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1、说明:提供的教案和配套课件还十分粗糙,亟待补充、修改与完善。各位老师在使用过程中切不可全盘照搬,一定要基于学情、师情和实际情况进行灵活处理,尤其要形成单元整体教学与语篇教学意识,积极实践“应用性阅读教学研究”,以期发挥课件的辅助作用、获得较好的学教成效。此外,请认真用好配套的练习册,认真研究练习册形式和内容,学会举一反三。浦东教发院 吴建新5B Module 4 More things to learnUnit 2 Western holidays 凌桥中心小学 :黄丹琳 万文娟 张卓彦 Period OneContents5B M4U1 Look and learn (P63)Aims1.

2、Using nouns to identify Western holidays.2. Using wh-questions to find out specific information.3. Using modelled sentences to give specific information.Teaching aidsPPT, tape recording, etc.Teaching procedureStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Have the students

3、listen to a song. 2. Look and review1) Sing the song we wish you a merry Christmas1) What holiday can you hear in the song? I can hear 2) When you see Christmas, what do you think?.以歌曲引出Christmas,回顾以前的知识,帮助学生尽快回忆与圣诞节有关的内容。While-task procedure1.Teach “Christmas ”1) Show some Christmas trees.2) Teach

4、the new word: decorate3) Ask and answer2.Teach: Western holiday 1. Christmas tree1) T: How are the Christmas trees? How can we get a Christmas tree?2) Lets make a Christmas tree First, Next, Finally, 3) Learn the new word: decorate2. What do people do at Christmas?1) Show some pictures:People give p

5、resents to each other.People have a family dinner.2) Teach the word: turkey3. Ask and answer:A: What do people do at Christmas?B: They . 1) T: Is Christmas a Chinese festival? Its a western holiday.2) Learn : western holiday回顾以前学习过的圣诞节的内容,结合旧知识引出新的内容。进行语音渗透,练习发音。讨论圣诞节人们所做的事,进行问答的操练。1 / 103. Teach: E

6、aster4.Teach: Halloween 5.Teach: Thanksgiving1) When is Easter? Look and fill.2) Guess: What do children eat at Easter?What do children do at Easter?3) Read and fill1) Enjoy some pictures.2) Learn the word: Halloween3) T: When is Halloween?4) Learn the word: pumpkin5) T: what do people do with the p

7、umpkins?6) What do children do at Halloween?7) Learn: go trick or treating8) Pair works- When is Halloween?- What do people do at Halloween?1) Watch the flash.2) Learn the word: thanksgiving3) Read and answer.以图片展示引出新授单词,帮助学生对节日有初步的感知与认识。图片欣赏,学习单词。将节日中包含的元素加以整合,让学生在问答的过程中进行知识的巩固与操练。将学习内容整合在语段中,通过阅读和

8、回答找出所需的知识,培养学生的理解能力。Post-task activitiesReview 1) Read and match: When is .? its on .2) Read the passage.配对练习,加深对节日日期的印象。语段的朗读对整节课的知识点加以复习与巩固。Homework1. Listen to P63 and follow the tape.2. Copy the words.(P63)3. Talk about the holidays you like.回家作业,对单词的听读写跟进。板书设计Module 4 Unit 2 Western holidaysChr

9、istmas decorate the treeEaster Easter eggs Easter egg huntsHalloween make jack-o-lantern Eat pumpkin pies and bread Go trick or treatingThanksgiving have a family dinner Eat turkey - When is ? - What do people do at .?.教学反思第2课时教学目标:1. 复习巩固第一课时的核心词汇词组,并能运用这些词汇表达四个节日的不同活动内容;2.能运用 Whats your favourite

10、holiday? / What do you do at ? 来询问他人并能作出合理应答;3.进一步巩固与拓展核心语言内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,感受中西方文化的不同。Teaching procedureStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2. Review the holidays Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving1. Sing the song nicely. 2. Ask and answer.3. Lis

11、ten and guess, then fill in the blanks.4. Read the sentences.唱与Christmas有关的儿歌,活跃气氛,为Ask and answer做准备。While-task procedure1. To elicit Laura2. New words: net friend. 1. Question:Who is Laura?Where is Laura from?2. Read the words.3. Say the chant.从学生感兴趣的网友着手引入Laura,学习新单词net friend。3. Teach the text.4

12、. New words: hideListen and answer the given questions.1. Whats Kittys favourite holiday?(1) Ask and answer(2)Review the Dragon Boat Festival.(3)Guess:What does Kitty do at this festival?(4)Fill in the blanks2. Whats Lauras favourite holiday?(1) Listen and fill in the blanks.(2) Everyone in _ likes

