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1、B: Oh, it s not. It s near here.PEP 三起点小学英语六年级上册第一单元Unitl How can I get there? 试题Class_ Name_ScoreLISTENING PART (30%)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子。 (10 分)()1.A. post officeB. postcardC.teachers c)ffice(P A. horseB. houseC. hospital()3. A. sisterB. sixC. ci nema()4. A. rightB. leftC. straight()5. A.te nB. t

2、hatC.then()6. A. Italia nB. restaura ntC. in terest ing()7. A. robotB.RobinC. right()8. A. scie nee museum B. museum shopC. film museum()9. A.over thereB. get thereC.n ear here()10. A. next toB. want toC. in front of_、听读上句,选答句. (10 分)()1. A. Y es, I am.B. Yes, I do.()2. A. I m reading.Bdo some readi

3、 ng.()3. A. You can go by the No.1 bus. B. By bus.()4. A. It s big.()5. A. By subway.()6. A. No, it isn t.()7. A. Yes, it is.()8. A. I want some apples.()9. A. It s blue.()10.A Sept.10th三、听录音,写出单词,补全对话。(共 5 分,每空 1 分)A : Excuse me.B. It s next the park.B. On feet.B. Y es, there is.B. No, it is.B. Yes

4、, I can.B.It s a cat.B.Fridaythe zoo,please?A:_ can I_there?B: Let me see. You can get there_bus.WRITING PART (70%)四、选择填空(共 10 分)()1.他想表达让我们直走然后在书店左转,这样说:A.Turn left at the bookstore.B.Let go straight and turn left at the bookstore.()2.他想说我们在电影院前面,这样说:A.We are in front of the cinema.B.We are behind

5、the cinema.()3.那看起来很美味。A.That looks beautiful.B. That looks tasty.()4.打扰一下,泰晤士河是离这远吗?A.Sorry, Is the Thames far from hereB.Excuse me. Is the Thames far from her?()5.它紧挨着电影博物馆。A.It next to the film museum. B. It near here.()6.我们怎样去那里?A.How do we go there?B. How do we go to there?()7.Tur n left at the

6、 bookstore.A.在书店处向右拐。B.在书店处向左拐。()8.My new GPS works.A.我的定位系统起作用了。B.我的定位系统没起作用()9.Is it far_here?A. fromB. toC. in()10will_ Gran dpa.A. tellB. tellsC. telli ng五、按要求完成句子(10 分,每小题 2 分)1.The cinema is west of the school.(就划线部分提问)3s it far from here?(作肯定回答)4s there a post office near here (作肯定回答)5. The p

7、ark is next to the zoo.变为一般疑问句)六、走一走,看你能到达什么地方,请把相应的字母编号写到括号里(10 分)A.schoolC.supermaketE.ci nemaB.libraryD.park F.hospital()1.Go straight, tur n left .It on your right.()2.Go straight, tur n right.It on your left.()3.Go straight, turn right.It on your right.()4.Go straight, tur n left .It on your le

8、ft.)5.Go straight, turn right and tur nright aga in . It on your left.选出不同类的一个单词,并写上相应的字母编号。5. 直走,转左 Go_6. 放学后,让我们去买些书.Let buy some_ ;7. 在那高楼边转右.the tall buildi ng.九、读短文,判断对错,对的打钩,错的打叉。(5 分)This after noon I go to the supermarket with my pare nts. We take the No.102 bus first.About thirty minu tes l

9、ater,we get off at the ban k.My father withdraws(取) some money)1. A. library)2. A.zooB.museumB. nearC. whenC. far)3. A. office)4. A. storeB. museumC. excuseB. libraryC. front)5. A. onB. park(八、翻译句子.(20 分,每空 1 分)1.科学博物馆在你的左边.C. inThe scienee_ is_2.请问,教师办公室在哪里?is the teacheyour,please?3.书店附近有间电影院吗?the

10、re an earthe4.医院在邮局隔壁.Theisto the七、(5 分)andafter school.from the bank. Then we go to the supermaket. The supermarket is next to the bank. Webuy a lot of thin gs. I buy some ice-cream. My mother buys a nice hat. My father buys apair of socks.The n we go to a restaura nt to have dinn er.How happy we a

11、re!()1. My pare nts and I go to the supermarket this after noon.()2.We get off the restaura nt.( )3.The supermarket is n ear the bank.()4.My father buys a pair of shoes.()5.We have dinner in the restaura nt.PEP 人教三起点小学英语六年级上册第二单元Unit2 Ways to go to school试题Class_NameScore根据中文写出相应的英文1.步行4.自然公园2.乘出租车5

