1、.牛津上海版9A Unit 6Words.1. escape v. n. 逃生,逃走,漏掉e. g. They escaped from the burning house. 他们从着火的房子里逃出来了。 The thief jumped into a car and made his escape.小偷跳上汽车逃走了。2. plot n. 小说的情节;构造e. g. The film had an exciting plot. 这部电影有吸引人的情节。3. finish n. 结尾,完毕e. g. The last race was a very close finish. =The run
2、ners at the front race were close together at the end. 最后一场赛跑在尾段竞争剧烈。【知识拓展】finish v.完成,完毕。后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不可接动词不定式。e. g. I finished reading the book last night.我昨晚看完了那本书。 When did you finish your college? 你什么时候大学毕业的?【友谊提示】英语中有些动词只接动名词,不可以接动词不定式,常见的有:enjoy“喜欢,享受,欣赏,keep“保持,mind“介意,practise“练习"等。4
3、. action n. 活力,精力;动作,戏剧或书中的情节e. g. We had a very exciting holiday. Every day was full of action.我们度过了一个非常有意思的假期。每天都充满了活力。【知识拓展】act v. 行动,产生的效果,担当,表演,见效e. g. The time for talking is past; we must act at once.没有时间再说了,我们必须立即行动。Who is acting the part of Hamlet? 谁扮演哈姆雷特这个角色?5. personality n. 个性,人格e. g. T
4、he boy is developing a fine personality. 这孩子正在开展自己完美的品格。respect the personality of a child 尊重儿童的人格a man with little personality没有什么个性的男人a woman with a strong personality个性很强的女人【知识拓展】personal adj.个人的,私人的指单个的人e. g. She made a personal donation to the fund.她以个人名义向基金会捐款。【近义】character n.性格,特征 identity n.
5、身份;特性 individuality n.个性,个人的特性6. above adj. & prep.在上方;在的上面e. g. His bedroom is just above. 他的寝室在上面。【指点迷津】above, on, over1 above与on下面的这两幅图片说明了above和on的用法。虽说两个词都可以表示梯在之上,但从例子中可见,above表示两物体间无接触,on表示两物体间有接触。a flag above the blackboard a flag on the blackboard2 above和over两个词在作“超过,高出解时,意义一样。e. g. The
6、 flood rose up above/over the bridge.洪水漫过了大桥。但两者在表示“在上方时,区别较大。over表示A物体在B物体的正上方反义词为below; 而above那么指相对上方的位置,反义词为under。e. g. The Nanpu Suspension Bridge is over the Huangpu River.南浦大桥横跨在黄浦江上。An aeroplane is flying above us.一架飞机从我们头顶掠过。7. script n. 剧本,脚本e. g. The script was delivered to the director ah
7、ead of schedule. 剧本已经提早送交导演了。television shooting script电视分镜头剧本【知识拓展】scriptwriter n.电视、电影脚本作者8. affair n.事件;事务e. g. affairs of state国务 foreign affairs外交事务We must try to forget this sad affair.我们要尽量把这件伤心的事忘掉。这些名词都有“事情,事务的意思。1 matter所表示的“事情比较笼统,通常指客观存在的或有待处理的问题。e. g. Education in the wilderness is not
8、a matter of monetary means. 荒凉地区的教育不是钱财问题。 2 affair以单数形式出现时,通常指一般的“事情,而以复数形式出现时,通常指重大的“事情。不管单、复数,这个词所表示的“事情都包含着“在进展中,处在过程中或“交易,交往的意思。e. g. The whole affair has been extremely unpleasant. 整件事都令人很不愉快。The organization should have control of its own financial affairs. 那个机构应该财政自立。 3 thing在含义上比matter还要模糊,
9、有时为了模糊其辞而有意用thing。e. g. I hope things will be better in the future. 我希望将来事情将会向好的方向开展。4 business所表示的“事情或“事务多与“职务有关,有时这个词表示指派的“任务。e. g. The friends I choose are my business, not yours. 交朋友是我的事,不关你的事。Our business is to collect the information, not to comment on it. 我们的工作是搜集资料;不是发表评论。 9. knot n. 绳等的结e.
