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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高考英语常用句型(100)背诵专心-专注-专业1. Although/Though, yet/still虽然但是Although they tried their best, yet they lost the game.尽管他们尽了最大的努力,但还是输了比赛。Although /Though it was raining, the children were still playing football on the playground.尽管天在下雨,孩子们还是在操场上踢足球。Note:(1) 句中although/though引导让步状语从句时,两者都不可再与b

2、ut连用。(2) although 的用法较为正式,though的用法较为通俗,常见于非正式语体或口语。Although he was tired, he kept on working.(正式文体中)Though he was tired, he kept on working.(口语或非正式文体中)(3) although可以单独作副词置于句末用,表示“可是;然而;不过”等意,而although不能;though还可构成as though(似乎),even though(即使),而although不能。例如:even though it was to late, I would go ba

3、ck home.尽管天气太晚,我还是要回家。(even though 表强调)It isnt as though he were poor.他看起来不像穷困的样子。(as though从句中用虚拟语气)Physics is really difficult. I like it, though.物理真的很难,不过,我喜欢。(句中though不能与although换)(4) though引导让步状语从句,可以用倒装语序,而although引导从句不能用倒装结构。例如:Poor though I am, I am happy and healthy.虽然我穷,可我健康快乐。2. A+ v.+ ti

4、me+比较级+than + B A比B倍This garden is three times larger than that one.这个园子比那个大三倍。3. A+ v.+ time as+形容词/副词原级+as+ B A是B的倍Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。4. A+ v.+ times + the +n. + of + B A是B的倍(长/宽/高)此句型中常用的名词有:length(长度),width( 宽度),height(高度)depth(深度),size(大小),age(年龄)等。Paper produced ev

5、ery year is three times the weight of the worlds production of vehicles.每年生产的纸的重量是全世界生产车辆的重量的三倍。Note:()(1) 此三种句型可以转换,但要注意倍数及说法上的细微变化。例如:This river is 4 times as long as that one.(这条河是那条河的四倍长)=This river is 4 times the length of that one.=This river is 3 times longer than that one.(2) 此三种句型中的倍数均可改为分数

6、、百分数、half等其它程度的状语。如:This box is half the weight of that one.这个箱子是那个箱子的一半重。5. A is different from B A不同于BThe fact is different from what she said.事实与她所说的不一样。6. There+ be+ difference(s)+between(A and B) (在之间)有差异)There are many differences between the two languages.这两种语言之间有许多差异。7. make sb./sth. differe

7、nt from 使某人(物)不同于You are rich, but that doesnt make you different from others.你的确很富有,不过那并不能使你不同于其它人。8 It makes no difference + wh-clauseIt doesnt matter + wh-clause做并不重要,无关紧要,没个么不同It makes no difference to me what you do.=It doesnt make any difference t me what you do.你做什么对我无关紧要。9 Not all并不是所有的not与a

8、ll, both或every等词连用,表示部分否定,而不是对全句的否定。如:Not all the answers are right.并不是所有答案都是正确的。Not both his parents are workers.并非他的父母都是工人。Not everyone likes this film.并不是人人都喜欢这部电影。Note:Allnot也表示部分否定。如:All my friends do not smoke. = Not all my friends smoke.我有朋友并不都抽烟。要表示全部否定,应将以上代词分别替换成:none, neither和nobody。如:The

9、y were al very tired, but none of them would stop to have a rest.他们都很累,但没人停下来休息。I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but neither of them came.我邀请了汤姆和安妮来吃饭,但他们俩都没来。10 adj. / adv. /n. + as /though+主语+谓语 虽然/尽管Child as he is, he knows a lot.虽然他是个小孩,他懂得很多。Hard as he tried, he still failed the exam.虽然努力了,他考试还

10、是未及格。Young as he is, he is very clever.尽管他年纪小,他却很聪明。Cold though it was ,he went out without hesitation.尽管天很冷,他还是毫不犹豫地出去了。(though不能改为although)Poor though I am, I am happy and healthy.虽然我穷,可我健康快乐。Note:从句要部分倒装。该句型可改为though或although引导的让步状语从句。Though he is a child, he knows a lot.11 adj. /adv.(比较级)+ and +

