1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上要死人的翻译呀!短句翻译Unit21、 We have seen your advertisement in the textile journal and shluld be glad if you would send us by return patterns and prices of good and medium quality cotton tablecloths available from stock.从纺织业杂志上看到贵公司广告,希望你方见信后,能将你方现有的优等及中等质量棉质桌布的花色和报价发给我们。2、 Through the courtesy
2、 of Mr.Smith of Brent Company, we are given to understand that you are the leading manufacturers of fax machines in Europe. The demand for fax machines in our area is brisk. We shall appreciate your sending us particulars about your products.承蒙布伦特公司的斯密斯先生推荐,了解到贵公司是在欧洲主要的传真机生产商,本地对传真机的需求不断上升。我方希望贵公司能
3、够寄来你方产品的详细资料。3、 We request you to frinish us with a full range of samples, in assorted patterns together with your lowest quotations.请贵方将全套的样品按照不同花色以及报价寄给我们4、 If you can assure us of workable prices, excellent quality and prompt delivery, we shall be able to deal in these goods on a substantial scal
4、e.如你方价格合理,质量上乘,交货及时,我方将大量订购这些货物。5、 If your price be competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.如你方价格合理且交货日期合适,我方将大量订购。6、 Moreover,if orders are placed by us, please do your utmost to deliver the goods not later than September, in order to enable us to catch u
5、p the Christmas sales of this year.此外,如果我方下单,请尽力在9月底前发货以便我们赶在圣诞节时销售。7、 We were very pleased to receive your letter enquiring about our sewing machines and are pleased to enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue.很高兴收到你方对我们缝纫机的询盘,并附上我们最新的图文目录。8、 This is in reply to your enquiry of 10 March.
6、We are now sending you a quotation sheet for your consideration. You certainly will note that our prices are very competitive.兹回复你方5月10日的询盘。现寄上报价单供你方参考,我方报价是非常优惠的。9、 We have much pleasure in enclosing a quotation sheet for our products and trust that their high quality will induce you to place a tri
7、al order.很高兴附上我方产品的报价单,相信我方的优质产品能得到你方的试单。10、 Under separate cover,we are sending you a range of samples and we feel confident that you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price when you have a chance to examine them.现另函寄上全套样品,相信你方看到货时,会认为我们的产品质量优异,价格合理。11、 We re
8、gret that we cannot at present entertain any new orders owing to heavy orders. As soon as we are in a position to accept new orders, we will contact you.因为订货量太大,我方目前无前无法接受新订单。一旦我方能够接受新订单,会立即联系贵方。Unit512、 We take pleasure in making you an offer as required by you some time ago, subject to our final c
9、onfirmation.很高兴应你方之前的要求来报价,此盘以我方最终确认为准。13、 Owing to the recent considerable advance in prices of raw materials, the cost of the product has been unfavorably affected. However ,we have kept the prices down to secure your orders.因为近期原材料价格大幅度上涨,产品成本上升,但是我方愿意降低价格来保证你方的订单。14、 This offer is firm, subject
10、to the receipt of reply by us before 25th January.此报盘为实盘,且以我方于1月25号前收到你方回复为准。15、 Your competitors are offering considerably lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotations,we shall have to buy elsewhere.其他商家报价低很多,因此,除非你方降低报价,否则我方就另询别家。Unit616、 We are pleased to place our order for 5 tons of g
11、rapefruit with you if you can guarantee shipment from Seattle to Keelung by May 10.如你方能保证在5月10号前将货物从西雅图发到科隆,我方将很高兴向你方订购5吨葡萄柚。17、 We are pleased to make a trial order for 100 units of your DVD player. If these DVD players prove satisfactory,we shall send you regular orders.很高兴向你方试订购100件DVD播放器,如这些产品令人
12、满意,我方将长期订购。18、 Your order is booked and will be handled with great care. Please open the relevant L/C ,which must reach here one month before the date of shipment你方订单已预订好且会仔细处理,请于发货期之前一个月开立相关信用证。19、 With reference to your letter of Octorber 14, we have pleasure in informing you that we have booked y
13、our order for 500 units of DVD player. We are sending you our Sales Confirmation NO.4s56 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return for our file.对你方10月14来函,很高兴告知你方我方已经准备好了你方所定的500台DVD播放器。现寄上我方4s56号销售确认书,一式两份,其中一份请签署后寄回我方归档。20、 Thank you for your order No.thg342. We have accepted the term
14、s you proposed. However, this concession is exceptional and future orders can be executed only on our normal trade terms.感谢你方THG342号的订单,接受你方提出的条件。然而此次减价下不为例,今后的订单将按照我方的正常交易条件实施。Unit721、 In compliance with your request ,we will make an exception to our rules and accept delivery against D/P at sight,b
15、ut this should not be regarded as a precedent.为了满足你方的要求,我方愿意破例接受付款交单方式,但下不为例。22、 It would be advisable for you to establish the covering letter of credit as early as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment in due time.尽早开信用证对你方而言比较合适,这样你方就能按时安排装运事宜。23、 We wish to draw your attention to the f