10、g. Tie a knot in a piece of string.在一根绳子上打结。Make a knot at the end of rope. 在绳头上打个结。10. kidnapper n. 绑匪,绑架犯e. g. The man with black glasses is a kidnapper.那个戴墨镜的人是个绑架者。【近义】abductor n.诱拐者【知识拓展】kidnap vt. 绑架e. g. The man kidnapped many people. He is a kidnapper.这个人绑架了许多人。他是个绑架者。11. appeal n. 恳求,呼吁,恳求e
11、. g. The teacher listened to his appeal. 老师听了他的恳求。【常用搭配】make an appeal to sb 向某人提出呼吁;引起某人兴趣e. g. Many countries have made an appeal to the United States for stopping attacking Iraq. 很多国家向美国呼吁停顿进攻伊拉克。 12. wonder adj.非凡的,奇妙的【友谊提示】wonder作形容词的情况比较少。但在口语中往往用来代替wonderful。【知识拓展】wonder n.惊奇:惊叹e. g. They wer
12、e filled with wonder at the sight.他们见此情景惊叹不已。13. invention n. 创造,创造;创造物e. g. Necessity is the mother of invention.谚需要是创造之母。His 6,000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine.他做出了六千项创造,包括电灯泡,留声机唱机和油印机。【知识拓展】invent v. 创造,创造 inventor n. 创造者;创造者e. g. Laszlo
13、 Biro invented the ball-point pen.拉斯洛·拜罗创造了圆珠笔。14. fool v. 愚弄, 欺骗e. g. He fooled me into giving him money.他欺骗我,要我给他钱。【近义】trick v.欺骗,哄骗【知识拓展】foolish adj.愚蠢的,傻的,笨的e. g. It is foolish to do such a thing. 做这样一件事真是愚蠢。15. idiot n.白痴,愚人,傻瓜e. g. Idiot! You've dropped my watch.傻瓜,你把我的表弄掉了。【常用搭配】beg
14、sb for an idiot把某人当作傻瓜 of all the idiots糊涂透顶【近义】fool n.愚人,白痴【反义】genius n. 天才,天才人物16. crash n. 突然的响声;巨响e. g. The car hit the tree with a crash.汽车轰隆一声撞到树上。【友谊提示】上句中的crash是个名词。我们学习过crash还可以作动词用。因此上句可以改写为The car crashed into the tree.17. chance n. 时机e. g. I haven't had a chance to read my letter. 我还
15、没有时机看我的信呢。Is there any chance of the team winning this week? 这个队本星期有无获胜的时机? 【常用搭配】by chance意外地;偶尔地e. g. They met by chance on a plane.他们在飞机上不期而遇。【近义】opportunity n.时机,时机18. meanwhile adv. 其间,其时e. g. They'll be here soon, meanwhile we'll have some coffee. 他们即刻就到,我们如今先喝点咖啡。【友谊提示】meanwhile又作mean
16、time。19. headquarters n.司令部,指挥部,总部e. g. The company has its headquarters in the suburbs. 这家公司的总部设在郊区。20. chief n.领袖,领袖,长官e. g. According to the Charter, the president is chief of the armed forces. 根据宪法规定,总统是武装部队的首脑。【近义】leader n.指导 ruler n.统治者 principal n.负责人,首长 21. vary v.改变,变更;变化,不同e. g. The temper
17、ature varied throughout the day.气温一整天都在变化着。【常用搭配】vary from .to从到不等;在一到¨¨之间变动 vary with随而变化e. g. The colour of the wall varies with temperature. 这堵墙的颜色会随着温度的变化而变化。这两个词都含有“改变的意思。 1 change指“使改变得与原物完全不同或“使发生以新代旧的变化。e. g. The appearance of the town is quite changed. 这个城镇的外观变化颇大。 2 vary指“不规那么或连续
18、地改变。e. g. Customs vary with the times.风俗随时代而异。22. scenery n. 风景,风光e. g. The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful.山里的风光非常美。Lets stop to admire the scenery.让我们停下来欣赏风景。日常表达1. think of考虑,考虑e. g. I can't think of his name at the moment.我一时想不起他的名字。Can you think of any explanation for his frequen
19、t absence from work?他经常旷工,你能想得出有什么理由进展解释吗? 1 think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑,考虑,对有某种看法时,可以互换。e. g. -What do you think of/ about him? 你认为他怎么样?-I like him.我喜欢他。 2 think“表示“想出;想着;想起时,不可以用think about交换。 e. g. Who thought of the good idea? 谁想出的这个好主意? 3 think about表示“回想过去的事情,考虑某方案是否实在可行时,一般不可和think of换用。e.