13、_3. What does Laura do on this holiday?(1) Listen and fill in the blanks. (2) Read the word and sentences.整学生带着问题听语篇,学会抓住关键的线索,体感知课文后,通过三个问题步步推进。通过听录音回答,完成句子引出短文。多样化操练诵读,只为不断进行巩固。1. Show the text.1. Fill in the blanks.2. Work in pairs.3. Act out the dialogue.在文本中帮助学生理解、操练和运用。Post-task activities2. M

14、ake a new conversation1. Quick respond.2. Think and complete.My favourite Chinese festival.My favourite Western holiday.3. Make a new conversation according to the card and questions 从课文引到学生,结合自身,能够对今天的知识学以致用。Assignment1. Listen and follow the tape P62.2. Read and copy the dialogue P62.3. Make a new

15、 dialogue about asking your friend what his / her favourite holiday is.4. Think about what your favourite festival is and why. Write it down.回家作业,对新授内容进行及时巩固。板书设计Module 4 Unit 2 Western holidaysWhats your favourite holiday?What do you do at ?net friend hide 教学反思Material:Listen and guess.1. This holi

16、day is on the last day of October. Children like it very much. They go trick-or-treating in the evening. On this holiday, there are jack-o-lanterns everywhere. People often make pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread. They are sweet. Many people have fancy-dress parties. How funny!2. This holiday comes on t

17、he fourth Thursday of November. It began as a way for people to give thanks for a good harvest. On this holiday, people usually have a big family dinner. For the dinner, they eat turkey and pumpkin pies.Period 3Content5AM4U2 Listen and enjoy &Make and play (P64) (Period 5)Aims1. Using the key wo

18、rds and sentences to talk and write about different holidays2. Using wh-questions to find out specific informationLanguage focusTo talk and write the holidaysTeaching aidsMulti-media, PPT, etcProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Have the students sing a s

19、ong.2. Ask some questions about Western holidays. 1. Sing the song Jingle bells2. Answer the questions.节奏轻快的歌曲渲染学习的氛围。While-task procedure1. Show the picture of Christmas .1. Answer the questions.通过展示图片和问答的操练,复习有关holidays的内容。Ask some questions about the holiday.2. Show the picture of Easter. Let stu

20、dents ask and answer.3. Read and fill in the blanks.1)It is _ ( date )It is _ ( holiday )People usually eat _.People usually _.2) It is _ ( date )It is _ ( holidayPeople usually eat _ _.People usually _4. Have the students talk about the holidays they like in pairs.5. Show the flash: make a jack-o-l

21、antern6. Look and number the correct order.7.1) Have the students to read the sentences.2) Have the students do Make and play.以不同形式再次复述关于节日的内容,帮助学生加深印象,巩固句型。通过你问我答的形式整合四个节日的特征,巩固学习内容。通过观看了解南瓜灯的制作方法,并通过动手试一试体验乐趣。2. Ask and answer in pairs.3. Fill in the blanks.4. Ask and answer in pairs.Whats your fa

22、vourite Western holiday?My favourite Western holiday is .Whens this holiday?Its on What do peoplechildren do on this holiday?People Children 5. Enjoy the flash.6. Look and number.7. 1) Read the sentences.2) Students make a Jack-o-lantern.Post-task activity1. Have the students ask and answer about th

23、e festivals and holidays.2. Ask the students to compare a Chinese festival and a Western holiday.3. Ask the students to write a short report.1. Ask and answer.Which is your favourite festival / holiday?My favourite festival / holiday is When is it?Its .2. Look and say.3. Write a report.将Chinese fest

24、ival与western holidays进行对比,了解不同节日的时间。能够根据提示介绍自己喜欢的西方或中国节日,锻炼口头表达能力。Assignment1. Read the sentences on P642. Workbook: Page82 Think and write板书设计教学反思第四课时教学目标:1. 通过学习,了解万圣节的节日时间,人们通常安排的节日活动以及品尝的传统食物。2. 结合已有旧知,在模仿文本的过程中,将圣诞节、感恩节、复活节的节日特点进行整合,加以表述。3. 培养学生抓住关键词或核心内容进行合理表达,综合进行技能训练4. 通过学习,了解国外的文化传统,激发学生快乐的

25、情感。ProceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre taskpreparation1. Sing a song2. Show some riddles3, What did they do on different holidays last year?SingListen and guessAsk and answer唱唱圣诞歌曲,活跃气氛,复习旧知。通过猜一猜的游戏,引入节日这一主题。While task1. Play the movieWatch the video通过观看课文视频,让学生从整体了解万圣节的一些特点。procedures2. Teach: Ask and answersHow is the Halloween?When is


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