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1、1、Higher Education Reform in Taiwan and Its Implications on EqualityAbstract: As a result of massification of higher education and the quest for competitiveness, the Taiwanese government has adopted a series of higher education reforms since the late 1990s. While the low birthrate has become a poten

2、tial threat, recent developments in higher education policies such as the Program for Developing First-Class Universities and Top Research Centers, the Incentives for Teaching Excellences and the new Multiple Examination Program have had considerable effects on students of different gender and socio

3、economic classes. Even though the expansion in higher education has enabled many students to enter universities, inequality remains, as students from different socioeconomic backgrounds are distributed to different types/ranks of universities. Students from the lower socioeconomic class are mostly c

4、oncentrated in private or vocational (science and technology) universities, while students from well-off families have better chances to enter elite universities. Moreover, the gender in different fields of study has not been improved as a result of the aforementioned massification. Female students

5、are still concentrated in the humanities and social sciences and encounter more difficulties in finding jobs upon graduation. Consequently, these graduates salaries tend to be much lower compared with their counterparts in science and technology fields. The study further argues that class and gender

6、 are actually intertwined and should not be examined separately. In addition, issues such as race and disability need to be closely examined, as the number of students with mothers from Southeast Asia and Mainland China has been significantly increasing in Taiwan these days.1、台湾高等教育改革及其对教育公平的影响摘要:自2


8、中在人文社会科学研究领域,而且毕业时就业相当困难。因此,女性毕业生的薪资水平通常远远低于在科技领域就业的同学。本研究进一步讨论了等级和性别是相互联系的,不能将其区别开来单独研究。近年来,随着东南亚和大陆学生来台湾的数量不断增加,民族和贫困因素也需要深入及时的研究。2、The Dilemma and Solutions for the Conflicts Between Equality and Excellence in the Massification of Higher Education in Taiwan Abstract: Equality and excellence are t

9、wo core values underlying many educational endeavors; however, they are often in conflict and controversy. This article intends to examine the dilemma created by such controversies in the context of massification of higher education in Taiwan and attempt to provide solutions from both the theoretica

10、l and policy dimensions so that the constant conflict between equality and excellence can be reconciled.2、在台湾高等教育大众化情境下教育公平与优质教育之间所面临的窘境和解决方式摘要:教育公平和优质教育是教育界极力推崇的两大核心理念,然而,两者却总有碰撞和争议之处。本论文致力于研究在台湾高等教育大众化的情境下,两者所存在的争议和面临的窘境,同时,从理论和政策延伸的角度提出解决办法,从而可以消除教育公平和优质教育长期存在的争议,达成一致。3、The Impact of the High Tui

11、tion Policy on Disadvantaged Students in TaiwanAbstract: Taiwanover the long term, and education is the primary factor impacting income inequality. Its impact has been increasing every year. Having their children attend college is the way for disadvantaged households to escape poverty, but the high

12、tuition policy is putting the poor in an increasingly difficult situation. In 1986, disadvantaged households were able to pay a portion of tuition costs; their borrowing amounted to less than their spending on education. Since 1996, however, the borrowing of disadvantaged households has been far hig

13、her than their spending on education, and the gap between the two has increasingly expanded. Moreover, disadvantaged households have to pay more tuition to have the same number of children attend university, possibly because it is more difficult for children from poor households to access quality, i

14、nexpensive public universities.3、台湾高学费政策对贫困学生的影响摘要:长期以来,台湾的教育收益率不断增长,教育成为影响收入不平等的主要因素。教育支出过大的影响每年都在不断增加。对于贫困家庭来说,让他们的孩子进入大学接受高等教育是摆脱贫困的唯一方式。但是,高学费政策使贫困家庭的孩子接受高等教育难上加难。1986年,贫困家庭可以承担部分学费,借贷数目小于学费数目;然而自1996年起,贫困家庭的借贷数目远远大于他们的学费数目,并且之间的差距越来越大。同时,贫困家庭如果想把同样数量的孩子送入大学,必须比同种情况下的家庭支付更多学费,这也许是因为贫困家庭的学生想进入高质量

