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1、"隐世狼女"前情提要Previously, on Bitten.你有一周时间来拿给我们You have one week to deliver us- 马尔科姆已死的证据 - 拿不出呢- proof of Malcolm's death. - And if I don't?我们会帮你找到他We'll find him for you.与此同时接管你的族群And take control of your Pack in the process.罗德裡戈是来见证背叛者的下场的Rodrigo is here to see the repercussions

2、 of treachery.这座房♥子最近闹出了不少人命This is the house that has seen much death recently.我觉得也许包括我的首领I think that might include my Alpha.一切准备就绪Everything's ready.所有人都是来祝贺你的 萨凡纳Everyone is here to celebrate you, Savannah.今天 你的力量将会觉醒Today, you come into your power.我要萨凡纳 立刻I want Savannah. Now!萨凡纳

3、 他无权控制你Savannah, he doesn't have any power over you.告诉他们你到底信谁Show them who you trust.带我离开这裡Get me as far away越远越好from here as possible.有人吗Hello?有人在吗Is anyone there?萨凡纳 救我Savannah, help me.求你了 我们得离开Please, we have to go.黎明之前我们全都得死We're all dead by dawn.黎明之前我们全都得死 We're all dead by dawn. 黎

4、明之前我们全都得死.We're all dead by dawn.隐世狼女 第2季第7集我在想.I was thinking.我们应该离开一段时间we should go away for a bit.就几天 找个暖和的地方Just a few days, somewhere warm.好让你不再想发生的一切Get your mind off what happened.我在亚雷斯塔那裡遭遇的事情.What happened to me at Aleister's.我恨我花了这麽久才找到你I hate that it took me so long to find you.我以

5、为我失去你了I thought I lost you.你永远不会失去我You never will.尘归尘 土归土Cinerem cineribus, pulverem pulveribus.你把我们召集到这儿来You call all of us back here说得如此正式with ceremony in your voice.就为了这个For this?这不够It is not enough.这是证明马尔科姆已死的证据That's proof of Malcolm's death.理事会需要的仅此而已That's all the Council needs.你知

6、道我们要的更多You know that we need much more.你觉得什麽What would you say是对我们最重要的is the thing that matters to us most?是我们的秘密Our secrecy.马尔科姆招来了人类Malcolm involved humans.他用连环杀手对付你的族群He used serial killers to attack your Pack.我们现在都处于危险中We are all at risk now.我不会向刚上位的首领来证明自己I'm not going to justify myself to

7、an alpha你当上首领多长时间了who's been in that position for, what?有一星期了吗A single week?我不必向你们中任何一人解释我自己I don't have to justify myself to any of you.我们怎麽能肯定这事没留后患How can we be sure that there are no loose ends?肯定没人知道我们的存在That no one else is aware of our existence?因为我跟你们保证过了Because I gave you my word.这对你

8、们来说就够了And that's all you need.可是你的族群和人类如此亲善And yet your Pack fraternizes with humans.我们的秘密完好无损Our secret remains intact.我们的规矩也是一样As do our rules.让我们有命活著的规矩Rules that have kept us alive.我们得确认你做了该做的一切We need to be satisfied that you have done everything来保护我们的秘密to ensure that our secrets remain so.

9、再说一次Once again,从头开始from the beginning.每一步 每个细节Each step, every detail.具体都有谁参与其中Exactly who is involved.好吧 罗曼Okay, Roman.如你所愿As you wish.这是最后一批了So that's the last of it?是的Yeah.发现了这些标记.tFound these.到处都是symbols everywhere.亚雷斯塔脖子上戴了一个这样的 对吧Aleister wore one of those around his neck, didn't he?我根

10、本没找到I never found it.应该在他身上有的Should've been on his body.他已经被火化埋葬了 一切都没事了Which is burned and buried, it's all good.下次记得提醒我把你带上Remind me to bring you along要是我得处理清理巫师的遗留物的话next time I've got to sanitize a witch compound.我们本可避免这一切的We could have avoided all of this.怎麽做How?他是我同母异父的哥哥He was my

11、half-brother.- 也许. - 什麽- Maybe. - What?你觉得你可以靠You think you could just.拥抱感化一个疯子hug the crazy away?只是.It's just.你并不清楚拥有家庭You don't know how a family 会怎样改变一个人can change things for someone.我无法想象没有家人的生活I can't imagine a life without a family,没有我妈的日子without my mom.跟我说说你母亲How about your mom?我从

