



1、小学六年级英语阶段检测2020.3、听力(26%A)听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(读一遍)()1. A. weekB. weak()2.A. walkedby()3.A. earth()4.A. litter()5.A.heavy()6.A.tomatoes()7.A.always()8.A.too much colaB. woke byB. earlyB. littleB.happyB. potatoesB. usuallyB. too much waterC. wentC. walked upC. easyC. letterC. happilyC. mangoes

2、C. neverC. too many eggsB)听录音,根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(读两遍)C. At nine o clock.C. Yes, I can.C. A lot of fruit.()1. A.Yes, he does.()2. A.No, you can()3. A.A lot of cola.B. He goes to bed late. t. B. No, you don t.B. A lot of sweets.()4. A. Because I m weak. B. Because I m sleepy. C. Because I

3、 m ill.()5. A. Thats OK.B. Sorry.C. Thank you.C)听对话,根据所听对话内容和问题,选择正确的答案。(读两遍)()1. A.Go to bed.()2. A.Running.()3. A.At the hospital.()4. A.Yes, he can.()5. A.At 7:40.B. Do his homework.B. Basketball.B. In the classroom.B. No, he doesn t.B. At 7:30.C. Watch TVC. A and B.C. At home.C. No, he can t.C.

4、At 7:20.D)听录音,根据录音内容补全短文。(读三遍)for our health. OnThe is coming. My family are going this Saturday. We alllikefish too becauseit is afternoon, we are going to a film. Then, we are going to haveat a restaurant. We are going to eat some dumplings. I am about it.二、语言知识(56%A)圈出句子中划线部分发音相同的单词。(共10分,每题1分)例:

5、The I: letter from France is for Helen :. mots er, but not for her .1. Let s go to thejpy by car at a quarter past five.2. Would you please talk about the spring_outing with us now?3. The liltle boy has a big toy bike.4. How old is that short worker? About forty, I think.5. I usually have some bread

6、 and milk tea for breakfast.B)选择最佳答案。(共10分,每题1分)()1. The old woman looks. LetA. sadB. sadly)2. We should in the library.A. read quietlyB. sing loudly)3. You can find many in AesopA. Chinese stories B. toy stories)4. Mike likes helping his classmates. He is aA. carefulB. helpfuls go and help her. C.h

7、appyC. eat and drinks Fables.C. animal storiesboy.C. beautiful)5. My grandma me up this morning.A. wakeB. wokeC. got)6. You look so fat. Don t eat sweetfoSdrry.A. a littleB. manyC. a lot of)7. Li Ping is an boy. Listen! He is shouting.A. excited, excited B. excitedly, excitedly C. excited, excitedly

8、)8. Ben is an American boy. He often has for breakfast.A. porridge and streamed bunsB. bread and sausagesC. rice and vegetables)9. Do you have a healthy diet?. I have five ice creams at a time and I donA. Yes, I think so.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I don t.t like water.()10. I can sing a song. Rain, rain, g

9、o away. come again another. All thechildren want to. Rain, rain, go away.A. day, swimB. day, playC. day, readC)选择适当的t填入句子。(共10分,每格1分)1. Two years ago, I(visit/visited) the Great Wall.2. This Sunday I didn t go anywhere. I(am/was)just in my study.3. We don t have(some/any) bananas in the bag.4. Lots

10、of clothes(make/makes) the room messy.5. Jim likes drinking(many/ much)water every day.6. Would you like(some/any coffee? No, it s bad for our health.8. There(is/are) a lot of(potato/potatoes) in the kitchen.7. Ann often has(a few/a little)(grape/grapes)after school.D)选择方框中的短语填空,并将序号填在空格上。(共10分,每空1分

11、) listens to his teachers Aesop s Fableswalking through eat too much sweet food feels sleepy does well bad for our eyes Chinese idiom bookwash our hands goes to bed early1. Reading in bed is.2. We should before meals.3. A man is the forest with his dog.4. Mike never in class. He every day.5. We shou

12、ld not.It s not goodeetho ur6. Liu Tao at school. He always carefully.7. The lion and the mouisefrom arBlind man and an elephantfrom.E)从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,将序号填在方框中。(共6分,每格1分)A: Hi,Mike.I called you,but you weren t at home.B: Oh, I was at school.a. What did you do there?b. When did the match begin?c. It

13、doesn t matter.d. I d like to go with you.e. Which teamK)won the match?f. Where were you yesterday afternoon?A:B: I watched a football match.It was wonderful.A:B: It began at one thirty and finished at a quarter Past three.A:B: Sun Team. It s my favourite team.A: What a pity!I missed an exciting foo

14、tball match. 答案:B:There will be another oneinext Sunday afternoon.一A: That s great.B: OK.F)根据上下文情境,完成对话。(共10分,每格1分)Li Lei: What do you go to school, Ben.Ben: At about 7:10. I usually get up in the morning. I always the firs t oneat school.Li Lei:do you go to school?Ben: On foot. I like. It s good fo

15、r my body.Li Lei: Do you have breakfast at?Ben: Yes, I do. My mother nice food for me every morning.Li Lei: You are so happ厅福的).My mother works very late at night.She cook breakfast for me.Ben:do you have breakfast?Li Lei: At the snack bar.Ben:do you eat?Li Lei: Only a bowl of porridge.Ben: It s not

16、 a diet. You sh(eiat some bread and eggs.Li Lei: You are right.三、阅读理解(18%A)根据首字母提示,完成短文。(共8分,每题1分)Su Hai and Su Yang are twin s. They have many good h. They get up e and they a eat breakfast. They like e vegetables and apples, because an apple a day keeps the d away.They put their things in orderand

17、 ktheir room clean and t. They are good girls.B)阅读短文判断正误。正确的写“ T”,不正确的写“ F”。(共5分,每题1分)People in the west eat with knives and forks. They use the knife to cut food and the fork to pick up food to eat. They sometimes use their fingers for pizza, bread and fried chicken. They usually eat very quietly.

18、They try not to make a noise (声响 ).They eat soup with a spoon. They never lift the bowl to their mouths. They don t talk whenthere is food in their mouths. They don t like to see food in one s mouthdon t smoke or pick their teeth at table.( )1.Western people use the knife tocut foodand eat food.( )2

19、.They sometimes eat bread withtheir fingers.( )3.They eat soup with a spoon.( )4.They do not talk at table.( )5.They never pick their teeth.( ) 阅读短文选择填空。 ( 共 5 分,每题 1 分)Long long ago, there was a farmer. He wanted to eat nice food every day, but he didn t like working. One day, the farmer slpet under a tree near his farm. Suddenly, a rabbit ran into the tree and die(M). The farmer woke up and saw the dead rabbit beside him. He was excited. He took it home and had a big din


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