15、且收费低的公立大学是相当困难的。4、Who Benefits from the Massification of Higher Education in Taiwan?Abstract: The objectives of expanding higher education are to foster advanced personnel and realize the concept of achieving equal access to education. The problems created by the expansion of higher education in man

16、y countries, including Taiwan, in fact indicate a divergence from originally anticipated objectives. Such problems include the uneven allocation of resources, tuition differences between public and private schools, and vicious competition in the face of declining studentenrollments, all of which con

17、tribute to concerns about educational quality issues. Of additional interest is whether Taiwans focus on university enrollments of disadvantaged ethnic groups has created a trend toward greater educational opportunities for its aboriginal people. Nevertheless, the distribution of resources is increa

18、singly concentrated on elites from high socioeconomic backgrounds and in a few public universities. All of these factors have facilitated an increasing class reproduction in higher education. The original elites continue to enjoy a wealth of resources. Yet while more and more students gain access to

19、 higher education, their institutional teaching quality and learning environment still fall behind that of the elites.4、台湾高等教育大众化,究竟谁收益?摘要:高等教育扩招的目的是培养高级人才,实现教育人人平等。然而,在很多国家的高等教育扩招过程中,包括台湾,都出现了各种问题,偏离了高教大众化的初衷。问题主要包括教育资源分配不均、公办和私立学校学费差距大、因生源减少引起的校际恶性竞争等。所有问题都把矛头指向了教育公平。台湾是否关注贫困的少数民族群体的入学情况是因为额外的利益考虑

20、,为台湾原始居民提供了更多接受高等教育的机会。然而,教育资源持续分布不均,大部分集中在高社会经济地位的精英学校和少数公立大学。所有这些因素加剧了高等教育等级的区分,家境优越者持续享有丰富优质的教育资源。虽然越来越多的学生可以接受高等教育,但是享有的教学质量和学习环境仍然相当落后。5、Social Class Barriers of the Massification of Higher Education in TaiwanAbstract: In recent years, the rapid growth of higher education in Taiwan has led to a

21、n essential shift from education for the elite to the massification of higher education. Although this massification is making higher education more accessible, one of the main concerns is whether opportunities for higher education are the same among all social classes in Taiwan. The focus of this a

22、rticle is therefore on social class barriers to higher education in Taiwan. In the article, secondary data analysis is employed. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the current dual policy of tuition fees has resulted in a situation in which social class barriers still remain, although t

23、he massification of higher education has provided more opportunities for students from families with different levels of income.5、台湾高等教育大众化推行中的社会等级阻碍摘要:近年来,台湾高等教育快速发展,高等教育仅仅是上层社会独享资源的现象已不复存在,高等教育正向大众化推进。虽然在台湾,高教大众化使接受高等教育不再是难题,然而,高等教育资源能否供各阶层大众平等享有依旧是人们关注的焦点。因此,本文专注于探讨台湾高等教育中的社会等级划分的阻碍。文章应用第二数据分析法,根

24、据分析得到结论:即使高教大众化为各收入阶层提供更多受教育机会,然而,由于现行的学费双向制,社会等级因素的阻碍依旧存在。6、An analysis of education inequality in ChinaAbstract:This article analyzes both the current situation regarding education inequality in China, and its formation mechanisms. Policies promoting education have lead to remarkable progress in e

25、ducational attainment, and also effectively decreased educational inequality. However, substantial inequalities in educational attainment remain, even though sustainable progress has been realized. Decomposition results using the Gini coefficient and Shapley value approach based on regression analys

26、is indicate that the greatest contributing factors to educational inequality involve the urban rural and social stratification divisions. Moreover, the household register system which divides city and country, as well as increasing income inequality is deepening institutional barriers and stratum di

