2、会有一个更强的负压式凝聚力在管道附近地区。关键词:烘缸,设计,冷凝水,虹吸管1 造纸机的烘缸1.1烘缸的设计背景本发明涉及造纸机的烘干装置或其它类似的过道,更特别地,是指为了在宽度方向达到均匀烘干。烘缸包括一个套管在他的内表面有沟槽和在里面提供一个虹吸功能的,烘缸是从凹槽内吸取冷凝水的。虹吸管的排列一般包括大量的元素。现在描述,冷凝水的收集在哪个点上的,也就是,在缸体的套管的周边内,提供了小型吸吮管道。这些周边的凹槽的设计,冷凝水的集水器位于套管的里面,套管被连接到许多小的虹吸管用于接收由此产生的凝结水迷途。冷凝水收集器是连接到虹吸管道,相反的,,一般来说, 大幅度径向延长套管。相反,导致弯管
3、轴向延伸主要是凝结水的排水线。尽管造纸机有许多的改进, 特别是在造纸机的干燥部分, 认为在它的宽度,已经有一系列的连续的问题,纸网是不均匀的潮湿(或不均匀的干燥)。尤其在大的烘缸对于生产定量很轻的绉纸, 在整个烘缸的长度上,干燥的均匀度是决定性的纸的数量和质量。干燥状况微小的不同都会对纸网的质量产生很不利的影响。在造纸设备上提高生产的纸质量和造纸设备的结合一直是现代研究首要考虑的。纸的剖面烘干的均匀度已经被努力反复研究。本研究却很困难,因为有许多来源的扰动导致纸面的干燥不良。以下可能性应注意,在纸的某个部位出现的水分能被在纸网的部分被拔出,这可能因此而被归因于造纸机的流浆箱的故障, 例如,从箱
4、体传送到唇板,在过程中出现问题,在湿部到网部出现问题,堵塞压力辊的抽吸孔,在喷淋管道出现问题,等等。更近一步说,在热风罩的操作也可能出现问题的,在一个压力辊的辊型设计故障可能导致干燥的不均匀。所有这些干扰因素都被进行了研究,至少部分地被消除。彻底消除所有未达到干燥规定在现在的时间内是不可以达到的。1.2 烘缸的设计概要本设计的对象是造纸机的烘缸,或者类似物,纸张的剖面的干燥比以前可以早得到的。本设计的进一步的对象从套管地区除掉大量的冷凝水,其中大量的冷凝水都积聚在这里的。根据发明,烘缸的设计是为了适应附近的干燥性能,即虹吸管道,管子从外面径向延伸到套管里面, 对余下的区域干燥性能在沿气缸套管的
5、长度变化。这项设计是基于以下实现,直到现在,人们一直以为是安排整个虹吸的,用所有的零件,从单独的凹槽均匀去除凝结水,,所提供的几何条件是在相同的管槽中放置小的虹吸管。内部空间排列滚筒和虹吸管的安排之间交换的热量也被考虑进去。但是它们已经建立有相关的热量是非常少量的。测量相反的总消费量的加热干燥。更近一步说,它一直是假定这个交换的热量被均匀地分布在烘缸的长度, 自从凝结水收集延长至整个烘缸的长度。然而,设计者意识到虹吸管道, 哪个有相对较大的直径、就在他的表面有一个特别高的程度。这可能是由于这样的事实,即由于内部和外部压力不同时,那里有一个温度升高的凝结蒸汽,他被压积在单独虹吸管道的外部表面。在
6、虹吸管道内增加的冷凝水通过那些外围套管内凹槽, 位于大型虹吸管道的附近。结果,在少数凹槽附近的冷凝水水平也是相对很高的。这就说明了在缺乏干燥性能在这一地区对气缸,这说明了烘缸的这一区域干燥性能很差,所以,在这一点上,纸网仍然是很潮湿的。这是表现为“湿条纹”的纸网。对于提高烘干性能,同时虹吸管道达到的标准水平,有无数的可能性为实现这些措施,。这些可能包括弯管、绝缘管他们连接集水管的凝结水主轴引流线或空心轴上,个别的,交换的热量进入到虹吸管道得内部,以减少大量的冷凝水发生以某种形式的渗出到虹吸管道的外表面。这些冷凝水的数量与传热管壁的系数是成正比的。对于相对少的经费不足, 当虹吸管道是未保温的时候
7、,虹吸管道的传热系数的效率可以从10%减少到1%的水平。随着无关紧要的技术,以至于冷凝水沉积的质量被降低。如果进一步的措施是用来保证在不受控制的时候,没有冷凝蒸汽泄露出来,在剩余的缸体部分,确保足够的均匀性和流行的缸体长度。也许同样的均匀度的烘干纸张的纸网获得超过它的宽度,那样就会得到一个内壁光滑的缸体,(一个光滑的壁筒比一个沟槽壁筒干燥能力低,)。具有较高干燥能力的沟槽烘缸能被充分利用,从而提高纸张的质量,只有在干燥后已经达到。根据该发明的另一个特色,虹吸管在他们的外表面提供绝缘,在各个绝缘管之间,他们沿轴向尺寸的缸体套管和轴向排水线。这是应急的方法,在管子的内部有隔热层, 由于具有较高的流
8、动速度,所以将会有一个危险的侵蚀。根据发明的进一步的特征, 形成的绝缘层覆盖着高分子聚合物材料, 如橡胶, 尼龙或聚四氟乙烯(商标), 管或接合形式的羊毛。对管道由于用了特殊的装置在两头,管可压和密封。根据另一优选的, 整个绝缘覆盖在每个虹吸管道被支撑套管支撑,是由更好的金属组成。这套管可能穿墙或穿孔,或者它可以被做成圆形的或扁平的材料。为进一步体现发明,虹吸管被作为双层,用来定义一个环形绝缘的空间, 这是作为密封的严密性应尽可能从外部到内部。绝缘空间最好是只包含气体, 尽管它可能也包含流体的物质,比如油或粉状或纤维隔热材料。如上所述, 干扰因素要为在纸网上出现很多的“潮湿的条纹”负责。然而,
9、认为在宽度方向的纸网, 干扰因素很难本地化。尽管“潮湿的条纹”在宽度方向有特殊的位置,它不能确定扰动因素来自哪里,从而导致“低干燥”。比如,两个扰动因素可能同时为“潮湿的条纹”负责。它将因此被欣赏这对于发明家是多么难的,进一步指出了的干扰因子使冷凝水在虹吸管过度形成。其他设计的对象和特征参照和伴随着图片被解释。2图纸的简短描述图2-1显示的是一个内部沟槽烘缸的纵切面, 这是一个新的发明的提供;图2-1 内部沟槽烘缸的纵切面图2-2 烘缸的虹吸管图2-3和图2-4是烘缸的零件的视图,具体显示另外两个的设计。图2-3 烘缸的虹吸管图2-4 烘缸的虹吸管图2-1显示一个烘缸套管1, 这是由两个相对Z
10、形端帽支持在空心轴3。接近但间隔缸壁1, 有一组的凝结管4, 以封闭管状的形式的导管,这是穿上间距在内侧的关系,既延伸长度的轴向的缸体的套管1。在图2, 体现了所有的缸壁周边的凹槽和凹槽中的小型虹吸管中可以被看出。在图2-2中,有多个环形槽5所定义的外围筒内套管内壁1,小虹吸管道6被插入到一些周边的凹槽5。冷凝水收集器4在图2-2被展示了出来,它有许多的虹吸试管6间隔分开的人吸入管蘸进仅仅5周向槽的每一秒。冷凝水收集器的另一个虹吸试管在图2-2中不能看见的,例如下一个相邻的集水器4,被排列以至于浸在里另外的圆周的凹槽里。冷凝水以这种方式被均匀从所有圆周凹槽中排除。在图2-1中,箭头D表明蒸汽流
11、入烘缸的方向,箭头K表明冷凝水离开的方向。管道6吸走冷凝水,并把它传送给各自的冷凝水收集器4,从冷凝水收集器4,冷凝水经过各自虹吸管道7内部径向的定向到达中央的位置, 凝结水引流线8轴向延伸。每个虹吸管道7通过各自的冷凝水收集器4和管道7是纵向的可动的,在套筒12和一个密封圈13这两部分之间被夹紧。根据图2-1可以体现出,虹吸管7的外面有热绝缘9. 这样,。在管道7的内部和外部就不会有一个由冷凝水引起的温度差。在图2-2中可以体现出,虹吸管7管道10所封闭,在管道7和管道10之间,有一个绝缘空间11被填满的。例如,一种气体。为了以上的各种原因,安装这种绝缘的管道7。在所有的图中,图2-1、2-
