year, and he said it was a great place 5_swimmming.Zhao Fei is really 6_ at swimming, but Im 7_ . Im 8_ than him. I 9_sitting on the beach and 10_a book.短文填空13show, at ,read,English, invite,think, an

31、swer,in ,ask, sure, for, beginMy little sister is in Grade Seven this year, her favorite subject is math, and she is very good 1_it.  One day, a friend of my fathers from America 2_us some pictures about America and 3_us to his home. My sister wanted to go there very much, but my father sa

32、id she must speak 4_very well. From then on(从那时起),she 5_to work hard, She kept 6_English for about half an hour every morning ,In  class ,she listened very carefully and 7_the teachers questions as soon as possible. There was an American teacher in her school. After school , she often talk

33、 to him 8_Englishand asked him 9_help about English. Now she always says” My dream is to be a diplomat(外交官)“ I am10_her dream will come true one day.短文填空14buy,like,for,when,food,eat,hard,either,habit,health,to ,manyLots of children in the cities love junk food. Its very bad 1    

34、 _ their health.   Their parents and teachers dont want them to eat too   2_ _  junk food. Although they know its not a good 3      _ to eat junk food, they  still (仍然) eat this kind of food. The

35、y can 4   _  stop eating it.Jim enjoys 5     _  junk food very much. When he was six years old,  he usually asked his grandpa 6   _junk food for him. When he was ten, he would like junk food twice a week.&

36、#160; 7_  _he was fifteen, he would    like junk food once a day. Hes   sixteen now, but he still ats it twice a day! More junk food and less exercise make him 8 _ _ heavy.   His       

37、families are worrying about (为担忧) him. But he says, “Maybe Im 9    _    , but I really enjoy eating this kind of 10   _    .”Maybe Jim is happy when he is eating junk food, but he lost health for it.!短文填空15everything, robot,

38、spend, factory, fly, able, housework, answer, other, work, space, sciencIn one hundred years everyone will carry a small computer. The computer will give people the    1_ _ to all their questions. We will all have    2_ _  at our homes

39、. So well be 3_ _  to let robots do most of the 4_ _  . While making a telephone call, well also be able to see the people on the 5_ _  end at the same time.A lot of people will live and work under the sea or in the 6 _ _ 

40、60;because there will be big towns and 7_ _  there. Robots will do most of the work, and people will just 8 _ _  two or three days a week. Theyll be able to 9_ _ to the moon in a spaceship and 10_ _  their holidays there.短文填空16like, vo

41、lunteer, what, start, complain, change, something, take, know, question, family, answerIm a lucky kid. My parents told me to volunteer when I was seven. My 1_ _ would travel to different old peoples homes and helped others. I always remember 2_ _about getting up early on Sunday morning. I

42、didnt know how much this lifelong habit would 3_ _my life. From new experiences to new skills(技能), 4_ _has changed my world. The people I have met are the best; many people become lifelong friends.Do you 5_ _re than half of the teenagers the USA volunteer? All kinds of people vol

43、unteer, doing 6_ _you can think of. The world is a better place when people help each other. Being volunteers doesnt 7_ _much time or need any special skills. If you have new ideas you can change the way others think. Before you jump in and 8_ _volunteering, take a few minutes to

44、 think about the following 9_ _.What catches (吸引)your interest? 10_ _do you like to do ? What would you like to do? Then you can do it.短文填空17woman,she,go,dream,like,luck,real,sit,be,play,good,liveI often watch a little girl basketball every day from my kitchen window. One day I asked 1_

45、60;_why she practice so much. She said, “I want to go to college. The only way is to get a scholarship(奖学金). I like basketball and I want to be 3_ _player in college. My dad told me, If the dream is big enough, the facts dont count.”She never changed her mind. I watched her through those junior

46、 high school years into senior high school. One day before she graduated from high school, I saw her 4_ _on the grass sadly. I asked her what 5_ _wrong. She told me that her coach(教练)said she was too short to be a good basketball 6_ _, so she should stop 7_ _about going to colleg

47、e. She was heartbroken and it made me feel sad too. The she smiled and told me her father said that coach was wrong. He did not know the power(力量)of  dream. Her father said to her,” If you 8_ _want to play for the scholarship of a good college, nothing but(除了)yourself can stop your dr

48、eam.” He told her again, “If the dream is big enough, the facts dont count.”The next year, she and her team 9_ _to a big game. 10_ _, a coach of a famous college team saw her and offered her a scholarship to the 11_ _basketball team of their college. And finally her dream came true.&#

49、160;“If the dream is big enough, the facts dont count. “Its true.短文填空18watch,think,come,I,other,quick,angry,have,open,place,put,findMr Brown went swimming with his friendsone afternoon.They all put on their swimming trunks(游泳裤)except him because he 1_ _there would be some 2_ _for the swimm

50、ers to change (更换)clothes near the beach.However,when they got to the beach , he 3_ _nowhere to change clothes. So Mr Brown had to go to a car and changed his clothes in it. But while Mr Brown was 4_ _on his swimming trunks , an old woman 5_ _near and stood by the car. Mr Brown had to

51、 be 6_ _. Then he 7_ _the door of the car and shouted 8_ _to the woman ,”Do you always 9_ _people  change their clothes? The woman shook (摇)her head and said ,”Do you always change  your clothes in 10_ _peoples car?”19It was Mr Hill's birthday. He was

52、 one h_1_ years old and many people came to his birthday party.A reporter came to the party and a_2_ him a few questions. "Many people want to know h_3_ you live long," the reporter said,"Could you tell us a_4_ it ?" "That is because I a_5_ get up at six in the morning,"

53、; said Hill. "And have three m_6_ a day.Never drink." "B_7_," said the reporter, "my uncle also did so , and he o_8_ lived to be eighty.W_9_ do you think of that?" "He didn't keep it long enough," was the old man's a_10_.20 Im a middle school student.

54、I found more doctors and n 1 are needed after the big earthquake.I was born in a doctors family. My parents are both doctors. They are always busy working for patients health. They s 2 many peoples lives. They are great in my h 3 . So I decide that I am going to be a doctor like my parents when I g

55、4 up. Now I must study h 5 to make my dream come true.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 21Most Americans are happy to give directions on the street. When someone ask for directions, he usually starts w 1 , Excuse me. This is the usual way to begin a conversation with a s 2 or to ask for information. When asking for di

56、rections, it often helps to add a little explanation , such as Im news, here or V m a 3 I'm lost. You can also start with a q_4_, such as Do you know this area Or Can you tell me how to get to. . . ?Always repeat the directions after you h 5 them. Repeating will help you remember, and it shows the person helping you that you understand. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._22Predicting the f 1 can be difficult. There are many famous predictions who never came true. B 2


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