11、adj./adv.(比较级),越来越该句型是一种双重比较结构,表示持续不断的变化。在句中常用做状语、定语或表语。如:People are getting more and more excited.人们变得越来越激动了。(作状语)More and more people are beginning to learn English nowadays.当今愈来愈多的人开始学习英语。(作定语)Now it is getting warmer and warmer.现在天气越来越暖和了。(作表语)12 asas和一样John plays football as well as, if not bet

12、ter than, David.约翰足球如果没有大卫好看话也和他踢得一样好。Note:(1) as as即可用于肯定句中,也可用于否定句中;soas只能用于否定句中。I havent seen a car as this for years.=I havent seen a car as old as this for years.我好多年没有见过这么旧的车了。Tom is not so tall as his brother.汤姆没有他弟弟高。(2) as+ adj./adv. + as sb. can尽力/尽量I shall come to see you as often as I ca

13、n.我将尽量经常去看你。当asas中间为形容词时,该形容词后面还可以接名词。We must make as few mistakes as we can.该句型中as后面的sb. can也可以换成possible。13 be about to do sth. when 正要做,恰好I was about to go out, when the telephone rang.我正要出去时,正在这时电话铃响了。14 be of + 抽象名词= be +抽象名词的形容词该句型中常见的抽象名词+ value, importance, use, interest, significance,且在抽象名词

14、前面可以加little, some, any, no, great等副词。如:This invention is of great value to mankind.这项发明对人类很有价值。The decision is of great importance.这个决定很重要。Such a book is of no use.这样一本书毫无用处Sports and games can be of great help to us.体育运动对我们很益处。15 be of+ adj. + n. (age, color, height, kind, price, size, shape, type,

15、 way, weight)具有的特征Coins may be of different shapes.=Coins may be different in shape.硬币有不同的形状。16 be of + a/an + height/size/age/price+ be+ of the same+ height/size/age/price 同样的We are both of an age.=We are both of the same age.我们俩同龄。This one and that one are of a price.=This one and that one are of

16、the same price.这样东西和那样东西的价格相同。17 祈使句+and/or+含有一般将来时的陈述句Take more exercise and youll feel healthy.=If you take more exercise, youll feel healthy.多锻炼身体,你就会身体健康。Start early, or you will miss the early bus.-If you dont start early, you will miss the early bus.早点出发,要不然你就赶不上早班车。18 Do /Would you mind if表示“

17、请求许可”Do you mind if I smoke here?我在这儿抽烟好吗?Would you mind if I smoked here?我在这儿抽烟好吗?(从句要用虚拟语气)19 Do/Would you mind + one/ones + v.-ing?用来请求允许,或请求别人做某事。Do you mind shutting the door?请你关上门好吗?Would you mind me/ my taking your dictionary?我拿你的字典你介意吗?Not:()(1) 对以上句型的回答,如果同意其请求,即不介意,则可以说:Certainly not.当然可能。

18、Of course not.当然不介意。Not at all.一点也不介意。No, I dont mind.我不介意。Sure. Go ahead.当然可以,请吧。No, I wouldnt.当然不介意。(2) 对以上句型的回答,如果是确实“介意”,也应委婉地回答,绝对避免生硬地用“Yes”回答。如:Please dont.请别。Im sorry, but对不起,。(先道歉,再解释理由)Sorry, but I do.很多抱歉,但我确实不赞成。Sorry, youd better not.对不起,你最好别这样做。Im afraid not.恐怕不行吧。20 feel/find/think it

19、+形容词/名词+to doI find it difficult to work with him.我发现和他地块工作很困难。She thinks it her honour to be invited to speak here.她觉得应邀到这儿演讲是她的荣幸。Note:这一句型可扩写为think, find, feel引导的宾语从句。I find it is difficult to work with you.21 feel like + doing sth.意欲做某事I feel like going to a museum.我想去博物馆。(feel like表示意愿)Note:wou

