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1、 装 订 线 考 生 答 题 不 得 超 过 此 线 学校姓名班级考号文旅区20112012学年度第二学期质量监测七年英语试卷201266题号听力单选完型首字母阅读翻译写作总分分值20分15分10分10分30分20分15分得分 本次试卷满分120分,其中听力部分20分,笔试部分100分,时间90分钟,请大家认真审题,争取考出好成绩。听力部分(20分)(一) 听对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分)  1. Amedium   B.  big     C. small  

2、 2. A. apple    B. pineapple    C. orange  3.  A.fruit     B.vegetable     C. rice  4.  A.fish      B.rice     

3、; C.tomatoes  5. A.tea       B.coffee     C.milk(二) 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(每小题1分)  6. A. a large bowl  B. a medium bowl  C. a small bowl  7. A. 

4、;Because its healthy and cheap.    B. Because its nice and cheap. C. Because its large and cheap.  8. A. a blue blouse   B. a T-shirt  C. a 

5、skirt  9. A. a large bowl of beef dumplings B. a small bowl of mutton dumplings C. a large bowl of chicken dumplings  10. A. a big supermarket     

6、60;B. a post office      C. Bridge Street (三) 听短文,选择正确答案。(每小题2分)  11.The story happens(发生) on a _.    A. Sunday afternoon     B. Sunday morning &

7、#160;  C. Tuesday afternoon  12. David and his mother go to _.    A. a bookshop  B. a supermarket  C. a post office   13. How many apples ar

8、e there in the pack?    A. Four   B. Five   C. Six  14. There arent any _ in the supermarket.    A. pens    B. rulers  &

9、#160; C. apples  15. How much tea do they buy?    A. one kilo   B. Two kilos   C. half a kilo笔试部分(100分)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. -Would you like to go shopping with me? - _. A

10、. Yes, I would B. Yes, Id like.C. Yes, Id like to.D. Yes, please.2. Now its time _school. A. for B. to go C. on D. go to3. - What would you like for lunch? - Id like some _ and _. A. tomato, beef B. tomatos, beef C. tomatoes, beefs D. tomatoes, beef4. What about _ this afternoon? A. sking B. to ski

11、C. ski D. skiing5. Is our teacher waiting _ the bus stop? A. for B. of C. at D. to6. Please stop _ now. I want to enjoy _ music. A. talking, listening B. talking, listening to C. to talk, listening to D. to talk, listening7. -_ does he _ game shows? - He loves them. A. How, think of B. What , think

12、of C. What, think over D. How, like about8. Well try our best to do the work with_money and_people.A.few,little B.a few,a little C.less,fewer D.fewer,less9. Did you find_very interesting to play Yo-Yo? A.this Bits C.that D.it10. -Are your shoes expensive? -No, I only_five dollars on them.A.spend 

13、60;B.take  C.pay  D.take11. The room_a window is mine. A.have B.has C.with D.in12. -Do you give the money to the children? -Yes, I often give_. A.it them B.them it C.them D.it to them13. Some chicken in the bowl. And some eggs on the table.A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is14. Cal

14、l Jack _ 557-9638.He has a job for you _ an actor.  A. for, for       B. at, with     C. at, as     D. for, as15.Pandas like eating _ and elephants like eating _.A. leafs, grasses    B. leaves, grass 

15、  C. leaf, grass  D. leaves, grasses 二、 完型填空(10分)Most children like _1_ TV. On TV _2_ can learn a lot, and they can see and know many things _3_ their country and the world. Of course, they can _4_ over the radio, but they can learn better and more easily with _5_. Why? Because t

16、hey can hear and watch at the same time. But they cant _6_ anything over the radio. Many children watch TV _7_ Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessons on _8_. But a few children watch TV every _9_. They go to bed very late. So they cant have a good _10_. How about you, my

17、young friend? 1. A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watching2. A. we B. you C. they D. I3. A. of B. about C. at D. with4. A. sing B. learn C. dance D. hear5. A. radio B. film C. game D. TV6. A. hear B. like C. see D. learn7. A. in B. on C. to D. for8. A. weekend B. weekdays C. Saturday D. Sunday9. A

18、. place B. time C. man D. night10. A. time B. rest C. game D. meal 四、阅读理解(30分。E段每题2分) (A)We often talk about the weather. If we want to know about the weather. We can turn on the radio (收音机) and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TV and watch the Weather Show. And we can ask other

19、 people in two different ways, “Whats the weather like today?” or “How is the weather today?” Sometimes you can call at 121 for the weather. When its cold, we “shiver” and need to wear warm clothes and scarfs. When its raining, we need raining-coats or umbrellas (雨伞). When its hot, we need a cool pl

20、ace and want a cold drink (饮料). 装 订 线 考 生 答 题 不 得 超 过 此 线 学校姓名班级考号文旅区20112012学年度第二学期质量监测七年英语试卷2012661. You can watch the Weather Show _.A.on radio       B. on TV        C. at 121        

