



1、Wewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag eand control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstrende ntoversig ht role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bili

2、ty; to a ctivelymake use ofinternala udit to ols detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize related transacti ons, strengt hening operations ina ccorda ncewit h law.Dee peni ngthe i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and

3、BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,and SCM,insurethatnpgottehentinianlgemlployoevees h"zeelrped trapped, careodfilfyf"i.cTulotestmrepnlogythenperfeorems;anccaermrieadnageomuetstyle acntti,vpitrioecs,ersischcoenmtrpoll,eoyeenshlaifen;csetreemploynegtheeenvinalguhateioalnthaandlevelnsdla bourporofteeffect

4、ivectcioonm,morunicgaatniioznattiooinmcparreerhealtohvempeedrifcoarl,mancemcaonnatrgeomlecnatr.eTeor faugratihernst; continuqeuasnttifoyiamnpdlermefeineemntationplpoyseyecholsotgaincdalawrds.aWrnoirnkg,fullpplreayvepnatritonsystem,trya,inainndgbermanpclh,anoydemesemhebaeltrhsin"foifvechtyarpaeE

5、cntteerr,and stabplreisoef"mcoonosdtrandeunctteironi ntheopfricsoirnegrole,ofaattitude,ndfighctrieantegdfforiretrnesdlsyrforlaetearnityofnHdumpiaonnietieermodelroles en;vitrocoonntmiennt.uestosotrsetrennggtthheeninrisnkgm"afonuargogoedm"elenta,deenrsshuriethatthpconstrebuuctsiionne,fu

6、ll ssofpl"azyelroevreilssk"c.aTostredresinngetnhteenreprdibussiedevneeslsoppmlaenntsimntahneagemenformation system based constr uction,fulli ntegration i nformation sy stem,achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portnt,willbusi ness businesspla nscoverto alllevel , ensurethe b

7、usine ssca n controli n control;t ocloseconcernfinancial, andcoal eledtha nd depth,play informationsystem on ent erprise ofAssistantrol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte nance operati onof records,prom ote problemreasonsanalysi s and system handover ;to strengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP ,and SCM ,technol ogy

8、applicati onoftraini ng, impr ove employ ees applicati oni nformationsyctric link age,and energy -saving scheduling, national policy trends,strengthening track,a ctive should;t o implementation busi nessfinancial management;toperfectrisk tube controlsystem,achi evedrisk re cognition,and measure,and

9、a ssessment,a nd report,and controlfeedback ofclstem ofcapa city andlevel.Humanistic caretoensureosed ri ng manageme nt,improve risk preventionca pacit y.fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofullstrengtheni ng membersyouth w ork,full playyout hemploy ees in company dev elopment int heofforce r ole;toim prove

10、inde pendent Commissi onagai nstcorruptionworklevel,strengtheni ngon enterpri sebusi nesskeyli nk of effectivenessmonitored.,And mai ntainstability. To furtherstrengt hen publicitya nd educati on,improvethe overalllegalsystem.We muststre ngthensafety management,establi shand impr ove thee ducation,s

11、upervi sion,and evaluati onas oneofthe traffic safety management mechanism.oconscienti ously sum upthe Ol ympicse curity contr ols, pr omoting i ntegratedmanageme nttoahig herlevel, higher standards, a higher levelofdeve lopme nt.Empl oyees, t oday is l unar cale ndar on De cember 24,the oxBel lis a

12、boutto ri ng,atthi s time ofyear, we clearly feelthe pul seofthe XX powergenerationcompa ny to flourish,t omore cl early hear XX pow er generati on compa niesmaturea nd sym metry breat hing. Re calling pastoneanothera cross araili ng,we aree nthusiasti cand fullof confidence.Future devel opme ntoppo

13、rt unities,we moreex citingfight more spirited.Employees,letust ogethera cross2013fullofchallengesand opportunities, tocreatea green,l ow -costoperation,ful lofhuma ne care ofaworld-cla sspower ge neration company andworkhard!The occasi on oftheSpring Festival, my sincerewish that y ou and thefamili