12、没见过她I never met her.你就从来不好奇吗You've never been curious?我爸就死在我怀裡 My dad died in my arms, 他跟我说的最后的话.and his last words to me.是她的名字were her name.莉莉Lily.杰裡米跟我说她住在霍克斯伯裡Jeremy told me that she lives in Hawkesbury.所以我在谷歌♥上搜索了她So I Googled her.她很漂亮She's pretty.她She, uh.她在那裡的一家餐馆工作She works

13、 in a restaurant there,她喜欢跳排舞and she likes line dancing.你为什麽不去见她Why haven't you gone to see her?如果有人发现了你们中有人是女巫What are the rules when someone finds out那样的话有什麽规矩that one of you is a witch?这不会发生Well, it doesn't happen.- 我们很小心 - 好吧 听著- We're careful. - Okay, well,要是有人类发现我们是狼人when a human f

14、inds out that we are werewolves我们就得杀掉他们we have to kill them.不能冒这种险 所以.Can't risk that. So.对她来说没见过我更好She's better off not ever meeting me.不保密的话 我们就全得死Without secrecy, we are all dead.你有没有逼问马尔科姆都有谁参与了Did you force Malcolm to tell you who else was involved?来不及问There wasn't time.是你杀死他的吗Were

15、you the one who killed him?不 埃琳娜下的手No. Elena did.她是我们最好的追踪者 是她先找到他的She's our best tracker, she got to him first,- 然后她把他解决了 - 真正的首领- and she dealt with him. - A true Alpha是不会让别人替他髒手的doesn't let others do his dirty work for him.真正的首领不只是追寻一己之荣A true leader doesn't just seek glory for himsel

16、f.他在乎的是完成什麽事情He focuses on what was accomplished.而不是谁去完成的Not who accomplished it.我觉得我容忍♥你们在这裡I think I've indulged you enough here,回答你们的问题 已经仁至义尽了and answered your questions.谈话到此结束This conversation is over.还有最后一件事One last thing.让我们见她一面Let us meet her.埃琳娜 能杀死马尔科姆的人Elena, the one who ki

17、lled Malcolm.爱德华多跟我说Eduardo tells me她很出色she's magnificent.你确定要这样做吗You sure you want to do this?我能活下来I owe my life to the fact 都要多亏你教我如何战斗that you taught me how to fight.还有 虽然我不知道将来会发生什麽And, I don't know what's around the next corner但我想要为此做好准备but I want to be ready for it.我想继续训练I want to

18、keep training.亲爱的 你的水平早就不需要我训练了Darling, you far surpassed my training.你的意思是不打算为此做准备了吗You're saying you're not up for it?不是 我是说.No, I'm saying that, uh.或许剪一次头髮会让你水平变弱也说不定Maybe cutting off all that hair has made you weaker.尼克 怎麽了Nick, what's up?我们正准备往回走Hey, we're just about to head

19、 back.有什麽问题吗Any problems?没有 一切进展顺利Nope, it's all buttoned up tight.罗根跟你联繫了吗Did you hear from Logan yet?没有 他不接电♥话♥No, he's not answering his phone.他和瑞秋都消失了 杰裡米那儿怎麽样Him and Rachel just vanished. How's Jeremy?他也很担心罗根He's worried about him too.首领们回来了 有什麽事我会跟你联繫的The

20、Alphas are back. I'll let you know how it goes.好的 我们今天晚上就回去了Okay. We'll be back tonight.不过我们也可能在霍克斯伯裡过夜Or we might overnight in Hawkesbury.- 哪儿 - 回见- Where? - See ya.尼克和佩吉怎麽了What's going on with Nick and Paige?- 很难说 - 是吗- Hard to tell. - Is it?- 不行 - 可以的- No. - Yeah.- 绝对不行 - 我们又不用跟你妈妈讲话-

21、 No way. - We don't have to talk to your mom.- 我们不能去. - 我们可以去那儿- We can't do. - We can go,然后我们就.只看一下and we can just. take a look.好好吃一顿饭.Have a nice dinner.喝点酒.bottle of wine.没准我们还能在那儿睡一晚Maybe we can even spend the night.我觉得这是我们应得的I think that we deserve it.埃琳娜Elena?其他首领们想跟你谈谈The other Alphas

22、 would like to speak with you.这髮型很适合你That hair suits you.马尔科姆没留下什麽遗言Malcolm didn't have any final words.也没有跟我解释And he didn't give me an explanation 他做过什麽和为什麽那样做as to what he did and why he did it.不过我也没指望他说什麽But I wasn't expecting him to.因为我的手正掐在他的喉咙上Because my fingers were in his throat.