20、ld like+ to do sth.想要(做)某事-Would you like a cup of tea?-Yes, please!(征询意愿)22 have+宾语+省略to 的不定式,表示使某人做某事,要某人做某事。其宾补动词不可带to。He would have you know that.他想要你知道那件事。Note:(1) 这类动词还有:make, let, see, hear, notice, watch, look at, listen to等。改为被动语态时应用带to的不定式。We used to be made to work long hours every day.过去

21、我们常常迫每天长时间地工作。(2) have sb. do sth.= get sb. to do sth.=let sb. do sth.都是“让某人做某事”的意思,没有make sb. do sth.的语气那样强烈。23 have+宾语+过去分词,表示使某人做某事;受到某种影响;蒙受。这个结构中的宾语与补语有逻辑上的被动关系。Youd better have that bad tooth pulled out.你最好把那颗坏牙拔掉。He had his pocket picked.他遭受到扒窃。Have I made myself understood?我把意思说清楚了吗?Note:可用于

22、该结构的词还有:get, leave, keep, find, discover, see, observe, notice, hear, made等。24 have+宾语+现在分词,表示使某人一直做某事;听任,雇用Dont have the light burning all day.不要让灯整天亮着。Note:可带同样结构的常见动词有:leave, get, keep, set, send, catch, see, find, watch, discover, hear, listen to, feel等。The next morning she found the man lying i

23、n bed, dead.第二天早晨她发现那个人躺在床上死了。25 have some trouble/difficulty (in) dong sth.在有困难Do you have any difficulty (in) translating this sentence into English?你把这句了翻译成英语有困难吗?We had no difficulty in finding his house yesterday evening.昨晚,我们毫不费劲地就找到了他的家。Note:其中介词in常可省略。在此句型中difficulty是用做不可数名词,所以前面不能加不定冠词不达意“a

24、”,也不能改为复数形式。但difficulty前可加any, no等词。26 Hardly/Scarcely+ had+主语+p.p. + when +主语+过去时/No sooner + had + 主语+p.p. + than +主语+ 过去时 一就No sooner had I taken a quick breakfast than I ran out of my home to the school.我一吃完早餐就冲出家门向学校跑去。Hardly had the thief seen the policeman when he ran away.小偷一看见警察就逃开了。He had

25、no sooner got to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.他一到试验室就开始做试验。Scarcely had he gone out when it began to rain.他刚一出门,就下雨了。27 How long have you had the car?这辆小车你买了多久了?句中had(买)延续性动词,可与时间段连用,但不可将它改为bought,因为buy是短暂性动词。短暂性动词在肯定句和疑问句中不能与时间段状语连用,但当把它变成相对应的延续性动词后则可以。如:How long have you been here?

26、你来这儿有多久了/句中的be就是由短暂性动词come变来的。其他类似的还有:come tobe in (at) 来到某处go outbe out 外出diebe dead死亡buyhave 买borrowkeep 借begin (start)be on 开始leavebe way 离开catch a coldhave a cold 感冒fall asleepbe asleep 睡着marrybe married结婚joinbe in 加入28 How/What about+ sth./sb./doing sth.?怎么样?常用于征求意见或询问情况。How about taking a walk

27、 after supper?晚饭以后去散散步怎么样?29 How do you find/like /feel?What do you think of?你觉得怎么样/如何?How do you find the talk this morning/你觉得今天上午的报告如何?30 How+ adj./adv.+主语+谓语!How lovely the boy is!这个男孩真可爱!How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better voice.她唱得多好啊!我从来没有听过这么好的声音。Note:(1) How + adj. + a/an

28、 + n.+主语+谓语!How clever a boy he is!他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊!(2) How +主语+谓语!How time flies!时间过得真快!(3) What + (a/an) + adj. + n.+ (主语+谓语)!What a clever boy he is!他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊!What great progress youve made!你取得的进步真大!31 Its ones turn to do sth.轮到干Its your turn to be on duty today.今天轮到你值日了。32 It is said that据说。It is