14、es ofthestaff inthe ne wyear,good health, happy, happy国际商贸1110KV变电站通道建设工程施工组织设计We will continuetoimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improveme nt ina bility tomanage a nd contr ol,optimize business processe s,toensure sm oot h processes,responsi bilities i npla ce;tofurt her

15、strengt hen i nternal contr ols, playacontrolpostinde pendent ov ersightrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctivelymake use ofinternala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamline,standardizerelatedtransactions, strengthe ning operati ons i naccor dancewith law.D

16、eepeningthe inform ation manageme nttoensurefull communicati on "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+ ,and PI,a ndM IS,andSCM,i nformation sy stembase d construction,full integration informati onsystem,a chieve d information resourcesshare d; to expand Portalsystem applicati

17、on ofbreadt h andde pth, playi nformation sy stemon e nterprise ofAssistant rol e;toperfectdailyr un mainte nance operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons a nalysisa nd system handover;t o strengtheni ng BFS+, a ndERP,and S CM,technology a pplicationoftraining ,improveemployeesa pplication inform

18、ationsystem ofcapacityand level. Humanistic caret o e nsureWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag eand control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstrende ntoversig ht r

19、ole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctivelymake use ofinternala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize related transacti ons, strengt hening operations inaccorda ncewit h law.Dee peni ngthe i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation

20、"zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,and SCM,i nformation system based constr uction,fulli ntegration i nformation sy stem,achi eved informati on resourhealtohvemepedrifcoarl,mancemcaonnatgreomlecnatr.eTeorafugratihernst; continuqeuastnotiifmypalnedmreefineen

21、mtationplopsyeyecholsotgaincadlawrds.aWrnoirnkg,fullpprleayvepnatritonsystem,trya,ianinndgberamnpclh,anoydemesemhebaeltrhsin "foifvechtyarpaeEcntteerr,and stabplreisoef"mcoonosdtrandeunctteironi ntheopfricsoirnegroolfe,aattitude,ndfighctrieantegdfforirternedslsyrforlaetearnityofnHdumpiaonn

22、ietieermodelroles en;vitroconotnimennt.uestosotrsetrennggtthhenenriisnkgm"afonaurgogoedm"elneta,deenrssuhirethatthepbcuosninsteruction,fullssof"pzlearyolreisvekl"s.Tcaostredresinngetnhteenrperdibussiedevneeslsoppmlaenntsimnathneagement,willbusi ness businesspla nscoverto alllevel

23、 , ensurethe busine ssca n controli n control;t ocloseconcernfinancial, andcoal eledtha nd depth,play informationsystem on ent erprise ofAssistantrol e;to perfectdai ly runmainte nance operati onof records,prom ote problemreasonsanalysi s and system handover ;to strengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP ,and SCM

24、 ,technol ogyapplicati onoftraini ng, impr ove employ ees applicati oni nformationsy stem ofcapa city andlevel.Humanistic caretoensurectric link age,and energy -saving scheduling, national policy trends,strengthening track,a ctive should;t o implementation busi nessfinancial management;toperfectrisk

25、 tube controlsystem,achi evedrisk re cognition,and measure,and a ssessment,a nd report,and controlfeedba ck ofcl osed ri ng manageme nt,improve risk preventionca pacit y.ustogetheracross 2013fullof challenges and opport unitie s,tocreate agree n, low-cost operation,fullofhumanecare of aworl d-class

26、powergenerati on compa nyandw ork har d!Theocca sion oftheSprinewyea r,good hea lth,happy,happy第一章 概况1、 工程概述2、 基本情况第二章 编制依据第三章施工部署及施工现场平面布置图一、施工组织二、施工现场准备第四章 施工方案及主要措施一、本工程工序主要施工工艺:二、主要工序施工技术措施1、施工便道修筑2、机井施工3、喷锚支护4、沟槽开挖施工方案5、顶管施工技术方案6、钢筋工程7、模板工程8、混凝土工程第六章、施工进度计划一、进度目标二、施工进度计划第七章、进度计划保证措施一、建立完善的计划保证体

