1、Previously on Reign.女王前情提要I am innocent of the murder I was accused of.我是无辜的 我没杀人Whoever killed that boy will kill again.杀了那男孩的人 他肯定会再杀人的I wanted to give you children.我想给你生孩子的Anne and James.安和詹姆斯Francis, dont leave me, not yet.弗朗西斯 不要离开我 不要走This is Delphine, a healer. Ive brought her for Francis.戴尔芬
2、可以治好他 我找她来救弗朗西斯Its too late.太晚了Theres no guarantee she can help.谁都不能保证她能救他And even if she can there may be即使她可以 那也可能会a price of someone elses life.以另一个人的生命为代价Francis? Oh, my God!弗朗西斯 我的天啊Madam de Guise. shes dead!德吉斯夫人 她死了Thank you for your grace and peace,谢谢你的恩惠与平安for the mercy you grant those you
3、draw to your side once again,谢谢你再次赐予的生命and the extraordinary blessings youve given me.还有你给我的非凡祝福Youve been down here for a long time.你下来很久了I have much to thank God for.我有很多要感谢上帝的Every time you walk into a room,每次你走进房♥间you fill my heart with such joy.都让我满心欢喜I feel like I owe my life to Marie d
4、e Guise.我感觉我这条命是欠玛莉德吉斯的There is no one who can tell if her life was the price谁都不知道她的去世Delphine spoke of or just a terrible coincidence.是戴尔芬提到的代价 或者只是个可怕的巧合But my mother was so ill但我母亲病得很重and in so much pain for so long,痛苦了很长时间I am at peace with her passing, Francis.她去世了我反而很平静 弗朗西斯I will pray for her
5、.我会为她祈祷的And we should talk about the regency that she left behind.我们该谈谈她留下的摄政♥权♥You need to install someone to rule in your name.你得指派一个人以你的名义统治And you need to do so quickly.而且得赶快Nothing can cripple your country faster没什么比不稳定的前景than the prospect of instability.能更快地削弱你的国家了I was going to
6、reinstate my half brother James.我打算让我同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯恢复原职A Protestant.他是新教♥徒♥啊James is both religiously tolerant and loyal to me.詹姆斯在宗教方面很宽容 而且对我忠诚Oh, so much so that his own Protestant supporters十分忠诚 以至于他拒绝攻击你时ousted him when he refused to turn on you.他的新教♥徒♥支持者驱逐了他What makes
7、you think that they would want him back?你为什么觉得他们会同意他回来They know I could easily appoint a Catholic regent.他们知道我可以轻易地任命一个天主教摄政王And theyd be foolish to defy me.如果反抗我 他们就是傻瓜Assuming, of course,当然 假设James wants to be reinstated.詹姆斯愿意恢复原职But I plan on writing him a very convincing letter.但我打算给他写一封有说服力的信Ar
8、e you even listening to me?你在听我说话吗You are so beautiful.你真美If you could see what I see.如果你能看到我眼前的一幕Im quite happy with my view.我对我看到的东西已经很满意了You dont want to stay at court?你不想留在宫廷吗Where I was once nearly burned alive?我差点被活活烧死的地方吗No, thank you. Youre safe here now.不了 谢谢 你现在在这里很安全As a show of gratitude
9、 for saving his life,为了感激你救了弗朗西斯的命Francis has pardoned you.他特赦了你For a murder I never committed.因为我没有犯过的谋杀For witchcraft I do not practice.因为我没有实施过的巫术And if you go, where will you live?如果你走了 你住哪儿The killer you pointed me to is still out there- stay.你跟我指出的凶手依然逍遥法外 留下Help me capture this monster.帮我抓住这个
10、禽兽And then?然后呢And then people will not only accept you,然后人们不仅会接受你they will laud you for your gifts.还会赞美你的天赋Will you?你会吗I appreciate all you have done for me.我感激你为我做过的一切And I know youre trying to find a way to make me useful,我知道你想找个办法让我变得有用but my abilities are beyond anyones comprehension.但我的能力超出了所有人
11、的理解范围Even yours.包括你I may not understand your gift, but I have experienced it.我也许不明白你的天赋 但我经历过The night they tried to burn you at the stake,那晚他们想把你绑在火刑柱上烧死you came to me in what I thought was a dream.你来找我 我以为那是一场梦You told me about a ritual you did to bind us together.你说了你进行了仪式 将我们联♥系♥在一
