



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上alleviation crucial further development to a ccel erate the pr oce ss of well -off society has created a great opportunit y. 18 since the Central and provi nci al pov erty alleviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic pl anning, priority and "first proje ct", formu

2、lated a serie s of poli ciesnow focus, dev elopme nt measures have all be en clear. We want to seize the opport unity, preci sion applicati on strategy, focus punch, bre ak "support . , Support s the development of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series of poli cy measures i n areas such as infrastr

3、 ucture , public service s, pr omoting high sta ndards, support, and m ore opport unitie s for us to a cce lerate devel opment, provi de greater support. From provi nce s policy ori ented see, "1236" poverty stormi ng, and "6873" traffic breakthrough, a nd "6363" water

4、guarantees, major acti on spee d up implementati on, e col ogical security barrie r, and long East e nergy chemi cal ba se constr ucti on, major strategy intensive i ntroduced, a nd pr ovincial "eight a change" , and "eight a both" and munici pal "six a into", and "

5、;six big support" of deci sion de ployme nt,三年级数学下册人教版期中模拟试卷一、直接写出下面各题的得数( 5 分)4201 50 7502 50 72 99 91007 023万 32万 3601 8 2700 300 305 660 15 789万 79万二、填空题( 20 分)1. 我们学过的数级有( )级,( )级和( )级,每一级都有( )个数位。2. 读作( ) 六千零三万写作( )3. 用三个 0、二个 1、一个 9 写出数最大的六位数是( ),最小的六位数是( )。4. 在()里填上合适的数字,使它最接近 686 万。686

6、() 450 686 万 685() 900 686 万5. 80 分=()小时()分钟6. 2009 年的 2 月份有()天,全年有()天。7. 被除数 =除数×() 一个因数 =()÷()8. 根据 450÷ 15=30 列出一道乘法算式和一道除法算式。( )( )9. 写成用“万”作单位的数是( )三、判断题( 10 分)1. 每年的七月、八月一共有 62 天。( )2. 六百零五十万零八十写作: ( )3. 一天是 12 小时( )4. 最大的七位数加 1 是( )5. 在除法里, 0 作除数无意义。 ( )四、选择题( 10 分)1. 读这个数,要读(

7、)A. 2 个零 B. 3 个零 C. 4 个零2. 125 8 125 8 ( )A. 64 B. 1 C. 0 D. 163. 1 年半 =( )个月A. 15 B. 17 C. 184. 省略万后面的尾数, ( )A. 21 万 B. 22 万 C. 217 万 D. 20 万5. 1999 年的一、二、三月共有( )天。A. 91 B. 90专心-专注-专业alleviation crucial further development to a ccel erate the pr oce ss of well -off society has created a great oppor

8、tunit y. 18 since the Central and provi nci al pov erty alleviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic pl anning, priority and "first proje ct", formulated a serie s of poli ciesnow focus, dev elopme nt measures have all be en clear. We want to seize the opport unity, preci sion

9、 applicati on strategy, focus punch, bre ak "support . , Support s the development of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series of poli cy measures i n areas such as infrastr ucture , public service s, pr omoting high sta ndards, support, and m ore opport unitie s for us to a cce lerate devel opment, p

10、rovi de greater support. From provi nce s policy ori ented see, "1236" poverty stormi ng, and "6873" traffic breakthrough, a nd "6363" water guarantees, major acti on spee d up implementati on, e col ogical security barrie r, and long East e nergy chemi cal ba se constr

11、 ucti on, major strategy intensive i ntroduced, a nd pr ovincial "eight a change", a nd "eight a both" and munici pal "six a into", and "six big support" of deci sion de ployme nt,五、计算题(共 22 分)1. 用简便方法计算( 12 分)1253 2 640 5 8 6539 8 9441 022. 脱式计算( 10 分)(35 360

12、 45) 2003 9975 1740 145六、列式计算( 9 分)6. 720 与 180 的和,除以 18 与 5 的积,商是多少?7. 672 是哪个数的 84 倍?8. 一个数乘以 18,积是 1152,这个数是多少?七、应用题( 13 各 6 分,4 题 6 分共 24 分)6. 一个工程队修一条公路, 6 天修了 960 米,照这样计算修完 3840 米需要多少天?2alleviation crucial further development to a ccel erate the pr oce ss of well -off society has created a gre

13、at opportunit y. 18 since the Central and provi nci al pov erty alleviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic pl anning, priority and "first proje ct", formulated a serie s of poli ciesnow focus, dev elopme nt measures have all be en clear. We want to seize the opport unity, pr

14、eci sion applicati on strategy, focus punch, bre ak "support . , Support s the development of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series of poli cy measures i n areas such as infrastr ucture , public service s, pr omoting high sta ndards, support, and m ore opport unitie s for us to a cce lerate devel o