20、 g. I often thought about what you said last time I saw you.我时常想起上次见到你时你说的话。 4 think over意为“认真考虑,仔细考虑,比think of和think about表达的考虑的程度要深,相当于think aboutcarefully。over为副词,宾语如是名词,那么可位于over之前或之后;宾语如是代词,那么必须放在over之前。e. g. Think it over,and you will find a way.仔细考虑一下,你就会有方法。2. be full of充满的e. g. The cup is f
21、ullit is full of milk.这个杯子满了,装满了牛奶。Her eyes were full of tears. 她的眼里充满了泪水。【近义】be filled with被充满的3. vary to变动,变为e. g. Opinions vary as to the cause. 动机的不同造成了不同的想法。Courses vary according to the needs of the students.课程根据学生的需要而有所不同。 【知识拓展】vary的名词形式是variety,表示“种类,品种,形容词形式是various,表示“各种各样的,各种不同的。 e. g. T
22、his variety of dog is very useful for hunting.这种狗对狩猎很有用。There are different varieties of plants in the garden.花园里有各种各样的植物。The subject may be viewed in various ways.这问题可以从不同的方面加以考虑。The products we sell are many and various.我们出售的产品是各式各样的。4. be made into被制成e. g. Glass is made into different sizes and s
23、hapes by the workers blowing it.工人将玻璃吹制成不同的尺寸和形状。5. search for搜寻;搜索e. g. Police searched for clues in the area. 警察在那一地带查找线索。6. come to life栩栩如生;复活e. g. Scenery can make the strip come to life. 背景可以使漫画显得栩栩如生。After twenty minutes' rescue, the old lady came to life. 经过20分钟的抢救,这位老妇人清醒了过来。【随堂小练】. Cho
24、ose the right words to complete the sentence1. Whales are the biggest animalsalive, living.2. Although he is anelder, elderlyman, he still keeps working.3. The story is mainly told in pictures, but there are bubbles for speech and thoughts, thinking4. When people get old, older, the short-term memor
25、y becomes worse.5. Frame sizes are varied to make the strip moreinterested, interesting.【keys】1. alive 2. elderly 3. thoughts 4. older 5. interesting. Choose a word or an expression which is closest in meaning to the underlined part of a sentence A. unhappy B. comic strips C. start D. is joined to E
26、. foolish F. more than 1. Do you enjoy strip cartoons? 2. His report lasted over an hour. 3. We've decided to set off at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. 4. Don't ask such silly questions, children. 5. As we all know, memory is connected with our feelings.【keys】1. B 2. F 3. C 4. E 5. DSte
27、p 4: Important Sentences structures.1. The first thing to do when creating a comic strip is to think of a plot.=The first thing to do when you create a comic strip Is to think of a plot.1The first thing to do中的to do为定语,修饰the first thing。此外,本课中不定式作定语的句子还有:It should be full of action to keep the reade
28、rs interested此句中to keep the readers interested是动词不定式作定语。2 is to think of a plot中的to think of a plot为表语。2. It needs to be funny or dramatic with an exciting finish.这里need为行为动词,有第三人称单复数变化,后跟动词不定式。“需要做某事有两种形式:need doing sth; need to do sth。两者的区别是,当主语是人时,用need to do sth表示“某人需要做某事,当主语是物时,用need doing sth表
29、示“某物需要被。e. g. I need a bike.我需要一辆自行车。Do you need your dictionary? 你需要你的词典吗?I need to have a rest. 我需要休息。主语是人,用need to doOur classroom needs cleaning every day. 我们的教室需要每天清扫。主语“教室是物,用need doing【友谊提示】need也可用作情态动词,用于疑问句和否认句,表示“需要,后面跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。e. g. You needn't go home for lunch. 你不需要回家吃午饭。Need
30、they come into the room? 他们需要到房间里来吗?He needn't answer the question. 他不需要答复这个问题。3. You can tell what the characters above are like just from looking at them.此句为what引导的宾语从句,其中what是连接代词。e. g. I don't know what they are going to do. 我不知道他们打算干什么。【知识拓展】引导宾语从句的引导词除了what之外,还有which,who,whose,whom等连接代
31、词和when,where,why,how等连接副词。e. g. He asked me whose the book is. 他问我这是谁的书。Could you tell me where you are from? 你能告诉我你来自哪儿吗?Do you know how they found the place? 你知道他们是怎么找到那个地方的吗?【例题】2020 北京-Can you tell me ? -She is in the computer lab. A. where Linda was B. where is Linda C. where was Linda D. where
32、 Linda is【答案】D【随堂练习】I. Choose the best answer 1. It was reported that the professor's sonfor two days by two robbers.A. is kidnappedB. has been kidnappedC. was kidnappedD. had been kidnapped 2. Could you tell mefor Beijing tomorrow?A. that his brother is leavingB. that his brother was leavingC.
