1、外贸采购合同精选范文 : 外贸采购合同(共 2 篇)合同号甲方: &hellip ;&hellip ;公司(以下简称供方),由 &hellip ;&hellip ; 代表。乙方: &hellip ;&hellip ;公司(以下简称购方),由 &hellip ;&hellip ; 代表。目次第一条合同标的第二条技术资料 第三条供货条件一一包装和标记第四条设备质量第五条 合同价格和支付条件第六条保证第七条不可抗力第八条仲裁第九条通知第十条语言 第十一条其它条件附件 1 设备技术说明书第号购买合同 甲方(供方)与乙方(购方)达成如下协议 : 第一条合同标的 供方同意出售,购方同意购买。(详见本合同附
2、 件为本合同不可分割的一部分)。第二条技术资料供方应向购方提供设备使用及维修技术资料一份。第三条供货条件一一包装和标记 供方应在设备全额信用证开立之后的 个月 内用密封集装箱或其它包皮包装从 发运设备。供方有权从任何对其方便的港口发运设备。供方应把设备运至商定的原苏联东海岸 港。自设备从船航运抵独联体远东港口时起灭失和(或) 的风险由供方转移到购方。供方承担设备运输的一切费用及运抵港口前的保险设备从独联体港口继续运到安装地的一切费用由购 担。发货前 天内供方应向购方通知发运情况,明 确交通工具的种类和名称、计划发运日期及其它有关信息。件 1, 该附损坏费。方承购方应支付履行海关手续的所有费用和
3、一切与设备 运入独 联体境内有关的开支。设备和技术资料用密封集装箱或其它包皮装运并附 具包装 清单,标记使用英语刷写。发货单证包:1) 发货帐单(三份)2) 海运提单3 )装箱单4 )保险单 第四条设备质量 按本合同所供设备的质量应符合生产厂家的技术条 件。如 生产厂家有保证书,应用保证书加以确认。第五条 合同价格和支付条件所供设备的总额为美元(c i f 价)。购方 应在合同签定后的 天内开立以供方为受益人的不可撤 销的保兑信 用证。该信用证在开立时起的 天内有效。开证行应为独联体外经银行或日本、南韩、西欧、美国、加拿大的某家银行。一切与在开证行开立信用证有关的费用由购方承担,而一切与议付行
4、收取信用证有关的费用由供方承担。支付在向议付行提交下列单据后进行:1 )发货帐单( 3 份)2)海运提单3 )装箱单4 )保险单第六条保证 供方保证所供设备在投入使用日起的 个月 内,但不超过发货日起的 月内正常工作。第七条不可抗力 在发生不可抗力情况致使合同一方不能全部或部分 履行本 合同的义务时,按此种不可抗力情况存在的时间推迟 履行合同义 务。不可抗力情况是指双方不能预见或预测的由于非常 事件而 出现的情况,即:影响履行所承担义务的火灾、风暴、 地震和其它 自然现象,以及战争、任何性质的军事行动,各 国政府的封锁与制 裁等。因不可抗力情况而不能履行义务的一方,应在不可抗 力情 况发生和停
5、止的 2 0 天内书面通知另一方关于其发生 和停止的情 况。收信人所在国邮局在收到通知函日加盖的日 期作为得悉该信息 的日期。协约双方国商会出具的证明书将成为证明上述情况 发生及 延续时间的必要证据。如有些情况延续 3 个多月,每一方都有权拒绝继续履 行本第八条仲裁所有可能由本合同而产生的纠纷或分歧均应由合同 双方友 好解决。如果无法解决纠纷,则该纠纷应提交莫斯科市原苏联 工商 会下设外贸仲裁委员会按其业务规章审理(提交一般法 院审理者除 外),该委员会的决定对于双方为终审,必须执 行。第九条通知一切通知等双方均应按本合同条件以书面形式进行。第十条语言本合同用俄语书就。供方提供英文的全部技术资
6、料和供货单证。第一条其它条件自本合同签署之日起,所有在此以前的有关谈判和往来信函均告失效。对本合同的任何修改和补充只有在以书面形式形成并经双方有关全权代表签字后方能生效。任何一方都无权在未征得对方书面同意之前将自己对合同的权利和义务转让给第三者。本合同于 年 在苏联一签署,一式两份,两份具有同等效力。供方购方附件1本附件为 和于签订的第 号购货合 同不可分割的一部 分。按照合同规定的条件,一供应下列设备:I顺序号码I商品(设备)名称I计量单位I单价I数量I每批价格I货币名称I11n 1外贸采购合同(共 2 篇)篇一:国际贸易采购合同(中英 文)CONTRACT合同合同号 Contract No
7、 : 签字日期 Signing Date :The Buyer : Address : Tel :The Seller : Address : TEL:This Con tract,made out by and betwee n the Buyer and theSeller, whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the un der-me nti oned commodity accord ing to the terms and conditions stipulated below. (Accordin
8、g to the practicalprice of inv oice)本合同由买方和卖方签订,根据下面规定的条款,买方同意购买并且卖方同意销售如下商品(根据发票的实际金2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER原产地和制造商:3. TRANSPORTATIONMari ne refrigerated con tai ner tran sportatio n.运输方式:海洋冷藏集装箱运输。4. PACKINGTo be packed by new strong wooden cases suitable for long distanee ocean trans
9、portation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling.TheSeller shall be liable forany damage of the commodity andexpe nses in curred on acco unt of improper pack ing and for any rust damage attributable to in adequate or improper protective measures taken by the se
10、llers in regard to the pack ing.包装:须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,防粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,或采用不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和损失。5. SHIPPING MARKThe Seller shall mark on each package with faceless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight,measurementand the word in gs :& quot ; RIGHT SIDE UP"
11、; , & quot ;HANDLE WITH CARE" " ; KEEPAWAY FROM MOISTUE&qqot , and the shipping mark.卖方 应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的油漆刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺码和“勿倒置”,“小心轻放”,“防潮”等字样。6. TIME OF TRANSPORTATIQN3EFORE JUL. 30,2014.装货 时间:2014年7月30日之前。7.PLACE OF TRANSPORTATION运地点:8. PLACE OF DESTINATION DALIAN, CHINA.目的地: 中国大连9. INSURANCETo