29、 said that China is going to send up a spaceship.据说中国打算发射宇宙飞船。It is reported that seven astronauts have lost their lives in the space accident in America.据报道,在美国在及空事故中有七名宇航员丧生。Note:(1) 该句型中it是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句。常用有还有:It is reported that据报道It is believed that据报道It is thought that据认为It is hoped that大家希

30、望It has been decided that众所周知It is suggested that据建议(2) 该复合句型可转变成为发下简单结构:They / People say thatSb. / Sth. be said to例如:It is said that Mr. Smith has gone to Japan.=They / People say the Mr. Smith has gone to Japan. = Mr. Smith is said to have gone to Japan.(2) 该复合句改写为简单句时,“be said to”后的不定式可依据原从句中谓语动

31、词的一般式、进行式、完成式,而分别用不定式的一般式、进行式或完成式。例如:It is said that he is a miser.据说他是个小气鬼。He is said to be a miser.(原从句be 为一般时态,简单句中不定式用一般式to be)It is said that she is writing a novel.据说她正在写一部小说。(从句中谓语动词用了进行式)She is said to be writing a novel.(简单句不定式进行式to be writing)It is said that he has been rich.据说他发财了。(从句中谓语动

32、词用完成式)He is said to have been rich.(简单句不定式也用完成式to have been)33 It is +adj. +of sb. to do sth.用来表示对某人做某事的评价,侧重评价“人”;句型中的形容词描述人的性质征,且与介词of后的名词有逻辑上的主系表关系。这类形容词有:kind, nice, good, right, wrong, stupid, silly, wise, clever, polite, bad, brave等。该句型可以改写为“sb. is + adj. + to do sth.”。Its right of you to do s

33、o.你这样做是对的。You are wrong to say so.你这样说就不对了。34 It is +adj. + for sb. to do sth.也用来表示对某人做某事的评价,但侧重于评价“事”;句型中的形容词描述是整个for sb. to do sth.。I think it is impossible for you to come.我认为你不可能来。35 Its time for sth. 是的时候了Its time for class.是上课的时候了。36 Its time (for sb.) to do 是的时候了Its time for you to go home.是你

34、回家的时候了。37 Its (high/about) time + that clause是的时候了Its time that we went home.是我们回家的时候。(从句中谓语动词用过去式形式)38 It is the first (second, third) that + 主语+ have + done-Do you know our town at all?-No, this is the first time that I have been here.-你知道我们镇吗?-不,这是我第一次来这里。39 It is likely that可能。It isnt likely tha

35、t he will succeed.他的世功没有多大可能性。Note:该句型可改为:He is not likely to succeed.40 Its just/ not like sb. to do sth.Its just like him to be late for school.他就是那种上学迟到的人。41 It is +时间+ since自从以来多久-What was the party like/-Wonderful. Its years since I enjoyed myself so much.-晚会怎么样/-好极了,我有好几年没有玩得这么高兴了。It is ten ye

36、ars since he left here.=It is ten years since he stayed here.他在这里工作10年了。42 It is +被强调成分+ that / who强调句式I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.我觉得孩子被娇惯了,要受责备的是你丈夫。It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.第一座有钟面和时针的钟是在600年前造的。43 It

37、looks as if好像It looks as if it is going to rain.天好像要下雨。The old man works as if he were a young man.那位老人家工作起来像个年轻人。44 It seems +( to sb.) + (that)(在某人看来)好像,似乎It seems that he is lying.=He seems to be lying.好像他在撒谎。45 It seems + as if (as though) 看样子似乎是It seems as if he has been at the seem of the crim

38、e.看样子他好像到过犯罪现场。It seems as if it is pure gold.看起来,这好像是纯金的。46 It takes sb. some time to do sth.花时间做It took him two hours to do his homework.他花了两个小时做家庭作业。47 cost sb. sth.(使)花费(金钱、时间、劳动等);值(多少钱);(使)付出(代价)。其主语通常为事物。How much does this suit cost/这套衣服值多少钱?The invention cost him a lot of time.这项发明使他花了大量的时间。