16、act that the goods have been ready for shipment for a considerable length of time and the covering letter of credit, due to arrive here before March 23, has not been received up to now. Please let us know the reason for the delay.敬请注意,现告知你方货物准备好装运好长时间了,但是原本应该于3月23号前到这的相关信用证目前都还没到,请尽快告知我方造成延误的原因。24、
17、Owing to the late arrival of the steamer on which we have booked space,we would appreciate your extending the shipment date and the validity of your L/C No.456 to 21st January and 5th February respectively.由于我们预定仓位的轮船的延误,希望你方能将装运日期和信用证有效期各自延展到1月21号和2月5日。Unit825、 All export orders will be delivered i
18、n wooden cases cleated and wire-strapped. Solid stuffing inside the cases is free from vibration and jarring.所有的出口货物必须先用板条固定,再用扎带捆绑,箱内填充固体物以防止震动和晃动。26、 As the boxes are likely to receive rough handling at this end,you must see to it that packing should be strong enough to protect goods.因为盒子在此地可能受到粗鲁
19、搬运,请你方保证包装足以保护货物。27、 Cases must have an inner lining of stout,damp-resisting paper.箱子内必须用扎实的防潮纸做衬里。28、 As the goods will propably be subjected to a thorough customs examination,the cases should be of a type which can be easily made fast again after opening.因所有货物要经海关彻底检验,所以箱子必须在开箱后能容易的合上。29、 The good
20、s should be packed in tin-lined water-proof wooden case, each piece wrapped in oilcloth,and 30 pieces packed in one case.每件货物先用油皮纸裹上,每30件一箱,装入用锡箔衬里的防水箱里。Unit930、 According to our usual practice,insurance is to be effected for 110% of the invoice value.按我方惯例,保险金额为票面总额的110%。31、 We may cover special ri
21、sks at buyers request,but buyers are to bear the premium.我方可以应买家要求投保特殊险,但由买方承担保费。32、 Please hold us covered on the goods listed on the attached sheet.请替我方对附表中所列的商品投保。33、 For goods sold on CIF basic,insurance is to be effected by us for 110% of the invoice value against. All risks based on warehouse
22、to warehouse clause.对于以CIF条件出售的货物,由我方按照票面金额的110%按照仓对仓条款投保一切险。34、 We take it that you wish us to insure the goods against th usual risks,for the value of the goods plus freight. Unless we hear from you to the contrary,we shall arrange this.我方认为你方希望我方对货物按照成本加运费投保一切险,除非你方有异议,否则我方将照此进行。Unit1035、 We ackn
23、owledge recepite of your confirmation that your consignment should be sent by air freight, and have accordingly forwarded the goods.确认收到你方的确认书要求对你方托运货物空运已经按要求发货了。36、 Your delay has caused us considerable inconvenience and we request you do your umost to dispatch the overdue goods as soon as possible
24、.你方的延误已造成我方很大的不便,请你方尽快发货。37、 Your failure to deliver the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us.你方未能及时发货已造成我方很大的不便。38、 Owing to the increase of consignent arrriving at Keelung port ,discharge of the cargoes seems to be much delayed,and we must ask you to change the port of de
25、stination to Kaohsiung Port and there should be no alteration in shipping date.因为在科隆港托运货物量的增加,卸货就耽搁了,所以请你方将目的港改为高雄港,但船期不变。39、 We should be grateful if you would be kind enough grant us a few days grace for shipment.如你方能宽限几天的船期,我方将不胜感激。短文翻译Unit2 EnquiryDear sirs We have recently received many inqurie
26、s about your sweaters from retailers in Northeast area and are sure that demands would be very brisk on our side. We would be obliged if you would send us details of your woolen sweaters including sizes and colours,and also samples of the different qualities of materrials used, When quoting, please
27、state terms of payment. Should your prices be competitive, we will place large orders with you. We look forward to hearing from you by return.我公司已经收到从西北地区的零售商对贵公司运动服的询盘,相信我地市场的需求很大。如你方能寄来你们羊毛衫尺寸、花色的详细资料以及用料的样品,我方将不胜感激。报盘时请告知支付方法,如你方报价合理,我方将大量订货。望你方尽快回复。Unit5Making a counter offerDear sirs We are in
28、receipt of your letter of June 12 offering us 300 metric tons of polished rice at US$300 per metric ton on the usual terms. We regret to inform you that our buyers find your price much too high. We are informed that some lots of American Origin have been sold here at a level about 20% lower than you
29、rs. We do not deny that the quality of Australian rice is slightly better but the difference in price should, in no case, be as large as 10%. To facilitate the transaction, we counter offter as follows, subject to your reply being received by us before July 10. 300 metric tons of polished rice, at U
