



1、ModulelO模块知识梳理卷(含答案)班级姓名得分 时间:30分钟 满分:100分基础知识梳理一、单词过关(英汉互译)(18分)1. 买(过去式)2. 发现,找到(过去式)3. 吃;喝(过去式)4. 然后5. 水6. 医院7. 感冒8. fell(fall 的过去式)9. town 10. happen11. ride 12. thirsty 13. watermelon14. carried(carry 的过去式)15. bump 16. chocolate17. headache18. fever二、核心短语(英汉互译)(10分)1. 感冒2. 头疼3. 发烧4. 胃痛5. fall d

2、own 6. go for a bike ride7. fall off 8. all the day9. go to the doctor10. on the bike三、重点句子(英汉互译)(10分)1 .你的头怎么了 ?2 .你从自行车上摔下来了吗?3 .你们买了一些水吗?没有,我们买了一个西瓜。4. Sam had lots of bananas yesterdaso today he ' s got a stomach ache.5. We played games all the day.四、核心语言点(12分)怎么了 ? 1.2.to+体部位?4.§:烧have

3、/have got a 6.W痛5. 头疼五、单项选择。(10分)()1. Sam off his bike last week.A. fallB. fellC. feel()2. My sister a cold yesterday.A. hadB. has gotC. gets)3. WhatA.happenB. happen toC. happened toyour head?()4. We went the hill yesterday.A. forB. upC. ofC. taking()5. He bumped his leg. So we him to the hospital.

4、A. tookB. take六、图文配对。(10分)()1. Paul has got a stomach ache today.()2. He bumped his head, so he went to the doctor.()3. He had a cold, so he drank some hot water.()4. Li Mei found a bag on the road.()5. Peter fell down. And we took him to our classroom.七、情景交际。(10分)()1.当你想问对方的手怎么了,应该这样说: A. What happ

5、ened to your hand?B. What happened to my hand?()2.当病人想跟医生说他感冒了 ,感觉很冷时,应该这样说: A. He has a cold and he feels cold.B. I had a cold and I felt cold.()3.当你想说你们昨天一整天都在玩游戏时,应该这样说: A. We played games all the day yesterday.B. I played games with my mother all the day yesterday.()4.当医生问他昨天吃了什么时,他应该这样回答:A. I h

6、ad a picnic yesterday.B. I had a picnic and I ate two watermelons yesterday.()5.当你想告诉别人大明用自行车带着西瓜时,应该这样说:A. Daming carried the watermelon on the bike.B. I carried Daming on the bike.八、连词成句。(10分)1. yesterday, had, he, cold, a(.)2. music, did, to, you, last, week, listen(?)3. he, fell, bike, off, his,

7、 yesterday(.)4. happened, your, what, to, eyes(?)5. thirsty, we, hungry, were, and(.)九、阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)Yesterday was Sunday. It was sunny. Tom and Daming went to the zoo by bike. They saw many animals in the zoo. They were happy. Then they were hungry and thirsty. So they bought some

8、 water and bread for lunch. Then they saw some monkeys in the tree. Daming wanted to take a picture with the monkeys, but he fell down and bumped his head.()1. Yesterday was sunny.()2. Daming and Tom went to the zoo on Sunday.()3. They ate bread and drank water for lunch.()4. They saw some birds in

9、the tree.() 5. Tom fell down and bumped his head.Module 10 模块知识梳理卷基础知识梳理:一、 1.buy; bought 2.find; found 3.have; had4. then 5.water 6.hospital 7.cold8. 掉下,落下;摔倒9.城镇,市镇10.发生11. 骑车12.(口)渴的13.西瓜14. 拿,搬 15.撞伤16.巧克力17. 头痛18.发烧2、 1.have a cold 2.have a headache3. have a fever 4.have got a stomach ache5. 摔倒

10、,跌倒;坍塌6.去骑自行车7.跌落8. 一整天9.去看医生10.在自行车上3、 1.What happened to your head?2. Did you fall off your bike?3. Did you buy some water? No, we bought a watermelon.4. 萨姆昨天吃了很多香蕉,所以今天他胃痛。5. 我们一整天都在玩游戏。4、 1.What 2.happened 3.cold 4.fever5. headache 6.stomach ache模块强化检测 :5、 1.B 点拨 : fall off 跌落。 时间状语为 yesterday, 故描述的是过去发生的事情。2. A3. C 点拨:“What happened t#身体部位?”意为"怎么了? ”。4. B5. A 点拨 : 前后是有因果关系的句子,时态保持一致。6、 1.C2.E3.A4.B5.D7、 1.A2.B3.A4.B5.A8、 1.He had a cold yesterday.2.


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