12、2和2-4,所有虹吸管6都有相同的直径。参照图2-3, 除了或者相反的绝缘9(或10、11),虹吸管6比起其他的虹吸管6在虹吸管7的区域有一个更大的直径。随着越来越多的凝结水在虹吸管道7的附近产生, 更多的冷凝水也会被排除离开凹槽5附近的虹吸管道6,以至于同样的水平的冷凝水现在都在凹槽5。从图2-4可以体现出同样的效果, 这儿的虹吸管有相同的直径。但是,一定数量的虹吸管6在附近的虹吸管道7比沿其余的烘缸的套管1长度长, 由此更大数量的凝结水将会从凹槽5附近的虹吸管道排除。虽然本发明被认为与更好的有关,许多变化和修改现在将变得明显, 因此它是首选。本发明是有限的,而不是特定的信息披露,而是通过附
13、加条款。Drying Cylinder or aper aking achineABATRACT:The disclosure concerns a drying cylinder for a paper making machine. The drying cylinder is hollow and is circumferentially grooved along the length of its inner surface. A plurality of collector conduits extend axially along the casing. Suction pipe
14、s project from each collector into respective ones of the grooves for sucking condensate therefrom. A siphon pipe is connected to each collector for siphoning off the collected condensate. The siphon pipe is insulated to reduce the temperature differential between the interior and exterior thereof.
15、The suction pipes are shaped and/or spaced so that the suction pipes are able to remove a greater amount of condensate from the grooves in the vicinity of the siphon pipe than from the grooves in the remainder of the length of the casing, for attaining more uniform drying performance by the drying c
16、ylinder across the width of the web. For example, the suction pipes in the vicinity of the siphon pipe may have a greater diameter or there may be a greater concentration of suction pipes in that vicinityKEYWORDS:drying cylinder,design, condensate , siphon pipe1 DRYING CYLINDER FOR PAPER MAKING MACH
17、INE1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThe invention relates to a drying cylinder for a paper making machine, or the like, and more particularly to means for attaining uniform drying across the width of the web being dried.The cylinder includes a casing which is grooved on its inner surface and includes
18、a siphoning arrangement provided inside the cylinder for extracting condensate from the grooves in the casing. The siphoning arrangement generally includes a number of elements, now described. At the points at which the condensation gathers, namely, at the peripheral grooves in the cylinder casing,
19、small suction pipes are provided. These project into the peripheral grooves. Axially extending condensate collectors located inside the casing are connected to the many small suction pipes for receiving the condensate therefrom. The condensate collectors are, in turn, connected to siphon pipes which
20、 generally extend substantially radially of the casing. The siphon pipes, in turn, lead to an axially extending main condensate drainage lineDespite numerous improvements in paper making machines, and in particular in the drying sections of the paper making machines, there has been a continuous prob
21、lem that, viewed across its w idth, the paper web is unevenly damp (or unevenly dry). Particularly with large drying cylinders for producing lightweight crepe paper, the evenness of the drying over the whole length of the cylinder is decisive for the quality and quantity of the paper. Relatively sma
