



1、2022年新概念六年级春季学期英语语法填空复习专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。ring cry but come watch1. My father is working on the computer, but my brother starts to_.2. My mother is cooking dinner, but the bell_.3. “Come in,please!” I say. My friend Lucy_in.4. Mr Smart is reading a book and Mrs Smart_TV.5. Lin Tao is doing h

2、is homework,_the phone rings.2. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1I want_(eat) a hamburger. Can you buy one for_( I )?2Sam doesnt like_(drink) any_(drink).3Look, he can_(fly) a kite on the grass.4My brother often_(fly) kites in the park on Sundays.5We should have more_(water).6There_(be) some cola in the fridge.7Can

3、you show_(we) the stamps.8Tom,_(come) here, please?9You should_(listen) to your teachers at school.10I am_(health).3. 请用be动词的正确形式填空。1The boys_playing a game on the playground.2I_listening to music in my bedroom.3Tony and Peter_singing an English song in the classroom.4What_the children doing now?5_t

4、he little dog running after the cat?6The sun_getting lower and lower.4. 选择合适的词填空。1Would you like_(any / some)water?2He likes eating_(potatoes / potatos).3He has_(a few / a little)bananas in his desk.4In a healthy diet , we should drink_(a little / a lot of)water every day.5We shouldn t eat too_(much

5、/many)sweet food because it is bad for our health.5. 按照分类写单词,每类至少5个。1food and drinks:2clothes:3animals:4school things:5colours:6classroom:6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We can use water_(wash) clothes.2Lucy_(try) on the shoes. They fit well.3Whats wrong with_(she)?She has a cough.4We should_(brush) our teeth every

6、 day.5There_(be) not much coal and oil on Earth.6We Chinese welcome_(visit) from all over the world.7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Lets_(take) a taxi to the farm.2We should_(follow) the traffic rules.3Whats wrong with_(he)?He has a cough.4My father_(read) newspapers in the study now.5We_(go) to the park tomorrow a

7、fternoon.6My brother Jim laughs_(happy).7Mike wants to be a_(write) in the future.8You cant_(throw) rubbish in the river.8. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Helen_(tell) a story at the party yesterday.2People in China often_(eat) dumplings on Chinese New Years Eve.3The flower shop is on the_(two) floor.4She is a_(write

8、). She wrote a lot of famous books.5Lucy and Lily are both good at_(swim).9. 读一读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式。1she(物主代词)_2dress(复数形式)_3what(同类词)_4his(主格)_5big(反义词)_6teacher(同类词)_10. 填空题。1The bag_(have) got four wheels.2There are two pens on the desk. The blue one is_(my).3That yellow picture is_(you).4Tom is_(twe

9、ntieth) years old.5My cousin_(speak) English every day.11. 填空题。1_(be) there many trees in this forest in the past?Yes, there_(be). But now there_(be) not many trees._people_(plant) more trees in the future?I dont know.2They_(plant) trees tomorrow.3We_(visit) the farm next week.4Were going to_(have)

10、a picnic in the park.5When are you going to_(play) chess?12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Fiveyearsago,he_(write)letterstohisfriend.Nowhe_(send)emailsontheInternet.2Tenyearsago,they_(live)inasmallhouse.Nowthey_(live)inabighouse.3There_(is)anoldbuildingbefore.Nowthere_(is)anewpark.13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1My brother should

11、_(do) more sports. He is too fat.2Liu Tao didnt_(sleep) very well last night. So he feels_(sleep) now.3Whose dress is this? Its my_(sister).4My grandpa_(listen) to the radio many years ago.5Lets_(go) to the zoo this afternoon.14. 根据句意,写出英文单词。1This season is not cold and not hot. In the season, some

12、people go to the farm to pick apples and pull up carrots. This season is_.2This thing has no colour or smell. When you cook, you need it; when you are thirsty, you need it. What is it?_.3We can go to the USA by ship. We cant go to the USA by train, bus, car, bike, or on foot. But we can go there by_

13、.4If(如果) you go shopping ,you must bring(带) money with you. If you have no money and want to buy a hot dog, you can_some money from your friends.5This is a colour. When we put this colour and the colour black in same bottle, these colours make the colour grey(灰色). This colour is_.15. 看图选词填空。sleeping

14、 running crying laughing late sad tired happy1.Why is she_?Because she is_.2.Why is he_?Because he is_.3.Why are you_?Because Im_.4.Why is he_?Because he is_.16. 仿照例子填空。1tall-taller _-smaller cool-_2late-later _-larger nice-_3happy-happier funny-_-heavier4_-bigger thin-_ hot-hotter17. 读一读,按要求写单词。1yo

15、ung(比较级)_ 2thin(比较级)_3big(比较级)_ 4have(过去式)_5go(过去式)_ 6hurt(过去式)_7buy(过去式)_ 8fish(动名词)_9active(反义词)_ 10metre(另一种形式)_18. 用所给词适当形式填空。1You_(arent) very tall then.2I couldnt play basketball_(good).3Did Mike_(go) hiking?No, he_(do)4Mike_(not wear) glasses two years ago.5There_(be) no gym in my school twenty years ago.19. 用所给单词的正


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