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1、欧阳家百创编般将来时讲解与练欧阳家百(2021.03.07)、概念:一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的 状态:及计划、打算或准备做某事。常常与表示将来 的时间状语连用。女D: tomorrow, next day(week, month, year.),soon,the day after tomorrow (后天)等。二. 常用的表达形式共有五种,现归纳如下:(一)“will +动词原形”这一形式,主要用于在以下几个方面: h表示单纯的未来“将要”通用于各个人称。eg:They will go to visit the factory tomorrow.明天他们将去工厂参 观。F

2、ll come with Wang Bing and Yang Ling.我将和王兵、杨玲一起 来。The rain will stop soon.雨很快就要停了。2. 表示不以人的意志为转移的自然发展的未来的事。eg: Today is Saturday. Tomorrow will be Sunday.今天是星期六。明 天杲(粉是星期日。、 二亠He will be thirty years old this time next year.明年这个时候他就 (将)三十岁。3.冋对方是否愿意做某事或表示客气地i请或命令。eg: Will you please turn on the radi

3、o? 请打开收音机好吗?Will you go to the zoo with me?你和我一起去动物园好吗?Shall we go there at five?我们五点钟去那儿,好吗?Will you please open the door?请你把门打开,好吗? 注:在语中will用于所有人称,书面语中第一人称常用shalU(二)-be going to +动词原形”的形式,表示事先经过考虑.安排 好打算.计划要做的事情以及已有迹象表明必将发生某事,意 为“打算;就要”。如:1) Were going to meet outside the school gate.我们打算在 校门见廂。2

4、)Dad and I are going to watch an opera this afternoon.今天下午我 和爸爸扛算去看歌剧。3)Look! Its going to rain.瞧!快下雨了。三. 一般将来是特殊用法:欧阳家百创编h be +不定式表将来,按计划或正式安排将发生的事。We are to talk about the report next Saturday.He is to visit Japan next year.明年他将访冋日本。2. -be about to+动词原形”表示即将发生的动作,意为:很快,马上。后面一般不能与tomorrow, next wee

5、k等表示明确将来 时的时间状语连用。如:We are about to leave.;们马上就走。意为马上做某事。He is about to leave for Beijing.Theyre about to leave. (=Theyre leaving.)他们就要走了。3. 有些表趋向性的动词可用现在逬行时乗表示将来时:例如:go,come, arrive什y(飞石),reach (到达),stay, leave, start, die.如:Pm going to go to the zoo tliis weekend. Pm going to tlie zoo tliis weeken

6、d. Hes going to leave for Paris = Hes leaving for Paris.The old man is dying.=The old man will die.这个老人要去世。 Uncle Wang is coming.王叔叔就要来了。4)要注意“主将从现”这一语法现象:重要连词有:if (如果),as soon as (就),when(当时候),before, after, until(直到 notuntil育到才),If it rains, we wont have a picnic next week.Fll tell you the news as

7、 soon as you come back.If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.女D果明天 不下雨,我们将出去野餐。四. 基本结构:be going to +动词原形;will+动词原形五. 否定句:在be动词(am, is, are)后加not或will后加not成 wont.例女:1) Fm going to have a picnic this afternoon.Fm not going to have a picnic this aftemoon2) Peter will go to Nanning nex

8、t week -Peter woiVt go to Nanning next week.六.一般疑问句:be或will提到句备,some改为any, and改为 ot,第一.二人称互换。例女:1) We are going to go on an outing this weekend Are you going to go on an outing tliis weekend? Yes,we are. / No, we aren t 2) I will go swimming tomorrow. Will you go swinuning tomonow.? Yes, I will./ No

9、, I wont.欧阳家百创编七.There be 句型的一般将来时:There will be. / There is goingto be 一般将来时练习、 用所给(leave)Ilong 一1. I before2. 一HowI I What _ I 3. I 动词的in a minute. Iyou般将来 (finish)leave(study ) in时填空 all my work ) . our country?one more year.(plan ) to be here for about(hope ) to visit the other parts of your cou

10、ntry. you (do) after you (leave) here?_( return ) home and ( get ) a job.(be ) tired. I ( go ) to bed early tonight.(give) her a4. Mar/s biilhday is next Monday, her mother present 5. It is very cold these days. It ( snow ) soon.6. you ( be ) here this Saturday?一No.I ( visit ) my teacher.7. I (get)

11、you a copy of todays newspaper?Thankyou.& I am afraid there (be) a meeting this afternoon. I cant joinyou.9. Mike own10.(believe, not) this until heMost of us dont tliinktheir team(see) it with his eyes.(win )1.There A. will be going单 a to B.be 2.CharlieA. isiVt working working 3.4.He veryA. will be

12、; is There _A. was项meetingwill goingD.hereB. doesnt workingD.wontbusy this week,he B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomonow evening. B is going to have C will have D is going to选 tomorrow g to bewill择 afternoon, is going to to be month.C.gonextC. isift going t

13、o work free next week.be5.youfree tomorrow?欧阳家百创编- No. I free the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; will B Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to;willbe D.Are;goingtobe;willbe6.Motherme anicepresenton my next birthday.A. will givesB.will !giveC gives D. give7.-Shall Ibuyacupof teaforyou?(不不要。)A.