12、起Thats how I found you.我就是那样找到你的It worked?管用了吗Since then Ive been sensing things youve sensed从那时开始 我就在感知你所感知到的and feeling things that youve felt.感受你的感受I wanted to bring us closer.我是想让我们更亲密Im sorry, I had no right to do it.抱歉 我无权这样做No, you didnt.你没有We were connected, Delphine, even before you cast yo
13、ur spell.我们紧密相连戴尔芬 就算是在你施咒之前I only wish youd let things run their natural course.我只希望你会让事情自然发展I will stay.我会留下来But first, I will undo the wrong I have done.但首先 我会弥补做过的错事I will unbind us.我会解开我们的束缚How?怎么做Theres a ritual that will end our shared sensations.有一个仪式 能终结我们共同的感觉But it is not for the faint of
14、 heart.但胆小者不能试Please ensure this is delivered into the hands of my brother James,请确保把这个交给我哥哥詹姆斯Earl of Moray.莫里伯爵Wonderful news about the kings recovery.国王康复了 这真是个好消息Indeed it is.是啊Though you have my condolences on the death of your mother.但是你母亲去世了 我深表哀悼Thank you.谢谢It is likely you are the only Engl
15、ishman你好像是唯一一个to express sympathy at the death of Marie de Guise.对玛莉德吉斯之死表示同情的英格兰人I may be the enemy, but Im not without my manners.我也许是敌人 但我还有礼貌The same cant be said for your queen, Sir Nicholas.但你的女王并非如此 尼古拉斯阁下Considering the amount of pressure考虑到my mother was under from the English-是英格兰施加给我母亲的压力p
16、ressure that Im sure contributed to her ill health-才让她疾病缠身its not surprising Elizabeth didnt send her condolences.伊丽莎白连哀悼之情都不表示也是意料之中What interests you more-你对什么更感兴趣words or actions?口头之语还是实际行动For Elizabeth has sent something along for you.因为伊丽莎白给你送来了一件东西Something momentous that would please even you
17、r late mother.一件即使你过世的母亲看到也会高兴的东西The queen of England has sent you a formal offer of peace.英格兰女王正式向你提出休战和解Elizabeth doesnt seem to be someone who would admit defeat.伊丽莎白可不像是会承认失败的人Why is she presenting the peace accord now?她为什么此时提出和解Elizabeths Scottish cause is not popular amongst her nobles.伊丽莎白的贵族
18、们不喜欢她的苏格兰血统My queen recognizes it is time to end the fighting,女王陛下意识到是时候结束战争了and I know you do, too.你也肯定这么想And what are the official terms?正式条款是什么French and English troops are to withdraw法国和英格兰的军队from Scotland immediately, thus ending the war.立即撤出苏格兰 就此结束战争Is that it?仅此而已You must also sign away your
19、 claim to the English throne.你还必须正式放弃你对英格兰王位的继承权Give up my birthright?放弃我与生俱来的权利Those are the terms.条件就是这些You knew this was a bad deal.你知道这不是好条件Thats why you came to me privately.所以你才私下里找我I came to offer you a piece of advice.我是来向你提供建议Dont put too much stock in your royal English birthright.别把一切都赌在你
20、的英格兰皇室出身上I am the direct descendant of Henry VII.我是亨利七世的直系后代I have a legitimate claim to the English throne, beyond,我有英格兰王位的合法继承权or even Elizabeths supporters say, behind Elizabeths.就连伊丽莎白的支持者私下里也这么说Which matters greatly, as you are married.鉴于你已婚的身份 这有很大影响You come with the promise of heirs这意味着你得保证wh
21、o would ensure a smooth line of succession.生出继承人保证王位的顺利继承However, you dont have children yet.可是你还没有孩子Elizabeth is not even wed.伊丽莎白还没结婚呢The fact that shes choosy doesnt mean she wont be.她很挑剔不代表她不婚When she marries, she could get pregnant like that.等她结婚 可能会马上怀孕The moment she does,她一怀孕you lose your adv
