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1、荆门市中考英语英语 语法填空 (附答案 )一、英语语法填空1 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。Next time you hold a book in your hands, stop and think. Like most other things in the modern world, it is the result of thousands of years of human invention.First, came the invention of writing, (probable) .about 5, 500 years ago. With w

2、riting,people did not have to remember everything in their heads. They could communicate with people that they never(see) and share their knowledge with insure generations.Later, the Greeks were well-known for their literature (文学) and science, but their bookslooked very different the books of today

3、. They were called scrolls (卷轴). They weredifficult to use and took a lot of space in a library. About 2,000 years ago, books with lots of pages(invent).For more than a thousand years, the pages of books were made from animal skin. That changed in thirteenth century, when Europeans learned about a v

4、ery (use)Chinese invention: paper.But the biggest change for books in Europe came in 1439, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Before that, books in Europe were copied by hand, so they were very expensive. Many more people could afford the books were produced on a printingpress.Thes

5、e days it is difficult (imagine) a world without books. But human invention does notstop. Every year, more(story) are bought as e-books and read on a screen.Will anyone turn the pages of a traditional book in the future, will books, like scrolls,soon disappear?【答案】probably ; saw; from ; were invente

6、d ; the; useful ; that/which ; to imagine ;stories; or【解析】【分析】本文介绍了书的历史。( 1)句意:首先,书写的发明可能在大约5500 年前。副词修饰动词came, probable 是形容词,probably 是副词,故填probably 。( 2)句意:他们可以与从未见过的人交流,并与保险公司的几代人分享他们的知识。根据 5, 500 years ago 可知时态是一般过去时,see 的过去式是saw , 故填saw。( 3)句意:后来,希腊人因他们的文学和科学而闻名,但是他们的“书 ”看起来和今天的书大不相同。be differe

7、nt from ,固定搭配,与 不同,故填from。( 4)句意:大约 2000 年前,有很多页的书4 被发明。根据 2000 年前是一般过去时,invent和pages是被动关系,主语是名词复数,故助动词是were ,故填were invented。( 5)句意:这种情况在13 世纪发生了变化,当时欧洲人了解到一项非常有用的中国发明,纸。根据thirteenth是序数词,其前是定冠词the,故填the。( 6)句意:这种情况在13 世纪发生了变化,当时欧洲人了解到一项非常有用的中国发明,纸。invention 是名词,其前是形容词,use 是动词,useful 是形容词,故填useful。(

8、 7 )句意:更多的人买得起印刷机上生产的书。定语从句缺少主语,指代先行词books,故用关系代词 that/which 指代,故填that/which 。(8)句意: 如今,没有书的世界很难想象。its+形容词+to so,固定搭配,做某事很, 故填 to imagine。( 9)句意:每年,都有更多的故事以电子书的形式被购买并在屏幕上阅读。此处缺少主语,根据are 可知是名词复数,story 是名词 , 故填 stories。( 10)句意:将来会有人翻过传统书籍的书页吗?像卷轴一样的书会很快消失吗?连接疑问句表示并列关系用or , 故填or。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,语态,非

9、谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。2 语法填空Tonight is the night when children in much of the (west) world will be waiting for afat man red and white to pass by on his sleigh and climb down the chimney to deliverthe Christmas (present). And as we all know, Santa Claus, or Father Christmas lives atthe North Pole, you mi

10、ght not realize hes(actual) from Finland.Everyone dreams of the coming of Santa Claus (bring) him something. Storieshim spread throughout the centuries including one in which he helped a poor man who couldnt afford money for his married daughters. In the dead of night, Nicolas came to throw gold int

11、o his house. But the windows were too narrow so he had to climb down the chimney, yes, you guessed it, threw gold in the girls stocking (hang) up to dry.I guessed, I thought, Santa Claus was just a commercial business. I learned heretoday that he was a real man that did great things. he is a legend

12、continued.Im proud because he was a saint. He helped all the people. He helped (we). And nowhe helps me every day. Very few people know this fact.【答案】western ; in; presents; actually; to bring ; about; hung; But; And; us【解析】【分析】文章大意:我们都知道,圣诞老人或圣诞老人住在北极,你可能不会意识到他来自芬兰。每个人都梦想着圣诞老人的到来(给他带些东西)。关于圣诞老人故事他流