12、.坐轮船3.乘地铁6.早起7.注意8.父通信号灯9.慢下来10.在那边二.选择填空.()1. I usually go to schoolfoot.A. by;B. at;C.o n()2.-is the boy? -He s Tom.A. What;B. Who;C. How()3.-are you doing? -Im readi ng.A. What;B. Whe n;C. How.()4.is on the river?-Some shipsA. Who; B. Whom; C. What()5.apple do you wan t,the big one or the small o

13、ne?A.What;B.Which;C.Whose( )6.-can I go to Shanghai/-You can go by plane.A.Where; B.How; C.What()7. -_ is your brother. -He s ten.A.How; B.Where; C.How old( )8._ooks do you have?-1 have ten.A.How many;B.How much; C.How三.圈出每组单词中与其他不属于同类的单词( )1.red light ;gree n light ;yellow light ;trafficrule;()2.su

14、bway;bus;bike;park()3.school;bike;park;kin dergarte n()4.Ca nada;traffic light;traffic rule; traffic jam四.对画线部分提问;1. can, go, on, I, school, foot, to2. do, to, park, how, the, you, go3. can, No15, go, bus, you, school, to, the, by4. n ear, is, home, the, my, office, post5. go, stop, can, to, bus, fo

15、ot, we, on, the六.改错:how to by onn eargo get stop at the1. My home isthe hospital.2._ do you go to school?I go to schoolfoot.3. You can go byNo.13 bus.4. Lookthe traffic lights.5. How does your mother _ to work/6. My father goesCan ada by pla ne.7.at a red light.八.判断有没有共同的读音,有请打“”没有请打“ X”namepla ne (

16、)pigbig ()bikedish ()teamdeal()parkgreat()footschool()busbut ()stop go ()seve nsure ()PEP 人教三起点小学英语六年级上册第三单元Unit3 My weeke nd pla n试题Class_ Name_ ScoreLISTENING PART (30%)一、听录音,选择与所听内容相符的单词或短语。(5 分)二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(5 分)() ()三、听录音,给下列句子排序。(10 分)()I am going to draw some pictures.()I am go

17、ing to look for some beautiful leaves.()Mike is going to see a film.()1. A. swim()2. A. supermarket()3. A. n ext weeke nd()4. A. postcard()5. A. filmB. tripB. cin emaB. n extmonthB. moon cakeB. travelC. si ngC. bookstoreC. next weekC. dicti onaryC. robot.()()()Linda is going to have an art le

18、ss on.( ) Tina is going to visit her grandparents. 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。 (10 分)( ) 1. A. Next weekend.B. Because I am going to do my homework.C. Thank you.( ) 2. A. I often play football.B. Im going to buy a book.C. I dont like sports.( ) 3. A. By plane.B. Im going to a shoe store.C. I want to buy a pen.(

19、) 4. A. It s near.B. You can go there on foot.C. It s next to the hospital.( ) 5. A. Yesterday.B. Tomorrow morning.C. Im going to buy some CDs.WRITING PART (70%)五、 选出不同类的单词。(10 分)() 1. A. tonightB. tomorrowC. trip() 2. A. visitB. cinemaC. park() 3. A. goingB. readingC. interesting() 4. A. favouriteB

20、. weekendC. fun() 5. A. libraryB. supermarketC. together六、单项选择。(10 分)()1.1 want to buy a book_ space.A. inB. onC. about()2. _are you going to Germa ny?Next Sun day after noon.A. WhenB. WhichC. Where()3. Can I help you?A. Yes, I want to buy a book B. Here they areC. Thank you()4. Tom and Mike_ swim t

21、omorrow.A. go toB. are going to C. are going()5. I have an art less on_Tuesday morning.A. inB. onC. at七、判断下列句子或对话与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10 分))1.1 going to the ci nema tomorro)2. What are you going to do thiseve nin g?)3. What is Miss White goi ng to cShe is going to wash clothes.I going to watch TV.)4. How

22、are you going to the park?I going there by bus.()5. Tomorrow is Mid-Autu mn Festival.八、根据汉语提示完成句子。(10 分)1.1 am going to the cin ema_今晚).2. Jim is going to the bookstore_ 明 天).3. We are going to the zoo_今天上午).4. My sister is going to the ci nema_下周).5. I am going to_(拜访我的祖母after noon.九、连词成句。(10 分)1.

