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1、.牛津译林版单元复习学案8B Unit 8根底自测一、词汇拓展1. dig vt._ n. 挖掘2. seriousadj._adv.严重地;严肃地_ n 严重性3. wise adj._adj. 反义词不明智的_adv.明智地_n.智慧4. separatevt.vt._adj.分开的_n. 别离5. allow vt. _adj.允许的6. punish vt. _adj.被处分的_adj.严厉的,打击沉重的_ n. 处分7. produce vt. _n.产品_n.消费,产生_adj.多产的8. difference n._adj.差异的,不同的9. pollute v. _adj.受污

2、染的_n.污染10. harm vt._adj.有害的_adj.反义词有利的_ n.利益,好处 11. livingadj._vt.&vi. 生活_adj.活着的_adj.活泼的,生劝的 二、短语归纳1. 关上开关_2. 保护环境 _3. 被分成不同的小组 _4. 砍倒 _5. 扔垃圾 _6. 依靠,依赖_7. 有影响,起作用 _8. 刷牙 _9. 某人尽力做某事 _10.在正确位置 _11. 结果 _12. 寻找信息 _13. be good for _14. air pollution _15. used to do sth. _16. take the underground _

3、17. all over the country _18. allow sb. to do sth. _19. in a public place _20. run out _21. all around the world _22. be harmful to _23. provide home for animals _24. take actions _三、句型再现1. Here are the results of the survey. , . 本句是以here开头的倒装句,其谓语动词可为be. come,9Q等动词。一样用法的单词还有there。1这是找你的零钱。 _ _ your

4、 change.2 邮差来了! _ _the postman! 2. Recycling is also a good way to help reduce pollution. is a good way+不定式表示“是做的一个好方法1 深呼吸是减少压力的好方法。 _. 2 Watching television is not a good way to use your free time. _要点聚焦一、词汇精讲1. cause vt. 导致;造成课文 : More and more families own cars and this causes serious air pollut

5、ion. 如今越来越多的家庭拥有私家车,这也造成了非常严重的环境污染。拓展:cause n. 原因,起因辨析:cause,reasoncause意为“原因,起因,是造成一种现实或现象的原因;用法为the cause of sth. ,表示“的原因,是不可数名词。reason意为“原因,起因,是说明一种看法或行为的理由。用法为the reason for sth. ,表示“的原因,可作可数名词也可作不可数名词,reason之后可以接why引导的定语从句,丽cause不可以。 Tell me the cause of fire. 告诉我发生火灾的原因。 There are many reasons

6、 why we should accept his views. 我们有许多应该承受他的看法的理由。活学巧用在reason和cause中选择正确的词语填空Tell me the _ for your absence.That is the _ why he was late.Carelessness is often the _ of fire.相约中考2019.泰州 Dont think that our mistakes are _ cause by others.2. allow vt. 允许课文:We are not allowed to cut down trees. 我们不被允许去

7、砍树。辨析 : allow, let, promiseallow意为“允许,答应一般指听任或默许某人去做什么,含有消极地不反对的意味;let意为“允许,让它可以指积极地允许,但着重指不予反对和阻止,其后所跟的宾语要接不带to的不定式。用以表示客气的恳求时,可与allow通用,且更具口语色彩; promise意为“容许,许诺用于承诺或容许要做什么的场合。She is not allowed to eat meat and candies.她被制止吃肉和糖果。They promised that the work would be finished by next week. 他们承诺下个星期可以

8、完成工作。The secretary let me into the office.秘书让我进办公室。活学巧用从promise,let,allow中选择恰当的单词并用其正确的形式填空 I will _him to do so. I_ him to finish the task this week. Please _ me know what happened.相约中考2019.南京 People arent _允许 to eat food on the underground in Nanjing from the next month.3. living adj. 活着的,活的课文:If