23、她够狠She is fierce.也够强And capable.她就是这样倖存至今吗Is that how she survived?埃琳娜跟著我们的族群训练了多年Elena has trained with our Pack for years.不是问她打败马尔科姆的原因Not how she survived the fight with Malcolm.而是她第一次变身时如何倖存下来的How did she survive her first Change?所有族群都试过转化狼女Every pack has tried to turn a woman,但没有谁能活下来none of th

24、em have ever survived.你给她用药了吗 You drug her? 所以她才能忍♥受那痛苦So she could handle the pain?还是她的DNA裡有什麽特殊的东西Or maybe there's something in her DNA.- 也许我们可以. - 够了- Perhaps we could. - That's enough.如果你们对于马尔科姆 丹弗斯的死If you have any more questions 有什麽问题的话about Malcolm Danvers' death可以儘管问yo

25、u ask those.- 不然就. - 不是- Otherwise. - No.你们想知道我是怎样活下来的You want to know how I survived?是因为杰裡米Because of Jeremy.因为他的指导Because of his guidance.他的忠告His counsel.你们想要成长You want to learn to grow?想要改变 想要进化To change, to evolve?那就住嘴 然后Then stop talking, and start listening.好好听他的话To him.我可以走了吗May I go?# 孤独的狼不会

26、如往常般捕猎 #Lone wolf don't hunt like he used to 就是她That's her.- 佩吉 - 不好意思- Paige! - Excuse me,我想换一下位置到这边可以吗would it be okay if I moved tables?这儿靠著窗户亮一些It's just a little bit brighter by the window.当然可以 你是一个人吗Yeah, not a problem. Are you alone?不是 我的未婚夫一会儿会过来的No, my fiance will be joining me,

27、 eventually.他是你的未婚夫He's your fiance?是的Yeah.快过来吧Well, come on over,我又不吃人I won't bite.你好Hi.我是尼克I'm Nick.很高兴认识你 尼克Pleased to meet you, Nick.我是莉莉I'm Lily.我马上回来为你们点餐I'll be right back to take your order.- 好的 - 谢谢- Okay. - Thanks.野狼们在这裡袭击你的时候When the Mutts attacked you here,你有什麽感觉how d

28、id it feel?为生命而战 保护家园Fighting for your life, protecting your home?我们只是在做我们不得不做的事情We did what we had to do.那不是我们的选择 却是属于我们的战争Wasn't our choice, but it was our fight.换做是你会怎麽做What would you have done?追捕所有野狼Hunted down each and every Mutt.把他们都杀掉Kill them all.- 连无辜的成员都不放过吗 - 铁拳战略- Even those who were

29、n't involved? - An iron fist.这是唯一可以镇♥压♥叛乱的办法It's the only way to deal with revolt.这边请Please,不用著急 只要你愿意take your time, enjoy my grounds就在我这儿好好享受until you have to leave.如果你不介意的话Well, if you'll excuse me我得进去招待一下其他人了I'm going to head back in to the others.你觉得自己凌驾于一切

30、之上You think you float above it all.你的庄园 你的画作Your estate, your paintings,你珍贵的埃琳娜your precious Elena.再见 爱德华多Goodbye, Eduardo.你杀了我的首领You killed my Alpha.就在这儿 你的房♥子裡Here. In your house.小心你说的话Be very, very careful what you're saying.但是你为何没有跟其他首领提起呢But why didn't you bring it up with th

31、e other Alphas?因为你是在衝动之下杀死他的Because you killed him impulsively.然后你掩盖了这件事Then you covered it up.没有证据的控告都只是编的故事An accusation without proof is just a story,而你没有证据and you have no proof.你要把你的小故事Would you like to take带到头狼理事会上吗your little fairy tale to the Alpha Council?我很乐意去看你失败的样子I'd be delighted to

32、watch you fall.我有比证据更重要的东西I have something more important than proof.你的尼克·索伦蒂诺Your Nick Sorrentino.你知道他已经Did you know he just arrived去了一个叫霍克斯伯裡的小镇吗in a tiny town called Hawkesbury.和一个女人一起With a woman.如果你还想再见到他 你得为我做点事If you'd like to see him again, you will do something for me.今天结束前 你要杀了罗曼&

33、#183;纳威凯夫By the end of the day, you will kill Roman Navikev.你以为我会去杀了罗马人纳威凯夫Do you think that I want to kill the Russian Alpha挑起一场战争 就因为你威胁我and start a war because you threatened me?我希望你做出选择I expect you to make a choice.我知道埃琳娜和罗曼现在在一起I know Elena is with Roman now,给他看你的庄园showing him your estate.如果他今天