33、if his brother is leavingD. if his brother was leaving3. useful information you've emailed us!A. What aB. How aC HowD. What4. It is easyon-line and millions of people use the Internet every day.A. getB. to getC. getsD. getting 5. In order to get more knowledge* childrenread different kinds of bo
34、oks.A. needn'tB. need toC. needsD. needs to6. Let's see how the young man will escapethe burning house.A. from B. toC. inD. out7. It is difficult to tell JeanJoan. They look so alike.A. ofB. aboutC. to .D. from 8. The songsthe Britney Spears sings are very popular. Most of the students like
35、them verymuch. A. which B. whoC. whomD. whose 9. Thebook made all of us very.A. interested; interestingB. interested; interestedC. interesting; interestedD. interesting; interesting 10. Hebe in his sixties, for his hair is getting white.A. canB. mustC. needD. should 11. I don't like the fish. It
36、 smells.A. wellB. goodC. badD. badly 12. Hebut couldnobody.A. looked around; lookB. looked round; seeC. saw around; lookD. saw; looked around【keys】 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. B. Rewrite the sentences as required1. The story is mainly told in the pictures. There are
37、bubbles for speech and thoughts. 用but连接成并列句2. How are comic strips produced? The article will probably be about that. 合并为宾语从句3. She was very weak. She couldn't take care of her baby. 保持原句意思,合并为一个句子【keys】1.The story is mainly told in the pictures, but there are bubbles for speech and thoughts.2.
38、The article will probably be about how comic strips are produced.3. She was too weak to take care of her baby. /She was so weak that she couldn't take care of her baby. Grammar.形容词一形容词前置形容词作定语,通常放在它所修饰的名词之前和不定代词之后。e. g. China has a long history. 中国历史悠久。Would you like anything else? 你要点别的什么吗?二形容词
39、放在某些动词后面这样的动词有smell,sound,grow,seem,feel,get,taste,turn等。e. g. The service in this restaurant seems fast.这个饭店的效劳速度很快。The music sounds nice.这首音乐听起来很优美。三只能作表语的形容词某些以a-开头的形容词,一般只作表话,如afraid,alive,alone,ashamed,asleep,awake,aware等。e. g. Dont be afraid.别害怕。 The baby is asleep.婴儿睡着了。Jane was alone when he
40、r hu8band passed by last year. 当珍妮的丈夫去世后,她觉得很孤独。四当“old"和,“poor,两个单词在句中作衰语时,分别表示年长的和缺钱的意思e. g. My friend is old. =It means my friend is elderly. 我的朋友年长。I am poor because I lost my job last year. =I am lack of money. 我贫穷是因为我去年失业了。五形容词的排列顺序形容词的排列顺序根本是固定的,但总体来说,常出现的不外乎有以下几种情况:大小adjectives of size a
41、nd length .形状adjectives of shape and width年龄adjectives of age颜色adjectives of colour来源adjectives of origin材料adjectives of materiale. g. I want to buy a new green silk dress. 我想要买一件新的绿色的真丝连衣裙。 Look, a charming old Japanese lady is coming to us.看,一位迷人的日本老妇人正向我们走来。He is reading an interesting French nov
42、el. 他正在读一本有趣的法语小说。【友谊提示】两个或两个以上的形容词修饰名词时,除了上面的规那么外,还通常把音节短的形容词放在前面,音节长的形容词放在后面。e. g. He is a tall and powerful man.他是一个高大又强壮的人。详细参见下表形容词排序表类别例词1冠词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词等the, a, this, my, some, Marys, all2数词表示性质状态的描绘形容词短词在前,长词在后last3序数词first, tenth, thirtieth4基数词one, ten, thirty5表示特征的形容词包括大小、长短、形状large, sma
43、ll, long, round, tall, strong, interesting, important, best, beautiful6新旧、年龄、温度young, old, new, ancient7表颜色的形容词black, blue8表类属的形容词包括国籍等专有名词Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish9表材料质地的形容词wooden10名词性定语包括名词、动名词boy, story, citizen, man, building 六形容词在it充当的形式主语时的用法、构造It is + adj. +to+ verbe. g. It is impossi
44、ble to fulfil the work in limit hours.在有限的时间里完成这项工作是不可能的。典例剖析:【例1】 2019 上海Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks in the pink dress. A. lovely B. quietly C. politely D. happily【答案】A 【例2】 2020 上海The home-made ice-cream in this restaurant tastes .Would you like some? A. softly B. greatly C. nice D