22、antage.你的优势就没了Youll get nothing in exchange.你就没有筹码了Despite her positive attributes,尽管她本性不坏Elizabeth can be vindictive and impulsive.但伊丽莎白也会记仇 冲动Youve outwitted her twice, and yet she is offering peace.你设计击败了她两次 而她却提出和解This accord represents a moment of equanimity这次和解希冀着平和安定that, no doubt, will be fl
23、eeting.而机会转瞬即逝I leave for England tomorrow.我明天回英格兰You have until sundown.你可以考虑到日落Remove all the bedding,把所有寝具都撤了all traces of the odious spirits that sickened my son.那都是害我儿子生病的病源Francis, wait till you see the new window dressings.弗朗西斯 等着看新的窗帘吧Im gonna have all of the furniture recovered as well.别的家具
24、我也都会换掉Well, what do you think?你觉得怎么样I think its excessive,我觉得有点过了and I want you to stop.我希望你停手Well, your chamber needs to be bright and clean, romantic.你的卧室得明亮 整洁 浪漫The perfect place for a king and queen to make让国王和王后孕育未来的future princes and princesses.王子和公主的完美地方Here I thought I was the one experienc
25、ing a new lease on life.可我才是从鬼门关逃回来的人We thought wed lost you forever,我们以为永远失去你了but then that remarkable woman Delphine saved you,但那个非凡的女人戴尔芬救了你and Im so grateful.我太感谢她了Theyre redecorating her chambers next.他们接下来就去重新装♥修♥她的卧室Be honest.说实话There was a small part of you你内心里还是有一小部分that covet
26、ed the regency, wasnt there?在觊觎着摄政王的位置吧Its a good job for someone whos always right, to be sure.那对一个从不犯错的人来说确实是个好工作But as it turns out, many people quite despise me.但看来 很多人还是相当轻视我I would never want to ascend to power if it meant losing you.我绝不会用你的命去换这个位置For what is France without my Francis?没了弗朗西斯 这
27、里还算法国吗No! St. Anthony needs to face the bed, not the door.不 圣安东尼得面对着床 不是门The patron saint of pregnant women.孕妇们的保护神Be careful now.小心点How many times have I told you?我告诉你多少遍了Its not moving.根本拉不动Now, set your course.确定好航线Tighten the sheet until the sail stops luffing.拉紧帆绳直到船帆不再摆动There you are.好了Now, se
28、e, your sails are trimmed correctly.看 你的船帆已经拉好了You did it.你做到了No, you did it.不 是你做的Well, thats not the way Ill remember it.未来的我只会记得你做到了Im never going to get the hang of this.我永远也学不会We have time for you to learn.我们有很多时间学And Ill teach you.我会教你Sailing merely requires focus.驾船只需要专注And I can tell that yo
29、ure distracted.我能看出来你分心了Do you want to talk about the accord?你想谈谈和解的事吗I know youre against me giving up我知道你反对我放弃my claim to the English throne.英格兰王位的继承权But its a real opportunity for peace for Scotland.但这是苏格兰获得和平的绝佳时机And to bring the French troops home.还能让法国的士兵们回家You would be turning your back on al
30、l those你这是在背弃那些who yearn to see a Catholic on the English throne.渴望天主教英格兰君主的人们Your birthright is your most precious possession.你与生俱来的权利是你最珍贵的东西Think twice before trading it.用它交易之前要三思You are my most precious possession.你才是我最珍贵的东西Our marriage,我们的婚姻our life together.共度一生才是Not some hope that if a hundre
31、d calamities align,而不是期望在一连串的灾祸之后I might sit on the English throne.我会坐上英格兰王位You should not do this for me.你不该为了我放弃你的权利Im giving up my claim for me.我是为了我自己And for Scotland.为了苏格兰To give James a fighting chance to rule as regent.为了给摄政王詹姆斯一个奋斗的机会In a time of peace, not war.让他在和平而非战争中受命Francis?弗朗西斯I neve
32、r want to leave you.我不想离开你If James rules well.如果詹姆斯统治得好.You would never go home?你就不回家了You are my home.你就是我的家France is my home.法国就是我的家Ive lived here since I was a child.我从小就住在这里And we. weve been given a miraculous second chance.而上天也奇迹般地给了我们第二次机会I wont waste it.我不会浪费它Not a minute of it.一分钟都不会浪费My God.