13、传了整个世纪,我想,我猜圣诞老人只是一种商业活动。我今天在这里学到他是一个真正的做了大事的人。他是个传奇人物。我很骄傲,因为他是个圣人。他帮助了所有的 人。现在他每天都在帮助我。 ( 1 )句意:今晚是西方世界大部分地区的孩子们将等待一个红白相间的胖子驾着雪橇从 烟囱上爬下来送圣诞礼物的夜晚。west 作定语修饰world ,应使用western ,故答案是western 。( 2)句意:今晚是西方世界大部分地区的孩子们将等待一个红白相间的胖子驾着雪橇从烟囱上爬下来送圣诞礼物的夜晚。red and white 是圣诞老人穿的衣服,穿某种颜色的衣服,使用介词in,故答案是in。( 3)句意:今晚

14、是西方世界大部分地区的孩子们将等待一个红白相间的胖子驾着雪橇从烟囱上爬下来送圣诞礼物的夜晚。present 可数名词,前面没有冠词出现,因此使用复数形式,故答案是presents。(4)句意:我们都知道圣诞老人来自北极,实际上他来自芬兰。actual修饰动词is,因此 使用副词形式actually,故答案是actually。( 5)句意:每一个人梦想着圣诞老人的到来,给他带来礼物。带来礼物是他们梦想圣诞老人到来的目的,因此使用动词不定式做目的状语,故答案是to bring。( 6)句意:关于他的故事传了几个世纪,就包括他帮助了一个买不起女儿的陪嫁的贫穷的父亲的故事。关于,about,介词短语作

15、后置定语修饰stories,故答案是about。( 7)句意:但是窗户太窄,因此他不得不从烟囱爬下,朝挂着晾干的长筒袜里扔金子。hang 作后置定语秀是stocking, stocking 与 hang 是被动关系,因此使用过去分析作定语,hang的过去分词是 hung,故答案是 hung。( 8)句意:但是今天我在这里知道他是一个做大事的真人。本句和前面一句的描述不一致,应使用转折连词but 连接,位于句首首字母大写,故答案是But。( 9)句意:他是个传奇人物。本句和前一句是顺接关系,应使用and 连接,位于句首首字母大写,故答案是And。(10)句意:他帮助我们。we在句中做宾语,应使用

16、宾格us,故答案是us。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍,检查验证。3 He was (mention) in the letter.【答案】mentioned【解析】【分析】句意:他在这封信里被提到了。mention 是及物动词,根据句子机构可知是被动语态,be 已经给出,行为动词使用过去分词mentioned ,故答案是mentioned 。【点评】考查一般过去时,注意动词过去式的变化规则。4 语法填空The British love sending text me

17、ssages. They(send)more than 2.5 billion messagesevery month. And most people now understand the language of text, with its numbers and missing letters. In fact, when a student at a Scottish school wrote the whole article in txt, his/her teacher(give)him/her C+4 f4t(C+for effort).Although texting is

18、a cheap way ofin touch with your friends, it can also bringproblems. In 2005, a British teenager became the(one)person in the world to receivetreatment for an addiction( 沉 )to text messaging. In one year, the nineteen-year-old spent about 4, 5005 texts.For some people, text messaging has (change)the

19、ir lives. For example, James Truslerfrom Sussex in England travels around the world taking part in texting competitions and TV shows. Hes the worlds(fast)texter and recently set a new world record whilehe(appear)on Australian TV. He texted, The razor-toothed piranhas of the generaSerraslmus and Pygo

20、centrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack humans.took him 67 seconds. James sends a lot of text messages-about2, 500 a month. But he doesnt get big bills (because)he works for a large mobile phonecompany!【答案】send; gave; staying; first; on; changed; fa