22、ll variations in the drying condition of the paper web produce very disadvantagenus effects in its quality.Improving the quality of paper produced in a paper making machine has been a prime concern of modern research in connection with paper making machines. The evenness of the drying profile of the
23、 paper web has been the subject of repeated research efforts. This research has been difficult since there are a number of sources of disturbance which cause a poor drying profile. The following possibilities should be noted. Moisture which is present at certain points in the paper web can be drawn
24、in from the wet part. This may thus be attributed to faults in the head box of the paper making machine, for example, a bowed delivery lip, faults in the press section, faults in the wet felt web, blocked holes in a suction pressure roller, faults in the spraying pipes, etc. Furthermore, there may a
25、lso be faulty operation of the hot air cowl. Cambering faults in a pressure roller may cause uneven drying. All these disturbance factors have been investigated and at least partially eliminated. Complete elimination of all drying irregularities has not been achieved up to the present time.1.2 SUMMA
26、RY OF THE INVENTIONAn object of this invention is to provide a drying cylinder for paper making machines, or the like, for producing in the paper web a more even drying profile than was previously obtainable.A further object of the invention is to remove a greater amount of condensate from the regio
27、n in the casing wherein the greater amount of condensate is likely to gather.According to the invention, the drying cylinder is designed to adapt the drying performance in the vicinity of the siphon pipes, i.e., the pipes which extend radially from the outside of the casing inwardly, to the drying p
28、erformance in the remaining area along the length of the cylinder casing.The invention is based on the following realization.Until now, it has been supposed that the entire siphoning arrangement, with all its parts, uniformly removes the condensate from the individual grooves, provided that the geom
29、etric conditions are the same for all the small suction pipes in the grooves. The exchange of heat between the inner space in the cylinder and the siphoning arrangement has also been taken into account, but it has been established that very small amounts of heat are involved, measured against the to
30、tal consumption of heat for drying. Furthermore, it has always been assumed that this exchange of heat is evenly distributed over the length of the cylindex, since the condensate collectors extend over the whole length of the cylinder. However, the inventor realized that siphon pipes ,which have rel
31、atively large diameters, "swear' to a particularly high degree on their external surfaces. This may be attributed to the fact that, as a result of the pressure difference between the insides and the outsides,of the siphon nines, there is an increased temperature condensate of the vapor bein
32、g deposited on the external surfaces of the individual siphon pipes. The increased condensate on the siphon pipes passes into those peripheral grooves in the cylinder casing which, viewed in a longitudinal section of the cylinder casing, are located in the vicinity of these large siphon pipes. As a
