1、全国英语演讲比赛优秀演讲稿全国英语演讲比赛优秀演讲稿第一篇:全国英语演讲比赛优秀演讲稿a sene to remembergu qiubeishanghai international studies universitadvisor: gong longshenggood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.toda i ould like to begin ith a stor.there as one a phsial therapistho traveled all the a from ameria to afria to do a ensusabout
2、mountain gorillasand being put into the zoo. she ent there out of uriosit, but hat she sa strengthened her determination to devote her hole life to fighting for those beautiful reatures. she itnessed a sene, a sene taking us to a plae e never imaged e've ever been, here in the ver depth of the a
3、frian rainforest, surrounded b trees, floers and butterflies, the mother gorillas uddledtheir babies.es, that's a memorable sene in one of m favorite movies, alled gorillas in the mist, based on a true stor of mrs. dian fosse, ho spent most of bet lifetime in randa to protet the eo-environment t
4、here until the ver end of her life.to me, the movie not onl presents an unforgettable sene but also ats as a timelessreminder that e should not develop the tourist industr at the ost of our eo- environment.toda, e live in a orld of prosperit but still threatened b so man ne problems. on the one hand
5、, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st entur, provides people ith the great opportunit to see everthing there is to see and to go an plae there is to go. it has bee a life for some people, and has turned out to be the driving fore in gdp groth. it has the magi to turn a bakar
6、d ton into a onderland of prospfats have brought us to the realization that e an no longer stand b and do nothing, beause the ver thought of it has been erodingour resoures. enouragingl, the explosive groth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, hih is h the united nations has made
7、 201X the ear of eotourism, for the first time to bring to the orld's attention the benefits of tourism, but also its apait to destro our eo-environment.no ever ear, man loal eoenvironmental protetion organizations an: reeiving donations-big notes, small notes or even oins-from houseives, plumbe
8、rstherapist ho traveled all the a from ameria to afria to do a 2) ensus about mountain 3) gorillas. these gorillas are a main attration to tourists from all over the orld; this put them severel under threat of 4) poahing and being put into the zoo. she ent there out of uriosit, but hat she sa streng
9、thened her determination to devote her holelife to fighting for those beautiful reatures. she itnessed a sene, a sene taking us to a plae e never imaged e ve ever been, here in the ver depth of the afrian rainforest, surrounded b trees, floers and butterflies, the mother gorillas 5) uddled their bab
10、ies.es, that s a memorable sene in one of m favorite movies, alled gorillas in the mist, based on a true stor of mrs. dian fosse, ho spent most of bet lifetime in randa to protet the eoenvironment there until the ver end of her life.to me, the movie not onl presents an unforgettable sene but also at
11、s as a 6) timeless reminder that e should not develop the tourist industr at the ost of our eoenvironment.toda, e live in a orld of prosperit but still threatened b so man ne problems. on the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st entur, provides people ith the great
12、opportunit to see everthing there is to see and to go an plae there is to go. it has bee a life for some people, and has turned out to be the driving fore in gdp groth. it has the magi to turn a bakard ton into a onderland of prosperit. but on the other hand, man problems an our- natural senes aren
13、t natural anmore. deforestation to heat lodges is devastating nepal. oil spills from tourist boats are polluting antartia. tribal people are forsaking theirnative musi and dress to listen to u2 on alkman and ear nike and reeboks.all these 7) appallingfats have brought us to the realization that e an
14、 no longer stand b and do nothing, beause the ver thought of it has been 8) erodingour resoures.enouragingl, the explosive groth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, hih is h the united nations has made 201X the ear of eotourism, for the first time to bring to the orld s attentio
15、n the benefits of tourism, but also its apait to destro our eoenvironment.no ever ear, man loal eoenvironmental protetion organizations an: reeiving donations-big notes, small notes or even oins-from houseives, 9) plumbersinvalids, some of them an not afford to send the mone but the do. these are th
16、e ones ho drive the abs, ho nurse in hospitals, ho are suffering from eologial damage in their neighborhood. h? beause the are. beause the still ant their mother nature bak. beause the kno it still belongs to them.this kind of feeling that i have, ladies and gentlemen, is hen it feels like it, smell
17、s like it, and looks like it, it s all ing from a sene to remember, a sene to reall and to herish.the other night, as l sa the moon linger over the land and before it as sent into the invisible, m mind as filledith songs. i found mself humming softl, not to the musi, but to some- thing else, somepla