21、stest; was appearing ; It; because【解析】【分析】这篇短文讲述的是在英国很多人喜欢发短信,在发短信时使用的一些数字和省略的单词形式,现在很多人也都能看明白了。发短信是一种比较便宜的方式,但同时也能带来问题,它甚至还改变了一些人的生活。( 1)句意:英国人喜欢发短信。他们每月发送超过25 亿条短信。根据every month ,可知时态是一般现在时,主语是they 复数,故谓语是动词原形,故填send。( 2)句意:事实上,当苏格兰学校里的一个学生在整篇文章里写文本语言的时候,他的老师会给他一个C+ for effort (这也是一种文本语言)。根据when a

22、 student at a Scottishschool wrote可知从句时态是一般过去时,give的过去式是 gave,故填gave。( 3)句意:虽然发短信是一个和你的朋友们保持联系的比较便宜的方式,但是它也能带来问题。stay in touch with ,固定搭配,与保持联系,of 是介词其后是动名词,故填staying。( 4)句意:句意:在2005 年,英国的一个青少年成为了世界上第一个因为沉溺于发短信而接受治疗的人。根据the定冠词可知此处是序数词,first,第一,是序数词,故填 first。( 5)句意:在一年里,一个19 岁的青少年在发短信上花费了4,500 英镑。 sp

23、end +金钱+on sth.,在某事上花费多少钱,故填 on。( 6)句意:对于一些人们来说,发短信改变了他们的生活。change 是一个动词根据助动词has,可知时态是是现在完成时,故填 changed o( 7)句意:他是世界上发短信最快的人。根据the worlds 可知是最高级的标志,fastest,最快的,故填fastest。( 8)句意:最近他在参加澳大利亚的一个电视节目的时候,又创造了一个新的世界纪录。根据 while可知用过去进行时表示动作的持续,主语是 he,助动词是 was,故填 was appearing 。( 9)句意:只花费了他67 秒的时间就发送了一篇短信。It

24、takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth ,花费某人时间做某事,It 是一个形式主语,故填It。( 10)句意:但是他不用付大额的账单,因为他在一个大型的手机公司工作。James 是世界上发短信最快的人,他发短信不用付账,这是因为他在手机公司工作,表示的是原因,because,因为,故填 because。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用 法。5 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。A young man was on a train. As the train turned a Corner, it

25、slowed down and then house came into sight. The house looked so different from the grey Buildings of the City everybody on the train turned to look at it. Some passengers (begin) totalk about it.The young mas also (interest) in the house. He decided to get at the nextstation and make his way to the

26、house. The owner of the house told (he)that he wastrying to sell the house, But no one would Buy it, as the noise of the trains passing nearby made it (difficulty)to live in.The young man decided to Buy the house right then and there for $30, 000. He used it for advertising, as the house faced the r

27、ailway Bend( 弯道 ). The train had to slow down at the Bend, giving the passengers plenty of time to look at the house.The young man went to several Big (company) and explained the advantages ofplacing advertisements on the side of the house. (final), one Company agreed to placesome ads. The young man

28、 (pay) $180, 000 for three years of advertising.In this world, turning disadvantages into advantages is the key to success.【答案】a; that; began; interested ; off; him; difficult ; Companies; Finally; was paid【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一个年轻人以低价买了个地点很差的房子来高价做广告,为了告诉我们在这个世界上,将劣势转化为优势是成功的关键。( 1 )句意:当火车拐过一个拐角时,它慢了下来,然后一

29、所房子浮现在眼前。house 是以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词,其前用不定冠词a 表示泛指,故填a。( 2)句意:这座房子看起来与城市的灰色建筑如此的不相同以至于火车上的每个人都转过身去看它。so.that. ,固定搭配,如此以至于 ,故填 that。( 3)句意:一些乘客开始谈论它。描述过去用一般过去时,begin 是动词,它的过去式是began, 故填 began。(4)句意:年轻的马斯也对这所房子感兴趣。be interested in ,固定搭配,对 感兴趣,故填interested 。( 5 )句意:他决定在下一站下车,然后朝房子走去。get off ,固定搭配,下车,故填off。(