9、we don't act to improve the environment, more living things will be killed by pollution. 假如我们不做出行动来进步环境质量,那么更多的生物将死于环境污染。辨析:live,lively,alive,livinglive意为“活的,有生命的;现场直播的可用作定语,放在表示物的名词之前,一般不指人。lively意为“活泼的,活泼的,充满生气的用作定语或表语,既可指人,也可指物。alive意为“活着的,有生气的是表语性形容词,既可指人,也可指物,常和Iiving互换,当alive用作定语时,一般应放在所修饰

10、的名词之后,alive还可用作宾语补足语。living意为“活的;在施行的;现存的 。主要用作定语,修饰名词人和物均可,常置于所修饰的名词之前,有时也置其后,living也可用作表语,living前加定冠词the,可用作复数名词,意为“活着的人们。 He is lively, clever and outgoing. 他活泼、聪明且外向。 She doesn't know if he is alive or dead. 她不知道他是死是活。 Is her father living? 她的父亲还活着吗?活学巧用 这个老人过着舒适的生活。This old man_ _ in comfor

11、t. 谁是当今活着的最伟大的人物? _ We will give you _ reports of the World Cup. A. live B. alive C. living D. lively All_ things can not live without air or water. A. live B. living C. lively D. alive相约中考:2019.徐州 My best friend Vivien _live there.2019.扬州 My grandmother _ in Yangzhou. She was born there and has nev

12、er lived anywhere else. A. lived B. livesC. was living D. will live 二、句型打破1. Will more trees be planted this year?今年将会种更多的树吗?点津:本句是一般将来时的被动语态。可以用来描绘将要被做的动作。句中的谓语动词要用动词的过去分词形式。一般将来时的被动语态的构成:肯定式主语+will be done; be going to be done否认式主语+will/shall not be done; be not going to be done 一般疑问句Will/Shall+主语

13、+be done? Be+主语+going to be done?特殊疑问句疑问词+will / shall+主语+be done? 疑问词+be+主语+going to be done? Apple trees will be planted by us tomorrow. 我们明天将会去种苹果树。 The new film isn't going to be shown in our city. 那部电影下周不在我们城市放映。活学巧用这个图书馆将在下个月开工。翻译句子 _这条路什么时候通车? _ _ the road _opened to traffic? Are we going

14、 to be invited to attend the meeting? 翻译句子_2. What should we do to live a green life, class? 同学们,要过绿色生活我们应该怎么做?点津:本句是动词不定式作目的状语,句中to live a green life表示目的。为了使目的更加明确或表示强调意义时,还可以在前面加in order to或so as to。 They started early in order to get there on time. 为了能按时赶到那里,他们很早就出发了。 We'll sit in the front s

15、o as to hear better. 我们要坐在前面,以便能听得更清楚。活学巧用我坐在车的前面以便有一个更好的视野。I sat in front of the bus_ _ a good view.为了赶上他的同学,他学习更加努力了。翻译句子 _3. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling. 一些衣服放在慈善店里出售,一些送给穷人,还有一些送到工厂循环再消费。点津:本句用到关联句型some

16、. some and others表示“一些,一些,还有一些。 In our school, some students like football, some like basketball, and others are fond of tennis. 在我们学校,一些学生喜欢足球,一些喜欢篮球,还有一些喜欢网球。活学巧用一些学生在安静地看书,一些在做笔记,还有一些在网上查资料。翻译句子 _易错防范一、live. living. alive的用法辨析·典例呈现· She was still _when I reached the hospital. A. alive B

17、. live C. living D. lively【答案】A【易错剖析】live,living,alive三者都有“活的,有生命的意思,但live通常只作前置定语,且一般用于动物;alive和living可以作定语,但是alive 一般置于名词之后,living 一般置于名词之前,如:This is a fish alive. This is a living fish.二、allow和let的用法辨析·典例呈现· You are very lucky if he will _ you come in without a ticket. A. allow B. promi

18、se C. let D. get【答案】C【易错剖析】allow和let二者都有“让;允许的意思,但let为使役动词,通常的用法为“let sb do sth.;而allow的用法为“allow sb. to do sth.或“allow doing sth.。三、will be done和be going to be done的用法辨析·典例呈现· A meeting_ by us in an hour. A. will be held B. is going to be held C. will hold D. is going to hold【答案】B【易错剖析】wi