18、e else. a plae remembered, a plae untouhed, a field of grass here no one seem to have been exept the deer.and all those unforgettable senes strengthened the feeling that it s lime for us to do something, for our on and our ing generation. one again, i have e to think of mrs. dian fosse be- ause it s
19、 ith her spirit, passion, ourage and strong sense of our eoenvironment that e are taking our next step into the orld.and no matter ho e are, hat e do and here e go, in our mind, there s alas a sene to remember, a sene orth our effort to protet it and fight for it.thank ou ver muh.thanks,ontestant#18
20、.the topi for our impromptu speeh is:hih is more important for ou: knoledge from books or personal experiene? anser: thank ou. i remember, on m ver first da of m beloved universit, one of m professors said to me, from no on, ou ll be on a journe beteen ho ou think ou are and ho o an be.the ke is to
21、allo ourself to ontinue the journe in the oean of the books. and i do learn a lot from books: i kno the geometr of eulid, logi ofaristotle, fable of aesop knon to hildren around the orld. ell, no offense to all those great authors of the books, but during m three ears at m universit, i do realize th
22、atpersonal experiene through pratie means more to me. as e are in this global information age here both eonomi groth and individual opportunit are based on ideas, a mitment to providing all human beings the golden opportunit to develop themselves is so vital, not onl to the people here, but all arou
23、nd. as e are in this transformational age here muniations and mere are global, investments are mobile, tehnolog is almost magial, and the ambition for a better life is no universal, and i think this is h e are here toda. e ant to earn our personal experiene through pratiing our oral english, sharing
24、 our opinions of tourism and eolog ith all the judges and audiene here. and i think e are so luk to be alive at this moment of the histor. never before have our nation enjoed so muh prospertit and so muh soial progress ith so little internal rises.and never before have our oung people had so muh gre
25、at opportunit to pratie ourselves and, therefore, have a profound obligation to build a more perfet nation of our anestor s dream. and i think our government had provided us oung people ith the tools and ondition to build the future of our dreams. even if e kno some rules, some regulations, or exper
26、ienes from our books, e still simplannot graft it onto toda s busier, more impersonal,pliated orld. instead, our hallenges is to arrive at a onsensus values and mon vision of hat e an do toda individuall andolletivel to build a strong famil and strong munit, and above all, make the orld a better pla
27、e for us to live. thank ou ver muh. ontestant#18, in our speeh, ou talked about eotourism. ould ou explain to us differene beteen ordinar tourists and e-tourists, or eotourists?anser: thank ou for our question. and i think the ke issue is the differenes beteen our XXreness. fot example, if ou ant to
28、 go to a plae to have a trip, enjo our trip. and i think before ou get on board, get on the bus, ou an have the XXreness that i m not a polluter, but an environment keeper. e re not go to all those seni spots to estro all those beautiful senes but e to appreiate the mother nature giving us so muh th
29、ings. thank ou ver muh.ontestant #18,no that information tehnolog is being more and more aessible to people in hina, do ou think books ill bee less and less important?anser: ell, i think, mabe, umm, i don t think that all those ehnologies an replae the importane of books. e re in our modern village
30、here so man ne industries it industries, tourism ndustries rop up ever da and this brave ne orld seem a little bit dehumanizing and inhospitable to a lot ofpeople.the orld an no longer be defined as a plae on a map or list or people in organizations but i think the true value, the essene of our vill
31、age remains the same.it is the netork of values relationship that support our lives and e an learn those things from our books beause books is the ver first beginning stage of hat e learn. thank ou ver muh.i d like to ask ou a question about our prepared speeh,please. ou mention that the un has dela
32、ted the ear 201X, i think it as, the ear of eotourism. do ou think that suh gestures reall serve a purpose? anser: and i think one of m teahers said to me, hen i prepared m prepared speeh, and he tells me that if e pa more attention to omething like environmental protetion or eotourism, it is more,
33、it is better for us to bear in mind e should learn something in our hearts, e should have something about the XXreness about ho to pa more respet to our environment, not to talk about something orall but to bear something in our hearts. follo our hearts, our environment an be better.thank ou ver muh
34、.第五篇:全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿faing this audiene on the stage, i have the exiting feeling of partiipating in the marh of histor, for hat e are faing toda is more than a mere petition or ontest. it is an assembl of some of hina's most talented and motivated people, representatives of a ounger