27、系二、技术工艺的保障三、主要施工难点计划保障措施fbackbone ba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ningmember s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyees in company devel opme nt in theofforce role ;to improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruption work level,strengthe ning on e nterprise busine ss key link ofeffectivenessmonit

28、ored., And maintainstability.Tofurtherstre ngt he n publicitya nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provethe e du cation,supervi sion,and evaluati onas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic se curity

29、control s,pr omoting i ntegrated management to ahigher level,hig herstandards, ahig her levelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar on Decem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout to ring, at thistime ofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulseofth eXXpowergeneration companyt oflouri sh,tomore clearlyhe arXXpowe

30、rgenerati on compa nies maturea ndsymmetrybreathi ng.Recalli ng past onea not heracr ossaraili ng, weare e nthusiasti cand fullofconfidence. Future developmentopportunities,we more excitingfight morespirited.Employees, let us toget heracr oss 2013 fullofchalle nges9and opportunities, tocreatea green

31、,l ow -costoperation,ful lofhuma ne care ofaworld-cla sspower ge neration company andworkhard!The occasi on oftheSpring Festival, my sincerewish that y ou and thefamilies ofthestaff inthe ne wyear,good health, happy, happy四、以质量促进度第八章、工程质量保证措施一、质量目标二、保证措施第九章、主要机具使用计划第十章、劳动力安排使用计划第十一章、施工现场安全管理措施一、管理方针

32、二、管理目标三、安全管理保证体系四、临时用电管理五、施工机械管理第十二章安全生产文明施工措施一、现场管理目标二、文明施工管理措施第十三章施工现场环境保护措施第十四章附表fbackbone ba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ningmember s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyees in company devel opme nt in theofforce role ;to improvei nde pendestrengthe ning on ed., And maintainstability.Tofurther

33、stre ngthe n publicityahen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provethe e ducation,supervi sion,and evaluati onas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic se curitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegrated management to ahigher level,hig herstandards, ahig her levelofdev

34、el opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar on Decem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout to ring, at thistime ofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulseoftheXXpower generation companyt oflouri sh,tomore clearlyhe arXXpowergenerati on compa nies maturea ndsymmetry breathi ng.Recalli ng past onea not heracr ossaraili ng

35、, weare e nthusiasti cand fullofconfidence. Future developmentopportunities,we more excitingfight morespirited.Employees, letWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag eand control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr oces

36、ses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstrende ntoversig ht role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctivelymake use ofinternala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize related transacti ons, strengt hening operations inaccorda ncewit h law.D

37、ee peni ngthe i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,and SCM,i nformation system based constr uction,fulli ntegration i nformation sy stem,achi eved informati on resournsurethatnpgottehentniianlgemlployoeevse

38、"hzeelrped trapped, careodflifyf"i.cuTlotestmrepnlogythenperfoerems;anccearmrieadnageomuetstyle anctti,vpitrioecs,ersischcoenmtrpoll,eoyeenshlaifen;csetreemploynegtheeenvinalguhateioalnthaandlevelnsdla bourporofteeffectivectcioonm,morunicgaatniioznattioonimcparreerhealtohvempeedrifcoarl,ma

39、ncemcaonnatgreomlecnatr.eTeorafugratihernst; continuqeuastnotiifmypalnedmreefineenmtationplopyseyecholsotgaincdalawrds.aWrnoirnkg,fullpprlaeyvepnatritonsystem,trya,ianinndgberamnpclh,aonydemesemhebaeltrhsin"foifvechtyarpaeEcntteerr,and stabplreisoef"mcoonosdtrandeunctteironi ntheopfricsoir

