



1、汕头中博职业技术教育09网络工程 测试 Time:100 minute Total: 120 points姓名:_ 分数:_ 一、 Translate the following expressions. (每题1分,共25分)1. Electronic communication system 电子通信系统2. communication lines of cable 电缆通信线路3. communication lines of air 无线通信线路4. networks topology 网络拓扑5. star network 星型网络 6. peripheral devices 外围设

2、备 7. host computer 主机(计算机)8. file server 文件服务器 9. bus network 总线型网络 10. ring network 环形网络 11. hierarchical network 分级型网络12. local area networks 局域网13. metropolitan area networks 城域网14. wide area networks 广域网 15. Cellular phone systems 移动电话系统 16. microwave relays 微波继电器,微波中继17. webmaster 网络设计师、网络管理员 1

3、8. web portal 网络入口19. web authoring 网页制作20. virtual reality 虚拟现实 21. artificial intelligence program 人工智能程序 22. object linking and embedding 对象链接和对象嵌入23. 应用软件 application software 24. 终端用户软件 end-user software 25. object placement 目标定位 二、Translate the following sentences. (每题3分,共60分) 1. With microcom

4、puters, the ring arrangement is the least frequently used of the four network arrangements.对于微型计算机,环形安排是四种网络安排中最少使用的一种。 2. LAN is linked by telephone, co-axial, or fiber-optic. 局域网被电话、同轴电缆或光纤连接。 3. The widest of all WANs is the Internet, which spans the entire globe.所有的广域网中范围最广泛的是因特网,它覆盖了全球。4. Gener

5、al-purpose application softwares are basic applications used in nearly all career areas.一般目的的应用软件作为基本的应用程序几乎使用于所有的职业领域。 5. Specific-purpose applications are advanced applications focused on specific disciplines and occupations.特殊目的的应用程序作为高级的应用程序集中于特定的学科和领域。6. Browsers, word processors, spreadsheets,

6、 database management systems and presentation graphics belong to the general-purpose applications. 浏览器、文字处理软件、电子指标软件、数据库管理系统和演示文稿软件属于一般目的的应用软件。7. Browsers enable the users to search and display the Internet resources.浏览器使用户能够搜索和显示因特网上的资源。8. Microsoft Internet Explorer assists users in navigating, se

7、arching and communicating on the Internet. 微软的IE浏览器帮助用户在因特网上进行导航、搜索和通信。 9. Word processors have the function of Font and Font Size, Word Wrap, Footnote and Endnote, Grammar Check, etc. 文字处理软件有字体和字体大小、文字环绕、脚注和尾注、语法检查等功能。 10. Equations in spreadsheets perform calculations on data contained in a spread

8、sheet. 电子制表软件中的方程式对包含在电子表格的数据执行计算。11. Functions in spreadsheets are prewritten formulas performing calculations automatically.电子制表软件中的函数作为预先写入的公式自动执行计算。 12. A database management system enables the user to create, maintain, and report data relationships.数据库管理系统使用户能够创建、维护和汇报数据关系。13. Animations in the

9、 presentation graphics enable visual clips and sound clips to play automatically. 电子文稿程序中的动画能够自动播放视觉片段和声音片段。14. Programs refer to the instructions that tell the computer how to process data into the form the users need. 程序指的是告诉计算机如何把数据处理成用户需要的形式的指令。 15. 储存在RAM中的所有信息均是暂时的,因此,当机器关断电源时,该信息就丢失了。 All inf

10、ormation stored in the RAM is temporary; therefore, when the machine is turned off, the information will be lost. 16. Word creates text-based documents such as reports, letters and memos. 文字处理软件创建基于文本的文档,例如报告、信函和备忘录。 17. Access is a database management system to structure a database and enter, edit,

11、 and retrieve data from the database. Access作为一个数据库管理系统,用来构建一个数据库并在这个数据库中输入、编辑、恢复数据。18. The embedding object can be opened from and edited with the destination file. 被嵌入的对象能够从目标文件打开并在其中进行编辑。 19. However, any changes you make to the embedding object are not automatically reflected in the source file.

12、 然而,你对被嵌入对象所做的任何改变不会自动反映在源文件中。 20. Compared with bus network, star network is more efficient in sharing common resources. 与总线型网络相比,星型网络在共享公用资源时更有效率。三、Choose the answer according to the definition.(每题2分,共12分)( F )1. Bus network ( B )2. Star Network ( D )3. Ring Network ( A )4. MAN( E )5. WAN( C )6. L

13、ANA. A kind of network used to link office buildings within a cityB. Each computer links to a central unit and is controlled by this central unit.C. It connects devices that are close to one another, for example, in the same office.D. Each computer connects to two other devices forming a circle.E. I

14、t spans countries, or forms worldwide networksF. Each computer handles its own communications along a common connecting cable.四、Grammar: Choose one best answer. (每题1分,共13分)( )1. Here _. A. comes the bus B. the bus comes. C. is coming a bus D. a bus coming ( )2. He was used to _ in the afternoon. A.

15、run B. be ran C. running D. ran ( )3. He spoke louder to make himself _. A. hear B. heard C. to hear D. hearing ( )4. Lily is a student, _. A. so Lucy is. B. so is Lucy C. such is Lucy D. such Lucy is. ( )5. He cant do his homework, _. A. I cant too B. neither I can C. so cant I D. neither can I( )6

16、. Only this Sunday _ go shopping with you. A. I can B. can I C. am I D. I am ( )7. _, he I not happy. A. Rich as he is B. Though rich he is C. Rich as is he D. He is as rich ( )8. If I _ you, I would give him a hand. A. was B. am C. were D. wasnt ( )9. Im sorry to have kept you _. A. waiting B. wait

17、 C. to wait D. waited ( )10.Its very warm today. How about _ out for a walk? A. having gone B. to go C. go D. going ( )11. Its no good _ in the sun. A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading ( )12. He treated me quite well as though _ his son. A. I am B. I were C. I was D. I would be ( )13. The reason I call you is _ Id like to play football with you. A. because B. that C. because of D. for 五、Writing: 写一篇以“The c


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