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1、八年级下英语UNIT 7自我测试、单词听写1. 平方;正方形 n2. 米;公尺 n3. 深的;纵深的 adj4. 沙漠n5. 人口;人口数量 n6. 亚洲n29. 即使;虽然30. 大海;海洋n33. 重量是;称.的重量v34. 出生;诞生;n36. 到达某数量、程度;至多;有不少于一37. 成年的;成人的adj成人;成年动物 n38. 竹子n40. 研究;调查n v41. 饲养员;保管人n42. 醒着 adj 43. 冲动;兴奋n8. 旅行;旅游 n v9. 旅行者;观光者 n10. 墙 n11. 令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜的adj12. 古代的;古老的 adj13. 保护;防护v14. 宽的

2、;宽阔的 adj16. 成就;成绩 n17. 西南的;西南方向的adj18. 厚的;浓的adj19. 包括;包含 v20. 极冷的;冰冻的 adj21. 条件;状况n22. 吸入;呑入体内 23. 实现目标;成功 v24. 挑战;考验v n25. 面对问题、困难等26. 到达;完成;成功 v27. 力;力量n28. 自然界;大自然 n二、短语过关1. as big as2. one of the oldest coun tries3. feel free to do sth.4. as far as I know5. man-made objects6. part of46. 疾病;病n47.

3、 遗留的;剩余的adj 48. 大约49. 图片;插图n51. 政府;内阁n52. 鲸 n53. 油;食用油;石油 n54. 保护;保卫n55. 巨大的;极多的 adj7. the highest mountain8. in the w world9. any other mountain10. of a all the salt lakes11. run along12. freez ing weather13. take in air23. run over with exciteme nt14. the first people to do sth.24. walk into sb.15

4、. in the face of difficulties25. fall over16. give up doing sth.26. take care of17. achieve ones dream27. every two years18. the forces of n ature28. cut dow n the forests19. reach the top29. endan gered ani mals20. eve n though30. fewer and fewer21. at birth31. be in dan ger22. be awake32. the impo

5、rta nee of doing sth三、选择填空()1. What' the highest moun tai nthe world?A. in B. of C. than D. on()2. Qomola ngma istha n any other mountain in the world.A. high B. higher C. highest D. the highest()3. This country has thepopulati on in the world.A. mostB. fewest C. largestD. bigger()4. There are e

6、ve n more serious difficulties in cludi ngweather con diti ons and heavy storms.A. freezes B. froze nC. frozeD. freez ing()5. One of the mai n reas ons ispeople want to challe nge themselves in face of difficulties.A. why B. what C. how D. because()6. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we sh

7、ould n evertrying toour dreams.A. give in; achieve B. give up; achieve C. go on; achievi ng D. continue; achieve()7. Amaz on River isIon ger tha n the Yan gtze River.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little()8. The baby pan das ofte nill ness and do not live very long.A. die of B. die dow nC. die from

8、D. die out()9. Adult pan das more tha n 12 hours a dayabout 10 kilos of bamboo.A. take; to eat B. pay; for eati ngC. spe nd; eat ingD. spe nd; to eat()10. We all hope that in the future there will bemore pan das tha n now.A. much B. a lot C. lotD. a lot of()11. When you are, you can come to me for h

9、elp.A. in trouble B. trouble C. in dan gerousD. in matter( )12. The boyun der the tree is very good at math.A. to readi ngB. readi ngC. to read D. read()13. You mustyour teacher for yourlate for class.A. apologize, to beB. apologize to , being C. apology to, being D. apology to , to be( )14. We didn

10、 ' t get the Snoopy doll because they had been.A. sold of B. sold off C. sold outD. sold over()15. When they met in the street, they got.A. happy B. happilyC. happier D. more happy四、完形填空 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后选择最正确答案填空。Elena Desserich was a little girl. She loved to 1 and write. Elena dreamed of becoming

11、 an artist画家when she grew up but sadly, she 2 had the cha nee to be an adult. When Elena was 5 years old, the 3 said that she had brain cancer癌症and only had 135 days to4.Elena5the long days in hospital work ing on her painting, which were full of hearts and smili ng families.6of her painting was sho

12、wn in a gallery 画廊, right next to a Picasso' s painting. Soon she lost the use of her 7, and she began to“ talk with her family by writing notes.When Ele na died, her pare nts were very sad,8they knew the day would come. When they were tidy ingup收拾 her things, they began to find notes. All throu

13、gh her final days, Elena was writing love notes to her family and hiding藏 9 in secret秘密 places in the house.Her pare nts started to collect them and all the10would say"I love you Mum, Dad and Gracekept finding them the amazing gift from Elena.1.A. si ngB. playC. paint 绘,涂D. read2.A. neverB. som

14、etimesC. alwaysD. usually3.A. fatherB. teacherC. motherD. doctor4.A. dieB.liveC. workD. pai nt5.A. tookB. paidC. spentD. cost6.A. AllB. OneC. BothD. Neither7.A. voiceB. eyesC. earsD. nose8.A. ever sinceB. evenC. even thoughD. however9.A. itB.herC. thatD.them10. A. no tesB. pain ti ngsC. booksD. plac

15、es五、阅读理解AHelping others is easier than you think. Y ou don ' t need to wait to become a rich man like Bill Gates to help poor. You can become a volun teer, you can don ate 捐献your time, you can don ate your old clothes and so on. And in doing so, you can become a better and happier pers on.Choose

