



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上个性化教学辅导教案学科: 英语 任课教师: 陈胜群 授课日期: 2011年 8 月 12 日(星期 五 )姓名年级性别授课时间段总课时 第 1 课教学课题My Birthday教学目标(1)能够说出12个月份的名称以及数字1到20的序数词形式。(2) 能够询问并回答某人生日在哪一月份,如:When is your birthday? My birthday is in June .能够表述家人或朋友的生日在哪一天,如:“Uncle Bills birthday is in June .”等(3)能够询问并回答某天是几月几号,如:“Whats the date? Its

2、 February 2nd.”(4)能够询问并回答某人生日是否在某一月份,如:Is her birthday in June? Yes.(5)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“ When Is Your Birthday?”。难点重点1. 能够听、说、读、写12个月份,及其缩写形式。2.能够听懂、会说句型“When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in .”3.能用英文表达一年中的四季,并了解四季的划分。课堂教学过程课前检查作业完成情况:优

3、良 中 差 过程第一教学环节:检查作业第二教学环节:知识点、考点的讲述第三教学环节:课堂练习1. My birthday is _ Febuary.A of B in C on2. Whens the party? Its _ November 20.A in B on C of3. Whose presents are these? _ presents.A They B Their C Theirs4. Whens _ birthday?A you B your C yours5. How old are you? Im _.A twelve B twelfth C eleventh6.

4、How many months are there in a year? There are_.A twelfth months B twelve month C twelve months7. My friends birthday is _ August.A on B in C at8-Whats he going to do tomorrow? - _.A Hes going to see Tiananmen Square.B He is seeing Tiananmen Square.C They are going to see Tiananmen Square.9- What ar

5、e you doing?-_.A Im going to draw a picture. B Im drawing a picture. C I can draw a picture.10. National Day is on _.A June 1st B December 25th C October 1st 11. Childrens Day is on _.A June 1st B October 1st C July 1st 第四教学环节:布置作业 选一选,写一写1. What are _ (you; your) doing?2. Im _ (look; looking) at Pa

6、ts photos.3. Can I _ (have a look; has a look) ?4. Whats _ (Pat; Pats ) doing?5. Shes _(write; writing) a poem for Teachers Day.选一选,填一填am is are do can1. - What _ you going to do?- I _ going to draw a picture of Tiananmen Square.2. - _ you like my poem?- Yes, I do.3. - Whats Pats doing here?- She _

7、writing a poem for Teachers Day.4. - _ I have a look?- Sure.读一读,写一写1. - What are you going to do?- I _. (我准备画一张图片)2. - What are you going to do?- I _. (我准备制作一张卡片)3.- _.(你打算干什么?) - Im going to sing a song.3. - _.(你打算干什么?)- Im going to write a poem.读一读,想一想,写出问句或答句。1. - Whens National Day?- _.2. - Whens Christmas Day?- _.3. - _?- My fathers birthday is in January.4. - _?- Mary is dancing for Mothers Day.课堂检测测试题(累计不超过20分钟)_道;成绩_;教学需:加


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