33、天啊Nostradamus.诺♥查♥丹♥玛♥斯♥I heard you were back.我听说你回来了Decorum would dictate规矩应该是that my guests be announced.我的每个客人他们都会通报Even an old friend such as yourself.即使是你这种老朋友也一样But I suppose, as you never said good-bye.但我觉得 既然你从未道过别I departed quietly after you left me in the
34、 courtyard,你把我留在院子里之后我悄悄离开了about to be drawn and quartered.差点被拖去军营Im grateful to you for treating my sons illness.我很感激你治疗我儿子的病Lets not hold grudges.就别抱着恨意了But many do resent you.但很多人却很厌恶你I hear your battle to become regent has not been easy.我听说你想当摄政王挺不容易的Well, thankfully, that is a thing of the past
35、.幸运的是 那已经过去了As my sons health has improved considerably.因为我儿子的身体已经康复了I say this because I care about your children,我是因为关心你的孩子而非你的意愿not your aspirations.才说下面这些话的Your fight may not be over.你的争斗可能还没结束Why would I fight to be regent when the king, my son, is alive?国王还活着 我还争什么摄政王I spoke with Francis,我问过弗朗
36、西斯了who shared with me the moments before he died.他告诉了我他死前的情形They perfectly matched the vision它们与我一直看到的Ive always had about his death.关于他的死的幻象吻合Well, then your vision is true but incomplete.那说明你的幻象是真的但不完整You didnt know the healer Delphine would revive him.你不知道戴尔芬会救回他Perhaps.也许吧But there were other im
37、ages I saw但我还看到了有关弗朗西斯命运的concerning Francis fate.其他影像These were more strange and dreamlike.这些影像更离奇梦幻Tell me.告诉我There is a glade,林中有块空地a spring day and yet春日里的一棵树snow at the base of a tree.但树根处的积雪尚未全化On closer reflection,走近看的话the white is from fallen petals.树根处的白色不是雪而是飘落的花瓣And then there is blood然后有血
38、spattered across some of the petals.在一些花瓣上溅开Blood coming from above.上面落下来的血A sky raining blood?落血的天空Im not sure.我不确定I always awaken at this moment.我总是在这时候就醒了And this vision, this dream, it returns to you?这个幻象 这个梦境反复出现吗It has, yes.是的Since the other prophecy was fulfilled,既然别的预言都实现了how many days since
39、 youve had this?你在多久之前梦到这个的I awoke from this dream just this morning.我今早就梦到了The threat has not passed, Catherine.威胁还没过去 凯瑟琳Youre sure this is about Francis?你确定这与弗朗西斯有关Yes.是的Well, what danger does he face? What can he avoid?他面对的是什么危险 能避免吗Im sorry, but I cannot tell you what there is to fear.对不起 但我说不出
40、是什么危险But he trusts you. You must warn him.但他信任你 你必须警告他Of what, exactly?告诉他什么The king basks in his resurrection.国王正为自己的康复而开心You are his mother.你是他母亲Perhaps hell listen to you.或许他会听你的Im not sure that he will.这可说不准Well, he must, for if he does not,他必须听 因为如果他不听I believe King Francis will die.弗朗西斯国王一定会死O
41、n behalf of Queen Elizabeth,我代表伊丽莎白女王I am pleased to announce that the conflict between our two countries荣幸地向大家宣布我们两国之间的冲突can finally come to an end.终于结束了You have Queen Mary to thank for that.你得谢谢玛丽王后Shes made a great sacrifice in the name of peace,为了和平她做出了巨大的牺牲giving up her claim to the English thr
42、one.放弃了她对英格兰王位的继承权Thank you, Your Majesty.谢谢你 陛下Once Queen Elizabeth has signed this accord,等伊丽莎白女王签署了和解协议we will make a public announcement at court,我们就会正式在宫廷宣布festivities included.并举办宴会Well, I suppose youre going to have to settle看来你得习惯只当for being the queen of two nations, not three.两个国家的女王了 而不是三个
43、Your Majesty, the Queen Mother陛下 太后is insistent that she speak to you at once.坚持要现在见您Shall we begin?可以开始了吗Yes.是的You will survive this, I promise you.你会挺过去的 我向你保证Im trying to forget the alternative is an option.我压根没考虑另一个选择Ur gochten nar fiel.咒语Ur gochten lo seag.咒语En trackay clahn.咒语Agus moor.咒语Atis
