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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上新概念青少版(入门级B)教学大纲课程内容设计:新概念青少版(入门级B)总共15单元(45课),分为25次课进行教授,每次课学2个lesson,其中会安排一次户外活动或者测验。课次课数内容预期效果1U1 L121. 重要词汇(家庭成员):grandfather/ grandmother/ father/ mother/ uncle/ aunt/ cousin2. 缩写thats= that is It isnt= it is not Whos= who is3. 重要句式:a. Thats myb. It that your? Yes, it is./ No, it i

2、snt.c. Whos that? Itsd. Whos that man? Hes1. 能听懂、会说、认读相关家庭成员的重要词汇2. 掌握相关缩写及其完整性是3. 熟练运用that或who开头的句式,向别人介绍家庭成员2U1 L3U2 L11. 复习本单元的重要句式a. Whos? He/ Sheb. The boy is tall/c. His is.2.字母er组合在单词中的发音,如:singer, teacher, sweater等3. 重要词汇(房间):bedroom, house, kitchen, sitting room4. our, your, their的区分使用,如:a.

3、 This is our house.b. Is this your house?c. Is that their bedroom?1. 复习U1中的相关who的重要句式2. 正确辨别字母组合er在单词中的发音3. 学习认读相关房间的词汇4. 区分our, your, their的使用3U2 L231. where相关短语和句式a. wheres= where isb. Wheres? Hes/ Shes in the2. 复习句式a. This is myb. Thats our3. 方位词的使用,如in front of, next to, between, in等4. 字母th组合在单词

4、中的发音,如:this, mother, bath, think,their等1. 学会相关where的问语和答句2. 熟练掌握This is或Thats.句型来介绍他人3. 学会使用in front of, next to, between, in等方位词4. 正确辨别字母组合th在单词中的不同发音4U3 L121. 重要词汇:bed, chair, computer, desk, lamp, poster, shelf2. 缩写:theres= there is There isnt= there is not3. 重要句式:a. There is/isntb. Is there a.?

5、Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.1. 掌握重要词汇,能听懂,会认读2. 掌握相关缩写及其完整形式3. 掌握there is的陈述句,否定句,疑问句及其回答,学会正确运用5U3 L3U4 L11. 复习本单元相关there的句式2. 字母组合all在单词中的发音,如:ball, wall, small, wall, tall, call, mall等3. 重要词汇:morning, afternoon, evening, night, breakfast, lunch, supper4. 重要句式:Its time for1. 熟练掌握相关there的不同句式,并正

6、确运用2. 掌握all组合在单词中的发音,能够读准3. 掌握相关morning, afternoon, evening等表时间的相关词汇,能够正确认读4. 熟练运用句式Its time for6U4 L231. 重要句式:a. What time is it? Its eight oclock.b. Its time for breakfast/ lunch/.2. 字母组合cl与cr在单词中的不同发音,如:clock, clap, crack, crowd等1. 掌握问时间的重要句式及其回答2. 正确辨析字母组合cl与cr的读音7U5 L121. 重要词汇:boat, game, puppe

7、t, puzzle, skateboard, skipping rope, spaceship2. 名词所有格s: Teds, Roberts3. 重要句式:a. What is this? Itss.b. Whose football is it? Its Pops.1. 正确认读本单元重要词汇2. 掌握s的用法3. 掌握用名词所有格回答whose提问,并熟练使用8U5 L3U6 L11. 复习特殊疑问句式及其回答:a. What is.? Itsb. Whoseis it? Its.s.c. Who is Tommy? .s brother.d. Where is? In the.2. 字

8、母组合sk与sp在单词中的发音,如:skate, sky, skip等;spin, spoon, spaceship等3. 重要词汇(动物):bird, chicken, donkey, duck, farm, goat, horse, lamb, sheep4. 单数名词变复数名词,加s,如a. chicken-chickensb. donkey-donkeysc. goat-goatsd. lamb-lambse. horse-horsesf. *sheep-sheepg. bird-birdsh. farm-farms5. 重要短语和句式句式:a. These/ Those areb.

9、These/ Those arent5.缩写arent= are not1. 掌握各种疑问句式的问法和回答,学会运用2. 辨别字母组合sk与sp在单词中的发音3. 听懂、认读相关动物的词汇4. 能熟练掌握名词单复数的变型5. 能用these/ those 造句9U6 L231. 重要句式:Are these/ those cows?Yes, they are./ No, they arent.2. 区分bull与cow3. 辨别s在单词中的不同发音,如:a. birds b. chickensc. ducks d. horsese. goats1. 掌握相关these、those的一般疑问句及

10、其回答2. 区分bull与cow的不同点3. 能正确辨别s在不同单词里的不同发音10U7 L121. 重要词汇:box, cherry, dish, food, fork, glass, knife, sandwich, strawberry; bamboo, peach, potato2. 重要句式:-What are these/ those? -Theyre boxes.theyre=they are3. 名词单数变复数(不规则变化),如:a. box-boxesb. cherry-cherriesc. dish-dishesd. glass-glassese. knife-knives