34、没死 那麽.If he still lives at the end of the day, then.你的尼克就会死your Nick will die.打尼克的电♥话♥Get Nick on the phone.- 电♥话♥转到语♥音♥信箱了 - 继续打- Phones go right to voice-mail. - Keep trying.好吧 我去找尼克 保护他Okay, I'm going to track Nick down, keep h

35、im safe.不 不 不 我需要你在这裡No, no, no, no, I need you here.我们得相信尼克可以照顾好自己We have to trust that Nick can take care of himself.那罗曼呢What about Roman?为何我们不把这事交给头狼理事会Why shouldn't we just bring this to the Alpha Council?我们没有证据We have no proof.我们要彻底地解决爱德华多We need to deal with Eduardo once and for all.我们暂时把罗

36、曼藏起来We keep Roman close for now,这能为我们争取些时间that'll buy us a little more time.你想要我做什麽What do you want me to do?爱德华多野心勃勃Hmph. Eduardo's very ambitious.这不是他唯一的计划This is not his only plan.密切留意他 他会露出狐狸尾巴的Watch him closely, he'll tip his hand.然后我们就用那野心反击他And we will use that ambition against hi

37、m.如果不行呢What if we can't?我们知道爱德华多和罗曼在哪We know where Eduardo and Roman are.我们要作出决定We'll make a decision.要保守我们的秘密 绝不能手下留情Can't afford to be lenient if we want to keep our secret safe.埃琳娜.Elena.萨凡纳Savannah?你在这干嘛呢What are you doing here?我出现了幻觉I had a vision.黎明之前我们全都得死 We're all dead by da

38、wn. 黎明之前我们全都得死.We're all dead by dawn.我们要死了We're going to die.别告诉我他没穿衣服Don't tell me he was naked.像他出生那天一样As the day he was born.不 他没有No, he wasn't.妻子在那正试图穿上衣服The wife is trying to pull her clothes on out here,我的老闆逃跑了my boss runs away,丈夫发现他藏在冰箱裡the husband finds him hiding in the mea

39、t locker拿著一块牛胸肉放在自己前面holding a frozen brisket in front of himself.这就是那老闆卖♥♥掉餐厅的原因That's why the boss sold the restaurant.你得离开这城市You kind of have to leave town如果你被抓到睡了市长的妻子if you're caught sleeping with the mayor's wife.没错.Yeah.那麽是什麽让你决定买♥♥下它So,

40、 uh, what made you decide to buy it, then?是时间It was time.我十七岁时When I was 17, um.失去了我的未婚夫I lost my fiance和我的孩子and my baby.真可怕That's awful.很难解释发生了什麽It's hard to explain what happened,真♥相♥就是 他们就那麽消失了when the truth is, they just disappeared.至少是在我的生命中At least from my life.我等

41、了很长时间I waited for a long time,希望他们会出现hoping they'd turn up.希望我能有第二次机会Hoping I'd get a second chance.但那从未实现But it never happened.然后我了解到And I realized,我必需要掌控自己的人生I had to take control of my life.所以我买♥♥下了这餐厅So I bought the restaurant.然后 你结婚了And then, you got married.没No.听起

42、来有点老掉牙As corny as it sounds,他是我一生至爱he was the love of my life.这是我们的订婚戒指This is our engagement ring.有一天 谁知道呢.One day, who knows.也许他会回来 Maybe he'll come back.听我说 我有一个.Listen to me! I have a.你们只是途经此处you're just passing through,- 占用你们太多时间了 - 不 不会- I've kept you long enough. - No, no no.如果我们晚

43、上想留下.If we wanted to stay the night.这裡Oh, there's, um,缅因街北尽头有一家提供住宿和早餐的旅馆There's a B and B at the north end of Main Street.- 好的 - 你们不能错过它哦- Okay. - You can't miss it.和你聊天真愉快It was really nice talking with you.- 我们也是 - 我们也是- You too. - You too.你是怎麽到这的How did you get here?火车上的安保措施太差Oh, wel

44、l, security's pretty bad on the trains.我. 悄悄溜上去的So, I just. slipped on.每个熊谷的出租车都知道你们的住处Every cab in Bear Valley knows where you live.露丝同意你来And Ruth let you?不.No.我.I, um.我是. 我.I'm. I.嘿Hey.你让一个人类小孩如此轻易走进你的房♥子You let a human child simply walk into your house?这是我的房♥子 我决定谁受欢

45、迎It's my house. I choose who's welcome here.这选择会使你暴露It is a choice that exposes you,还有我们所有人all of us.我们不能假装对那个人类不存在We can't pretend that humans don't exist.为了生我们的孩子 可以To have our children, yes.为了做生意 当然行To do business, of course.但是做朋友 这风险太大But to befriend? The risk is too high.那不是你要做的