27、fferentiation. Though gender and regional gaps have been reduced significantly, the population residing in economically disadvantaged areas, especially females, still warrants social concern. In addition, age related decomposition results indicate that increasing educational attainment for the young

28、 plays a key role in reducing education inequality. At last, we argue that more educationalinvestment should be allocated to disadvantaged groups and lower income groups; especially eliminating some institutional barriers such as the hukou system, unequal distribution of good quality educational res

29、ources, and so on.6、关于中国教育不公平现象的分析摘要:本文分析了中国当下的教育不公平现状及形成机制。我国的教育政策有效促进了教育成果,也有效减少了教育不公平现象。然而改革虽然颇具成效,但是大量教育不公平、不平等现象依旧存在。利用基于回归分析的基尼系数和Shapley值的方法分析结果表明,教育不平等的最主要因素是城乡差距和社会层级的划分。此外,户籍制度将城市和农村区别开来,加剧了收入不平等,因而加深了体制性障碍和阶层分化。虽然性别和地域性歧视现在已大为好转,但是对于经济欠发达地区,尤其是女性,仍亟需社会关注。同时,对不同年龄成的分析研究表明,随着受教育程度的上升,年轻人将在减

30、少教育不平等等现象中扮演关键角色。最后,我们认为应向教育和经济欠发达地区增加教育资金投入;减少体制性障碍,如户籍制和教育资源分配不均等问题。7、The effects of individual characteristics, socioeconomic status, and political engagement on the attainment of student leadership roles in Chinese university studentsAbstract:This study analyzes the effects of individual charact

31、eristics, socioeconomic status, and political engagement among Chinese university students with respect to their attainment of student leadership roles. The study investigated 10,930 students from elite Chinese universities. The results showed that female and only-child students were more likely to

32、become student leaders than male students and students with siblings. Students from local Hukou (household registration) were less likely than students from nonlocal Hukou, to become student leaders. Each upgrade of one level in the membership of the Chinese Communist Party doubled the students odds

33、 for attaining student leadership roles.7、个体性格、社会经济状况和政治参与对中国大学生实现领导角色的影响摘要:本论文分析了个体性格特征、社会经济状况和政治参与对中国大学生实现领导角色的影响和作用。我们将1,0930个来自中国重点大学的大学生作为研究对象。据结果表明,女性同学和独生子女比男性同学和有兄弟姐妹的同学更有可能成为领导组织型角色。来自外地的同学比本地的学生更易成为领导者。中国共产党员任何一个级别的提升,将使学生成为领导者的几率翻倍增加。8、Exploding the Ivory Tower: Systemic Change forHigher

34、EducationBy William R. Watson and Sunnie Lee Watson, Purdue UniversityAbstract:Higher education faces increasing pressures to change to better meet the needs of modern society. Systemic change applies systems thinking and systems theory to change a complex system to a new paradigm. This paper argues

35、 for the need for the systemic change of higher education and presents educational technologists as particularly well placed to lead this change.摘要:为了适应现代社会的发展,高等教育面临着不断改革的压力。系统性变革利用系统思想和系统理论,使一个复杂的系统变为一个崭新的典范。本文讨论了高等教育系统性变革的必要性,并提出了将教育技术作为引领此变革的重要途径。9、Home environment and educational transitions on

36、 the path to college in rural northwest ChinaIn China, the National College Entrance Examination (gaokao) is an important gateway to future life outcomes. In this paper, we analyze longitudinal survey data from two waves (2004 and 2009) of the Gansu Survey of Children and Families to examine the hom

37、e environment factors that predict successful transitions on the path to participation in the college entrance examination among rural youth in Gansu province. Our results show that parents play a crucial role in determining their childrens life chances through their shaping of a nurturing home lear