40、negroolfe, aattitude,ndfighctrieantegdfforirternesdlsyrforlaetearnityofnHdumpiaonnietieermodelroles en;vitroconotnimennt.uestosotrsetrennggtthheennriisnkgm"afonaurgogoedm"elenta,deenrssuhirethatthepbcuosninsteruction,fullssof"zplearyolreisvkel"s.Tcoastredresinngetnhteenrperdibuss

41、iedevneeslsoppmleanntsimnathneagement,willbusi ness businesspla nscoverto alllevel , ensurethe busine sscan controli n control;t ocloseconcernfinancial, andcoal eledtha nd depth,play informationsystem on ent erprise ofAssistantrol e;to perfectdai ly runmainte nance operati onof records,prom ote prob

42、lemreasonsanalysi s and system handover ;to strengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP ,and SCM ,technol ogyapplicati onoftraini ng, impr ove employ ees applicati oni nformationsy stem ofcapa city andlevel.Humanistic caretoensurectric link age,and energy -saving scheduling, national policy trends,strengthening tr

43、ack,a ctive should;t o implementation busi nessfinancial management;toperfectrisk tube controlsystem,achi evedrisk re cognition,and measure,and a ssessment,a nd report,and controlfeedba ck ofcl osed ri ng manageme nt,improve risk preventionca pacit y.第一章 工程概况一、 工程概述1、本工程为为国际商贸城110KV 变电站1、 2、 3、 4 线建

44、设工程。根据成都市规划管理局控制项目编号:2011 0755 D0047 3所给红线,1 线全线采用2200X2000电力隧道,2线全线采用1400X 1600; 3线全线采用 2500X3100; 4 线全线采用1600X 1800。2、 1 线管线位置位于北新干道刚出外环段,距北新干道中线以西49 米的规划绿化带内,全线在12+6012+80处、03+60、 04+00 有砖房需要拆迁;优化设计时需提供北新干道上的雨污水支管位置及高程。电力隧道中线定为:道路中线以西49.0m;隧道全长1960米。土建规模:2200mmX2000mm电力隧道1960米;每隔30米设伸缩缝,伸缩缝工 65 条

45、;每 60 米设一处人孔、风道,人孔、风道分别为34 座;在隧道低点处设泵站,共设3 处泵站,与2、 3、 4 线隧道的交叉口处共设2 处十字交叉口。3、2线电力隧道中线定为:道路中线以北 30.0m,位于2线道路绿化带内,隧道全长557 米。土建规模:1400*1600mmt力隧道557米;每隔30米设伸缩缝,伸缩缝共19条;每60 米设一处人孔、风道,人孔、风道分别为10 座;在隧道低点处设泵站,共设 1 处泵站。4、3线电力隧道中线定为:距绿化带南侧边缘线5.0m,位于高压走廊绿化带内,隧道全长 1885.59 米。土建规模:2500*3100mmffi划管理局控制项目编号:2011-0

46、755- D00473电力隧道1885.59 米; 每隔 30米设伸缩缝,伸缩缝共65条; 每 60米设一处人孔、风道,人孔、风道分别为32 座;在隧道低点处设泵站,共设4 处泵站5、4线电力隧道中线定为:距绿化带南侧边缘线5.0m,位于高压走廊绿化带fbackbone ba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ningmember s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyees in company devel opme nt in theofforce role ;to improvei nde pende nt Commissi

47、on against corruption work level, strengthe ning on e nterprise busine ss key link ofeffectivenessmonitore d., And maintainstabilit y.Tofurtherstre ngt he n publicitya nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengt hen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provethe e du cation,supervi sion,a

48、nd evaluati onas one ofthe trafficsafety management mecha nism. oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Oly mpic se curitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegrated management to a higher level,hig herstandards, ahig her levelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar cal endar on Decem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout to ri ng,

49、at thistime ofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulseofth eXXpowergenerati on companyt oflouri sh,tomore clearlyhe arXXpowergenerati on compa nies maturea ndsymmetrybreathi ng.Recalli ng past onea not heracr ossaraili ng, weare e nthusiasti cand fullofconfide nce. Future developmentopportunities,we m ore exci

