



1、不可撤销跟单信用证申请书APPLICATION FOR IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT 不可撤销跟单信用证申请书TO: INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA BRANCH Date 中国工商银行分行_日期 Please establish by SWIFT brief cable airmail an Irrevocable Credit as follows: 请通过 SWIFT电码电传 航空邮件 建立 不可撤销信用凭证如下所示Advising Bank: (to be left for bank to fill in)

2、通知行:(留给银行填写)(20) Irrevocable Documentary Credit No.(20)不可撤销信用单证编号(31D) Expiry Date and place (31D)截止日期和地点 依照国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例(2007年修订版)第600号出版物(50)Applicant: (Full name & detailed address)(50)开证人:(全名 详细地址)(59)Beneficiary: (Full name & detailed address)(59)受益人:(全名和详细地址)(32B)Currency code, Amount

3、(In words and figures)(32B)信用证货别,金额(用汉字和数字)(39A)Quantity and Credit amount tolerance_(39A)信贷额度_%(41A)Credit Available With any bank Issuing Bank other (pl. Indicate) By Negotiation Acceptance Sight Payment Deferred payment at _(41A)议付适用银行 任何银行 开支行 其它(备注)通过 谈判接受 即期付款 延期付款_(42C) Draft at _for _% of in

4、voice value(42C)见票_ _付发票金额的_%(42A) Draw on _(42A)利用_(43P) Partial shipment allowed not allowed(43p)分批装运 允许 不允许(43T) Transshipment allowed not allowed(43T)转运 允许 不允许(44A) Loading on board from(44A)装载地(44B) for transportation to (44B) 交通工具(44E) Port of Loading(44E) 装货港(44F) Port of Discharge(44F)卸货港(44

5、C) Latest shipment date(44C)最迟装船日期 (45A) Description of goods or services(45A)货物或服务描述Price term:价格术语:Packing:包装:(46A) Documents required: (marked with X)(46A)需提供的单据文件:(标有X)( )Signed Commercial Invoice in _ indicating L/C No. and Contract No.( )一式_份商业发票, 显示信用证号码和合同编号( )_ set of clean on board ocean B

6、ills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked “ freight_( ) 洁净已装船的提单空白抬头并空白背书,注明“运费_”,_ ” notifying Applicant 通知 申请人( )Air Waybills showing “freight to collect prepaid” indicating freight amount and consigned to ()航空运单显运费 预付 表明运费金额和收货人 Applicant Issuing Bank 申请人 开证行( )Forwarding agents

7、Cargo Receipt ( ) 货运代理商的货物收据 ( )Insurance Policy/Certificate in_ for_ % of the invoice value showing claims payable in China in currency of the draft.( )保险单/凭证在 按中国流通汇票的 % 索赔 blank endorsed, covering ( Ocean Marine Transportation Air Transportation Over Land Transportation) All Risks, War Risks, inc

8、luding_ as per_ Clause.( )空白背书,包括( 海运 空运 陆地运输)所有风险,战争风险,包括_根据条款( )Packing List / Weight Memo in_ indicating quantity / gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions as called for by the L/C.( )装箱单/重量单在_指示数量/毛重和净重以及在信用证中要求的包装条件( )Certificate of Quantity / Weight in _ .( )数量和质量证书在_( )Ce

9、rtificate of Quality in_ issued by Beneficiary public recognized surveyor manufacturer.( )由 受益人 公证机构 制造商 签发的_的质量证书( )Beneficiarys certified copy of fax / telex dispatched to the applicant within_hours after shipment advising name of vessel B/L No. Flight No. Wagon No. Shipping date contract No. L/C

10、No., Commodity, quantity, weight and value of shipment.( )受益人的证明传真件/电传在装船后_小时内派发给申请人 船名 提货单单号 飞机单号 车辆单号 装船日期 合同编号 信用证单号,商品,数量,重量和货运价值(47A) Additional conditions: (Marked with X)(47A)附加条件:(标有X)( ) Documents issued earlier than L/C issuing date are not acceptable.( )单据不能早于信用证开证日期( ) All documents to b

11、e forwarded in one cover, unless otherwise stated.( )所有的单据都必须盖一个章,除非另有说明( )The remaining _% of invoice value ( ) 剩余_ _%发票价值 .( ) Third party as shipper is is not acceptable.( )第三方作为托运人 是 不是OUR BANK PROCESS TRANSACTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS, AND RESERVE THE

12、RIGHT TO COMPLY WITH FOREIGN SANCTIONS AS WELL. CONSEQUENTLY DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY OR SHOWING ANY INVOLVEMENT OF PARTIES SANCTIONED BY ANY COMPETENT AUTHORITY OR CONTAINED ANY INFORMATION THEREON MIGHT NOT BE PROCESSED BY OUR BANK AT OUR SOLE DISCRETION AND WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY ON OUR PART. 我们的银行交易过程依照当地和国际法律法规的规定,并有权遵守外国的制裁,因此文件签发或显示的任何参与方的任何主管当局批准或包含任何信息,不承担任何责任,我们的部分我们的银行可能不会处理任何相关资料(71B) All banking charges and interest if any outside opening bank are for account of beneficiary other (pl. Indicate)(71B)开证行以外的所有的银行费用和利息由 受益人 其它(注明)负担(48)Documents to


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