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1、cafe .n 咖啡馆,小餐馆cafeteria .自助餐厅sea food.海鲜fast-food 快餐snack n 小吃,快餐reserve vt保留,预订,预约menu,z菜单order vt定购,预订,点(饭菜等)recommend v推荐,介绍suggest vt建议,提出dessert n餐后甜点appetizer n开胃食品,开胃物cheese,z干酪dressing n敷料,调味品,沙拉酱toast n烤面包(片),吐司面包;干杯Steak n(供煎,烤等的)肉排,牛排Chop z排骨lobster咒龙虾prawn聆,对虾chicken n小鸡,小鸟,鸡肉pork n猪肉be

2、ef,z牛肉mutton n羊肉T-bone steak丁骨牛排well-done adj全熟的medium-well口,八分熟的Medium adj五分熟的medium-rear adj三分熟的rare以稍熟的overdo v做得太熟fry v油炸,油煎scramble 1,炒bake v烘焙,烤,烧硬roast v烤Bone z剔骨braise v炖,蒸mash v 捣碎cook with bean sauce酱爆cook with hot pepper麻辣dry-saute 干煸dice v切丁shred v切丝slice v切片Steam v蒸stew v炖,焖spicy adj辛辣的

3、,有风味的crisp adj脆的salt n食盐sugar糖,食糖pepper n胡椒粉ketchup n调味蕃茄酱vinegar n醋soy sauce 酱油mustard n芥末酱chili,z红辣椒cocktail n鸡尾酒,(第一道用杯盛的)开味食品juice n(水果)汁,液beverage n饮料grapefruit juice葡萄汁tea with lemon柠檬茶pineapple juice菠萝汁purified water纯净水draft beer生啤酒black coffee清咖啡coffee cream咖啡伴侣poach v水煮(荷包蛋)sunny-side egg(煎

4、蛋时)单煎一面的,蛋黄在上面的鸡蛋Beijing roast duck北京烤鸭bean curd豆腐noodle n面条gruel n稀粥soybean milk豆浆pancake n煎饼dumpling n饺子sweet dumpling 元宵meat ball肉丸子veal n小牛肉turkey n火鸡smoked fish n熏鱼champagne咒香槟酒sandwich n三明治Hamburger z汉堡Strawberry z草莓vanilla n香草Takeout z外卖bacon n咸肉biscuit n小面包muffin n松饼oatmeal,z麦片omelet n蛋卷saus

5、age n香肠Barbecue z烤肉fork n叉子spoon n匙,调羹,勺子Chopsticks z(中国的)筷子Toothpick z牙签Delicious adj美味的vacancy n空缺,空闲single room单人房double room双人房book v登记,预订standard guest room标准间Suite z套房VIP suite贵宾房Deluxe guest room特等客房Rate z价格,费用service charge眼务费discount n折扣Deposit z存款,押金,保证金,存放物handling charge手续费Radio z收音机TV c

6、abinet电视机柜remote control遥控器Ashtray z烟灰缸end table小茶几light bulb电灯泡Switch z开关full-length mirror穿衣镜telephone,z电话air conditioner空调alarm bell警铃bathtub n浴缸garment hanger衣架hair dryer吹风机transformer z变压器vacuum cleaner吸尘器extensive cord接线板heating n暖气hotel n宾馆Hostel z宿舍,旅店,客栈inn咒(尤指乡村或公路边的)旅馆,客栈motel n汽车旅馆Doorbe

7、ll z门铃Blanket z毛毯Towel z毛巾Soap z肥皂pillow n枕头pillow case枕头套quilt n棉被sheet n床单mattress n床垫folding bed折叠床slipper n拖鞋laundry bag冼衣袋toilet paper卫生纸toothpaste z牙膏toothbrush n牙刷shampoo n洗发香波Shaver z刮胡刀flush toilet冲水马桶toilet cabinet(卫生间里的)化妆台Shower head z喷头Shower curtain 咒浴帘closet n壁橱fire extinguisher灭火器fir

8、e staircase消防栓Exit 出口elevator z电梯bellboy z门童porter n守门人,门房,行李搬运工maid n女服务员bill n账单check-in n登记check-out咒,退房,付账后离开cashier z出纳information z问讯处cloakroom n行李存放处front desk前台lobby z大厅registration z登记处room service客房服务部lost and found失物招领处safety box保险箱baggage n行李luggage n行李babysitting托儿服务express service加急服务m

9、orning call 叫醒服务special care 特殊护理compensate v赔偿damage v损坏shrunk v缩水laundry list洗衣单replacement bill 挂失单date sent送洗日期jeans n牛仔裤jacket z夹克Jumper z妇女穿的套头外衣blouse n (女)上衣vest n背心down n羽绒服leather z皮革制品Socks z短袜stocking n长筒袜pajamas n睡衣scarf n披肩tie 系.领带undershirt n内衣sweater n毛衣Could you suggest a good Chuan

10、 restaurant for me?你能给我介绍一个好的川菜馆吗?Do you make a reservation?您订桌了吗?How many people in your party, please?请问你们有几个人?There are six of us. 我们有六个人。Table for three, please请找一张三个人的餐桌。Would you like to sit inside or on the patio?您愿意坐在院子里,还是坐在屋里?I'd prefer to be inside.我喜欢坐在屋里。Right this way 这边请。Do you ha

11、ve a table for three by the window?有靠窗的三个人的餐桌吗?Not at the moment. Would you care to wait?现在没有。您能等一会儿吗?How long will it be?要等多久呢?There are three parties ahead of you. At least 35 minutes。你前面还有三桌人。至少35分钟吧。It shouldn't be too long. 不会太久的。I do have a table by the door.在门边还有一张桌子。Oh, that sounds fine.