38、ning environment.9、家庭环境和教育变迁因素对中国西北偏远地区学生上大学的影响 摘要:在中国,高考是改善未来生活水平的重要途径。本文通过纵向调查和分析2004年和2009年家庭环境因素对甘肃省的家庭和学生通向大学之路的影响。结果显示,子女能否有一个良好的家庭学习环境,进而有机会上大学,父母有决定性作用。10、An Overview of Open Education Resources for Higher EducationAbstract:Since adopted in early 2000s, open education resources (OER) have ev

39、olved as a major source of learning materials for higher education. In general, there are four categories of OER, namely, open textbooks, open courseware, open online courses, and open-source software and tools to support teaching and learning. This paper attempts to characterize these four categori

40、es of OER with representative examples, and elaborates various commonly adopted open licensing options for OER.10、高等教育中的开放教育资源概述摘要:自21世纪初期采用开放教育资源以来,开放教育资源已经演变为高等教育学习材料的主要来源。一般来说,有四种开放性教育资源协助教与学,即开放式教材、开放课件、开放在线课程以及开放软件和工具。本文利用有代表性的实例来说明这四种开放教育资源,并阐述了多种被广泛使用的开放式许可选择。11、Constructing and Sharing Open

41、Educational Resources: Policy and CapacityAbstract. Since MIT OCW evoked a worldwide OER movement, many higher educational institutions have taken actions to consider how to take advantages of the initiatives. The concept of sharing high quality educational resources to promote education equality is

42、 widely accepted, but how to maintain sustainable development of OER challenges every university. This paper will review the mainland Chinas practical exploration with regards to creation and application of OER. It will narrate both government-supported projects and institutional actions to present

43、achievements and problems. Based on some surveys and observations, the author will identify two major influential factors of policy and capacity and try to find out solutions to overcome the obstacles and facilitate the great undertaking.11、构建和共享开放式教育资源:政策和能力摘要:麻省理工学院的开放课程项目兴起以来,使众多高等教育机构开始思考如何利用这些优

44、势并付诸行动。人们已经广泛接受“共享优质教育资源,以促进教育公平”的理念,但是,如何保证开放式教育资源的可持续发展,成为每一所大学面临的挑战。本文将探究中国大陆对开放式教育资源的创建和应用方面的探索和实践,并将阐述一些政府扶持的项目和某些机构的行动来说明其取得的成绩和遇到的问题。基于调查研究,作者提出两个最具影响力的因素,即政策和能力,并试图找到解决方案,以克服阻碍,促进发展。12、Making Sense of MOOCs: The Evolution of Online Learning in Higher EducationTo make sense of MOOCs and under

45、stand the evolution of online learning in higher education we must go back to times long before the Internet was invented. Only in this way can we understand the gradual evolution of open, distance and online learning in higher education. We shall look first at the evolution of methods for teaching

46、at a distance and then at how the choice of the content of learning has increased.12、理解MOOCs:高等教育在线学习模式的变革摘要:若要充分理解MOOCs并了解高等教育在线学习的变革,我们必须回到最开始,在网络还没有发明出来的时候。只有这样,我们才能了解高等教育开放、远距离、在线学习的逐步演变过程。首先我们看远距离教学方法的变革,然后了解我们对学习资源的选择如何不断增加和丰富。13、Reflections on a massive open online life cycle assessment cours

47、e AbstractPurpose :This article summarizes student performance and survey data from a recent massive open online course (MOOC) on life cycle assessment (LCA). Its purpose is to shed light on student learning outcomes, challenges, and success factors, as well as on improvement opportunities for the M

48、OOC and the role of online courses in LCA education in general.Methods:Student survey data and course performance data were compiled, analyzed, and interpreted for 1257 students who completed a pre-course survey and 262 students who completed a post-course survey. Both surveys were designed to asses

49、s student learning outcomes, topical areas of difficulty, changing perceptions on the nature of LCA, and future plans after completing the MOOC.Results and discussion:Results suggest that online courses can attract and motivate a large number of students and equip them with basic analytical skills t

50、o move on to more advanced LCA studies. However, results also highlight how MOOCs are not without structural limitations, especially related to mostly locked in content and the impracticality of directly supporting individual students, which can create challenges for teaching difficult topics and co