21、;          2. You can ask other people “_” to know about the weather.A. Whats the weather          B. How is the weather likeC. How is the weather3. We want a cold drink when its _.A.cold   

22、       B.warm         C. hot                     4. Telephone 121 is for _.A.ill       

23、60;    B.fire           C. weather              5. The word “shiver” is “_” in Chinese.A. 颤抖          B. 出汗  &

24、#160;          C. 看病     (B)SUNNY   SCHOOLWe are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teacher. JobAgeLanguageSkillOther terms(其它条件)cook2540C

25、hinesecan cook Chinese and Western(西方) foodhealthylibrary assistant2035Chinese,Englishhas the knowledge(知识) on all kinds of bookscareful(仔细)sports coach2040Chinese, Englishmajor in(主修) P.E.healthy,strongteacher3045Chinese,Englishmajor in English-6. Who cant go to Sunny School?    

26、0;  A. A four-year-old child. B. An eleven-year-old boy.  C. A fifteen-year-old girl           7. Who is not wanted by Sunny School?       A. A PE teacher.        &#

27、160;           B. A math teacher.   C. A library assistant                8. We know _ may not speak English in Sunny School.A. the sports coach   

28、60;              B. the cook    C. the library assistant               9. The coach must major in _.A. Chinese      

29、0;   B. English            C. P.E.10. The Sunny School wants a teacher _.A. aged between 25 and 40            B. who can cook Western foodC. who can speak English and Chinese (C) K

30、FCTel:62550011Address: 28 Bridge Street Open: 9:00 a.m.11:00 p.m. Food : fried chickenFrench frieshamburgersporridgeDrink : coke coffee milk juiceDessert : ice creamSoup : vegetable soup Big Pizza(比萨饼)Tel:88819056Address: 102 Ting StreetOpen:9:30a.m.12:00 p.m.Food :beef pizzamutton pizzafruit pizzav

31、egetable pizzaDrink : coffee milk fruit juiceDessert : ice creamSoup : Italy soups 11.If youd like hamburgers, you can .A go to Big Pizza B. call 62550011C. call 88819056 D. go to 102 Ting Street12. What cant you have in Big Pizza ?A.French fries三、 Milk四、 Juice五、 Soup13. What can you have at 11:30 p

32、.m.?A. French friesB. MuttonC. PizzaD. Fruit14.Where Can you eat ice cream ?A. In KFC.B. In Big Pizza.C. Italy.D. A&B15. 请你为其中的一家店设计一句广告词。 (D)(1) There is some food from Yummy Restaurant. Tel: 65394824 Address: 28 Peace Road, CQNoodlesMutton noodlesBeef noodlesTomato and egg noodlesChicken noodl

33、esPrice$10$10$12$15SoupOnion soupPotato soupCarrot soupPrice$4$5$6DrinksOrange juiceSodaTeamilkPrice$2$3$2$2RiceA small bowlA medium bowlA large bowlPrice$1$2$3Dumplings(15 dumplings/each plate)Cabbage dumplingsBroccoli dumplingsMutton dumplingsBeef dumplingsPrice$10$10$15$15DessertBanana ice creamA

34、pple ice creamBerry ice creamPrice$8$7$6(2) Here is a weather report in some cities in China.WEATHER REPORTCITYMAXMINWEATHERBeijingDalianHarbinShenzhenJinanXiamenAnshan15115246191071-16132132SunnyCloudy to sunnySnowySunny to cloudyCloudyWindyrainy(3) These are ASTV shows in Anshan Station.ASTV Shows

35、7:30 Morning News14:30 Soap Opera: Dumpling King15:30 Arts and Cultures16:50 Sitcoms: Happy Family18:20 Chinese Cooking19:00 Talk show16. If I order a bowl of carrot soup and 30 mutton dumplings, how much should I pay? A. $30 B. $24 C. $ 21 D. $3617. What is the first article?A. A letter B. A menu C

36、. A newspaper D. A diary18. When we go out in Anshan, we should take _ with us. A. a raincoat B. a hat C. sunglasses D. a belt19. We can watch the sitcom at _ on TV. A. 4:50 pm B. 7:30 am C. 3:30 pm D. 6:20 pm20. Which of the following sentences is right?A Toms father is a cook. He learns Chinese Co

37、oking on TV at 15:30.B. We can have cabbage and potato noodles in Yummy Restaurant.C. We can talk with a host on TV at 16:50.D. Toms mother wants to go to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes. 装 订 线 考 生 答 题 不 得 超 过 此 线 学校姓名班级考号文旅区20112012学年度第二学期质量监测七年英语试卷201266(E)任务型阅读(每小题2分)In the UK and the U

38、S, students like to play Quidditch. Quidditch is a game like handball. Two teams play together. Each team has seven players. They ride brooms, wear cloaks and hold magic wands. The players in the game in Harry Potter can “fly” with the brooms. But in real life, the students can only “run” with the brooms.The teachers say, “Quidditch is a real


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