12、噢,那听起来不错。Can we change the table?我们可以换个桌子么?Can we push these two tables together?我们可以把这两张桌子并在一起吗?We need another chair.我们还需要一把椅子。I don't have a table available right now现在还没有空桌。We have a lounge and you're welcome to wait there, and well call you when your table is ready我们有一个休息室,您可以在那里等。等您的餐桌

13、准备好,我们会叫您的。Do you have a menu that we could look at?我们能看一看菜单吗?Would you like to start with an appetizer?先来点儿开胃小菜好吗?How about an order of spring rolls?来点春卷怎么样?Sounds good to me.我挺喜欢的。Have you eaten here before? 你以前到这里吃过饭吗?Dozens of timesI'm a regular.好多次了。我是这里的常客。So what do you recommend?那你有什么菜可以

14、推荐一下吗?What do you like? Seafood? Steak? Pasta?你喜欢吃什么?海鲜?牛排?意大利面条?I think I'm in the mood for something spicy。我想吃些辣的东西。What's your favorite dish here?在这里,你最喜欢的菜是什么?Maybe 111 try the sirloin steak.也许我可以试试西冷牛排。That would be an excellent choice. I know the sirloin steak is the specialty of this

15、restaurant.真是个不错的选择。我知道西冷牛排是这里的特色菜。May I see a wine list?我可以看看酒水单吗?Certainly. It's right here. And, 111 be back to take your order in a few minutes当然可以,给您。我几分钟以后过来为您点餐好么?Are you ready to order?您现在可以点餐了吗?Yes,I believe so我想可以了。What's today's special?今天的特色菜是什么?What's the specialty of th

16、is restaurant?这个餐馆的招牌菜是什么?That sounds delicious, but I had my heart set on the spareribs昕起来很美味啊,但是我还是非常想吃排骨。Excellent choice. How would you like that cooked, braised in brown sauce. or in sweet and sour sauce?不错啊。您想吃怎样做出来的呢,红烧还是糖醋?I'd like to have something light to eat 我想吃些清淡的东西。I'II have t

17、he same dish as that person. 我要点和那个人同样的菜。How do you like your steak? 牛排要几分熟呢?I like it medium well.我要八分熟的。Will you be having soup with that?再点个汤怎么样?No, not this evening不,今晚不必了。Permit me to pour you a glass of champagneIt's on the house. 给您倒一杯香槟。本店请客。If you have any questions about the dishes,ple

18、ase ask me如果您对菜肴有任何意见,请告诉我。Would you like a refill? 再来一杯好么?I'm full.I can't eat any more 我饱了,Do you have any vacancies tonight? (Do你们今天晚上有空房间吗?不能再吃了。you have a room available for tonight?)人人说英语I didn't make the reservation. 我没有预订。What type of room would you like?您想要什么样的房间?Do you have a s

19、ingle room?您有一间单人房吗?I'm sorry, but we are fully booked对不起,我们已经客满了。Could you recommend another hotel?您能推荐别的旅馆吗?How about the Holiday Hotel? It's only one block from here.假日饭店怎么样?和这里只隔着一个街区。I'd like a twin room with a bath我想要一间带浴室的双人房。Sorry, only a single room is available对不起,我们只有一间单人房了。1

20、want a room with a nice sea view我要一间可以眺望海景的房间。Could you give me a bigger room, please?俅能给我一间更大的房间么?I'd like to make a reservation for the day after tomorrow.我想预订后天的房间。I made a reservation and I'd like to check in我订了房间,我想要办登记。I called this morning to make a reservation.今天早上我打电话预订过。I reserved

21、a room through my friend Jack.我通过我的朋友杰克预订了房间。Is the room ready now?房间现在准备好了么?111 look for your reservation on our computer.我要在电脑上查一下您订房的资料。How long will you be staying here?您要住多久?Just for one night就一个晚上。I'II be staying for three nights.我要住三个晚上。What is the rate for a double room per night? -间双人房每

22、晚要多少钱?Does the room rate include meals?房租包插三餐吗?The hotel charges 45 dollars for an overnight stay.这家饭店住一夜要45美元。Does the price include tax?价钱含税吗?The service charge and tax are not included 服务费和税都没有包括。Do you offer discount rate for a week or more? 住一个星期或更久可以打折么?Sorry, we don't have such arrangemen

23、t对不起,我们没有这样的做法。Yes. we offer l5u/o discount for one week and over.可以,住一个星期或更久可以打八五折。Please fill out the registration card with your name, address, passport number, and be sure to sign it请填写住宿登记卡,写上您的姓名、住址、护照号码,而且务必签名。Give me one more registration card, please.请再给我一张登记卡。How much are the deposit and t

24、he handling charge?押全和手续费多少钱?Here's your receipt, and your room key.这是你的收据和房间钥匙。Your room is 214. This bellboy will show you to your room.您的房间是214。等会儿服务生会带您到您的房间。Do I have to leave the room key here when I go out?在我外出时必须留下房间钥匙吗?You may leave your baggage here,a waiter will bring your baggage to your room later.您可以把行李放在这里,等会儿服务生会把行李送到您的房间。Could I have a wake-up call at


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