30、6)句意:房子的主人告诉他想卖掉房子,但是没有人会买,因为附近火车的噪音使得住起来很困难。谓语动词told 后是宾语,宾格做宾语,him 是 he 的宾格,故填him 。( 7)句意:房子的主人告诉他想卖掉房子,但是没有人会买,因为附近火车的噪音使得住起来很困难。make it+形容词+to do,固定搭配,使得做某事怎么样,difficulty是名词,形容词是 difficult ,故填 difficult 。( 8)句意:这个年轻人去了几家大公司,并解释了在房子旁边贴广告的好处。根据Big 是形容词并大写,可知前后是名词,大写,此处表示专有名词,several 修饰名词复数,故填Compa

31、nies 。(9)句意: 最后,一家公司同意投放一些广告。副词谓语句首修饰全句,finally,是介词,最后,故填Finally。( 10 )句意:他们给这个年轻人18 万美元做了三年的广告。此处表示大公司付给年轻人广告费,故此处是被动语态,描述过去用一般过去时,主语是man 第三人称单数,故助动词是 was, pay 的过去分词是 paid, 故填 was paid。【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。6 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。I was born

32、and raised in Ireland and lived there until I was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I held several jobs (earn) a few dollars before enlisting in WorldWar I.After being discharged, I bought my own cab and have owned one ever since. hasntbeen too easy at times, my wife takes car

33、e of our money and we have a good bit putaway a rainy day.Most people think taxi drivers are tough. But I think people get the impression thatthey are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will (regard) ashonest fellows. Ive been in the taxicab business for thirty-five years. In

34、 all my years of driving a taxicab, I have never had any trouble with the public, not with drunks. Even if they geta little headstrong once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave (they).I believe honesty is one of the greatest (gift) there is. I believe in God and try to be agood me

35、mber of my parish. I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act. I have been trying this for a long time, and the longer I try, the (easy) it gets.【答案】to earn; It; but yet; for; wrong/false ; be regarded; even; themselves; gifts;easier【解析】【分析】本文讲述了作为出租车司机的作者,在几十年的职业生涯中,认识到诚实是最宝贵的品质。(

36、1)句意:我在1913 年来到这个国家,在参加第一次世界大战之前,我做了几份工作,挣了几美元。不定式做目的状语,故填to earn。( 2)句意:有时这并不太容易,但我的妻子打理我们的钱,我们有一个很好的储蓄,以备不时之需。it 指代上文的I bought my own cab and have owned one 这件事,故填It。( 3)句意:有时这并不太容易,但我的妻子打理我们的钱,我们有一个很好的储蓄,以备不时之需。根据hasnt been too easy at times 和 have a good bit put away 可知此处表示转折,故填but/yet 。( 4)句意:有

37、时这并不太容易,但我的妻子打理我们的钱,我们有一个很好的储蓄,以备不时之需。此处表示目的,for,介词,为了,故填 for。5)句意:但是我认为人们错误的认为他们是坏的。impression 是名词,其前是形容词做定语,根据Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will 6 (regard) as honestfellows 可知是错误的印象,wrong/false 是形容词,错误的,故填wrong/false 。( 6)句意:他们中的大多数人将被视为诚实的人。regard 与主语 most of them 是被动关系,根据

38、助动词 will,可知是一般将来时的被动语态,故填 be regarded。( 7)句意:在我开出租车的这些年里,我从来没有遇到过公众的麻烦,即使是酒鬼。根据I have never had any trouble 可知此处是副词修饰介词短语,even,即使,是副词,加强语气,故填even。( 8)句意:即使他们偶尔有点倔强,我也只是同意他们的意见,然后他们就会规规矩矩地行事。behave oneself,固定搭配,规规矩矩,主语是they,故反身代词是themselves,故填themselves。( 9)句意:我相信诚实是最好的礼物之一。one of 后是名词复数,gift 是名词,故填g

39、ifts。( 10 )句意:我已经尝试这个很长时间了,而且我尝试的时间越长,它就变得越容易。the+比较级,the+比较级,固定搭配,越 越,故此处是比较级,easy的比较级是easier,故填 easier。【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。7 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,每空 最多两个词。One day, Thomas Edison came home from school and gave a letter to his mother. He (tell) her, My teacher ga