44、nur.咒语Ur gochten nar fiel.咒语Ur gochten lo seag.咒语En trackay clahn.咒语Agus moor.咒语Atis nur.咒语Now.就现在For Gods sake, you nearly drowned me.上帝啊 你差点淹死我The symbols I painted on your body,你身上的标记they represented our shared connection.代表我们之间的联♥系♥I had to wait for them我必须等到to leave your body and
45、reenter mine.它们离开你的身体 返回到我这里Did it work?奏效了吗Can you feel what I feel?你能感知我的感觉吗I feel nothing.我什么也没感觉到Then it worked.那就奏效了Cause if you could feel what I feel,若你还能感知我的感觉you would have a much different reaction.那你现在的反应肯定大不相同A glowing tree?一棵发光的树Droplets of blood on flowers?血滴在花上What does any of this me
46、an?这些什么意思Im not sure, but I thought you should know at once.我不懂 但我觉得应该让你知晓Know what, exactly?要让我知晓什么The specifics dont matter. Youre in danger.具体是什么不重要 重要的是你很危险How does this foretell my death?这怎么能预知我的死亡Does he see me in this vision?他在幻象中看到我了吗Its not always black and white.它们并非总是很清晰Some prophecies he
47、 sees clearly.他看到的预言有的很清晰Others are more symbolic.有些只是象征性的Theres something ominous in your future.你的未来存着不详的预兆Your fever of the brain,你的烧its only recently subsided.最近才退下去Your health is not yet fully restored.你仍未完全恢复健康Im your mother- you think I cant tell?我是你母亲 难道我看不出来吗Francis, please,弗朗西斯I urge you t
48、o be safe.我要求你保护自己的安全How?怎么保护Surround yourself with guards.让卫兵在身边保护你Dont leave the castle.别离开城♥堡♥I will not be confined. Only until he learns more.我才不要把自己囚禁起来 等他了解清楚了就行Mother, I will not hide here母亲 我不会藏起来waiting for a dream of my death.等着看我的死亡之梦是否真实Im not being reckless, Im living my
49、life.我不会鲁莽行事 但我要过正常的生活And if you could see what I see.如果你能体会我看到的事物就好了The colors, theyre so much brighter than before,色彩 它们比之前更加艳丽and every moment, every emotion.还有每个瞬间 每种感情Your illness, all youve been through,你的病 你所经历的一切its changed you.改变了你Well, I dont know, perhaps, but I do know我不清楚 但我知道that I wan
50、t to spend every day sailing with Mary我想在雪天到来之前 天天都和玛丽until the snows come,一起驾船出游 and I want to visit the Matterhorn and the Verdon Gorge,我想去攀马特洪峰 想去看看韦尔东峡谷and yes, I will take every precaution along the way-当然 我路上会小心的if only for the sake of the people I love,为了我爱的人着想including you.这也包括你I know that y
51、ou mean well.我知道你的意图是好的Your actions have always been motivated by your devotion towards me.你的所作所为皆是出于对我的爱To all your children.对你所有孩子的爱To you most of all.最爱的还是你I shouldnt have favorites.我不应该偏心But you, my golden child, I cant lose you.但你 我的心肝 我不能失去你I wont lose you.我也不会失去你But you cannot keep me in a ca
52、ge,但你不能把我关在笼子里even one built with love.就算是爱的牢笼也不行Did you really sign away your claim?你真的放弃王位继承权了吗It was the only way to end the war.只有这样才能结束战争Well, I quite like the new banners.我挺喜欢新旗子的Who needs the English lion anyway?谁要英格兰狮子啊Our bags are packed and our carriage awaits.我们的行李都好了 马车也准备好了Were going to
53、 Paris.我们要去巴黎I didnt know we had plans for Paris.我怎么不知道我们计划要去巴黎We didnt.我们没计划过But then I decided we should go.但我决定我们去一次We have some dancing to do at the Louvre Palace.我们要在卢浮宫跳舞It appears I must be going.那看来我必须要去了Excuse me, Your Majesty.打扰了 陛下I picked these flowers for you when I heard your mother pa
54、ssed.我听说您母亲去世了 特地摘了些花送给您I hope they make you feel better.希望它们能让您感觉好一点儿Thank you so much.非常感谢They do.我感觉好多了Fallen petals.落花A trip to Paris.巴黎之旅What a wonderful secret youve kept from me.你竟然有这么大的秘密瞒着我Well, I have a secret for you, too.我也有秘密Do you want to hear it?想听听吗I always knew we would be wed,我早知道我们会结婚even when
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