30、S$280 per metric ton CIF Singapore, other terms as per your letter of June 12.兹收到你方6月12日300公吨精米报价,300美元/吨,通常条件。很遗憾告知你方,我方买家认为你方报价太高,他们告诉我们,美国产的比你方低20%。我方不否认澳大利亚大米的质量要好些,但是价格无论怎样也不会相差10%,为促成交易,我方还盘如下,并以你方7月10日复到为准。300公吨精米,CIF新加坡280美元/公吨,其他条件按你方6月12日来函所述。鉴于市场价格的下降,我方建议你方应尽快接受。Unit6Acknowledge the firs
31、t order确认收到首次订单Dear sirs We are pleased to receive your order of June 24 for black silk and welcome you as one of our customers. For goods ordered we require payment to be made b a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight upon presentation of shipping documents. Please let us know
32、 immediately whether you agree to our terms. As soon as we receive your reply in the affirmative,we shall confirm supply of the silk at the prices stated in your letter and arrange for dispatch by the first available steamer upon receipt of your L/C. When the goods reach you,we feel confident you wi
33、ll be completely satisfied with them-at the prices offered they represent exceptional value. As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we deal in, we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue and hope that our handling of the first order of yours will lead to further business between us and mar
34、k the beginning of a happy working relationship. 很高兴收到你方6月24日黑丝订单,并欢迎你成为我方客户。对于所定货物,我方要求使用经保兑的不可撤销信用证,凭运输单据即期支付。请即刻告知你方是否接受上述条件。一旦我方收到你方的肯定答复,我方将确认在你信中所说价格的黑丝供应量,并在收到你方信用证时就安排第一时间发货。一旦你方收到货物,肯定你方会对它们满意-物超所值!也许你方不知道我方还经销许多商品,现附上我方产品目录一份,并希望我们对你方的第一次订单的处理能促进我们之间今后的生,并标志我们之间愉快的合作关系。Unit7Decline payment
35、 by D/A Dear sirs We have received your letter of May 4th and noted your kind intention of intention of pushing the sale of our silver cutlery. Although we are appreciative of your trial order, we regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment under D/A terms, the reason being that w
36、e generally ask for payment by Letter of Credit. But ,as an exceptional case, we are prepared to accept payment for your trial order on D/P basis. In other words,we will draw on you a documentary draft at sight through out bank on collection basis. We hope that the above payment terms will be accept
37、able to you and look forward to hearing from you soon.已收到你方5月4日来函,了解到你方有意购买我方的银制刀具尽管感激你方试订单,但遗憾的是我方无法接受你方要求以D/A方式的付款方式,原因在于我方通常接受L/C付款方式。但是,我方打算破例接受按照D/P方式接受你方此次试单。换句话说,我方可以以托收方式,通过我方银行向你开立跟单汇票。希望你方能接受上述付款方式,请尽快回复!Unit8Stating packing requirements告知包装要求Dear sirs Thank you for your Quotation No.356 o
38、n Punches S40. We wish to order 500 units of them with you if our packing requirements can be met. Taking into account the specialty of this article, we request you to pack the goods in strong wooden cases so as to withstand the hazards of ocean transportation. To waterproof the goods,you need to co
39、ver the machines with waterproof cloth and strap them horizontally and vertically with plastic bands. Should the packing requirements be acceptable to you, we would give you the order promptly. We look forward to hearing from you.谢谢你方对S40冲压机的356号报价单,如能满足我方包装要求,我方愿意订购50台。考虑到这类商品的特殊性,我方要求用坚硬的木箱进行包装以便经
40、受住海运中的各种风险。为了防水,你必须用防水布裹上货物,并用塑料袋对其横竖捆扎。如你方接受上述要求,我方愿意立即下单。盼早复!Unit99.3.1Request seller to arrange insurance Dear sirs We would like to refer you to our Order No.1289 for 500 cases of toys, from which you see that this order is placed on CFR basic. As we now desire to have the shipment insured at yo
41、ur end, please insure the same on our behalf against All Risks at invoice value plus 10%. We shall of course refund to you the premium upon receipt of your debit note, or, if you like ,you may draw on us at sight for the amount required. We sincerely hope that our request will meet with your approva
42、l.请你方注意我方1289号订单下的500箱玩具是以CFR条件交易的。因我方希望保险在你方办理,请代表我方按要求票面金额的110%投保一切险。一旦受到你方借款通知单,我方就将保费付给你。或者你方可以开相应金额的汇票给我。真诚希望你方同意我方的要求。9.3.2ReplyDear sirs This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20th July requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned shipment for your account. We are pleased t
43、o inform you that we have covered the above shipment with the People's Insurance Company of China against All Risks for US$2,200. The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by the end of the week together with our debit note for the premium. For your information, we are making arrangements to ship the contracted goods by S.S "Yoming", sailing on or about the 11th of August.兹确认收到你方7月20号的要求我方替你方办理的保险事宜。很高兴告知你方我们已经将上述货物交给中国人民保险公司投保了一切险,总值2200美元。保单正在制作,将于本周末与我方保费催款单一并寄给你。另告知你方,我们正安排SS游明号来运输货物,将于8月11号左右启航。Unit10
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