40、ve this letter to me and asked me to give it to my mother only. His (mother) eyes were full of tears as she read letter out loud to herchild, Your son is a genius (天才 ). This school is too small him and doesnt haveenough good teachers to train him. Please teach him (you).Many years after Edisons mot

41、her had died, Edison became one of the (great)inventors of the century. One day, he was going through the old closet ( 壁柜 ) and he found a folded letter which (give) to him by his teacher for his mother. He opened it. Themessage (write) on the letter was, Your son is mentally ( 精神上 ) ill. We cannot

42、let himattend our school any more, he has to leave the school.surprised and excited Edison was after reading it! And then he wrote in his diary, Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally ill child, but his mother turned him into the genius of the century (success).【答案】told ; mothers ; the ; for ; yourself ;

43、 greatest ; was given ; written ; How ;successfully【解析】【分析】文章大意:托马斯爱迪生放学回家,他的老师把一封信只给他母亲。当她大声地读信给他时,母亲的眼睛里充满了泪水,“你的儿子是个天才。”这所学校太小了,没有足够的好老师来训练他。请你自己教他。”爱迪生母亲去世多年后,爱迪生成为本世纪最伟大的发明家之一。有一天,他穿过旧壁橱,发现一封叠好的信,是老师给他妈妈的。他打开了它。信上写着:“你儿子精神病了。我们不能让他再进我们学校了,他必须离开学校。”爱迪生看完后是多么的惊讶和兴奋!然后他在日记中写道:托马斯 阿尔瓦 爱迪生是个精神病儿童,但他

44、的母亲成功地把他变成了本世纪的天才。”( 1)考查一般过去时。句意:他告诉她,“我的老师把这封信给了我,让我把它只给我母亲。”根据上句中的谓语动词came和gave,可知要用一般过去时,tell的过去式told,故答案为:told 。( 2)考查名词所有格。句意:当她大声读给孩子的信时,他母亲的眼睛里满是泪水。eyes与 mother 之间是所属关系,要用名词所有格。mothers ,故答案为:mothers 。( 3)考查不定冠词。句意:当她大声读给孩子的信时,他母亲的眼睛里满是泪水。根据My teacher gave this letter to me ,可知这里妈妈读的信,是特指老师给她

45、的那封,表特指用 定冠词the ,故答案为:the。( 4)考查介词。句意:这所学校太小了,没有足够的好老师来训练他。句子的谓语动词is, him是宾格,要用介词,根据句意,对于,要用 for,答案为:for。( 5)考查反身代词。句意:请你自己教他。爱迪生母亲去世多年后,爱迪生成为本世纪最伟大的发明家之一。由句子结构可知,祈使句,相当于省略主语you,是指爱迪生母亲,要用反身代词yourself 作状语,故答案为:yourself。( 6)考查形容词最高级。句意:爱迪生母亲去世多年后,爱迪生成为本世纪最伟大的发明家之一。根据one of the+ 形容词最高级+可数名词复数+比较范围。之一,

46、固定句型。要用最高级greatest,故答案为:greatest。( 7)考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:他穿过旧壁橱,发现一封叠好的信,是老师给他妈妈的。由句子结构可知,由which 引导的定语从句,先行词a folded letter 与 give 之间是被动关系,且主句的谓语动词found ,要用一般过去时的被动语态,be( was/were ) +过去分词。主语是 a folded letter ,单数,be要用 was, give的过去分词 given,故答案 为: was given。( 8)考查过去分词。句意:信上写着:“你儿子精神病了。我们不能让他再进我们学校了,他必须离开学校

47、。句子的谓语动词是was, write 是非谓语动词,且天河message 与write 之间是被动关系,要用过去分词作定语,write 的过去分词written ,故答案为:written 。( 9)考查感叹句。句意:爱迪生看完后是多么的惊讶和兴奋!根据本句句末的标点符号可知,感叹句。由surprised and excited , 可知是并列的形容词,对形容词感叹,要用副词how ,句子开头,要大写,故答案为:How。(10)考查副词。句意:托马斯 阿尔瓦 爱迪生是个精神病儿童,但他的母亲成功地把他 变成了本世纪的天才。由句子结构可知,修饰动词turn ,要用副词。success,成功,名