12、 be covered by the Seller for 110% (one hun dred and ten保险:由perce nt) of total con tract value aga inst ALL Risks.卖方按合同价的110%投保一切险10. PAYMENTBy T/T. The payme nt shall be effected after receipt the con tract goods and the docume nt stipulated in Clause10. 支付:现款电汇方式。11. DOCUMENT FOR PAYMENTThe seller
13、 shallpresent following documents to Buyer to effect the payment. 1) Two copies of Commercial Invoice, 2)Two copies of Packing List,3) Three copies of Certificates of Quality issued by manufacturer 4) One copy of certificate of origin 5) One copy of Health Certificate 6) A filling certificate from f
14、actory7) Fumigation Certificate or Non-wood Packing MaterialCertificate8) The relevant insurance policy which be covered 110% ofthe total contract value against ALL Risks. 9) Five copiesof labels (front and back)In case of by sea transportation, the seller shall send simultaneously with shipment one
15、 copy each of the above mentioned documents to XXX CO. LTD.支付单据:卖方将向买方提供如下单据以履行支付。1)商业发票两份; 2) 装箱单两份;3)制造商出具的质量证明书一份4)原产地证一份(正本)5)卫生证一份(正本)6)工厂出具灌 装证明一份7)有木质包装情况下的熏蒸证明或非木质包装证明8)按 合同价的110%投保一切险的保险单。9)标签五份(正面、背面)如果采用海运,卖方在装船的同时将如上单据各一份寄送给目的港的XXX公司。12. DATE OF SHIPPINGThe date of Bill of Lad ing shall
16、be regarded as the actualdate of shipme nt.装运日期:提单上的日期将被视为装运日期13. GUARANTEE OF QUALIT YThe Seller guara ntee that complies in all respects with thethis Con tract. Thequality and specifications stipulated inseller guara ntees that choose the right means of transportationwill be the goods arrived at t
17、he port ofdesti nati on. 1)质量保证:卖方保证货物的质量和规格与本合同的规定相符。卖方保证选用合适的运输方式将货物运抵目的港。14.INSPECTION(1) Such as the quality of the goods in con formity with thecon tract and specificati on,the buyer of the commodityinspection bureau should be invited for inspection, and shall have the right to claim against th
18、e seller according to a report issued by the commodity in specti on bureau in specti on.(1)如货物的质量与规格与合同不符,买方应请商检局进行检验,并有权根据商检局出具的检验报告向卖方索赔。15. CLAIMSIn case that the Seller are liable for the discrepancies anda claim is made by Buyer within the time-limit of inspectionand quality guarantee period as
19、 stipulated in Clause 14 ofthis Contract,the Sellershallsettlethe claimupontheagreement ofthe Buyersin one or thecombinationofthefollowing ways(1) Agree tothe rejectionofthe goodsand refundtotheBuyers the value of the goods so rejected in the same currency as contracted herein , and to bear all dire
20、ct losses and expenses in connection therewith including interest accrued, banking charges, freight, insurance premium, inspection charges, storage,stevedore charges andall other necessary expenses required for the custody and protection of the rejected goods.(2) Devalue the goods according to the d
21、egree of inferiority, extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the Buyers.The claims mentioned above shall be regarded as beingwithin 30 days afteraccepted if the Sellers fail to reply recei ving the Buyers 'claim.索赔:买方按照本合同14条的规定,在检验或质 量保证期 内提出的索赔,其问题应由卖方负责时,卖方在取得买方同意后应按下列之一或混合的方式处理索赔。(
22、1)同意买方退货,并将退货金额以成交原币偿还买方,并负担因退货而发生的一切直接损失和费用,包括利息、银行费用、运费、保险费用、商检费、仓储费和装卸费。(2)按照货物的疵劣程度,损坏的范围和买方所遭受的损失将货物贬值。卖方在收到买方的索赔30天内没有答复将被认为接受上述索赔。16. FORCE MAJEUREThe seller shall not be held responsiblefor the delay inshipme nt or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure , such as war , serious fire ,
