



1、绍兴文理学院学年学期9.波长O线O订O装OOO2 分工程管理 专业级?工程管理专业英语?期末试卷答题卷考试形式:半开卷题号型-一-二二三四五六七八核分人得分总分评卷人、短语翻译共30分,每题1企业一般管理费2履约保函3议标合同4.标咼金5抗拉强度6.塑性变形7预拌混凝土8冻融循环10.不锈钢11磨蚀12光洁度13.不可预见费14钢结构15.100 宁 10=10二、汉译英共35分1像钢、铝或塑料这些延性材料的强度往往是向他们施加一个拉伸的力而得到的。5 points2.混凝土里的钢筋必须被足够的混凝土保护层保护着,如果缺乏,就可能发生剥落(5 points)3关于“何时支付承包商的问题,涉及到

2、进度付款、保存金和最终付款问题。(5points)共有三种根本(10 points)4.尽管支付条款各有不同,但在计算承包商按合同应得的补偿费时, 方法:包干,即固定价格计价法;单价计价法;本钱加酬金计价法。市场条5.影响投标的成功性的因素有:标价估算的准确性;标高金的额度与差异;件;竞争程度和公司的规模与实力。(10 points)、英译汉共35分,1. A con tractor must pay as much atte ntio n to those provisi ons in theJOgen eral con tract defi ning the scope of work a

3、s he does to those,provisi ons concerning payme nt. (6 points)JO3. To determ ine the optimum bid a con tractor could submit to give the best chance of winning and making a profit is the objective of the estimating and tendering procedures used by construction companie(.6 points)2. Un der a cost-plus

4、-a-fee-compe nsatio n arra ngeme nt, the owner paysthe gen eral con tractor for costs n ecessaril y in curred in the con structi on级 , and either a fixed fee or a fee based on a percentage of the cost of 班:Oconstruction. (8 points)4. Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is t

5、he planning, design, construction, and management of the built en vir onment. This en vir onment in cludes all structures built accord ing to scie ntific prin ciples from irrigati on and drain age systems to rocket-la un chi ng facilities. Civil engin eers build roads, tunn els, dams, harbors, power plats, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass tran sit, and other public facilities esse ntial to moder n society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as pipeli nes, skyscraper and


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