33、result,the level of condensate in those few peripheral grooves is relatively high. This explains the lack of drying performance in this region of the cylinder, so that at this point, the web remains damp. This is manifested as "damp stripes" of the web. There are numerous possibilities for
34、 realizing the measures for raising the drying performance at the localion of the siphon pipes to a standard level. One of these possibilities comprises insulating the siphon pipes, which connect the collectors to the axial main condensate drainage line or to a hollow shaft, respectively,from the ex
35、change of heat from the outside of the siphon pipes inwards, to thereby reduce the amount of condensation occurring in the form of sweating on the external surfaces of the siphon pipes. This amount of condensation is proportional to the coefficient of heat transmission of the pipe walls. With relati
36、vely little outlay, the coefficient of heat transfer of the siphon pipes can be reduced to from 1/10 to 1/100 of the level when the siphon pipes are uninsulated, so that the quanlily of condensate deposited is reduced to technically insignificant amounts.If further measures are used to ensure that n
37、o vapor condenses out in an uncontrolled manner in the remaining area of the cylinder, and to ensure that sufficient uniformity prevails over the length of the cylinder, then the same evenness of drying of the paper web is obtained over its width as would be obtained with a cylinder having a smooth
38、internal wall. (A smooth wall cylinder has a lower drying capacity than a grooved wall cylinder). The higher drying capacity of the grooved cylinder can be fully exploited to increase paper production only after even drying has been achieved.According to another feature of the invention, the siphon
39、pipes are provided with insulating coverings on their external surfaces between the collectors, which extend along the axial dimension of the cylinder casing, and the axial drainage line. This is expedient since, with an insulating layer inside the pipe, there would be a risk of erosion of the laver
40、 due to the high flow speeds.According to a further feature of the invention, the insulating covering is formed of a high-polymer material, such as rubber, polyamide or Teflon (trademark), in the form of tubes or glued-on fleece. The tube can be pressed and sealed against the pipe by using special d
41、evices at its two ends.According to another preferred embodiment,the entire insulating covering on each siphon pipe is supported externally by a supporting casing which is preferabley comprised of metal. This casing may wall or be perforated, or it may be made as round or flat material.As a further
42、embodiment of the invention, the siphon pipes are double-walled for defining an annular insulating space, which is sealed as hermetically as possible from the outside and from the inside. The insulating space preferably contains only gas, although it may also contain fluid substances such as oil or