23、zoo, the, the, to, weekend, going, on (.)2. going, are, this, Where, you, eve ning (?)3. gran dpare nts, this, goin g, Im, weeke nd, to, my, visit (.)4. art, book, going, am, to, about, I, buy, a (.)5. you, eve ning, Are, cin ema, going, the, to, this (?)十、补全对话。(10 分)Tom: Where are you going this af

24、ter noon?John: 1._)thisA. We are going at 4 oclock.B. Im going with my father.C. Im going to the bookstore.D. What are you going to buy?E. How are you going there?Tom: Who are you going with?John: 2. _Tom: 3. _John: Im going to buy a dictionary.Tom: When are you going?John: 4. _Tom: 5. _John: We are

25、 going by car.十一、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)My name is Sam. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents dont go towork, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something. Myfather is going to visit my aunt and un cle. I m going to the bookstore by bus. Then I mgoing

26、to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visitmy grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we aregoing to have a nice weekend.() 1. Today is Friday.( ) 2. Sam is going to the bookstore by bike.( ) 3. Sam s father is going to visit Sam s grandpare

27、nts in the morning.( ) 4. Sam is going to play computer games with his sister.()5. There are seve n people in the article 文章).新版(PEP 六年级英语上册期中试题Class_Name_ Score_LISTENING PART (30%)一、选出你所听到短语。(10 分)1.()A. by busB. by bikeC. by pla ne2.()A. go to schoolB. after schoolC. traffic lights3.()A. bookstor

28、eB. cin emaC. film4.()A. go swimmi ngB. go ice-skat ingC. by ship5.()A. n ext toB. in front ofC. over there二、听音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是(T)否行)相符(10 分)1.() Here comes the school bus.2.() rm going to buy a dicti onary this after noon.3.() How do you go to the hospital?4.() We are going to take a trip next week

29、.5.() The library is behind the museum.三、听音,将下列句子补充完整(10 分)1.I_to go to the scienee_.2.My father goes to work_.3.We are_to the_ on Sun day.4.Go_ for five minu tes. Then tur n_ .5.If you want to_some books, go to the_ .WRITING PART (70%)I: Let s find out.找出不同类的单词。10%1.() A: stopB: hospitalC: post off

30、iceD: bookstore2.() A: visitB:getC: takeD:ci nema3.() A: museumB: parkC: schoolD:door4.() A: trafficB: taxiC: subwayD: ship5.() A: toni ghtB: FridayC: eve ningD: afternoonn: Let s choose.选择, 并将序号与在括 号里。20%1、() How can you get to the park?10、() rm going to buy_comic book.A、aB、anC、somein:找出错误的一项并改正。10

31、%()1. I go to school by a bike.ABCD()2. Stop at agree n light.ABCD()3. Wherearethe cin ema,please?ABCD()4. I 上goinghome thisweekend.ABCD()5. Whatareyou going do tomorrow?ABCDIV:按要求完成句子。10%1、The library is in front of the park.(就划线部分提问)2、()at a red light.A、GoB、StopC、turn left3、()Lucyto go shopping wi

32、th her mother.A、wantB、wantsC、wanting4、()The students have totheir homework now.A、 doesB、doingC、 do5、()WhatSarah going to do?A、amB、isC、are6、()When are you?A、goB、 doesC、goi ng7、()Ill tell a storyan imals.A、aboutB、ofC、to8 ()Theygo to the hospital tomorrow.A、are goingB、are go toC、are going to9、()Letgo t

33、o the park now.A、weB、usC、ourA、BikeB、On foot.C、By foot.2、We can go to the park on foot.改为否定句)3、rm going to visit my aunt and uncle.(就划线部分提问)4、Mike goes to the post office by taxi.就划线部分提问)5、They are going to the supermarket next Saturday.就戈 U 线部分提问)V: Choose 情景选择。(10%)()1.当你想告诉别人你们打算今天下午去书店,应该这样说: _A.

34、 We are going to the shop this eve ning.B. We are going to the bookstore this after noon.()2.当你想告诉别人你打算去超市时,该这样说: _A. Im going to the museum.B. Im going to the supermarket.()3.当你想告诉别人你们将要去做月饼时,该这样说: _A. We are going to make moon cakes.B. We are maki ng moon cakes.()4.你想知道对方是否有单词书,该这样表达: _A. Do you h

35、ave word books?B. Do you have comic books?()5.同学告诉你他要出去旅行,你应该对他说: _A. Im going to take a trip.B. Have a good time!W:Read and choose 阅读理解。10%Tomorrow is Sun day. Wang Jie isnt going to school. He is going to get up early .In the morning , he isgoing to visit the scie nee museum. He is going there by

36、subway. Hes going to have lunch in McD on alds.In the after noon, he is going to play football with his frien ds. At about 3:30, he is going to do his homework.Then he is going to wash his clothes. Hes going to the cinema with his father and mother in the eve ning.()1、What day is it today?A. Sun day