14、 No, you woiftB. No, you areift.C. No, please dont D.No, please.Whereisthemorningpaper?-Iifforyouatonce.A getB. amgettingc.to getD.will get9 a concert next Saturday?A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. Thereare10. If they come, we a meeting.A. haveB. will haveC. hadD woubd have11.Heh

15、er a beautifulhat on her next birthday.A. givesB. gaveC. will giving Dis going togiving12.Heto us assoon ashe getsthere.A. writesB. has writtenC. willwriteD.wrote13.Heinthreedays.A. comingbackB. came backC. will come backD. isgoingtocomingback14.If ittomoiTow,wellgo roller-skating.A isirt rain B. wo

16、nt rain C doesift rain D. doesift fine15. 一 Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? 一 No, (不 去) A. they wilhrt B. they wont C. they areift D. they dont. 16. Whoweswimming with tomoirow afternoon?A.will; goB. do; goC.will;goingD shall; go17.Wethe workthiswaynext time.A.do B.will

17、 doC.going todoD. will doing18.Tomorrow hea kiteinthe open airfirst, and thenboatinginthepark.A will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goesD.flies;willgo19. The day after tomorrow they a volleyball match.A. will watching B. watches C is watching D. is going towatch20. There a b

18、irthday party this Sunday.欧阳家百创编A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be21. They an English evening next Sunday.A. are having B. are going to have C will having D is going tohave22.youfreenextSunday?A. Will; are B Will;beC. Do;beD. Are; be23.Hethereattentomonowmorning.A.willB.

19、 isC.willbeD. be24.yourbrothera magazinefromthe library?A. Are;going to borrow B.Is; going toborrowC Will;boiTowsD.Are; going toboiTOws25.A.ShallIcomeagain(好Yes, you will.tomorrowafternoon ?的)C. No, pleaseD. No,Yes, please Byouwont.26.Itthe year of thehorse nextyear.A.is going to beB. is going toC.

20、will be D.will is27.openthewindow?A. Will you pleaseAB. Please will youC. You pleaseD.Doyou28.Lets goout to playfootball, shallwe?OK.IA.will coming B be going to comeC. comeD. amcoming29.Itusalongtaketimeto learnEnglishwell.A. takesB.willc.spendsD. willspend30.Thetrainat11.A. going to arriveB.will b

21、earriveC is going toD. isarriving三. 把 下 列 各 句 译 成 英 语1. 我叔叔今晚要来。2. 他没有打算住那座小屋。3. 我们要读这本书。4. T尔爸爸要去钓鱼吗?一不,他要去游泳。四、书面表达。注意:请在答题卡是作答。在中国共产党建党90周年纪念日来临之际,你肯定有很多感欧阳家百创编想。请根据下廂提示,用英语写一篇短文。提示:1、家乡风貌和人们生活变化。2. 作为一名即将毕业的初中生,应该做到遵守规童制度,努力学习,与同学友好相处,参加体育活动。要求:1、文中不得出现自己的真实姓名和所在学校名称。2、可自由发挥,词数70左右。3、短文开头己给出,不计入

22、总词数。提示词:change, new buildings, be proud of, should, obey, rules,be friendly to, do sportsWith the leading of the Chinese Communist Party, ourJ参考答案:、1 am leaving ; will finish ; leave 2. will ; study ; plan ; hope ; will ; do ; leave ; will return ; get3. am ; will 4. will give 5. will snow 6. Will,

23、be ; will visit 7. Shall;get8. will be 9. wont believe ; sees 10. will win二、1. C2. D3. D4. D5. D6. B7. C & D9. B10. B11. D12. C13. C14. C15. B 16. D17. B1& A19. D20. B21. B22. B23. C 24. B25. A26. A27. A28. D29. B 30. D三1Myunclewillcometonight .2 .He isnt going tolive in thesmall house .3.Wearegoingtoreadthisbook .4 .-Willyour father gofishing? 一No , he is goingswimming.VIo书面表达。(io分)【2011广西贺州】注意:请在答题


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