43、powdered or fibrous insulating material。As mentioned above, the disturbance factors which are responsible for the occurrence of "damp stripes" in the paper web are numerous. Moreover, viewed across the width of the paper web, the disturbance factors are hard to localize. Although the "
44、;damp stripes" have specific positions across the width of the iveb, it cannot be determined from this which disturbance factors are causing the "under-drying". For example, two disturbance factors may be responsible- for the same "damp stripe". It will thus be appreciated h
45、ow hard it was for the inventor to pinpoint the further disturbance factor of the excessive formation of condensate on the siphonpipes.Other objects and features of the invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawing.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIG. 1 shows an inter
46、nally grooved drying cylinder in longitudinal section, which is provided with a first embodiment of the invention;Fig2-1 an internally grooved drying cylinder in longitudinal sectionFig2-2 the siphon pipe of drying cylinderFIG. 3 and 4 are fragmentary views of drying cylinders showing two other embo
47、diments of the invention.Fig2-3 the siphon pipe of drying cylinderFig2-4 the siphon pipe of drying cylinderFIG. 1 shows a cylinder casing 1, which is supported by two opposite end caps Z on a hollow shaft 3. Near to but spaced from the cylinder wall 1, there are a plurality of condensate collectors
48、4, in the form of closed tubular conduits, which are arrayed in spaced relationship annularly around the inside of and which extend axially over the length of the cylinder casing 1.In FIG. 2, the peripheral grooves in the cylinder wall of all of the embodiments and the small suction pipes projecting
49、 into the grooves can be seen. In FIG. 2, there are a plurality of annular peripheral grooves 5 defined in the interior wall in the cylinder casing 1. Small suclion pipes 6 are inserted in some of the peripheral grooves 5.The condensate collector 4 shown in FIG. 2 has a number 'of suction tubes
50、6 that are spaced apart such that one suction tube dips into only every second circumferential groove 5. The suction tubes of another condensate collector, not visible in FIG. 2, such as the next adjacent collector 4, are so arranged that they dip into the other circumferential grooves. In this way
51、condensate is removed uniformly from all circumferential grooves.In FIG. 1, the arrows D indicate the vapor flowing into the cylinder and the arrow K indicates the condensate leaving the cylinder.The pipes 6 suck away the condensate and deliver it to the respective condensate collectors 4. From the collectors 4, the condensate passes through the respective radially inwardly directed siphon pipes 7 to the centrally located, axially extending condensate drainage line 8. Each siphon pipe 7 is passed into the respective collector 4 and the pipe 7 is long
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- 《餐巾折花图示》课件
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- DB12T 676.3-2016 高速公路联网收费技术要求 第3部分:非现金收费