35、generation that are preparing themselves for the ing of a ne entur.i'm grateful that i've been given this opportunit, at suh a histori moment, to stand here as a spokesman of m generation and to take a serious look bak at the past 15 ears, a ruial period for ever one of us and for this natio
36、n as ell.though it is onl ithin m poer to tell about m personal experiene, and onl a tin fragment of it at that, it still represents, i believe, the root of a spirit hih has been essential to me and to all the people bred b the past 15 ears.in m elementar ears, there as a little girl in the lass ho
37、orked ver hard but someho ould never do satisfatoril in her lessons.the teaher asked me to help her, and it as obvious that she expeted a lot from me. but as a oung bo, restless, thoughtless, i alas tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjo mself.one da before the final exam, she ame up to m
38、e and said, ould ou please explain this to me? i ant ver muh to do better this time. i started explaining, and finished in a hurr. pretending not to notie her still onfused ees, i ran off quikl. nat surprisingl, she again did ver badl in the exam.and to months later, at the beginning of the ne semes
39、ter, ord ame of her death of blood aner. no one ever kne about the little task i failed to fulfill, but i ouldn't forgive mself.i simpl ouldn't forget her ees, hih seem to be asking, h didn't ou do a little more to help me, hen it as so eas for ou? h didn't ou understand a little bet
40、ter the trust plaed in ou, so that i ould not have to leave this orld in suh pain and regret?i as about eight or nine ears old at that time, but in a a itas the ver starting point of m life, for i began to understand the ord responsibilit and to learn to alas do m duties faithfull and devotedl, for
41、the impliations of that sared ord has daned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the o-operation and inter-reliane hih are the ver foundation of human soiet.later in m life, i ontinued to experiene man failures. but never again did i feel that regret hih struk me at the death of the girl, for
42、 it makes m heart satisfied to think that i have alas done everthing in m poer to fulfill m responsibilities as best i an.as i gre up, hanged and improved b this inident and man other similar ones, i began to pereive the hanges taking plae around me and to find that soiet, in a a, as in its formativ
43、eears like mself. ne buildings, ne modities and ne fashions appear ever da.ne ideas, ne information, ne tehnologies. people an talk ith eah other from an orner of the earth in a matter of seonds. soiet is being more petitive.ords like individualit and reativit are getting more emphasis and more peop
44、le are rearded for their hard ork and efforts. suh is the era in hih this generation ,gros and matures.suh is the era in hih this generation ill take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it. et in the meantime, man problems still exist.e learn that rimes take plae in broad dalight ith r
45、ods of people looking on and not assisting. e hear that there are still about 1 million hildren in this ountr ho an't even afford to go to elementar shools hile enormous sums of mone are being squandered XX on dinner parties and luxur ars.e bu shodd mediines, or merel orthless junk in the name o
46、f mediines, that aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases sine mone, man people believe, is the most important thing in the orld that must be made, even at the expense of moralit and responsibilit.suh an era, therefore, determines that e are a generation ith a keener sense of petition and effii
47、en and a greater readiness to think ritiall and at reativel.suh an era, furthermore, demands, that e are a generation ith a lear pereption of our historial responsibilit and an aggressive ill to take ation and solve the problems. histor has long been preparing these qualities in this generation and
48、it is no alling us forard to give testimon to our patriotism and heroism toards this nation and all humanit.standing here no, i think of the past 15 ears of m life as an ordinar student. probabl i'll be an ordinar man for the rest of m life. but this doesn't disourage me an, for i kno that i
49、th m sense of responsibilit and devoted efforts to alas strive, for the best, it's going to be a meaningful and orthhile life that i ill be living.standing here no, i think of the past 15 ears of this nation, hih has ahieved greatness that inspired millions of people of m age, most of hom ill no
50、t attain fame or prestige and onl a fe of hom ill be remembered b posterit. but that doesn't disourage us an, beause e kno that the orld athes, the orld listens, the orld is aiting to see here this nation ill be heading in a time of rih opportunities and fiere petition.第 13 页 共 15 页i an't ever forget that little girl in m lass ho ouldn't had the same opportunities as an of us here to enjo a onderful life toda and a hopeful orld tomo
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