46、决定Well, that's not your decision to make.这是唯一要做的决定 It is the only decision to make.那麽你和我在基本原则上就有分歧Then you and I have a fundamental difference of opinion.因为这裡 在我的领地Because here, on my territory,我是头狼I am the Alpha.这裡 在我的领地Here, on my territory,我说了算I make the rules.明白吗Is that clear?如果你认为没有连锁反应 那你就

47、错了And if you think there is not a ripple effect, you're wrong.核弹在这裡爆♥炸♥了A nuclear bomb goes off here,谁能说俄♥罗♥斯♥不会因你们的麻烦受牵连who's to say Russia is not downwind from your mess?致幸福的一对"To the happy couple."这给了我们最好的Well, nothing but t

48、he best for us here.首先有人偷了我们的电♥话♥Hm. First someone steals our cell phones,然后现在是螺丝拧的香槟and now screw-top champagne.他们不想要我们在这They don't want us here.喝上几口这个好东西以后Well after a few sips of this here good stuff那些事情就无关紧要了none of that will matter.谢谢Thank you.- 乾杯 - 乾杯- Cheers. - Chee

49、rs.- 莉莉真伟大 - 是的- Lily was pretty great. - Yeah.我想过见到我妈妈时会有很多感触 但.I thought I'd feel a lot of things when I saw my mom but.没想到过内疚guilt was not one of them.什麽意思What do you mean?女巫要确保不能生儿子Witches make sure you don't have sons.狼人则把他们从其母亲那偷走Werewolves steal them from their mothers,我们都希望保密能使一切稳妥bo

50、th of us hoping that secrecy will make everything okay.我和我爸爸What my dad did I 以前都觉得是对的事情used to think was the right thing to do,但现在 我觉得他伤了她的心but now, I mean. he broke her heart.但是根据你们的规则But according to your rules,这救了她的命it saved her life.你知道吗You know.我时不时地总会看到一家人Every so often I'll see a family.

51、一个父亲 一个母亲A dad, a mom,一群孩子a couple of kids.我不禁在想And I can't help but think.那是什麽感觉 作为一个正常人what's that like, you know? To be normal.那是你想要的吗Is that what you want?没有秘密 不需要隐藏No secrets, nothing to hide.可以有人和我谈谈Somebody I can talk to about.所有的事情everything.没错Yeah.那就是我想要的That's what I want.# 我不会

52、向你投降 #I will not cave under you# 因我的心是无底深渊 #For my heart is an unending tomb. # 我不会打扰你安息 #And I will not trouble your rest# 因我心中充满无限祝福 #For my heart is infinity blessed. Ever a hard rot# 即便是从旧衣服上割下的烂布 #Cut from an ancient cloth of old卡尔·马尔斯顿Karl Marsten.成头头了 恭喜Spanish Alpha now? Congratulations

53、.我们有很多事要谈We have a lot to talk about.提醒我一下Enlighten me.马尔斯顿 你这个混♥蛋♥Marsten, you son of a bitch.我一直看到I keep having this vision你that you're.要被杀了getting killed.你被吃了.You're being eaten.露丝曾经告诉我 我妈妈也能预先看到Ruth told me once, my mom could do it too.看到未来Okay, see into the future,

54、将要发生的事情a premonition of something that will happen.你认为你看到的就是这个That's what you think this is?你要死了 你请求我救你You're dying. You asked me to help you.但我不能But I can't.这就是你来这的原因That's why you came here,来警告我to warn me.你一定要相信我You have to believe me.好吧 这Okay, this.这不仅仅是个梦this isn't just a dre

55、am.我想我能让你看到I think I can show you.萨凡纳 救我Savannah, help me.黎明之前我们全都得死. We're all dead by dawn. 黎明之前我们全都得死.We're all dead by dawn.你看到了吧You saw it, right?我.I.这次不一样了It was different this time.亚雷斯塔也在那Aleister was there too.亚雷斯塔死了Aleister is dead.我知道你觉得这是一个预言I know you think this is a premonition.

56、丹弗斯 那是什麽Danvers, what was that?呆在这Stay here.怎麽了What's going on?灯 这些噪音The lights, those noises,是你吗was that you?在亚雷斯塔的屋子裡At Aleister's compound,你生气时when you were angry, 无法控制你的法力you had trouble controlling your powers.怎麽了What's going on?是他That's him.我在预言裡看到的狼人The werewolf I saw in my premonition.我不


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