39、The heroic deed cost him his life.这一英雄行为使他付出生命的代价。48 pay (sb.) money to do sth./for sth.花/付钱;给报酬I paid ten yuan for the dictionary.我花了十元钱习这本字典。I will pay you twenty dollars to clean my room.我出20无钱请你给我收拾房子。I will pay you for your help to me.对你给我的帮助,我会付报酬给你的。49 spend(in) doing sth.花做They spent much ti

40、me (in) reviewing English.他们花了很多时间复习英语。50 spendon在上花费(钱、时间)He doesnt spend much time on his homework.他没花多少时间做家庭作业。I spent sixty yuan on the book.工花了60元钱买这本书。51 It is will (wont) be +时间+ before clause多少时间以后才It will be two days before he comes back.他要两天以后才回来。52 It is worthwhile to do/doing sth. 干是值得的I

41、t is not worth while quarrelling/ to quarrel with each other.不值得相互争吵。53 be worthy to be done/of + n./being done值得The date is worthy of being remembered.The date is worthy to be remembered.这个日子值得记住。54 notuntil直到才They didnt leave until the game was over.直到比赛结束,他们才离开。Last night I worked until/ till mid

42、night.昨晚我一直工作到午夜。Note:(1) Until/ till用做介词或连词,引导时间状语或时间状语从句。修饰“终续性动词“;用于肯定句时,所修饰的动词应为”连续性动词“,表示该动作持续到时候为止。(2) 当not until位于句首时,主句要用倒装语序。Not until(he was) 30 years old did he marry.直到30岁,他才结婚。Not until the game was over did they leave.直到比赛结束,他们才离开。55 Its not until that是not until句型的另一强调结构It was not unti

43、l the game was over that they left.直到比赛马结束,他们才离去。56 Neither/Nor+助动词+主语,用于否定句中,表示另一个人也不怎样。-Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?-I dont know, nor do I care.-你知道吉姆跟他弟弟争吵了吗?-我不知道,我也不在意。57 So +助动词+主语,用于肯定句中,表示另一个人也怎么样。If he goes there, so will I.如果他去,我也去。She is fond of football, so am I.她爱好足球,我也爱好

44、足球。58 So it is with sb.既可用于肯定句中,也可用于否定句中,陈述两种或两种以上情况。表示另一个人也一样。Mary is clever but she doesnt work hard. So it is with Tom.玛丽很聪明但学习不努力,汤姆也是这样。59 So+主语+助动词,表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的赞同或证实。-David has made great progress recently.-So he has, and so have you.-大卫最近取得了很大进步。-确实是,你也一样。60 One momentand now刚才(一会儿),现在却又O

45、ne moment she was reading, and now she fell asleep.刚才她不在看书,现在却又睡觉了。61 prevent sth./sb. (from) doing sth.阻止做某事 They did what they could to prevent the soil (from) being washed away be water.他们尽了最大的努力,防止土壤被大水冲走。Note:(1) 句中的“from”在口语中常可省略。类似的词组有“stop sth./ sb. (from) dong sth./,“keep sb./ sth. fro

46、m doing”,意思都是“阻止某人做某事”,但用keep sb. from doing sth.时不能省略from。You must stop her (from) telling the truth.你一定要阻止她说出事实的真相。No one can keep the wheel of history from going forward.没有人能阻止历史的车轮前进。(2) stop和prevent用于被动语态时,其后的from不能省略。We were prevented by the heavy rain from coming.62 prefer sth. (to sth.) 更喜欢/

47、宁愿要而不愿做I prefer tea (to coffee).我宁愿喝茶(而不愿喝咖啡)。I prefer rice.我更喜欢吃米饭。He prefers basketball to football.他比较喜欢篮球而不喜欢足球。63 prefer to so sth. (rather than sth.) 更喜欢/宁愿做而不愿做Many people prefer to send e-mails rather than write letters to their friends.许多人宁愿发电子邮件,而不愿打电话给他们的朋友。64 prefer sb. to sth.宁愿某人去干什么-S