51、nveying important limitations of LCA in practice.13、大规模开放型在线生命周期评估课程的反思目标:本文从最近的一门大规模开放式在线课程(MOOC)生命周期评估(LCA)中,总结了学生成绩的变化及调查了相关数据。其目的是对学生学习成绩如何提高、如何应对挑战及成功要素的分析提供依据,同时试图分析如何从整体上利用MOOC等在线课程增加学习机会。方法:本研究对1257名学生进行课前调查,并对其中262名调查者进行课后调查,然后搜集、汇编并分析调查数据及被调查者的课程成绩。两项调查都是为了评估学生成绩、学习疑难区、对LCA性质的认知变化以及完成MOOC后

52、的学习计划等。结果及讨论:调查结果表明,在线课程能够吸引并激励大部分学生参与学习活动,并使他们具有基本的分析能力和技巧进行下一步深层次的LCA课程学习。然而,调查结果也明确显示MOOCs的结构限制,尤其是对于大部分锁定内容以及直接帮助学生个人学习的不切实际性。这些都会为教学难点解析带来挑战,为LCA课程讲授中带来较大限制。14、World education finance policies and higher education access: A statistical analysis of World Development Indicators for 86 countries世界

53、教育财政政策与高等教育机会的关系:对86个国家世界发展指标的统计分析This study uses panel data models to analyze international indicators and examines the relationship between education finance policies and higher education access among 86 countries from 1998 to 2009. We find that public expenditure per tertiary student bears a nega

54、tive association with tertiary enrollment ratios, whereas GDP per capita and public spending on education as a percentage of GDP both have a positive effect on tertiary enrollment. These results imply that for a fixed amount of total budget and rising demands for higher education, various nations ha

55、ve reduced spending per college student and drawn on more private resources to expand higher education access.本研究采用固定样本数据模型来分析国际指标,并研究了1998年至2009年间86个国家教育财政政策和其国民获得高等教育机会之间的关系。我们发现每个学生所占的高等教育公共支出与高等教育入学率呈负相关的关系,而人均GDP和公共教育支出占GDP比例对高等教育入学率有积极作用。这些结果意味着,鉴于一个固定的总预算量以及对高等教育日益增长的需求,各个国家都减少了每个大学生的开支,并投入更多

56、的私有资源来扩大国民接受高等教育的机会。15、A comparative analysis of education costs and outcomes: The United States vs. other OECD countries教育成本与结果的对比分析:美国与其他经济合作组织国家 In this paper we confirm the universality of steadily rising education expenditures among OECD nations, as predicted by Baumol and Bowens cost disease,

57、and show that this trajectory of costs can be expected to continue for the foreseeable future. However, we find that while the level of education costs in America is significantly higher than that of all other OECD countries, education spending per student in the United States is increasing about as

58、 quickly as it is in many other countriesperhaps even less quickly. Although these cost increases undoubtedly will contribute to each nations fiscal problems, we conclude that effective education contributes to improvement of the economic performance of each country and can mitigate resulting financ

59、ial pressures by spurring growth in overall purchasing power.在本文中,我们证实了OECD国家之间的教育支出稳步上升的普遍性,正如“鲍莫尔和鲍恩成本病”所预言的那样,并表明这一成本轨迹在可预见的未来将继续存在。但是,我们发现,尽管美国的教育费用水平明显地高于其他所有OECD国家,也许没有极个别国家增长的快,但美国每名学生的教育支出还是像其他很多国家一样尽可能快的增加。这些成本的增加,无疑将会暂时加重每个国家的财政问题,但通过总结我们认为有效的教育有助于提高每个国家的经济表现,并能通过所推动的总体购买力的增长来最终缓解其财政压力。16、The emergence of an educational tool industry: Opportunities and challenges for innovation in education一种教育工具行业的崛起:教育创新的机遇与挑战D. Foraya, College


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