23、 flood , typhoon and earthquake ,or other events agreed upon between both parties , which might occur during the process of manufacturingor in thecourse of loadi ng or tran sit . The Seller shall advisetheBuyer by cable/telex immediately of the occurre nee men tio ned above and with in fourtee n day
24、s thereafter, shall send by airmail to the Buyer for their acceptanee a certificateofthe accide nt issued by the Compete nt Gover nment Authorities,where theaccide ntoccursas evideneethereof.Un dersuchcircumsta nces theSeller,however ,are stillun dertheobligati onto takeallnecessary measures tohaste
25、 nthedelivery of the goods .不可抗力:由于严重的火灾、水灾、台风、地震以及双方同意的其它不可抗力事故,致使卖方交货延退或不能交货时,卖方可不负责任,但发生上述事故时,卖方应立即以电传或电报通知买方,并于事故发生后14天内将事故发生地主管 当局出具的事故证明书用航空 寄交买方,依不可抗力事件之 轻重,一部或全部免除合同责任。17. ARBITRATIONAll disputes inconn ecti onwith thisCon tractor theexecuti on there of shall be stettedfrien dlythroughn egot
26、iatio ns. In case no settleme nt can be reached, the case may the n be submitted for arbitratio n to China In ter natio nalEcono mic and Trade Arbitrati on Commissio n in accorda nee withthe Rules of Arbitrati on promulgated by the said Arbitrati onCommissi on. The Arbitratio nshall take place in Da
27、lia n andthe decisi onof the Arbitrati onCommissi on shall be finaland binding upon both parties ;n either party shall seek recourse to a law court nor otherauthorities to appeal for revisi on of the decisi on. Arbitrati on fee shall be borne by the los ing party .仲裁:一切因执行本合同或与本合同有关的争议,应由双方友好协商解决,如经
28、协商不能解决时,应提交中国国际经济与贸易仲裁委员会根据该会仲裁规则进行仲裁,仲裁地点在大连,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。18. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CONTRACTThis Con tractshall come in to force immediately aftersig nature by represe ntative of both parties and upon approval by the releva nt authority of both parties.合同的生效:本合同在双方代表签字后及双方有关当局批准生效。19
29、. SPECIAL PROVISIONSThis con tract is made out in En glish and Chin ese, both versi on being equally authe ntic. The origi nal Con tracts are in two copies ;each part keeps one of two orig inal copies after sig nature.本合同采用中文、英文书写,具有同等法律效力。合同正本签字后双方各持一份。For the Buyer :LEGEND IMPORT & ampEXPORT CO. L
30、TD.后立即两份,AuthorizedSignatureFor the Seller :DIGITAL CHINA TECHENOLOGY LIMITED AuthorizedSignature外贸采购合同(共 2 篇)篇二:外贸采购合同范本 - 进口 模版 20111213 CONTRACTThe Buyer : China IPPR International EngineeringCorporation 中国中元国际工程公司Address : 5 Xisanhuanbei Rd, Haidian District, Beijing100089 China 中国北京市海淀区西三环北路 5F
31、ax : +86Tel.: +86 10-6873298010-88424202The Seller :Address:Tel.:Fax:买卖双方依据安徽水环境改善项目杨台子污水处理厂二期 工程中标合同号:11CN01GTG4IWS8203 (Y TZ),经协商同意 签订本合同, 按如下条款由买方购进卖方售出以下商品: This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller in accordance withANHUI WATER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT YANGTAIZI SUB
32、PROJECT Equipment of Water Treatment Plant Contract No.11CN01GTG4IWS8203 (YTZ) whereby the Buyer agrees to buy andthe Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:1. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS &;ampSPECIFICATIONS, QUANTITY, UNIT PRICE合同号 Contra
33、ct No.: 签约日期 Signing Date : 签约地点 Signing Place :技术规格 ( 包括技术服务 ) ,配置清单祥见本合同附件五。Technical Specification includingtechnical service, Equipment List (if any) as per Appendix Vof this Contract.2. 原产地及制造厂商 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:3. 专利 PATENT RIGHT:S卖方应保证买方在中国使用货物或货物的任何一部分时免 i )空白抬 头、空白背书的全套可议