48、hall I clean the window?要我来擦窗户吗?-Id prefer you to clean it.还是让你来擦好。65 Prefer doing sth. (to doing) 宁愿干什么而不愿做She prefers singing and dancing.她比较喜欢唱歌、跳舞。She prefers listening to music to watching TV.她喜欢听音乐胜过看电视。66 would ratherthan; would rather than宁愿这样做而不愿那样做I would go to school by bike rather than b

49、y bus.我宁愿骑自行车而不愿坐公共汽车去上学。The soldiers would rather die than surrender.战士们宁死也不投降。Note:would rather不接含有不定式的复合结构,即不能用“would rather sb. to do sth.”。67 would rather +从句,宁愿某人做, 从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气I would rather you didnt tell a lie.我宁愿你没有说谎。I would rather you came tomorrow than today.我宁愿意你明天来,而不是今天来。(从句中用动词过去式表示

50、现在或将来的情况)I would rather you had come earlier.我宁愿你早点来了。(从句中动词过去完成式表示一个过去的动作)言外之意,即:You didnt come earlier.你没有早点来。68 so that以便,为了,使能够he got up early so that he could catch the first bus.他起床早以便赶上头班车。Note:引导目地状语从句。从句中往往带情态动词,可用in order that改写。Please speak louder so that everyone can hear you.Please spea

51、k louder in order that everyone can hear you.请再大声说,以便大家都能相信他的话。69 so that因此he often told lies, so that no one believed him.他常常说谎,因此没有人相信他的话。He turned up the radio, so that everyone heard the important news.他把收音机的音量调大了,结果大家都到这条重要新闻了。Note:引导结果状语从句,主句和从句是原因与结果的关系,从句中没有情态动词。so that前通常有逗号。70 so + adj./ad

52、v. + that如此以致,that引导的是结果状语从句Tom is so young that he cant join the army.汤姆太小不能参军。Note:(1) 此句型可用tooto或enough to 结构来表达。Tom is too young to join the army.Tom is not old enough to join the army.(2) 类似的句型有:so + adj. + a/an+ n.(单数)+ thatso + many /few + n. (复数) + thatso + much /little (少) + n. (不可数)+ thatH

53、e is so honest a boy that he never tells a lie.他很诚实,从来不说谎。He made so little money every month that he had to live a simple life. 他每月赚钱不多,生活得很清贫。71 such + a/an + adj. n. (单数)+that如此以至于He s such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.他很诚实,从来不说谎。72 such + (adj.) + n. (可数名词复数或不可数名词) +that如此以至于He made s

54、uch rapid progress that the teacher praised him.他取得了很大的进步,老师表扬了他。73 S(主语)+be + adj. + to do做起来A colour TV is expensive to buy and expensive to repair.彩电买起来贵,修起来也贵。Note:(1) 该句型中to do与前面的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,即该主语往往可充当该不定式的逻辑宾语。(2)上述例句相当于:To buy a color TV is expensive.To repair a colour TV is expensive.(3)用于这

55、一句型常见的形容词有:expensive, cheap, difficult, nice, hard, easy, heavy等。如:This question is difficult to answer.这种食物好吃。The question is difficult to answer.这个问题难回答。Such a big box is heavy to carry.这么大一个箱子难扛。(4)该句型中不定式含有被动意义,但不能用被动表式。如:The machine is easy to be repaired. (错误)那台机器容易修理。The machine is easy to repair.(正确)(5) 当不定式的动词为不及物动词时,后面必需跟上相应的介词。如:The pen is nice to write.(错误)The pen is nice to write with. (正确)那支钢笔好写。74 S(主语)+weigh + 数词 重多少How much does the pig weigh?那头猪有多重?75 S(主语)+ be + 数词+in weight重


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