50、tingfight morespirited. Employees, let us toget heracr oss 2013 fullofchalle nges and opportunities, to createa green,l ow -costoperation,ful lofhuma ne care ofaworld-cla sspower ge neration company andwork hard!The occasi on oftheSpring Festival, my sincerewi sh that y ou and thefamilies ofthestaff

51、 inthe ne wyear,good health, happy, happyWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag eand control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s,play ac

52、ontrol post independe ntoversig ht role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctivelymake use ofinternala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize related transacti ons, strengt hening operations inaccorda ncewit h law.Dee peni ngthe i nformation ma

53、nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,and SCM,i nformation system based constr uction,fulli ntegration i nformation sy stem,achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadtha nd depth,play

54、 informationsystem on ent erprise ofAssistantrol e;to perfectdai ly runmainte nance operati onof records,prom ote problemreasonsanalysi s and system handover ;to strengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP ,and SCM ,technol ogyapplicati onoftraini ng, impr ove employ ees applicati oni nformationsy stem ofcapa city

55、 andlevel.Humanistic caretoensure内,隧道全长1430.85 米。土建规模:1600*1800m他力隧道1430.85米;每隔30米设伸缩缝,伸缩缝共49 条; 60 米设一处人孔、风道,人孔、风道分别为25 座;在隧道低点处设泵站,共设4 处泵站。二、 基本情况1、工程名称:国际商贸城110KV变电站通道工程2、建设地点:成都市北新干道侧3、开竣工日期:计划开工日期:2012年3月计划完工日期:2014年2月总工期 720 日历天。第二章 编制依据1、成都市规划管理局控制项目编号:20110755D00473 ;2、国家现行的施工验收规范、规程、标准及省、市基

56、本建设的有关规定文件:建筑地基处理技术规范;建筑地基础施工质量验收规范;砼结构工程施工质量验收规范;工程建筑标准强制性条文;混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范;施工现场临时用电安全技术规范;给排水管道施工及验收规范;顶管施工技术及验收规范;地下管线非开挖技术规程;踏勘施工现场和周围环境获得的资料和数据;我公司的技术力量、机械设备情况及管理制度;3、 编制原则以满足业主期望为目标,在深刻理解合同文件、设计图纸及认真踏勘现场的基础上,按照“技术领先、资源可靠、施工科学、组织合理、措施得力”的指导思想,遵循下列原则编制本方案:( 1)工期保障原则根据本工程工期要求,科学组织施工、合理配置资源,使各项分部

57、工程施工衔接有序,充分利用本项目的资源,以确保总体施工计划的实现,确保总工期。( 2)技术可靠性原则以 ISO9001 质量体系为准,根据本标段工程特点,利用本单位既有工程施工技术、管理方法等成熟经验,编制可靠性高、可操作性强的施工技术方案进行施工,确保工程安全、优质、按期地建成。( 3)经济合理性原则针对工程实际情况,本着可靠、经济、合理的原则编制施工方案,并合理配备资源,施工过程中实行动态管理,使工程施工达到既经济又优质的目标。( 4)环保原则以 ISO14001 环境保护体系为标准,充分调查了解工程周边环境情况,施工紧密结合环境保护进行。合理布置施工场地,加强施工过程环境控制,减少空气、

58、噪音污染,杜绝排放污水、丢弃垃圾等对环境,实施 “环保施工 ”的污染,维护交通运输。建设“绿色工地 ” ,使施工活动与北京市政府、市民要求有机统一。( 5)人文施工原则以 GB/T28001 职业健康安全体系为准,建立、健全消防、安全、保卫、健康体系,以人为本,保证施工生产活动主体的健康安全符合相关法律、标准要求。第三章 施工部署及施工现场平面布置图一、施工组织为了确保工程“优质、高速、低耗”完成并交付业主使用,我公司将派优秀的公fbackbone ba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ningmember s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyees in company devel opme nt in theofforce role ;to improv


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