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1、一、单项选择第一课1. My uncle is engineer, and he is honest man.A. a an B. an an C. a a D. an a2. -the letter from? Its from my penfriend.A. Who B. Whos C. WhoseD. Whose is3. -your address?68 Ho ngli Road ?A. Where is B. Whafs C. HowsC. Which is4. - do you go to your hometown?-Once a year.A. How long B. How

2、many C. How far D. How often5. -water do you drink every day?Eight glasses.A. How many B. How far C. How much D. How often6.1 live far away from our schoolhave to take a bus to school.A. but B. and C. so S.an7. I keen on watching TV andmy daughter enjoys ?A. am read B. be readingC. am reading D. is

3、to read8. do you live? Can you tell me your address is?A. What what B. Where whereC. What where D. Where what9. is the price of your pen?-Ten dollars.A. How much B. How many C. How D. What10. Our foreign teacher can Chinese but she cant write it veryA. say good B. tell good C. speak well D. talk wel

4、l11. The teachers are all to us,theyd like to make with us ?A. kind friendB. lovelyfriendly C. friends friendly D. friendly friends12. What class are you in ?Im in.A. Form Seven, Class 2 B. Grade 7, Class2 C. Seven Grade, Two Class D. Class 2, Grade 713. -What does your father look like ?A. He looks

5、 like me. B. He likes reading. C. He is tall and thin. D. He looks like a teacher.14. The letter is from a boy Simon a girl named May.A. called, to B. call, to C. called, of D. name is , of15. My hobby is and my dream isa nurse.A. playing chess, to be B. playing the chess, being C. to play chess, do

6、 D. playing chess, to be16 ? What do you like best? Playing chess.A. a B. an C. the D. /17. What is your dream?.My dream is a nurse.A. to do B. to be C. becomeD. becoming18. What is your hobby? like singing songs,I often buy some CDs.A. and B. so C. but D. or19. - What do you know sports?D./20. _is

7、it from your home to your school?Its about 2 km .A. How far B. How long C.How soon D. How often21. He is honest boy, he studies in university now.A. a, a B. a, an C. an, anD. an, a22Where are we going to swim?Id like in the swimming pool.A. to swim B. swimming C. swims swam第二课23. Our first class usu

8、ally at eight fiftee n.A. begins B. begin C. is beginningD. will begin24. Look, lots of birds in the sky.A. fly B. flyingC. fliesD.are flying25. My parents seldom TV.A. watch B. watches C. are watching D. watched26. Miss Wu always very carefully.A. teach B. is teaching C. teaches D.teachers27. We ar

9、e busy now. We ourclothes.A. wash B. washes C. washing D. are washing28. Simon a lot about China because he is from China.A. knowing B. is knowing C. know D. knows29. -Dont be late again, Mary.-Sorry, Ms Hu, I ?B. am not C. wont D.A. dontdoesnt 30.1 I am a big child now. A. am thinking B. think C. t

10、hinks D.thinking31-do you brush your teeth?-Every day.A. How long B. How oftenC. When D. What32 - English is quite Chinese.-I agree with you. I ts much more difficult.A. similar to B. different to C. different withD. different from 33.-What do you usually do? Oh,I listen to English songs.A. on your

11、way to school B.on the way school C. on the way to home D. in your way to school34.1 ts polite to say nothing dinner.A. for B. to C. have D. at35. My father often hard.A. ask me study B. asks me to studies C. asks me to study D. ask me studying 第三课36. The film was so that I wasvery in it.A.interesti

12、ng, interestedB.interested, interestingC. interesting, interestingD.interested, interested37. -you at home yesterdaymorning?No, I?A. Do, dontB. Was ,wasntC. are , arent D. were, wasnt38. Mr. Li us Chinese last year.A.teachesB. taughtC.toughtD. teach39. He something interesting in todays class, didnt

13、 he?A. readsB.read C. isreadingD.readed40. It was empty,?A.was itB.wasnt itC.did it D. didnt it41. he late for school this morning?A. DoesB. IsD. HasC.Was42. How was your holiday? I myself.A. enjoy B.enjoyingC. enjoiedD. enjoyed43. He read in todays class.A. interesting somethingB. something interes

14、tingC. interesting anythingD. anything interesting44. Im sorry I my English book at home.A. forget B. forgotC. left D.leave45. The teacher told us on the road.A. play B. played C. to play D. not to play46. I heard someone me when I got off the bus.A. calling B. calledC. to call D. call47. We the flo

15、or yesterday.A. dont sweep B.werent sweep C.arent sweep D. didnt sweep48.1 remembered the lights when I left the room.A. switch off B. switching off C. to switch off D. switched off49. Two came to our classroom.A. man doctor B. men doctors C. men doctor D.man doctors50. There are two pens on the des

16、k, one is mine,is hers.A. the other B. the othersC. the other two D. another51. He the man yesterda y.A. fightB. fights C. fight ingD. fought52. How she go to work last month, on foot or by car?A. didB. doC. wasD. were53. My mother someone calling her when she got on the bus.A. hear B. heard C. have

17、 heard D. amhearing54. How was your holiday? I myself.A. enjoied B. enjoy C. enjoyingD. enjoyed55. Tim to a high school at the other side of town when he was twelve.A. goes B. going C. wentD? go56. When the thief saw a policeman, heA. hurried to aboard B. hurries aboard C. hurried aboard D. hurries

18、to aboard57. Did they to their new house?Y es, they?A. move; did B. moved; did C. moved; moved D. move; moved58. When she got home, she found her mobile phone.A. is missing B. missing C. to miss D.missed59. The thief a purse the passenger on the ferry just now.A. steal; with B. stole; from C. steals; fromD. stole; to60. School usually at 8.A. beginB. beginsC.beginning D. began61. That dog usually for his owner to come back at the door.A. wait B. waits C. waiting D. is waiting62. Kate goes to see a film, but not v


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