37、B. SaturdayC. Friday()2、Whats Wang Jie going to do on Sun day morning?A. He is going to visit the science museum.B. He is going to visit his grandparents. C. He is going to play football. ()3、 Wang Jie isgoing to visit the science museum by _ .A. trainB. subwayC.bus()4、 Wang Jie is going to have lun

38、ch_ .A. at homeB. at schoolC. in McDonalds()5 、 Is Wang Jie a good child?A. Yes, he is.B. No. he isnt.C. Yes, he isnt.PEP 人教三起点小学英语六年级上册第四单元 Unit4 I have a pen pa试题Class_ Name_ Score_LISTENING PART (30%)一、听音选择与所听到内容意思相符的图片,把序号填在括号中。(10 分)A. mak ing kitesB. doing KungfuC. cook ingdinner)2. Does your

39、pen pal live in Beiji ng?3. How does your father do to work? He goes to work)1AB.B.C.C.(听音选择最佳答案。(10 分))1. What are your hobbies? I likeA.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesnt.C.She is from the USA.A.by bikeB.by busC.by car)4.What does your mother do?A. She is my mother. B.She is a woman.C.She is a teacher.三

40、)5. My pare ntsA. watch TVevery day.B.write an emailC.fly kites听问句选答语。(10 分)1.( )A.I like doing word puzzles.2.()B.Yes, she does.3.()C.No, I don.4.()D.No,he likes singing.5.()E.I am writing a letter.WRITING PART (70%)一、写出下列动词的现在分词及第三人称单数形式。(10 分)Eg: go going goes1._watch_3.make_ _5.swim_ _()1.He_ on

41、 a farm.A. liveB. livi ngC. lives()2.Sometimes he_to cows.A. reads to B. reads C. read()3.Peter_ doing Kungfu and swimmi ng.A. liki ng B. like C. likes()4.She likes_ a kite.A. fliesB.flyC. flyi ng()5.My pen pal_his homework every day.A. don doB. does ntdoesC. doesntdo()6._ Oliver_ word puzzles every

42、 day.A. Does; does B. Do ;do C. Does; do()7.What are your_ ? I like singing and dancing.A. hobbyB. hobbiesC. like()8.A:I like drawing cartoons. What about you? B:_A. I like.Bam too.C. Me too.()9.0ne stude nt_ . A. like singing B.l ikes sing C.likes singing()1. A. workB. En glishC. Chi nese()2. A. fo

43、odB. AmericaC. Australia()3. A. singB. danceC. story()4. A. footballB. readC. do()5. A. doesB. teachersC. lives二、选择每组单词中不同类的一项。三、选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(15分)2.play_4.do_(10 分)()lO.Whats your_ hobby? A. father B.fathersC.fathers四、选择合适的答句。(10 分)Zhou Jiel unYang Lipi ngLang LangLi LianjieSi ngingVVDancin

44、gVVVPlay ing the pia noVVDoing KungfuV()1.Zhou Jiel un likes dancing and singing.()2.Ya ng Lipi ng likes dancing doing Kun gfu.()3.La ng Lang likes singsing and play ing the pia no.()4.Li Lianjie likes dancing and doing Kun gfu.(B )There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my b

45、rother,my sister andme.My father likes playing football.My mother always cooks Chinese food for us. My brother is ateacher.He likes doing work puzzles.Who is the pretty girl in the garden?Sheis my sister.Shes playing pipa.What is my hobby?Ilike going hik ing.l am going to Nankun mountains this weeke

46、 nd.()1live with my un cle,my aunt and my pare nts.()I.Where does she live?()2.Does your sister like doing Kun gfu?()3.What syour hobby?()4.Does he work in a hospital?()5.What are you doing?五、阅读理解,正确的打V,错误的打xA.I am liste ning to music.B. Yes, he does.C.No,she doesnt.D. She lives in Beiji ng.Elike re

47、ad ing stories.(18 分)()2.My mom likes cook ing Chin ese food.)3.My brother is a doctor.)4.My sister likes playing pipa.)5.I like going fishing in the park.PEP 人教三起点小学英语六年级上册第五单元Unit5 What does he do?试题Class_ Name_Score_LISTENING PART (30%)()Mike is good at maths.()Joh n wants to work in a uni versit

48、y.()Sarah can type quickly.()Jim ofte n goes running after school.()Amy wan ts to work in an office.三、听问句,选择恰当的答语。(10 分)()1、A. He is a coach.B .He goes to work by bike.C .He works in a police office.()2、A .He works in a factory. B. She works in a school.C .She is a P.E teacher.()3、A .She is a head t