34、付已装船清洁提单(注 明“运费已付 ), 并注明“中国中元 国际工程公司 For marine transportation, full set of clean on Board“Freight prepaid ”Ocean Bills of Lading made out to orderand blank endorsednotifying China IPPRInternational Engineering Corporationii )注明“运费已付 的空运提单,收货人为“中国中元国 际工程公 司,并注明咳头 For Air transportation, original air
35、way bill showing “freight prepaid and marked“consign toChina IPPR International Engineering Corporati on ” indicating the shipping mark.C. 由最终用户签署并盖章的货物收货证明(格式见附件 二)五份 正本四份副本。 Five originals andFour duplicate copies of certificate of delivery signed andStamped by the end-user as per Appendix II ;D.
36、由最终用户和收货人共同签署并盖章的安装调试完成证 明(格 式见附件 II )五份正本四份副本。 Fiveoriginals and Four duplicate copies of manually signed and stamped Certificate of Acceptance from end-user and Consignee as per Appendix III ;五份E. 由最终用户签署并盖章的服务完成证明(格式见附件三) 正本四份副本。 Five originals andFour duplicate copies of manually signed and stam
37、ped CERTIFICATE FOR COMPLETION OF SERVICES AND OTHERS from enduser as per Appendix IV ;F. 详细的装箱单五份正本四份副本,注明用户名称、用户代码、设备名称、每箱货物的内容、相对应的发票号和发票日期,包括数量、毛重、净重和尺码。Five originals and Four duplicate copies of detailed packing listindicating the name of end-users, ID Number, name of the equipment, contents o
38、f each package, number and the date of the corresponding invoice, including quantity,gross/netweights and measurements and packing conditionsas calledfor by the contract ;G. 制造商出具的数量质量证明五份正本四份副本。 Five originals and Four duplicate copies ofex-works quality certificate issued by the manufacturerH. 由相关
39、权威机构 / 制造商 / 制造商授权的代理商出具的货 物原产 地证书五份正本四份副本。 Fiveoriginals and Four duplicate copies of certificate of origin issued by relevant authorities or the I.manufacturer and/or manufacturer authorized agent ; 全套保险单,空白背书,以合同货币、按发票金额 110% 投保一切 险和战争险,并注明可在中国赔付; Full set of Insurance Policy/Certificate for 110%
40、 of the invoice value, showing claims payable in China, in currency of the contract, blank endorsed, covering All Risks and War Risks.J. 卖方签发的非木质包装声明正本一份副本一份,或包装 证明正本 一份副本一份,证明所使用的木中国确认质包装已由出口国或地区政府植物检疫机构认可的企业按的检疫除害自理办法处理,并在木质包装显著位置加施清晰易辨的IPPC 专用标识。A Declaration of Non-Wood packing materialsin one o
41、riginaland one copy, or a Certificate in oneoriginal and one copy issued by the Seller certifying that the wood packaging has been treated by the enterprises qualified by the phytosanitaryorganizationof exportingcoun tries or areas in accorda nee with the approved measures by PRC(e. g. HT,MB) and ca
42、rried with legible special mark ofIPPC in the obvious place of wood packagi ng.6. 2.2买方在收到下列单据后90天内向卖方支付百分之二十(20%)的合同款 Twenty percent (20%) of the total Contract Priceshall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller 90 days after sightaga inst the followi ng docume ntsA. 20%合同金额的发票五份正本。Five originals of man
43、uallysig ned Commercial Inv oice cover ing twenty perce nt (20%) of the total Con tract priceB.由最终用户签署并盖章的最终验收证明(格式见附件四)五份正 本四份畐U本。 Five origi nals andFour duplicate copies of manually signed and stamped Final Accepta nee Certificate from en d-user as per Appe ndix IV;6. 3若卖方未能履行本合同项下的义务,买方有权从上述款项中扣
44、除。In case the Seller fails toperform any of his obligati ons un der the Con tract, the Buyershall have the right to deduct it from any payment mentioned above.7. 履约保证金 PERFORMANCE SECURITY7. 1卖方应在合同签订的十四(14)天内,向买方开出由买 方确认、 并经买方银行验证的金额为合同金额百分之十(10%)的履约保证金。履约保证金的有效期 至本合同规 定的质保期届满后30天。履约保证金费用由卖方承担The S
45、ellershall, with in fourtee n (14) cale ndar days after sig ning of Con tract, furnish the Buyer a Performa nee Security, which will be con firmed by the Buyer, and the performa nee security must be authe nticated by the buyer , s bank in the amount of ten perce nt (10%) of the total Con tract price
