



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上必二U1-U5短语复习Unit 11.从存活下来;经流传下来 2.寻找 3.有的天赋 4.对惊异 5.用A装饰B 6.属于 7.作为回报/报答 8.充当 9.处于交战状态 10.从搬走 11.少于12.毫无疑问 13.值得做 14.拆开 15.看重;器重 Unit 21.参加;参与 2.代表;象征;表示 3.也;又;还 4.取代;替换;替代5.主管;看管 6.陆续地;一个接一个地 7.应受(报答/惩罚);值得 8.金牌得主 10.志愿做. 11.在.中竞争/比赛 12.承认做. 被.录取 13. 对.负责 14. 与讨价还价Unit 31. 从现在/那时起 2.总而言

2、之 3.结果/由于;作为.的结果 导致result in由于result from4.如此.以致于. 5.人类 6.在某种程度上 7.改变主意8.在.的帮助下 9.处理 10.看守;监管 Unit 41.保护.不受. 使免于. 2.灭亡;逐渐消失 3.茫然的;处于茫然状态 4.和平地;和睦地;安详地和某人和睦相处 5.搜寻6.在危险中;垂危 7.如释重负;松了口气 8.突然大笑起来;大笑了出来 9.注意 10.感激某人所做的事 11.成功做某事 12. 对.有害 13.形成;产生14.按照;根据.所说 15.以致于;结果 Unit 51.梦想做. 2.说实在地;实话说 3.认为.有重要性 4.

3、养成做.的习惯 5.靠做.谋生 6.做表演 7.用现金,用现钱8.戏弄9.依赖;依靠10.熟悉;与.熟悉起来 11.大约12.打碎;分裂;解体13.另外;也14.分类15.最重要;首先 专心-专注-专业必修二短语练习Unit 11.Tom bought her a watch _ _ _ her help. (以答谢她的帮助)2. 那两个国家现在还处于战争中。The two countries are still _ _now.3. The house b_(属于) to the old lady. 4. 用珠宝装饰的那间屋子设计得很好。The room _ _ jewel is of goo

4、d design.5.那些男孩去找吃的东西去了。The boy went _ _ _ something to eat.6.他对音乐有天赋。He _ _ _ _ music.7.那时候我们对刘翔比赛时摔倒的消息感到惊讶。At that time we _ _ _ the news that Liu Xiang fell off in the games. 8. 那本封面是绿色的书很值得一读。The book _ cover is green is _ _ _.9. 无疑,他的绘画受到世界上一些专家的好评。There is _ _ that some experts of the world _

5、 _ _ his paintings.Unit 21.作为一位学生,你应该为你的学习负责。_ a student, you should be _ _ your study.2. 学生一个接着一个走出教室。The students went out of the classroom _ _ _.3.没有什么东西能取代母爱的。Nothing can _ a mothers love.4.我们英语老师对我们既亲切又友好。Our English teacher is friendly to us , and kind _ _.5.Sun Yang _ _ (在中竞赛) the 30th Olympi

6、c Games and won a gold medal.6.最后他承认做错了事。 At last he_ having done wrong. 7. Ellen 志愿到农村教书。Ellen _in the countryside.8.White _ _ (代表,象征) pure.9. 北京是一个值得一游的城市。2008年有很多的参赛者参加了第29届奥运会。Beijing, _ many competitors _ _ _ the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, is a city that deserves _(visit). Unit 31.从那时起,他非常努力,最

7、后考入北大。_ _ _, he studied so hard _ he was admitted to Beijing University in the end.2.总的来说,大多数交通事故源自粗心。_ _ _, a large number of accidents _ from carelessness.3.在老师的帮助下,他认识到如何解决这种问题。_ _ _ _his teacher, he began to appreciate how to _ _this problem.4.在某种程度上,是她妈妈使她改变主意的。In a way, it was her mother who m

8、ade her _ _ _.5.他们没有什么共同点,结果,他们相处得很糟。They had _ _ _. _ _ _, they got on badly with each other.Unit 41. 有很多野生动物濒临灭绝。There are many wild animals _ are _ _.Many wild animals are _ _ of dying out.2.人类和动物应该和睦相处。Man should live _ _ _ animals.3.我们应该采取有效措施保护野生动物免受捕杀。We should take effective measures to _ wi

9、ld animals from _ _.4.如果你能留下来,我会很感激。I will _ it if you can stay here.5. 他成功戒烟了,因为他认识到吸烟有害健康。He _ _ quitting smoking, for he had realized smoking _ _ _ our health.6.按照老师所说的,我们应该注意复习,以便我们能够记住。_ _ our teacher, we should _ _ _ going over our lesson so that we can memorize them.7. 语法填空:Gongfu tea has 1.

10、_long history in Chaoshan area. 2._only is it a good way of relaxation, it is also a good way to entertain people. Opinions on 3. _ it is good or not vary from person to person. Some think it is a waste of time. 4._ think it is a good tradition 5._ _is of great value. Anyhow, I know 6._sure that it

11、has become part of our life. According 7._a report, 8 out of 10 people in Chaoshan area drink tea each day. 8._ _(person), I am 9. _a loss how this custom 10._(come) into being. 11._, I know for sure that it will never die 12._.Unit 51.实话说,我打小就梦想成为一名歌唱家。_ _ _, I _ _ _ becoming a musician since my ch

12、ildhood.2.只有生病了我才开始重视健康。Only when I was ill _ I begin to _ _ _ _our health.3.他大概花了一年的时间熟悉该领域。It took him a year _ _ to _ _ _ this field.4.在1992年,这个乐队解散了。It was in 1992 that the band, which had given many wonderful performances, _ _.5.最重要的是,我们得依靠我们自己。另外,我们应该多与别人交流。_ all, we should _ _ ourselves. _ _,

13、we should communicate with others more.6.那位老人靠给垃圾分类谋生。The old man _ his living by _ _ rubbish.7._(说实在的), most of us have _ _(梦想过) being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often meet and _(组成)a band. Sometimes they play in the street to _(路人们) so that they can _ _(赚多一些钱)and this also give them_(实现梦想的机会). There was once a band started _a different way. The musicians of whom the band was formed _(彼此打趣逗笑) as well as played music, whose music and jokes were loosely _(以.为基础)“The


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