15、pment, provi de greater support. From provi nce s policy ori ented see, "1236" poverty stormi ng, and "6873" traffic breakthrough, a nd "6363" water guarantees, major acti on spee d up implementati on, e coolgical security barrie r, and long East e nergy chemi cal ba se

16、 constr ucti on, major strategy intensive i ntroduced, a nd pr ovincial "eight a change", a nd "eight a both" and munici pal "six a into", and "six big support" of deci sion de ployme nt,2. 学校图书室里有 2800 本故事书,平均借给 10 个班后,还剩 400 本,平均每班借了多少本故事书?3. 商店运来 2400 千克的白菜

17、,卖了一些后,还剩 250 千克,卖了多少千克白菜?4. 王小兰和李小鹏两个爱集邮,王小兰集邮票 86 张,李小鹏集邮票的张数是王小兰集邮票张数的 3 倍少 34 张,两人一共集邮多少张?* 爷爷的年龄是爸爸的 2 倍,爸爸的年龄是儿子的 7 倍,已知爷爷的年龄是 70 岁,儿子的年龄是几岁?3alleviation crucial further development to a ccel erate the pr oce ss of well -off society has created a great opportunit y. 18 since the Central and pr

18、ovi nci al pov erty alleviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic pl anning, priority and "first proje ct", formulated a serie s of poli ciesnow focus, dev elopme nt measures have all be en clear. We want to seize the opport unity, preci sion applicati on strategy, focus punch,

19、 bre ak "support . , Support s the development of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series of poli cy measures i n areas such as infrastr ucture , public service s, pr omoting high sta ndards, support, and m ore opport unitie s for us to a cce lerate devel opment, provi de greater support. From provi

20、nce s policy ori ented see, "1236" poverty stormi ng, and "6873" traffic breakthrough, a nd "6363" water guarantees, major acti on spee d up implementati on, e col ogical security barrie r, and long East e nergy chemi cal ba se constr ucti on, major strategy intensive i

21、 ntroduced, a nd pr ovincial "eight a change", a nd "eight a both" and munici pal "six a into", and "six big support" of deci sion de ployme nt,【试题答案】一、直接写出下面各题的得数( 5 分)4201 50 =570 7502 50 =500 72 99 =17191007 0 =130 23万 32万 =55 万 3601 8 =202700 300 =9 305 6=

22、1830 60 15=900789万 79万 =710 万二、填空题( 20 分)1. 我们学过的数级有( 个 )级,( 万 )级和(亿)级,每一级都有( 四 )个数位。2. 读作( 二百八十四万 ) 六千零三万写作()3. 用三个 0、二个 1、一个 9 写出数最大的六位数是() ,最小的六位数是() 。4. 在()里填上合适的数字,使它最接近 686 万。686(1)450 686 万 685(6)900 686 万5. 80 分=(1)小时( 20)分钟6. 2008 年的 2 月份有( 29)天,全年有( 366)天。7. 被除数 =除数×( 商) 一个因数 =(积)

23、7;( 另一个因数 )8. 根据 450÷15=30 列出一道乘法算式和一道除法算式。(15×30=450)(450÷30=15)9. 写成用“万”作单位的数是( 305 万)三、判断题( 10 分)9. 每年的七月、八月一共有 62 天。()10. 六百零五十万零八十写作: ()11. 一天是 12 小时( × )12. 最大的七位数加 1 是( ×)13. 在除法里, 0 作除数无意义。 ()四、选择题( 10 分)7. 读这个数,要读( A)A. 2 个零 B. 3 个零 C. 4 个零8. 125 8 125 8 (A)A. 64 B.

24、 1 C. 0 D. 169. 1 年半 =(C)个月A. 15 B. 17 C. 1810. 省略万后面的尾数, ( B)A. 21 万 B. 22 万 C. 217 万 D. 20 万11. 1999 年的一、二、三月共有( B)天。A. 91 B. 90五、计算题(共 22 分)1. 用简便方法计算( 12 分)4alleviation crucial further development to a ccel erate the pr oce ss of well -off society has created a great opportunit y. 18 since the C

25、entral and provi nci al pov erty alleviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic pl anning, priority and "first proje ct", formulated a serie s of poli ciesnow focus, dev elopme nt measures have all be en clear. We want to seize the opport unity, preci sion applicati on strategy,

26、 focus punch, bre ak "support . , Support s the development of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series of poli cy measures i n areas such as infrastr ucture , public service s, pr omoting high sta ndards, support, and m ore opport unitie s for us to a cce lerate devel opment, provi de greater support

27、. From provi nce s policy ori ented see, "1236" poverty stormi ng, and "6873" traffic breakthrough, a nd "6363" water guarantees, major acti on spee d up implementati on, e coolgical security barrie r, and long East e nergy chemi cal ba se constr ucti on, major strategy intensive i ntroduced, a nd pr ov


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