



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上五年级英语下册练习题 姓名 班级 学号 一、选择题。 1、I usually eat breakfast _ home.A. in B. at C. on2、My teacher usually gets up _6:30.A. in B. at C. on3.My birthday is _ October.A. on B. in C. at4.、My birthday is _ October 10th.A. in B. on C. at5.The little girl has PE class _Friday.A. on. B. at. C. in6、Zip

2、plays_ piano every week. A. a B. the C./7、When do you play _sport? At 3:30.A. a B. / C. the8、I play_ football on weekend. A. a B. / C. the9、When do you go to _bed? At about 22:00. A. a B. / C. the10、Thanks for _me your pencils. A. pass B. passing C. to passes 12、_season do you like best? Winter.A. W

3、hat B. Which C. Where13、-_ do you like winter? -Because I can skate.A. What B. Why C. Where14、_is the best time to go to Heilongjiang? Winter.A. When B. What C. Where15、Sometimes I go _.A. hike B. hiking C. hikes16、Amy would like to _ a snowman.A. makes B. make C. making17、Where are going _vacation?

4、 A. to B. on C. up18、Which cup _ you like best?A. are B. do C. is19、Because I _plant trees.A. am B. can C. do20、I _ like spring.A. isnt B. dont C. doesnt21、Which season _Ann like best?A. is B. does C. dont22、Sarah doesnt _ falls.A. are B. like C. likes23、Can ChenJie _?A. swims B. swim C. l swimming2

5、4、Let ChenJie _some food.A. eats B. eat C. eating25、.What _ is it today? Its Mon.A. days B. day C. a day26、Whats the _ today? Its May 4thA. day B. date C. a date27、_ birthday is in July?A. Whos B. Whose C. Who28、How many_ _are there in January?A. birthday B. birthdays C. day29、_ she have a computer?

6、A. Do B. Does C. Is30、What is Mike _?A. does B. doing C. do31、Is your birthday in March? ._.A. March 12th B. Yes. C. What about you?32、Zip will _ my teacher on Saturday.A. visit B. visits C. visiting33、Do you like _ mountains?A. climbing B. climb C. climbs34、Do they like _in the sea?A. swim B. swimm

7、ing C. are swimming35、Lets _ to school together?A. go B. goes C. going36、I often go _ on the weekend.A. dancing B. dance C. to dancing37、Zoom cant _ football in the snow.A. play B. plays C. is playing38、Do I have lunch at 9:00? _.A. No, you dont B. Yes, I am C. Yes ,you are39、_ your teacher? A. Whos

8、 B. Whose C. What are40、There are some books for _.A. you B. they C. he41、There _ four seasons in a year.A. are B. is C.I42Winter _.A. comes B. coming C. is43、Summer _.A. is coming B. coming C. to come44、They can _ trees in spring.A. plant B. plants C. planting45、Is your birthday in August? ._.A .No

9、, it is not B. Yes, I am C. No, they arent46、When is _ birthday?A. Alices B. Alices C. Alice47、Everyone _ a computer now.A. has B. have C. is*48、I wish it _ March 8th.A. was B. is C. be49、“I have a brother.” _ Zip.A. says B. say C. saying50、How many _ are there in January?A. birthdays B. birthday C.

10、 birthdayes51、In Shanghai ,it rains_ March _May.A. fromto B. too.to C. forto52、Its time _ have lunch.A. to B. for C. on53、Its time _ school.A. for B. to C. on54、.Whats your room _? Its small.A. like B.54、.Whats your room _? Its small.A. like B. for C. about55、Do they like _in the sea.A. swimming B.

11、to swims C. are swimming56、There isnt _ orange juice in the cup.A. any B. an C. some57、The rabbits room is _ the third floor.A. on B. in C. at58、Can I ask you some question _your school?A. about B. for C. after59、Jack is sending an e-card_ _his father.A. to B. for C. on60、I dont like winter,_.A. too

12、 B. either C. two61、_your grandmother _a computer?A .Dohave B. Does have C. Dohas62、Jack is making a card _his family.A. for B. to C. by63、Grandma is not able _ see the card.A. to B. on C. of64、She _like spring.A .isnt B. doesnt C. dont65、How many _do you have? I have only one.A. book B. books C. a

13、book66、The boy and the girl _.A. is writing B. are writing C. writes67、Fall is _ favorite season.A. me B. my C. I68、Is your fathers birthday in October?A. No, it isnt. B. No, he isnt C. In October.69.That _ a year.A. makes. B. make C. making70._ birthday is in November.A. She B. Shes C. Her71.It _ _ rain tomorrow.A. go


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