11、f. sandwich-sandwichesg. strawberry-strawberriesh. tomato-tomatoes1. 掌握本单元的重要词汇,并且熟练掌握名词单数变复数的规则(不规则变化)2. 掌握What are these/ those的疑问句式及其答语,并熟练运用11U7 L31. 复习本单元重要句式:a. Whose birthday is it? Itssb. Whats that behind/in/underc. How old is?d. Whats?e. Where is?2. s与es在单词中的不同发音,如:a. forks /s/ lamps, duck

12、sb. knives /z/ cherries, c. dishes /iz/ glasses, boxes, peaches1. 掌握本单元的特殊疑问句式及其相应回答,学会熟练使用2. 熟练掌握s, es在名词中的不同发音12户外课/ 测验13U8 L121. 重要词汇:dress, jacket, jeans, shoe, skirt, sock, trousers2. 重要句式a. Theyre s b. What a lot of socks!(感叹句)What fun!c. Whose coats are they? Theyre our coats.1. 听懂、正确认读相关服饰类词

13、汇,分清单复数2. 初步认识what开头的感叹句3.掌握whose开头的疑问句及其回答14U8 L3U9 L11.复习已学句式a. Whose are the blue shoes? Mumsb. What colour are?.2. 字母组合dr与tr在单词中的发音,如:a. dream, dragon, driver, dressb. trousers, tree, train, truck3. 重要词汇(反义词):a. cleandirtyb. drywetc. happyunhappyd. hungrythirsty4. 人称代词we, you, they的使用,如:Were hun

14、gry.Youre dirty.Theyre happy.5.缩写: re= are arent=are not1. 复习本单元的重要句式,熟练使用和回答2.能够区分辨别字母组合dr与tr在单词中的不同的发音3. 熟练掌握四对互反义词,能正确认读4. 学会正确使用人称代词we, you, they15U9 L231. 重要句式:a. Are you hot? Yes, we are.b. Are you cold? No,we arent.c. The horses are hungry and thirsty.d. 2. 字母组合ir在单词中的发音,如: dirty, girl, skirt

15、, bird等1.掌握本单元的重要句式Are you?及其回答2.正确辨析字母组合ir在单词中的发音16U10 L121. 重要词汇:countryside, field, flower, hill, river, town, tree, bus, road, shop2. 重要句式:a. There are/ arent .+地点.b. Are there? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.1.掌握本单元的重要词汇,能够听懂,认读2. 掌握相关there are的陈述句,疑问句及疑问句的回答,能够熟练运用17U10 L3U11 L11. 复习本单元句式:Ar

16、e there.behind/ in front of/ next to/ fromto/ in2. 字母组合ow在单词中的发音,如:down, clown, town, cow, wow等3. 重要词汇(数字):thirteennineteen4. 重要句式:-How many +名词复数+ are there?-There are 数字+ 名词复数.1.熟练掌握Are there句型,及其回答2. 掌握字母组合ow在单词中的发音3. 掌握数字1319的英文单词,能够熟练认读4. 掌握How many疑问句及其回答,并且熟练使用18U11 L231. 词汇:twenty, twenty-on

17、e2. 句式:a. 数字 and 数字 is 数字.例如:Ten and ten is twenty.b. You are right/ wrong.3. 字母组合wh在单词中的发音,如:who, whose/ where, what, whale, whistle等1. 熟练掌握1321的英文表达,能听懂认读2. 会用英语表达简单的算式3. 能够辨析字母组合wh在单词中的不同发音19U12 L121. 重要词汇:biscuit, bush, catch, drink, eat, hide, jump, run, sit down, stand up, water, shout, sing,

18、song, throw2. 重要句式(祈使句):a. Jump!/ Stand up!/ Eat your biscuit.b. Dont shout!/ Dont throw the ball!1.能够区分动词,熟练掌握所学动词并能正确认读2. 掌握祈使句的使用(肯定和否定)20U12 L3U13 L11. 复习本单元句式(祈使句)a. Eat in class.b. Shout!c. Please read!d. Sit on your chair and dont drink in class.e. 2. 字母组合ou在单词中的发音,如:mouse, shout, mouth, out等

19、3. 重要词汇:draw, dance, listen, play football, play the piano, play tennis, play the violin, read, write4. 句式:I can/ cant+动词原形cant= can not1. 熟练掌握祈使句的肯定和否定表达,并能在不同情况下正确使用2. 辨析字母组合ou在单词中的发音3. 掌握相关play等的动词短语,会读会说会运用4. 掌握can的基本用法21U13 L231.重要词汇:hand, toe, touch2.重要句式:Can you? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.如:Can

20、 you read English?Yes, I can./ No, I cant.3. 字母组合ar在单词中的发音,如:cart, farm, jar, arm, party等1.熟练运用can的一般疑问句并用yes/ no来回答2.正确辨析字母组合ar在单词中的发音22U14 L121.人称代词:I, you, he, she, it We, you, they2.人称代词与be动词连用,如:Im (not), were (we arent), youre (you arent), hes/ shes/ its (he/ she/ it isnt), theyre (they arent)3.物主代词:my our your your his her their its4. 重要句式:a. Am I? Yes, you are.b. Ar


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