49、eacher. B .She works in a school.C .She goes to work on foot.()4、A .Yes, he is.B .No, he isn t.C .Yes, she is.()5、A .He likes sports.B .He is tall and strongC .He is a postma n.WRITING PART (70%)四、判断划线部分的发音是否一致,一致的写T,不一致的写 F (5 分)()1、A. teacherB. workerC. si nger()2、A. girl B.nurse C. bird()3、A. for

50、k B. work C. sports()1、A. English teacherB. math teacherC. music teacher()2、A. fishermanB. postma nC. bus in essma n()3、A. coachB. sports reporterC.P.E teacher()4、A. factoryB. uni versityC. office()5、A. on footB. by bikeC. by pla ne听音,选择你所听到的单词。(10 分)给下列句子排序。(10 分)、听录音,()4、A. bike B. cinema C. kite

51、()5、A. bottle B. table C. uncle五、 读一读,选出不同类的一项. ( 5 分)()1、A、postmanB、pilotC、tonight()2、A、cinemaB、post officerC、postman()3、A、eveningB、businessmanC、tomorrow()4、A、scienceB、scientistC、worker()5、A、fishmanB、hobbyC、police officer六、按要求写单词。(10 分)10. swim (ing 形式 )七、 单项选择( 10 分)() 1. Does he often _ football

52、after school?A. play B. plays C. playing() 2. Do you like _ pictures?A. draw B. do C. drawing() 3. They _ very hard every day.A. work B. work C. working () 4. She is good at dancing. She is a.A. singer B. dancer C. cleaner ( ) 5. Mary wants toa scientist.A. amB. isC. be() 6. She does well in singing

53、. She is a _ .A. singerB. dancerC. cleaner() 7. Amys mother works in a hospital. She is a _ .A. teacherB. doctorC. scientist() 8. Where does he work? He works _ a factory.A. inB. forC. with() 9. You should _ your homework first.A. doB. doesC. doing() 10. I want to work in _ office.A. aB. anC. /八、 选出

54、正确的答语( 5 分)()1、Where does Tom work?A、Im going to see a film.(2、What are you going to do tomorrow?B、Yes, she does.1. country (复数形式 )2. work (职业名词 )3. drive (职业名词 )4.science (职业名词)5.study(第三人称单数形式 )6. quick (副词 )7. play (单三人称)8. farm (职业名词)9. driver (动词 )()3、How does he go to work?C、He works at a sea.

55、()4、Does she like going hiking?D、Hes a fiahrman.()5、What does your father do?E、He goes to work by bike九、读一读,补全句子(10 分)4.What does your uncle do? He is a十、连词成句。(10 分)1 .does, father, what, your, do (?)2 .fisherma n,is ,mother, your,a (?)3 .un cle, a, is,my,factory worker (.)4 .does , father,where, wo

56、rk,your (?)5 .does , he, how,work, to,go (?)十一补全对话。 (5 分)A. She is a doctor.B. How does she go to work?C. What does your father do?D. I want to be a pilot.E. Do you want to be a pilot, too?Mike: He is a scie ntist.Mike: Yes, but he s very busy.Mike: 2._Mike: Yes, but it is in teresti ng.Mike: She go

57、es to work by bus.Bill: What are you going to do when you grow up (长大)? Mike: 4.十二阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的打“T”,不符合的打“分)Jim lives in a city with his wife. He is a police officer. He works in a police. It is not far from hishome, so he goes to work on foot every day. His wife is a worker, she works in

58、a factory. It from herhome, she goes to work by car. Whe n she drives the car, she is very careful. Whe n the light1.does she do? She is a(邮递员).2.does he work? Heat sea.3. What does your father do?is a(教5._ does your father go to work? Heto work(骑自行BillBillBillBillBillHi! Mike! 1._Does he like his j

59、ob?What about your mother?Oh, doctors always work hard.3.Bill: It s cool. Mike: 5.Bill: No, I want to be a writer.is red, she stops. When the light is yellow, she waits. She won tgo until the light is green. She alwayssays that we must obey 遵守)the traffic rules.) 1. Jim and his wife live in a city.

60、() 3. Jim goes to work by car.() 5. We must obey the traffic rules.) 2. Jim and his wife are workers.) 4. Jim s wife goes to work by car.PEP 人教三起点小学英语六年级上册第六单元Un it6 How do you feel?试题Class_Name_ Score、选出不同类的单词,将代号填在上面。新|课()1. My mother is going to buy me a new computer. I am very_()2. I broken my b


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