48、词; 形容词 successful; 副词 successfully。故答案为: successfullyo【点评】考查语法填空。主要涉及的名词所有格、副词、形容词最高级、一般过去时的被动语态、感叹句等。8 阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Long ago, there was a queen who lived in a palace. She felt bored and said to her advisor ( 顾问 )All the things around me are too boring. I need a different kin

49、d of (beautiful). Leteveryone know that I (hold) a competition for the most beautiful thing in the world.And the prize will be this crown ( 王冠 ).Several days (late), lots of people came to the competition and showedtheir things. The queen was not satisfied ( 满意 )with what she saw. The advisor sugges

50、ted, What you (look) for cannot be brought for you. You must look for it by (you). Whatabout a journey?The queen was(interesting) in the idea, so she started immediately. As she was ontop of the hill near her palace, she looked down and (sudden) something cried in herheart. Why have I never found my

51、 palace so beautiful?The queen spent one year (travel). She saw beauty on the farm, in theforest and even in the stars twinkling (闪烁 )at night on her journey. But what was the most beautiful thing? She thought it over. All of sudden, she understood beauty was everywhere. She (learn) to enjoy the wor

52、ld. She left the pieces of her crown at different places that she had seen. As time went by, the queens crown got smaller and smaller until nothing (leave).She found the most beautiful thing at last. It was the world!【 答 案 】 beauty ; will hold ; later ; are looking ; yourself ; interested ; suddenly

53、 ; travelling ; should learn ; was left【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文通过很久以前的一个女王的故事,告诉人们如果我们学会享受世界,美是到处都有的。(1)考查名词。句意:我需要一种不同的美。 a kind of+可数名词单数,一种;后接名 词;beautiful ,美丽的,形容词,其名词形式,beauty,可数名词。此处要用单数,故答案为 beauty。( 2)考查一般将来时。句意:让每个人都知道,我将为世界上最美的事物举行比赛。根据下文 And the prize will be this crown (王冠). 可知上文要用一般将来时,will+ 动词原

54、形, 故答案为will hold 。( 3)考查副词。句意:几天后,许多人来到比赛现场展示他们的东西。一段时间+later,一段时间之后,later 是副词,与一般过去时连用,故答案为later。( 4)考查现在进行时。句意:你找的东西不能给你带来。你必须自己找。根据引号里面的表示那时的现在,正在找的东西,要用现在进行时be+现在分词,主语是you, be要用are, look 的现在分词looking ,答案为are looking 。(5)考查反身代词。句意:你找的东西不能给你带来。你必须自己找它。by oneself,亲自地,固定短语,作状语。主语 you,要用反身代词 yourself

55、。故答案为yourself。( 6)考查固定短语。句意:女王对这个主意很感兴趣,所以她马上就开始了。beinterested in.,对 感兴趣,固定短语。故答案为interested o( 7)考查副词。句意:她往下看,突然有什么东西在她心里哭了起来。修饰整个句子,要用副词。形容词 sudden的副词suddenly,故答案为 suddenly o(8)考查动名词。句意:女王花了一年时间旅行。spend time (in)+doing sth.花费时间做某事,固定搭配。此处doing 是动名词,travel 的动名词travelling ,故答案为travelling 。( 9)考查情态动词

56、。句意:她应该学会享受这个世界。根据上文All of sudden, sheunderstood beauty was everywhere. 可知为下文得到的感悟提供依据,就应该学会享受这个世界。要用情态动词should,其后要接动词原形,故答案为should learn。( 10)考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:随着时间的推移,女王的王冠越来越小,直到什么都没有留下。根据nothing 与 leave 之间是被动关系,被留下,要用被动语态。由主句谓语动词got,可知要用一般过去时的被动语态,was/were+过去分词,主语 nothing ,什么没有,不定代词,谓语动词要用单数,要用 was, leave的过去分词left,故答案为 was left。【点评】考查语法填空。主要涉及的名词、副词、现在进行时、一般过去时被动语态、固定短语、一般将来时、固定搭配和动名词等。9 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Its four oclock in the afternoon. Some students (talk) about the future. Here is oneof their predic


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