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1、汉川市中等职业技术学校1011学年度下学期二年级职对口班期末英 语命题人:向国想一、选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 1. We have three meals day . We have breakfast at seven . A. a ; the B. a ; / C. the ; the D. the ; a 2. He wont so honest as we thought ! He didnt tell us . A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 3. of the teachers in o

2、ur school is about one hundred , and of them are women teachers. A. The number ; two thirds B. The number ; two thirdC. A number ; two thirds D. A number ; three quarters 4. the particles are , they move. A. The smaller ; the freelier B. The smaller ; the more freely C. The more smaller ; the more f

3、reelier D. the more smaller ; the more freely 5. The population of the country is 3 million , Kooris. A. 1% of which were made up of B. 1% of it were Kooris C. and 1% of which were made up of D. 1% of them were6. Jasper is a great painter . He is Picasso. A. as a great as B. as great painter as C. a

4、s great a painter as D. so great a painter as 7.Did you see who the driver was ? No , so quickly that I couldnt get a good look at his face . A. does the car speed by B. did the car speed by C. the car speed by D. the car speeds by 8. Whose drawing is beside ? Im not sure . Maybe it is . A. yours ;

5、her B. our ; hers C. mine ; his D. your ; theirs 9. It is not rave(罕见)in that people in fifties are going to university for farther education. A. 90s ; the B. the 90s ; / C. 90s ; their D. the 90s ; their10. Could you ask him if he to my birthday party next Sunday ? I will , if I him this afternoon

6、. A. comes ; meet B. will come ; will meet C. comes ; will meet D. will come ; meet 11. it was yesterday because of the storm ! A. What bad weather B. What a bad weather C. How bad a weather D. How bad weather12. My suggestion is that a few more doctors to the mountain areas . A. be sent B. have sen

7、t C. sent D. should send 13. If the manager had to choose between the two , he would say John was choice . A. good B. the beit C. better D. the better14. make the school famous is more than 90% of the studeuts have been admitted to universities . A. What ; because B. That ; because C. That ; what D.

8、 What ; that15. I dont believe he has done so much work , ? A. do I B. dont I C. has he D. hasnt he 16. The forecast tomorrow is cloudy scattered showers . A. of ; with B. for ; of C. for ; with D. or ; for 17. is known to all . Hangzhou is famous for West Lake . A. It B. As C. Which D. What 18. Did

9、 you hand in your exercisebook ? Yes , I did it this morning . But I yesterday afternoon instead . A. must have handed in B. have handed in C. should have handed in D. hand in 19. It was five oclock in the afternoon he still received several guests in his office . A. that B. which C. when D. /20. Im

10、 applying for a post in the famous company . . A. Congratulations B. Gook luck C. All right D. Youre welcome二、单句指错(本大题共10小题,每小1.5分,共15分)21. I am leaving here on Tuesday , the 23 th , and I shall arrive in Bastle on Friday morning .A B C D22. This problem will be farther discussed in the next lecture

11、 .A B C D23. It is the River Seine which makes Paris look more beautiful .A B C D24. China is one of the very few country in the world that has a history of more than A B C4,000 years .D25. It looks as if it is going to rain soon . You had better to bring your umbrella along .A B C D26. The teacher

12、entered the classroom with a book in one hand and an umbrella in other hand .A B C D27. The bridge building now by the workes is about 40 metres high .A B C D28. There is going to have a meeting next week .A B C D29. Only in this way we can solve the problem.A B C D30. The students decided to do wha

13、t they can help the poor old man .A B C D三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)四、阅读理解(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)五、书面表达(25分)一位来自澳大利亚的鲁滨逊(Robinson)博士将于星期三来访问你校,请用英语作一个口头通知。内容如下:1、来访人鲁滨逊博士,将于星期三来访;2、将作一次演讲,介绍澳大利亚的教育情况;3、要求英语系学生星期三下午2:30准时到达大教室;4、要求要笔记本以便会后讨论;5、朗读竞赛推迟到星期五下午。注意: 1、通知必须包括所有要点。2、词数80词左右。 Auditonicm 大礼堂、大教室 英语系 English Department 朗读竞赛 reading contest Attention , pleaie , everyone , I have an anouncement to make. Thats all , Thank you 姓 名 班 级考 号汉川市中等职业技术学校1011学年度下学期二年级职对口班期末英语答题卡一、选择题:(本大题共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案二、单句指错:(本大题共


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