46、. ThePerforma nee Securityshall remai n validThirty(30) daysafter expiration of the warranty period of the goods and service specified in the con tract. The cost therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.买方有权从履约保证金中进行追索。7. 2若卖方未能履行本 合同项下的义务,In case the Seller fails toperform any of his obligati ons un
47、der the Con tract, the Buyershall have the right to have a recourse from the Performa nee Security.8. 保险 INSURANCE8. 1卖方应以中国中元工程公司为受益人、按装运货物金额的百分之一百一十 (110%)、用合同货币投保一切险和战争险;保险责任为“仓至仓 ,并注明可在 中国赔付 并无扣除条款。 The Seller must insure the Goods in an amount equal to 110 percent (110%) of the contract price o
48、f the shipped Goods of the Contract from “warehouse to warehouse on All risks basis, including War Risks with China IPPR International Engineering Corporation as the beneficiary. The insurance has to be effected in the Contract Currency showing claims payable in P. R. C and with no deductible clause
49、.8.2 - 旦发生保险承保的损失,买方将向保险公司申请赔付,卖方应提供必要的协助和文件。另如买方要求,卖方将尽快按原合同价格提供该丢失或损坏的货 物。 In case Contract Goods is lost Buyer/beneficiary to apply for compensation to the insurance company and shall provide necessary assistance and documents. When the Buyer so requires, the Seller shall be liable to make, as so
50、on as possible, supplementary supply of the lost and/or damaged goods at the original Contract Price.9. 装运条款 TERMS OF SHIPMENT9. 1卖方应在货物装运前7天以传真形式将装运的细节,包括合同号、货物名称、数量、发票金额、包装、毛重、尺寸、装运港、卸货港、船名或航班号、提单 /运单号、起运日期和预计到达日期等通知买方The Seller shall, sevendays before the date of shipme nt, advise the Buyer by fa
51、x ofcon tractNo. , commodity, qua ntity, value,nu mber ofpackages, gross weight, measurement, port of shipment and dest in atio n, n ame/nu mber of carry ing vessel/aircraft, nu mber of Bill of Lad in g/Air waybill, date of its departure and estimated date of arrival.9. 2卖方同时应在装运后四十八(48)小时内将提单或空运 单、
52、发票、总装箱单和详细装箱单、原产地证、熏蒸证明、三 C证书以及其他相关单据传真给买方。卖方还应在货物装运后的三天内快递买方一整套正本单据。由于卖方未发装船通知传真而导致买方不能及时保险时,则 所发生的一切损 失 均 由 卖 方 负 责 赔 偿 。 The Bill of Lading/Air waybill, invoice, overall packing list, detailed packing list, certificate of original, Phyto-sanitary certificate, triple C certificate and other relate
53、d documents shall be also faxed to the Buyer by the Seller within forty eight (48) hours after shipment. The seller shall also send by courier a complete and full set of the Original documents to the buyer not later than three (3) days after completion of loading of the Goods. Due to the seller s fa
54、ilure to give the above-mentioned advice of shipment by fax, the seller shall be held responsible for any and all damage and/or loss attributable to such failure.9. 3 除非另有规定,货物不能放在甲板上运输,也不能分批 装运或 转运 Unless otherwise agreed upon,“ shipped on deck or transshipment is not acceptable.9.4 卖方应在装运完后应立即以传真方
55、式将合同号、用户名 称、用户代码、货物名称、数量、包装、储存中的特殊要求和注意事项通知分别买方和用户。 The Seller, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the Contract Equipment, shall notify the Buyer by fax of the Contract No. , name of end-user, ID number, name of commodity, quantity, number of packages, gross weight, measurement, invoiced value, name of carrying vessel, departure date and expecteddate of arrival at the Port ofUnloading.9.5 配套的附件、易耗品、消耗品、备品备件、工具、试样 等应随 主机一起装运。 Necessary accessories,consumables, tear and wear parts, spare parts, special tools, test samples
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