16、 some people to support. for example, homeless people, poor childre n and so on. All of these are suitable 合 适的.Decide what you are able to give. Yes! Sometimes it isnydu eanlyonollte your me as a volun teer,you can don ate your kno wledge teach ing poor childre n, you can don ate your old clothes,

17、you can don ate food or you can share a meal with a hungry child.Tell people about it. Tell your friends or your childre n. Put it in your blog or on your website. In this way, the good work you do will be multiplied 增力口 !根据材料内容,选择最正确答案。1. People usually thi nk help ing others is.A. difficult B. eas

18、yC. in terest ingD. excit ing2. How can you help others of you are poor according the passage?A. Don ate your mon ey.B. Talk to them. C. Don ate your time. D. Play with them.3. What ' s the meaning of the underlined word“ homeless ?A.家境贫寒的B.无家可归的C.无依无靠的D.没有父母的4. How many ways does the passage te

19、ll us to do if we want to help others?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.D. Four.5. What ' s the best title of this passage?A. Help those who n eed helpB. It is not easy to help othersC. How to be a happy pers onD. Don ate your timeBChina ' s Win ter Olympiasihave bee n welcomed home as n atio nal her

20、oes from Van couver. Can ada. The country enjoyed its best Win ter Games results, collect ing 11 medals in Van couver in cludi ng包括5 gold medals.With flowers and n ati onal flags in han ds, many people waited at Beiji ng Airport for hours. Every member was received by a crowd of family members and f

21、riends. Hundreds of workers and fans welcomed the athletes and coaches back with color ballo ons and ribb ons.t fear toWang Meng who won three gold medals in Van couver Win ter Olympics said,“ We have show n the Olympicspirit and our Chin ese sports spirit at the Van couver Olympics. We Chin ese ath

22、letes did n opponents 对手and had good team work. 根据材料内容,选择最正确答案。6. The Win ter Olympic Games was held in.A. Japa nB. Can adaC. AmericaD. Russia7. Chi na ' s Win ter Olympic delegatio代表团wonmedals in Van couver.A. eleve nB. sixtee nC. five D. six8. How did China ' s WintymOans come back?A. By t

23、rain. B. By ship.C. By bus. D. By pla ne.9. How many gold medals did Wang Meng win in Vancouver?A. One.B. Two.C. Three. D. Four.10. Which of the followi ng is NOT true?A. It was the best Olympics for China' s Win ter Olympic delegati on.B. The athletes ' family members welcomed them at the a

24、irport.C. Van couver is a country in South America.D. The Chin ese athletes had good team work in Van couver.六、 补全对话每空不限一词Guide:to ask me anything on today 'Great Wall tour.Tourist 1: How long is the wall?Guide: Ah, the most popular questi on! If we 're only talk ingthe parts from the Ming D

25、yn asty, it 'about8,850long. This makes it thein the world.Tourist 2: Wow, that's amaz ing!did the ancient emperors build the wall?Guide: The mainwas to protect their part of the coun try. As you can see, it 'quite tall and wide.I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this.Touris

26、t 3: Is Badali ng part of the Mi ng Great Wall?Guide: Yes, it'famous part.七、书面表达写一篇短文描述熊猫和竹子,The Pandasand Bamboo描述熊猫的特点,用上这些词,cute , lovely, die out,only eat, protect, than 要求 50词左右。Unit 7答案:、单词听写27分1.平方:正方形nsquare ieter deep2.米;公尺nm3.深的:纵深的adj4.沙漠 ndesert5.人口;人口数量 npopulati on6.亚洲 nAsiafeel fr

27、ee8.旅行;旅游n vtour9.旅行者:观光者ntourist10.墙 n_ wall11.令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜的adj amazing12.古代的;古老的 adjan cie nt13.保护:防护vprotect14.宽的:宽阔的adjwideas far as I know16.成就;成绩nachieveme nt17.西南的;西南方向的adjsouthwester n18.厚的:浓的adjthick19.包括;包含vin clude20.极冷的;冰冻的 adjfreez ing21.条件;状况ncon diti on22.吸入;呑入体内take in23.实现目标;成功vsucc

28、eed24.挑战;考验v nchalle nge25.面对问题、困难等in the face of26.到达;完成;成功 vachieve27.力;力量 nforce28.自然界;大自然nnature短语过关16分29. 即使;虽然 even though/even if30. 大海;海洋 noceanthe Pacific Ocea ncm33. 重量是;称.的重量vweigh34. 出生;诞生;nbirthat birth36. 到达某数量、程度至多有不少于 up to37. 成年的;成人的 adj成人;成年动物 n adult38. 竹子 nbambooendangered40. 研究;

29、调查 n v research41. 饲养员;保管人 n keeper42. 醒着 adj awake43. 冲动;兴奋 nexcitementwalk intofall over46. 疾病;病 n illness47. 遗留的;剩余的 adjremaining48. 大约 or so49. 图片;插图nartworkwild51. 政府;内阁 ngovernment52. 鲸 n whale53. 油;食用油;石油 n oil54. 保护;保卫 n protection55. 巨大的;极多的 adj huge1. as big as 与一样大2. one of the oldest countries 最古


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