19、ll be done和be going to be done二者均有“将要被的意思,但.be going to be done通常表示事先经过考虑,安排好即将要做的事或根据目前某种迹象判断,某事可能会被做。而will be那么单纯的表示将来将要被做的动作。另外,be going to那么强调主观意愿,will be强调客观现象。稳固训练一、单项填空 1. As we all know, many heart problems are caused _smoking. A. for B. by C. with D. to 2.- -Do you think it is _ of Jim not

20、to eat meat for three days a week? -Yes. It is' good for both the environment and his health. A. rude B. friendlyC. wise D. important 3. -It's .a pity that I missed the show of Qj Baishi's paintings. -Well, you have a second chance. They _ sometime next month.A. will display B. are going

21、 to display C. were displayed D. will be displayed 4. The little girl was crying because .her mother didn't allow her _the ice-cream.A. eat B. eatsC. to eat D. ate 5. - My mobile phone has_ of power. -Really? Then you can use mine. Don't worry. A. run out B run away C. run into D. run on 6.

22、Without enough trees, soil won't be kept _. And then sandstorms may happen A. in place B. in the place C. on place D. on the place 7. -Burning rubbish in the open air will certainly _ much pollution. -Yes. Rubbish should be recycled.A. provide B. protect C. prevent D. produce 8. -We can save wat

23、er by taking shorter showers. -_, turning off the tap when brushing teeth is also a good way. A. However B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. For example 9. -There's too much salt in the Chinese diet. -So there is. The WHO says only l. 5 grams of salt _for each man every day. A. are needed B is needed C.

24、 will need D. has needed 10. -The government is thinking of building a bridge across the lake. -I hope they will think about it carefully. The environment will be _ if there is too much traffic. A protected B. produced C. prevented D. polluted ll. The flu 流感 is _that people are _ go to public. A. so

25、 harmful; not warned to B. such harmful; warned not to C. very harmful; not warned D. so harmful; warned not to 12. -Will you plant trees tomorrow morning? -_. We will go if the weather is fine. A. That's true B. Of course C. No problem D. It depends 13. Tina is _ active girl. We all say she'

26、;s _only proper girl to be our group leader. A. a; / B. an; the C. an; / D. the; the 14._our bus; we'll have to wait for the next. A. Does there B. It goes C. There goes D. Does it go二、词汇运用A. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空l. I become a volunteer because I want to make a _different both to my life and to the wo

27、rld.2. Children should be taught how to spend their pocket money _wise. 3. Tom was riding too _ careless . As a result, his bike rushed into the river. 4. There is an _organize called "Green Hope working to protect the environment in our town.5. Our government release the law _ allow people use

28、 their rights.B、选词填空: recycle waste plastic cut down that way limit6. Now, most supermarkets in China have stopped providing shoppers with free _ bags.7. The sky in our town is clear and blue. We should try our best to keep it _.8. We can help to protect the environment by _. 9. We won't have a

29、clear sky if air 'pollution is not_.10. After trees are _, soil 'will be washed away by rain water easily.三、根据上下文完成句子 Li Lei and Wang Peng are talking about the way of saving water. L: 1 _.W: Yes. We should use our water carefully and not waste it. 2 _L: We can help save water by doing many

30、simple things like turning off the tap while 3 _W: Taking short showers saves even more water.L: Saving water is good for the environment. 4 _W: I hope so too.答案:根底自测一、1. digging 2.seriously; seriousness 3.unwise; wisely; wisdom4. separated; separation 5.allowed 6. punished; punishing; punishment 7.product; production; productive 8.different 9. polluted. pollution 10. harmful; beneficial; benefit 11. live; alive; lively二、1. turn off 2.protect the environment 3.be separated into different groups 4.cut down 5.drop litter 6.depend on/upon 7.make a difference 8.brush teeth 9.try one's best


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