45、. well【答案】 C【例3 】 2020 上海It's to read the map before you travel to a new place. A. helpful B. harmful C. powerful D. awful 【答案】A【例4】 It is important English every day. A. of us to read B. for us to read C. for us reading D. we must read【正确答案】B【例5】 Sammi has T-shirt. A. a new silk blue B. a blue
46、new silk C. a silk blue new D. a new blue silk【正确答案】D【例6】You are the only person after the war.A. alive B. living C. live D. lived【正确答案】A Homework. Reading comprehension APaula Romano teaches the third grade at No. 6 school. She left school at 3 s 30 and decided to go for a short walk in the park be
47、fore going home. It was a warm spring day and Paula was tired. She sat on a park bench to relax. She was enjoying the mild weather and watching the children play baseball. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.A tall, thin man approached Paula. She's very friendly and trusts everyone. She looked u
48、p and smiled; she wasn't afraid. The man didn't smile, but asked her what time it was. When she looked at her watch, he took her handbag. He was a thief.He had a gun and threatened to shoot Paula if she called for help. She was smart enough to keep quiet while he was near. She had only $ 20
49、in her handbag, but she had a lot of credit cards, all of her keys, and some important papers in it. And she was angry.She waited about ten seconds as the thief ran away. Then she shouted, "Help! Help! That man is stealing my handbag!" A man who was jogging heard her and chased the thief,
50、but it was too late. The thief was fast. There was a phone not far from the bench where Paula had been sitting. The jogger gave her 20 cents, and she called the police.Nancy, the new police officer, received the call for help, but by the time she reached the park, the thief was gone. Nancy recognize
51、d Paula immediately. Paula was Nancy's third grade teacher. Nancy gave Paula a big hug and asked her to describe the thief. "He was wearing a blue jacket and gray pants. He's quite tall and has long brown hair. I can still see his face. I will recognize him if I see him again," Pau
52、la said. "Don't worry, Mrs Romano," Nancy replied. "We'll get him and we'll get your handbag back."Nancy and Paula rode around the neighborhood looking for the thief. After about an hour, Paula suddenly saw a man in a blue jacket coming out of a bar. It was the thief.
53、 Nancy found the handbag in the man's car, so she arrested him and took him to the police station. He's in jail now and Paula is happy to have her keys and papers back. And, of course, she's proud of her third grade student.True or False 1. After school, Paula went for a walk in the park
54、. 2. She didn't trust the tall, thin man who asked for the time. 3. The thief said he would shoot Paula if she called for help. 4. She had a lot of money in her handbag. 5. A police officer heard her shout for help and chased the thief. 6. It was Nancy who caught the thief and found the handbag
55、for Paula.【keys】l. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T BDavid Moore taught science at the City School. He needed some expensive books, so he bought them. He left them in his car in a quiet street. Then he bought other things at other shops. At six o'clock he came back to the car. One window was open and the books were not there! David drove home to Fly Road.That night he wrote a l
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